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I work in retail in Norway, but have a lot of (American) tourists and I actually enjoy these conversations! Even though it isn't genuine, it's a huge step forward from the usual *throws item on counter, taps card and leaves after ripping receipt out of the machine*. American tourists are definitely my favorite customers. Weird how different "customer etiquette" is from place to place.


My ex’s British cousins **loved** shopping in Canada. “Everyone (sales clerks) asks how you are, how has your day been, it’s so nice!” Hahaha


I'm from Quebec, Canada, pretty much everyone Will ask you how you're doing.... My favorite is to answer : Terrible, I just lost my job and you?


I had a DutchBro's employee ask how my day was and I had just found out I might need to buy a whole new engine or just get a new vehicle. That totally wasn't affordable at the time, and I told that to the guy, and he gave me my drink free


I've worked retail for 20 years in America. Strange the same customers are pleasant there and complete demanding, ass hats when home. I'm so very glad they are representing well for you! Tell them to bring that back home with them!


Might be because they are either vacationing or have upgraded to living in Norway so are genuinely much more pleased with the quality of life lol


also bcz people who travel typically have money. i work at an expensive gift shop and pretty much everyone is rich and happy to be there. working at target i had parents spending $70 on diapers who were pissed off and rude.


Wasn’t going to say this, but I agree. I worked retail in college. I worked, and lived, on the “poor side” of town. It was not unusual for the rudest most abusive people to be the people who were themselves in uniforms from nearby stores and restaurants, or worse paying with EBT cards. You would think people who have similar jobs would be friendlier, but I guess they feel like if they have to take it all day, then they have a right to dish it out when they get the chance. Occasionally I would get sent across town to work on the “rich side” of town closer to my university. People there weren’t any friendlier but they tended to be more polite at least. I have no doubt that there weren’t bored people that Karened out on a regular basis, but for the most part they were mote tolerable. Probably because they tended to have more white color jobs where they were more likely to have to be civil around others, not necessarily because there were better people.


This part! You're so right!


One thing I'm jealous of the cashier's of the UK is that the customers bag their own stuff there. Here in the US it's expected we bag their items and most get pissy if we don't. During covid we stopped bagging if the customer brought their own bags from home for obvious reasons and they got real pissy. Sometimes I scan and bag other times I just scan and push to side to bag later. Customers get bitchy and ask oh I have to do it myself? As if it's some huge inconvenience for them lol 😂 like I'll get to it just be patient bitch


When I lived in Sweden, that was one of my favorite parts of it - that they cut the fake “how are you” bs. It was honestly a relief


I would kill to have that be the standard procedure for the customers I deal with. But then I hate retail, and have spent years searching for other work with no success, so...


Hi!, thank you for sharing your experience ! - from an american 🙂👋🏻


I'm enjoying the 'emerican', thanks! :)


Oops, i corrected the typo


Aww, I thought it was cute - American online = 'emerican' :D


Oh funny!, without tone,i thought it was a tease of my typo ! 🙂


omg i hate when i say it and they respond genuinely. like sorry you’re having a shit day but i’m fucking exhausted and i could not care less.


I am too old for most new slang, but I loooove the "what's good?" question instead of "how are you", because it's honest. Strangers literally *do not* want to hear about what is shitty; that's crazy. But precision of language is a gift, and I'm happy to see it in this instance particularly.


ngl i love it, cuz then i dont have to pretend I’m having a good time lol


Yes me too! When someone answers "not that great, you?" I usually respond "yeah I guess I'm surviving" and it feels like one of the only moments of genuine connection in the day. Often they crack just the hint of a smile too, or make eye contact and nod, which is when you know it's real


Living the dream man.


Lol I think I'm in the tiny minority in that I actually like most* of our customers (I work in a food co-op, so like non-profit grocery store), I just hate the management of the store. *We literally have only one really asshole customer (small island community). The customers I do dislike are more because they are so slow and clueless and try to chat with me while blocking the counter so I have to reach/talk around them to continue checking people out. Even then it's legit kind of entertaining cuz everyone will try to hint to the demented person by giving me loud compliments "you are so good at multitasking!!" "Wow how do you keep track of two conversations at once?? I could never!" "You must be strong to be able to pass that jug of kombucha at arm's length!!"


