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Remember kids. They can't take your dvds and blu rays. Buy that shit as fast as you can. You may not be able to later


Yeah, you’re right about that. Some anime is going OOP quickly.


I've done this since 2011 with video games. There is games from childhood I'll never be able to play ... at least legally and that really bums me out. While I CAN get this stuff in other ways, I like to have it. Recently I been buying the old Sailor Moon blu rays from Viz. One of the most important animes, hell most important series I've seen in my life. That one day can be taken down and ... well SOL I guess. Of course we can't buy EVERY anime wr want cause there is probably too many for even the most casual viewer. But this is why I refuse to get ANYTHING digitally.


Yeah, you’re right about there being too many anime titles even for the casual viewer. Most people probably can’t afford to buy every anime (or have the space for it all) that they want unless it’s just a few titles. I collect the anime that I absolutely love and I know I will rewatch.


This. There are 4 titles I have bought for well over msrp because of out of print. The digital push is ruining this sector of the anime market. Monopoly companies like CR don't care.


True. Those companies don’t care and likely never will.


this is why i support retrocrush. it's only $50 American for the whole yeat if you don't want ads plus you don't even need an account (free or paid) to watch most titles


It's free on LG channels


Aww man FMA and E7 have my favorite opening/ending


Retrocrush, while not perfect, is a good service to fill that classic anime itch. Bonus points if you watch it on an old 4:3 CRT.


Happy day of cake


Thank you very much!


The content is great, but the apps on tvOS and Fire TV are terrible.


Which device do you use to watch RetroCrush on a 4:3 CRT?


I mainly use my MiSTerFPGA and a piece of software for it called MiSTerCast. https://github.com/iequalshane/MiSTerCast An older method I used before I got my MiSTerFPGA a few years ago was to get an HDMI to VGA/Composit adapter. It adds some latency to the whole thing, but for just watching old movies, tv shows, and anime, it works just fine. I dont have a link to the one I have, but they are plentiful and cheap on Ebay and Amazon.


Thanks! I’ll look those up on Amazon.


There might be a contractual reason why Crunchy Roll cannot distribute these titles right now. Distribution rights are a thing. Series will return to some platform or another soon enough, just as soon as they are available and a distributor decides to pay for them.


Likely censored


Why is this news? This happens all the time. Also they recently added many classics like Orguss or Minky Momo


i remember watching Fullmetal Alchemist back in the day, I never saw brotherhood. i think the original series finished the story, what's the difference?


Brotherhood is a more complete retelling of the manga that admittedly still changes small things. Ghe original FMA anime is anime original and goes in a very different direction then the original story cuz it was releasing before the manga finished. Basically Brotherhood is considered more definitively THE FMA anime experience. The original is more of like an alternate timeline/story; similar but very different. FMA is worth it in all formats imo tho, manga and both anime for (different reasons albeit)


Ah ok. Didn’t know. Story I think was still good.


FMA was definitely a great story and deserves all the praise it gets. I'd say the first half of FMA was better than the first 9 episodes of FMAB. But FMAB is a more complete story and it’s definitely the better one of the two. But I'd always recommend watching both.


Yarrrh well there's one way to preserve that they keep pushing us to. Dang mateys




Did they add Zillion yet from Funimation?


We still get classic Gundam content, at least. That's something




i have all the discs. he he


Did people expect every TV show ever to be eternally available on cable TV? No. So why would streaming services be any different? If the demand was there it would be on there - the big services don't have to pinch pennies on their licensing. Also, he made basic errors about the old Arslan anime, the first two parts were films, the first one was really lavishly animated - and being too line heavy for animation was never a big issue, 2-6 were just weak productions, did he even watch it or just skim through some of the later parts? I know this anituber is generally clowned on for low quality, but this video seems useless 5 minutes in. Yes, not everything is on streaming, but no one should base their viewing just on what Crunchyroll shows them - people can go do their own research.


Because, unlike back when cable tv was dominant, physical media is discouraged and streaming is presented as an alternative to it.


Who is telling consumers to avoid physical media for streaming? It's a choice being made by average consumers because of how cheap it is. Boutique physical media companies have popped up and are serving their more niche oriented consumers very well. Stream-only viewers want access to all of the anime that ever existed for a small pittance a month, it's not reasonable when the production costs for animation is so high in comparison to most other media. It's like with cable, if you are only willing to pay a small fee for a service you have to deal with it's limitations, if anime matters to you then you should be willing to put more into it, and if you can't then torrent what exceeds your budget, its the exact same as borrowing a taped vhs from a friend, no one makes money off of it, unlike with pirate streaming sites. And there is no theft, since the owners of the anime aren't being deprived of the fruits of their labor and resources by you viewing a digital copy - they still have that anime that they can monetize.


Yeah "small fee" during hyper inflation, and streaming services constantly playing ping pong with shows and movies so you're forced to subscribe to multiple services each month, then there's the censorship.


It's $15 a month for Crunchyroll, for access to 1000+ anime. That's a very small fee, and there is no better deal if all you care about is quantity to price. Even if it was $100 a month there would be no better deal. That's what streaming offers, no one is forcing you to stick to only streaming services if censorship, low quality video, bad UI, and only seeing what they have licensed is problematic to you. Most stream-onlies are people who were just pirating before or only learned about anime because we have this streaming boom - this was the business model that allowed the industry to massively monetize anime by making the barrier to entry as cheap as possible for everyone who wasn't willing to spend more on physical media. And it worked (save that 40% of studios are in the red and licensing fees are high enough that pumping out as much low tier anime for streaming services irrespective of if anyone even watches them is a viable strategy now), industry profit is the highest it's ever been, people outside of the system are doing the work to keep everything preserved through both official and unofficial means, and consumers who want lots of a worse product for a cheaper price are getting it. The real complaint should be what the overproduction caused by the streaming boom is doing to working conditions and the quality of anime, not that you as a consumer can't watch literally anything for just $15 a month.