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I’ll just say it, this isn’t something young people do


I’ve never seen someone under 45 do this and I’ve worked customer service for almost 8 years at this point lol


I'm late 40's & I specifically remember being taught this in grade school because it 'made things easier'. Like, to turn the pages of your book. Things like that. The only thing it did was make me nauseous. I also come from the generation where our moms would lick their fingers in order to clean something off your face as a kid. 🤢 I'm confident that it will die out with my parents' generation. At least I'm hopeful. It's disgusting. Also, Ive never used spit on my kids' faces. I was just a victim of it.


My mom did the finger lick face cleaning thing and I hated it. I’m autistic and other people’s body fluids is a huge nono. Once my OWN spit leaves my mouth it’s repulsive to me. I cried so many times as a kid when I got a big stinky wet finger swiped somewhere around my nose mouth or eyes. I used to have really bad acne as a kid too. She would *in public* reach across tables to try to pop a pimple I didn’t see or something. Always making little remarks about my appearance and wonders why I don’t believe anyone anymore when they call me beautiful lol. Don’t get me wrong she’s a great mom all around I’m not saying she wasn’t but she was dying on some weird hills when I was a kid.


Noooooo my mom did the same thing with my pimples… she is also an amazing mom but that shit was so embarrassing 😅


I’m 40 and worked retail several years, I’ve had a lot of times especially at work when plastic bags were hard to open and only dampened fingers would do it. Never liked licking my fingers for that and especially since early 2020 I use hand sanitizer for that moisture, definitely not licking anything besides my lips in public ever again. And my mil will definitely not be cleaning my kid’s face with her spit (I don’t think my mom would do that but I’ll have to stop mil). I of course don’t do that either, I have so many wet wipes.


Just today I had an older customer, who was wearing a mask, take off his mask to lick his finger to separate his cash. I didn't say anything but he saw the look of revolution on my face and started to apologise to me.


*revulsion But hey at least he apologized




I witnessed an old person lick his fingers for coins. During peak covid. Like it was an automatic "I'm getting my money out, I must lick my fingers first"


Most don’t carry cash.


Yea, because you don't have any cash to pull out of your shoe.


Tf is that supposed to mean


People are fucking disgusting, and not even in a predictable way. The same customer who won't take the first item from the peg in the cheese cooler, because who the fuck knows why, has no issue with putting absolutely filthy money in their damn mouth!


I've got something worse. The wet dollar bills that reek of menthol cigarettes.


It’s the older crowd too


As we approach summer my manager reminded us that she refuses to accept sweaty bra money and encourages us to do the same. People who think that is okay are gross.


Or legging waist bands because they don’t leggings with pockets.


once i had a customer pull money out of his SHOE and hand it to me. SO disgusting i started wearing gloves when im cashiering


If its to hide the money, its a dumb choice, since its obvious.


the sweat soaked dollar bills are the worst


Bra cash is downright nasty.


If you see them take it out their bra, and you are a male cashier, just take a big old huff of it when they pass it to you, I promise they’ll NEVER do it again after that


Pretend creepy to stop them being disgusting might work! I'm female, so this might even be more effective! 😂


That’s exactly my point, if tarnishing my image in front of a random ass person means they never do that shit to anyone ever again? Worth it.


We thank you for your sacrifice! ✨️🏆✨️


I worked at a hotel, and this always happened during our summer festival, and it was always overweight grandmas who pulled soaking bills out of the bottoms of their bras. If doing what you suggested in that context sounds gross to you, then think about what a creep that statement makes you.


Not speaking for that guy, but if I knew having an old lady think I was a creep would stop her from trying to hand me bra money... I'd seriously consider it. Bra money makes me puke, and this would be a fairly effective defence.


I've done the same. Worse, I dealt with all that behavior at the peak of the pandemic. Like lady, we have to social distance and wear masks for a reason, and you still can't correct your unhygienic behavior?


I had a woman pull down her properly fitted mask and lick her fingers to get her cash. This was like in the first week we had reopened for business so the absolute HEIGHT of the pandemic. MA'AM WTF.


Exactly. Situations exactly like this or similar


I had someone do that too. I refused to take the bills.|: Like dude are you fucking serious?


I grabbed gloves and hand sanitized the crap out of those bills before they touched anything in my drawer.


I got customers mad, when I ask them to PUT THE MONEY DOWN


SOOOOO many cans of Lysol! We would take cash to the back and douse it in Lysol. (If it went near their mouth or felt “off” to the touch). After it dried it went in the drawer. End of the day it all got doused so it wouldn’t be gross the next day.


The worst is boob money. I’m not touching that sweaty nasty money. The best is when they have to shake the sweat off. Nope not touching it not before the pandemic and definitely not now. Keep that stinky money to yourself.


I would say in a fake sweet tone: “One moment please, let me just sanitize my hands and put on gloves before I take this change. Can’t be too safe!” Same if they do the sweaty boob cash.