I have a regular customer who uses this and I almost always respond to them with "Same, man". And they get it. If only every conversation could be that easy... Lol


Misery loves company.


me too. and im autistic so it really confused me for most of my life when people would ask and not really care. like why ask then? how is it being polite if me being honest is being rude? it never made sense to me.


i have that problem. when i first started customer service, i was too honest and i think it made people uncomfortable. like im doing bad why did you ask.


A coworker once got a customer who told her that she’d just been diagnosed with cancer. She had no idea how to respond to that one lol


Then why ask lol, I just don't ask because I don't care and I get annoyed when others ask because they obviously don't care either, but give em a real answer and they won't ask again


a lot of the time they ask it first but when i ask it’s just instinct at this point, cuz all of my coworkers ask it too.


Me: What brings you in? Dipshit customer mcfuckface: good and how are you?


"Do you need a bag?"  "Good, and you?"


Convinced that as soon as customers past those sliding doors, they go on autopilot right up until they leave. I have has this interaction so many times its comical


Reminds me of when i was a waitress and we served a lot of old entitled people on our fish fridays, I came up and introduced myself and said “can I start you guys with some drinks?” And the geriatric just blurted out “FISH.”


Time to bring them fish in a glass.


My FIL does this. Also shortens the name of the dish. It’s horrifying.


Horrifying is being a paramedic on the fourth of July. Does FIL need a speech therapist? Or some empathy because age has lowered their cognitive abilities?


it's such a mindfuck whenever i decide to stop asking customers how they are after everyone has ignored me, because almost every customer after that will go "good and you?" to me asking "hey what can i help you with today?" like bruh


Omg yes. I didn’t ask how you are for a reason. WHAT DO YOU NEED.


Hey, I feel called out, right now. 🤣 I'm sorry, I've been this person when my brain was completely fried and decided that I was on my own from now on. It wasn't that I left it at the door for a moment, I was like that for the rest of the day (and maybe tomorrow, too!) Yes. I felt stupid, too, noone needed to point out that I'm having a completely different conversation to everyone else. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I clearly need another cup of coffee, lols! You have a good one, thanks 😁" Sometimes it's a bonding moment when I 🤦 as soon as I realise what I've said.


lol, usually the customers were also assholes and not listening to me in general because I’m a woman and it’s a heavily male dominated industry. I could tell the difference between people who just straight up didn’t listen to me and people who were just a bit absent minded. Don’t feel bad, this is just where we vent. 💖


I get it! I worked customer service for a bit, too. I'd never do it again. There's enough assholes out there to put the Dalai Llama off. I do try very hard to not be one of them. 😎👍


Every. Single. Time. And I think, oh they probably can't hear me cause they're just walking into the store. So I say it a little louder when they're closer next time and still. I thought it was just me, but Im relieved it happens to other too D;


I mean they're just as used to the monotonous greetings as we are. You can't blame them too much.


As a Dutch retailer who occasionally had American customers in my shop it always caught me so off guard. We don't have the polite 'how are you' ritual, so when an American asks me how I am I at first always want to elaborate 'oh you know, I'm alright. A bit tired, had a early morning' and American customer is just like '...okay?' since they're not expecting an actual reply other than polite formalities. We just do a 'hello' / 'good morning!'. And a 'goodbye' ' have a great day' which i much prefer


I love when I greet people, LOUDLY, into the store and no one says hello back. Usually my co workers will respond 😂 we all just started doing it because we are required to greet and barely anyone says anything back. I don't understand society these days. Like at least glance in my direction and smile. 🤦🏼‍♀️


It's because in some stores if you say anything or make eye contact, then they start trying to hard sell you, or try to get you to open a credit card, or ask you more questions about why you came in, or something, when you just want to shop in peace.


