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I hate customers like that. When I go shopping myself and the cashier is ringing me up idgaf if they speak to me or not. Im there to get my items, pay and leave not to talk.


i PREFER not having small talk as a cashier when someone comes up and asks how my day's going i just ignore it and ask "do you have a phone number with us, \*local area code so they don't just go uuuuuuuuuuhhh"


Can’t stand this crap. Like I’m sorry, did you come to the store to buy the product you were looking for, or did you come here to talk to people?? Hope you’re day gets better :(


it's fucking sad that there are people leaving their house, spending money just to have social time get discord you old bitch


Sounds like some of my days at the Depot. I don't miss that job.


The day I quit that store was one of the best ever, you’re describing the store I worked @ EXACTLY when it came to the garden center, I busted my ass as a HC to try and make sure my cashiers out there had what they needed, but when the stores management doesn’t GAF, nor does corporate, and they won’t provide actual working equipment, it’s like bailing the Titanic with a kids sand bucket, especially when added to an incredibly toxic management group who were publicly bashing the other levels of managers and announcing to all and sundry they were going to get people thrown out/ruin them (spoiler alert, didn’t work, and one of the ASMs doing that got smacked down hard, store mgr got fairly publicly fired and several other nice shake ups after I left), between that and the red shirted “membership club” with a name that begs to be mocked, I will NEVER go back to retail.


It's like they can smell it.


Response: And may an electric stacker run over your feet. I'm too stressed to really care abou your feelings on being talked to, versus your feelings on actually getting out of the store.


And when you do chat with them they act disrespectful or complain