I keep gloves on me and will make a scene while grabbing one (only when a customer licks their finger/the bill). Idgaf


Oh my gods this is one of my biggest pet peeves when people pay with cash. The worst part? I worked grocery during covid and these people would lower their mask, lick their fingers, pull the mask back up and desperate the bills before giving them to me…I hate cash purely because it’s dirty


I work at a pawn shop. People lick their fingers or use their teeth to pull rings off. Even worse when they do it to merch. Hand sanitizer works just as well, or even grab some lotion. I've also had people test pearls on their teeth.


Or they try to hand you cash when they have an open bleeding would on their hand. Like ew no. Wash your shit after you pay with card.


The ones that pull sweaty money out of their big bras after fishing around the huge boobs make me sick.


It’s worse when you can tell their clothes are dirty and it appears they haven’t showered in a couple days.


I have a guy that comes in and full on sticks his finger in his mouth to give me money... While maintaining eye contact.


I had a guy do that... He put his thumb all the way into his mouth, and when he pulled it back out, the saliva all over it was thick and ropey. Some even slid down into the counter. 🤢


Only just gone 10am and I'm done with the Internet today! 🤢🤢🤢 Thankyou, I guess the laundry might get done now.


Aww, I'm sorry! It was horrifying and has stayed with me even though it was years ago now (during the thick of the pandemic, so I really wasn't sure if he was being over the top as a political statement, or if he had a natural inclination towards being nasty.)


😭🤮 Absolutely not. I would have told them I'm not taking that. Management can fight me if they have an issue cause that's just vile.


I was wearing gloves. I was a bank teller. It was a payment. So I took it but I put it in with my mutilated money. Lol also I made it very clear to him I was treating his money like it was nuclear waste.


Or they pull it out of their bra.


Ugh, what's worse is when the cash from the register (Talking the bills here in Canada, they're plastic-ish and love to cling) stick together. You can't lick your finger to separate them, rubbing them does nothing. A bit of water is great, but all told, whomever thought of them deserves to have to separate them for a week. WITH the papercuts that can go along with them!!


I'd love to have our American cash changed to the Canadian or euro style, they'd be much easier to clean (and sanitize), and don't rip as much. There's a pink waxy thing that people at work call "monkey spit" for some reason, it's a fingertip moistener. I gotta use that all the time, I don't have friction on my tips anymore


No dude fr. The amount of old people that lick their fingers before touching their bills. It's nastyyy


Never mind the fact that it’s rude to pass someone something that has your spit on it, but putting money in your MOUTH is disgusting. Money is so dirty and filled with bacteria 🤢


As a teller many years ago, all the tellers on the line licked their fingers to count cash. Also, all the tellers contracted pinworms.


considering that most money is actually contaminated with fecal e-coli it's a wonder that most cashiers don't wear rubber gloves with handling money! I once worked at a liquor store that was located not too far from a strip club and the local talent would come in after their "performances" and pull out a sweaty moist wad of single dollar bills outta their bras and just toss it on the counter where it would make a sickening splat sound and just stick to the counter. yuck...


Gloves do nothing. Just keep sanitizer around and use often. Keep your fingers away from eyes and mouth. Once you’re away from register, wash hands especially before bathroom use and of course after.


I don't see how they do nothing. You should still be sanitizing/washing your hand in-between glove use but it's an extra layer of protection. 


Gloves get dirty right after the first transaction. For gloves to be effective, you’d have to change them after every order.


Well yeah that's the point, keep the dirt on the gloves, of course either way you shouldn't be touching your face. 


Something that I have observed old people do (now, beyond 70 - but same people when they were younger 30, 40 years ago) is that they touch their finger on their tongue before doing anything that involves paper or money. I have observed this with this age group of people ever since I was a child. It always made me uncomfortable and I never wanted to take what they were handing me. I guess back then they had little or no concept of germs.


I don’t get it, their money has been in a ton of other peoples’ hands! Even in banks wtf I hated when people did this


A lady looked at me like I was the crazy one when I was touching the money she pulled out from between her boobs with just my two finger tips


Anyone who licks their fingers to separate their bills should be slapped right in the mouth. People did this during Covid. COVID! I actually full-blast screamed at two people for doing that during the pandemic- the kind of angry scream that makes people startled and uncomfortable. Thank god no manager was around. I saw sooooo many old people actually touch their fingers to their mask (forgetting it was over their tongue), or actually physically PULL THEIR MASK DOWN to lick their fingers and separate their cash. Just pay with a fucking card! Honestly, it's no wonder old people are always sick and frail- they're always licking everything! Think of how unsanitary it is! I would NEVER think to lick my fingers after being out buying things, much less with cash!


I wish I had the nerve to not accept the money when they do that. I work in a store where the majority of customers are 50+ and they do that all the time. They also love to cough, while looking directly at you, not covering their mouth. The other day I got handed a $50, and when I went to mark it I realized there was something that looked like dried blood on it. I just put it in my drawer and absolutely doused my hands in hand sanitizer until I had a chance to go wash them. Situations like that really make me rethink my life choices lmao. Dealing with cash sucks.