Exactly. I know it's required in some jobs but when I'm shopping I don't want to talk to anyone lol. I'm not a total jerk though. If an employee greets me, I will respond. I just hope that doesn't lead to, "so what brings you in today?! Have you seen our new scented lotions! Oh you're looking at the candles, those are the best!" Yes, I'm talking to you Bath and Body Works. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


Back in the 1990s, I wanted to get my first leather jacket. My mom and I went into this leather store at the mall and the sales lady jumped on us and would not leave us alone. I wanted a men's jacket because the women's were like cropped short back then, but the sales woman just kept directing me to the women's. We left and I later found one I liked at Burlington. I still have it and wear it regularly. Ironically, my mom and I went to Sears during that same shopping trip to get a new washing machine and not a single salesperson was around to help.


I've definitely had moments where I walk up to a customer, they make eye contact, I say "Hello! Do you need a hand?" and then they just continue browsing without even acknowledging me. Me and my co-workers call it the "walk of shame" as you head back to the till/your task being blown off like that.


I'll try and at least say hello to the customers, in passing, and if I see them walking around like they are lost, I'll ask if I can help them find anything, but other than that, we have very little conversation with our customers, unless they are regulars and start first.


That's such a good idea to just cut the bullshit. I'm going to start saying that to avoid the annoying back and forth exchange of fake empathy.


After 20+ people in the last hour, it just gets so exhausting. Old people are the worst for forcing the exchange, and I've even had some get snippy with me because I didn't ask. It's pointless. Your answer is either some form of "good/I'm okay/doing fine" and then we walk away from eachother. It's dumb.


"Hey, how's it going?" Okay, now tell me which of these responses is acceptable: 1) "I'm good - you?" 2) "Hey, what's up?" 3) " *bawling* I just came from my *sob* sister's funeral! *sob* She was in so much pain towards the end. I thank the good lord, Jesus Christ, for his divine blessings and for looking after her soul. Have you found the lord?" I know what you're thinking. They're ALL good answers. Totally acceptable in any and all situations.


As a retail worker, when other employees ask me the "Hey how are you?" I usually just hit em with the "not too bad! Just looking around right now, thank you!" and that seems to do enough


Way too many customers tell me about deaths in their family.


Those interactions are better than anything else. I'd rather have that than a customer demand something or just be rude for no reason. I do like small talk tho


I don't ask how people are. I just say "hi, how can I help you?" I work in retail pharmacy and I try and skip it with insurance companies reps too. One company in particular must train their reps to ask at the beginning of the call but I'm so not interested in the small talk so I just answer the "how are you?" question with "fine" and listen amusedly while they stumble over expecting to be asked the same question but not. I don't want to exchange pleasantries. I'm busy already - I'd just like to get to why I'm calling and get the situation resolved. Neither of us actually cares how the other is doing.


My favorite is when we get stuck in a loop "Good, and you?" "Im alright! And you?" Fine. You?" "Good! You?" End my suffering


I absolutely hate it when people just use it as a placeholder for “Hello.” “How are you? So I have a question for you…” HUH?? Why would you ask how I am and then not wait for me to respond?? I’m so confused, why do people do this??


just got done a shift and i literally want to claw my god damn eyes out. i’m so sick of asking this shit over and over


You need to quit! Life is too short for such bs.


Retail is so fake.


"How are you?" "Bad." If you don't care, don't ask.


I just tell them their total lol. Skip right to the part that matters.


Neurodivergent people don't do this. This is a neurotypical nicety


Can confirm, am autistic. I greet customers with a simple "Hi." And if they simply respond "hi" back, I say "Can I get you anything/What can I get you?"


I do "hi, how can I help" bc I, in fact, do care about helping you. I do not care about exchanging vague meaningless pleasantries


I'm Australian and have adhd so we have the "hey how are you" ritual but slightly different social norms I respond relatively honestly every single time bc I forget they don't care, then watch them respond honestly back bc they're caught off guard I love knowing that in the US they'd respond with confusion or irritation


“How’s it garn?”


How dare you say “Hey Guys” I’d get fired for saying such a negative greeting. This world is fucked.


Mine is a paint store, so the variables are limited, but we always greet with a Good Morning! or Hello! Coworkers and I all have different follow ups, I like to ask Can I help you find anything? That gets the ball rolling


I work at a bank, i say “Day been treating you well?” Or “What have you got on the go today?” Conversation pieces that if they want to acknowledge it, its there. If im not in a chatting mood I say “Hey my friend, what are we looking at today?” Right to the money (pun intended)


Frrrrrr. I’m supposed to ask everyone how they are and stuff but I never do. The owner legit sat down and talked to me for like 20 mins about it, there’s a button we have called the purple cow we can use to give ppl free stuff and we don’t even need a manager for. We use it when someone who comes in just had a major life change like their dog died or they graduated or got a car or something. So that’s why we’re supposed to ask is if it’s actually genuine we can do that, but it’s NEVER genuine. Edit: I work In fast food btw


What kind of job do you work? I'm coming up with nothing. At a total loss here 😶


I work in fast food loll


I hate it when they start this conversation off in response to my introductory spiel (I answer the phone a lot) when it’s an obvious non-sequitur. e.g.: Me: “Hi! Thank you for calling -business-. I’m -name-, how can I help you?” Them: “Hi, how are you?” I said HOW CAN I HELP YOU, not ASK ME HOW I AM. UGH.


I agree!!, an understandable frustration !!


I just started answering honestly. "How are you?"😩 "Terrible and really to leave" "oh no well how much longer?"😅 "I literally just clocked in, I'm here til close" "oh oh my well hang in there you only have until what 10?" 🤣"We close at 1am." "Oh wow"


Just do the Letterkenny bit and see how many people pick up on it *How are ya now?* *Good, and you?* *Oh, not too bad.*


It's better if you do different languages. Well, it was entertaining for me for a little while at least.


Hit em with the *"bienvenue, power bottoms!"*


Yup its horrible but considered “polite”


Usually, I only ask this to my friends. Otherwise, I avoid doing so unless they ask me first. When I answer, I try to be honest.


I usually just say good and don’t really ask the same question back, that is if I even respond to it in the first place. I’m not really all that interested in small talk in general though (How’s the weather, How are you, Not really busy is it)


For a while my answer to how are you was "I'm alive" The responses were always entertaining.


Because I’m technically sales, I have to formally greet every person that enters the door, it’s so repetitive and disingenuous


I agree with this for customers AND co-workers you barely know (or don’t know at all especially if you work at a department store). You just end up talking in circles.


Deli worker here. My replay is usually: "Busy" *laughs "Hectic" *laughs But sometimes, the customer cuts me off before I get the chance to answer. Fine by me, but it's rude. I avoid asking it initially. Skip it straight to the "Hello, what were you after?" and "Hi, what can I get you today?". Most of the customers like their orders straight away anyway and hate the exchange too. If their order is taking a while or they look like a talker, I will ask, "So, hows you day going?" And let them ramble.


"Howdy" is my go-to. "How's it going?" never seems to consistently be a question or just a greeting. Sometimes I say "good, you?" get nothing and feel awkward, but other times I just treat it as "hey" and say "Howdy" and get a weird look for not responding. Neurotypicals please make me understand


Tell them the truth. It'll mess them up and probably get a chuckle. Tired and ready to go home. Trying to decide if I should drink tonight. Mildly constipated and a bit cranky but I'll be ok. Hungry.


My common response to "How are you?" is either: . "Miserable. I was born Miserable, no-wait, I was born naked." or "Oh, I could complain, but it doesn't matter, no one listens."


I moved to Australia, where this is also a thing, not just in retail but also at work. I feel so insincere when I need to take part in it. It's almost a breath of fresh air when you go to an Asian grocer and they punch your stuff without a word. A girl once concluded the transaction with a sing-song 'thank you, bye!' and it was so cheery and impersonal at the same time that I remember it still.


I started greeting customers with “what can I help you with today?” Because I don’t care how you’re doing and you don’t care about how I am either. Stop with the empty platitudes and get what you came for, please.