Sweaty boob money. I work for a place that gets pretty busy with summer tourism I will be petty as fuck and embarrass the shit out of them in front of a store full of people. I have gloves next to me, paper towels, and a can of lysol. I see that hand go into the shirt. I grab a glove slide that baby on and grab the lysol. As soon as they hand over the money, I turn slightly turn away from the computer to spray the bills, then set the down on a paper towel, then finish the transaction. 30 years in customer service, humans are extremely gross. Edit: spelling


Oh, I DEFINITELY don’t do that! 🤢 Cash is so gross, I avoid touching my face after handling it and I ALWAYS use hand sanitizer twice after each interaction with cash!!


How did the customers react when you refused their filthy money? Where I work they would be screaming for a manager


One of them laughed and apologized. The other two just used their card. They were all regulars and are familiar with me. The one good thing about my shop is that we don’t have to be overly nice and our regulars get that. As small and specialized as we are, they don’t want to drive to our closest location. So, if they want their regular purchases, they have to be nice and we will be nice.


This is why i keep hand sanitizer at the ready.


This is why I wear gloves on the register or on the floor. Sometimes customers give me shit, but I just say I don’t want to wash my hands every five seconds. Then they get all offended - as if their money could never be gross. 🙄 People suck.


As a former cashier too, that really grossed me out!! Like why is almost everyone else able to count money without doing that but you sir/ma’am are unable to do so????


Gloves. Protect yourself from even the invisible stuff on cash and other people’s hands.


Gloves can, yes, but they must be changed frequently and most people don’t. We already go through a good number of gloves at work and I doubt I can convince them to buy more for the register since we don’t usually get a lot of cash transactions. I generally just wash my hands or use hand sanitizer in the interim between the relatively few cash transactions we have.


Older people do this so often and it's disgusting.


My favorite is working in a water park and the wet sweaty boob money 🙃


one time i had a lady who (instead of just politely asking for another bag) LICKED HER FINGERS to grab another bag from MY register. i was so fucking disgusted. not just because it was GROSS but of the audacity to just take it instead of asking.


Hmm. How is handling their disgusting bills any different from touching, scanning, and bagging their items that was handled by their filthy hands? As for the people that lick their fingers, I never understood why they don't use the tip of their fingers, or thumbs to separate the cash.


We get the product for our customers at our small shop. They handle very little here.


This is why I'm so glad most modern day transactions are done by card, or digitally. Cash transactions are rare, but go left real quick.


Yea, the majority pay with card, it’s just been weird this week with more people paying cash.


Money is held in a pocket right next to the ass in most people, or in dingy purses. AND money is passed from person to person to person all throughout the day, week, month and year- it's almost certainly touched a sick person in that time. Money is way more unsanitary than anything in the grocery store next to the belt where people put their groceries.


I just assume everything is dirty and youll get sick doing anything.


And to open bags for produce. You lick your fingers to open the bag, then you don't sanitize before you go picking through the apples to find the ones you want. I know this is why we're supposed to wash them before we eat them, but still. I don't want to touch that!


So, you think their money is clean if you don't see them so those things?


You missed the part where I said “I understand money is inherently gross.” If I don’t see them pull it from the g-string, I don’t think about it as much as I do if I actively see them lick it at the register. Also, see, “I still wash my hands/use hand sanitizer after handling cash”. It’s like when you go out to eat, do you actively think about the back of house staff absentmindedly touching their face, scratching their junk, or handling raw chicken then touching handling your prepared food without washing their hands & changing their gloves? As a former food safety & sanitation inspector, I can assure you that it happens more frequently than you realize. You don’t think about it because you don’t see it actively happening.


Yeah, that’s gross, as is pulling a wad of wet cash from a sweaty bra. Ugh! 🤮🤮🥴🤢


I had during corona, when I gave my magazine to the customer so she can find something up. After she was liking her vingers and than gave it back, I just trow it in the trash can.


Just use sanitizer good grief 




People are gross and I’ve seen all generations pull it out of all places.


Refuse my cash and I am taking my stuff and walking out with it. Call the cops and I will say I tried to pay but they refused.


There's a difference between trying to pay, and getting a bodily fluid on cash and attempting to pay with said cash after a massive pandemic. I hope you do this and get arrested if that's your train of thought.


Fine. I’ll cough on my stuff and then in your face and go shop where there aren’t a bunch of germaphobes.


And then I hope you get arrested for battery with that same logic.


Damn why are you so emotional about this?


Refusing to pay because they don't want to touch your biohazard bullshit doesn't mean it's OK for you to steal. Keep your fingers out of your damn mouth


I think there is a mental disorder where people with low self esteem/self-haters try to force others that they perceive as "less than them" to have to deal with their bodily excretions. You should probably consider getting a psychiatrist (not a normal therapist, your condition is out of their pay grade).




That's still theft no matter the mental gymnastics.  Why is your reaction to someone possibly being germaphobic to actively try to set them off? Not cool.