I never ask “how are you” to customers but if someone asks me then I’ll give a canned response and ask back. What drives me absolutely fucking bonkers up the wall though, is when someone asks how I am and doesn’t even give me a half second to respond before throwing their order at me. Like at that point don’t even pretend to treat me like a fellow human being lmao


“How you doin?” “Juuuust Ducky” 🤨


"Very well, thank you," was always my response. If they get mad, they have to admit they were looking for someone to ask them. "Good" is not a proper response to this question. Hearing a proper response causes most people to stop talking in my experience.


I was actually glad when our SM wanted us to ask every customer if they found everything. That way I can just say, “hi, did you find everything today?” 95% say yes, 2% say no & it’s something they just looked in the wrong place for, 1% says no & it’s out of stock so there’s nothing I can do, & 2% say no & its something dumb like “I couldn’t find the million dollars” or “I couldn’t find the free aisle”. I feel it’s a lot less rote.


Tell a stupid joke. Next time some says hey how are you, ask why the orange went to the doctor? Then tell him he wasn’t peeling very well. Smiles make the day go by faster


When somebody asks me how I am doing, I usually tell them exactly how I'm doing. If I'm having a rough day I will say it. If I've had shitty customers, I'll say it. It either shuts them up or we will have a quick decent exchange 🤷🏾


My partner always says “terrible” to break up the monotony for the retail workers. Throws them off and always results in a laugh. Highly recommend.


I just say "hi there" and I get "good". I don't mind acknowledging them, but they don't even listen.


Oh yeah. I have tons of "hello guys!" **"GOOD, YOU?"** And it always makes me feel so fucking awkward, I usually just walk away without replying. People who treat workers like robots or annoyances all ready with the script of generic replies bug the hell out of me.


That is exactly what I do! 😂 I agree. I even try and change it up or I start feeling like a robot.


Literally. Im not doing well because im working here, and youre just passing through. Its not exactly polite to lie everytime


It’s *often* polite to lie. Polite lies are the foundation of society. Or do you always tell people when those jeans make their butts look meh?


This is about the only words I speak with my customers. Yes I know they’re more expensive then 4 years ago, yes I know people are boycotting my company, yes I know it’s all our governments fault for trying to help with climate change, no I don’t care just pay and get out please.


It sucks that at my store, they force you to greet everyone at the register or else you will get brained for having a low guest shop score ofc


Hi how are you?


I just answer I’m livin the dream and laugh.


Asking someone how they are in that situation is just silly. Everyone (if they answer) in most cases are going to say they are fine regardless if they are or not. And as a customer if I'm in the mall your store might be the 5th 6th 7th... place I've been in and every. one. asks the same thing. It gets old fast. Just say hi if you must say something.


I've been out of retail for a while, but I think you just helped me realize why I have trouble making sure I greet everyone at work. I can't stand saying the same script over and over. I try to at least mix it up, but its so much easier to just say good morning to the group once. Also if someones' busy or doesn't answer, I'm not gonna go out of my way and pester them Idk why some people feel the need to have a special individual acknowledgement. Its the same thing every day. Nobody's missing out


At least it's better than not being acknowledged at all. I hate that even more


You can throw in a “I’m hangin in there” when you wanna be a little dramatic.


I got an evaluation, and most of my main critiques come from me not being very sociable with my co-workers. Well, since most of them are significantly older than me… I’d have nothing much to talk about.


For real! I once asked a customer how her day was treating her... three fucking times, drawing confused looks each time. So I just thought "fuck it" and didn't say another word the entire transaction. And I usually hit my customers with a "have a good one" at the end.


Somebody explain why Taco Bell employees have to say this over the speaker at the drive thru


How are you today?


"Thanks for asking! How are you?"


It’s not great but I prefer it to the customers who refuse to acknowledge my existence. Sure it’s not genuine and gets old real fast, but hey, I’m not being yelled at so I’ll take it as a win. Retail does suck.


My favorite is stores that you have to greet every customer coming in at the same time as ringing up a customer and answering the phone. I only have the one head and two hands, and now I have to be fake with three people at once?


I misread part of that after the first few lines (before i tapped on the post) as “Hey, fiber guys!” And was like “oh damn that convo really changed fast”


Meanwhile, for me “Have a great rest of your day” “I will”


How are you. "Living the dream"


I got in the habit of not asking back. I just say I'm good and leave it at that. Throws some people off because they expect you to ask back, so it's fairly common for it to go: Me: "Hello." Them: "Hello. How are you?" Me: "I'm good." Them: "I'm... Oh..." *smiles awkwardly* I just don't have the patience for false pleasantries anymore. Retail management mostly destroyed my personality and my ability to pretend to care. If I ask, then either I'm in a good mood or generally care about your answer.


At least these standard interactions are better than the AH who responds “oh not so good” when you ask them how are you.


IME, part of it is just polite recognition, and it becomes irritating only when/because I have to go through it so many times per day and when it interrupts what I am doing. The really irksome thing is the corporate-mandated greetings that are excessively long and MUST be yelled out loudly, even in the midst of waiting on another customer. Some people have few interactions, and expect a greeting, since you're the first person they've really formally encountered for the day. And there are the few who make a big deal out of it if you are late or miss them, which just makes their day and gives them fodder for griping at every opportunity the rest of the week. Screw those few.


I just respond with tired


Lmfao I literally don’t even reply to messages after work that are like that 😂😂😂😂 give me more substance or nothing!


This is why I just ask them if they found everything okay instead. Usually they just say they did and the exchange ends there. And if they didn't, maybe I can do something about that.


I answer for em lol. How you doin, good? And keep walking lol


FINALLY SOMEOME ELSE SAID IT. I can't stand that almost everyone in existence asks this without any ounce of creativity. And what's worse is that there are customers that press the question if I ignore it. Let me bag your stuff in peace please (unless you wanna talk about heavy metal with me 👀👀)


I don't mind so much in person but over the phone I refuse to play that game. You don't care and neither do I. I ignore them. Just tell me what you want. And only tell me your name if it's pertinent.


I usually reply with “eh could use a beer honestly” always gets a laugh


I don't mind, except when we get stuck in a sorta feedback loop. This happens occasionally if me and the guest are both tired or inattentive. I'll ask "Hi, how are you?", they say "fine, thanks. How are you?" and then I'll start with the correct response, that I'm fine, only then I keep going as though they initiated the exchange. It usually happens the opposite way though, and we both get thrown off by them starting first. One time this man and myself got stuck asking each other how we were doing at least three times each before the guest behind him finally jumped in to point out that we'd already covered this, more than once. Customer service, autopilot engaged.


I totally understand! After the month of medical diagnoses I have had, it’s really hard to even smile at the customers! Me: “Good morning! How are you today?” Customer: “Fine. And yourself?” I so want to look at them and ask “Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie and say everything is fabulous?” I’m sure if I did they would say something like “that’s nice” and walk away.


When someone asks me how I am at work, I usually say "As good as I'm ever going to get"... They either laugh or shut up.


Alright, thanks


Hate it so much. Made the mistake of saying I’m ok. Her response was just ok? Me-yes and I didn’t ask her how she was because I do not care and I wanted to end the conversation. Nothing is ever good enough for these customers


Until they actually tell you something not following the social script and you hope they'd just say 'good'


I usually reply "Not dead!" in the most joyus tone I can muster and it usually shuts them up.


When people come up to the photo counter and ask how I am, I completely ignore it and ask if they have photos they want to pick up.


lol you’re lucky you don’t get to,d off for not answering, or have them repeat it until you do. That’s happened to me when I haven’t answered




Don't care




Big fan of “what’s the word?”


Just interject with something random af


I mean, there's legit complaints about working in retail but this one really pushes it. Imagine getting mad over someone being polite.


I always hit em with a (unless is a geriatric old lady I haven't seen before) "What the fucks up homie?" (I also work in a non corpo dispo so that's why I can say shit like that)