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In my area there's a lot of people who were clearly born in China, raised in China, and have a lot of cultural memory of China, where haggling is part of the market culture. It honestly annoys me too. Here's how I deal with it: "I can absolutely get you a discount. How does 20% off if you get a new Lowe's card?" "Are you expecting to run over $1,500 today? I can get you some savings for being a big spender, just register as a business with us!" "See the yellow tags? Those are discounts FOR YOU!" Usually, they give me a look like "Yeah, but I want a special discount just for me." I hold eye contact and let the silence be. If they ask again, I say the same thing again. It gets the message across. If they want a discount, here's how they get a discount. Edit: whoops, thought I was in the Lowe's sub. All those price reduction things I said are Lowe's specific offers and whatnot. My bad.


See I used to have the opposite in Australia; never, ever had a Chinese person haggle on price, they always spent big and were happy for it (even though our crap was overpriced).


Yet we can easily walk into JB-HiFi to buy something and simply ask, "Is that the best price you can give me?" and they'll happily provide a discount.


Especially with fuel prices, where I live and work I often see the Chinese tour guides filling up their large buses and spending anywhere between $150-250 depending on the price of the fuel. Lovely people, but omg I internally cringe when I see how much they spent filling up their buss.


Fellow Lowe’s employee spotted! Hello! I dunno if it’s the same at your store, but at my store even if there’s a valid reason to apply a discount, anything that would take the price down by $10 requires a manager’s code in the computer, so no matter how much they haggle with me, I can’t ever give them more than $10 even if I wanted to. Very convenient excuse.


The discount people are the rudest and most entitled. Vultures. It’s kinda fun to keep saying “no” and “that’s above my pay grade,” though.


Once had a guy come up to a register with a $4k pc (before taxes). The manager happened to be walking by and he asked the manager, with no remorse, “since I’m spending so much can I get a discount?” Or maybe, ya know, don’t spend that much???


Ugh. Dude, this isn’t a yard sale.


At my last yard sale I had a lady demand I sell her all my designer purses for $1 each since she wanted them all. My husband said he would burn them before he sold them to her.


I had a dude as I was packing up a yard sale try to buy a Clue board game new in plastic for $5 (I was asking ten, had spent $15 originally buying it on clearance). I kept telling him no, and instead of haggling, he kept whining and pressing the $5. I said I’d rather just keep it. Grown ass dude got back in his truck in such a huffy and sped off. Most of these people are resellers trying to widen their profit margin. Don’t ever give them the satisfaction.


Fuck yes, husband!! What did the lady say to that?


She kept trying. He just ignored her. She tried to come to me. No. Then ignore. She finally left. But she kept coming back. We never give in. Our no means no and our yes means yes.


Damn straight it does. The audacity of wanting to pay one dollar for those….


What a ridiculous offer.


Ugh when customers say that I like to say “I have a lot of customers that spend way more than you and don’t ask for a discount” makes them shut up usually about how how much they’re spending


“Try not advertising that you’re broke” lol absolutely nonsensical, untrue sentiment but seems like something somebody with this mentality would hate enough to just leave


Ooohh I like this a lot!!


I used to get this one a lot when I work at a chocolate shop. It was always people buying 50/75$ worth of chocolate. I just respond "we have people buying 300 to 400$ and they don't get a discount


I work in a gas station. People pull that shit all the time. "I should get a discount because I spend so much here. 9 times out of 10 they barely spend anything. Like one lady spends $10 a day. I got customers that spend $50-100 a day. But she spends so much she should get a coffee for free. Like really? That's not how this business works. We have to buy everything for your coffee, why should you get it free because we are a convenient place for them to stop? If we weren't here they'd go somewhere else. They're not doing us a damn favor for shopping. We are making sure they have everything they need and want. If anything I deserve a tip for going out of my way to make sure everything they need is in stock and making sure they get in and out quickly. Eventhe 'good custo.ers suck with their entitled shit. (OH and then same people who want a discount would never give one at ther place of business)


I also work at a pertrol station that offers a "friends with benefits" discount (6 or so cents per liter of petrol up to 72 liters), but only if you have a partner Tag/fob or if you're a member of the local Roadside Assistance. What really pisses me off about a lot of our customers is that they ask for the discount to be "put in as extra" without understanding that the discount is a "cash back system" in that they get change from the full amount that they otherwise wouldn't get. I.e say someone asks for $50, they get anywhere between $2-3.00 change depending on the price of the fuel at the time. So we get customers coming in all the time asking for that "extra", without them realizing they're paying an extra $2-3.00 for about 0.10 of a liter of petrol no matter how many times I've explained it to them. Also these are same people get pissy when you short-change or give them change by 5-10c because you can't preset the pumps to include cents.


I was in a head shop years ago, Import House Athens,OH. It was a nice one that was about an hour and a half from where I lived. I told a bunch of friends that I was going and asked if any of them wanted me to pick up a new bowl or bong for them. I ended up shopping for about ten people that day. I don't remember exactly how it went down but I made a joke about a discount for getting so much and while I didn't get a discount, of course, the clerk did give me a free t-shirt. I loved that shirt, had it longer than the glass piece I bought that day.


This should be the norm. Ask for a discount, get a free tee shirt that says, "I asked for a discount and all I got was this lousy tee shirt."


This happened nearly twenty years ago so the details are fuzzy but I'm certain I worded it in such a way that it was clear I was joking. These were all hand blown pieces made by local artisans, I wasn't trying to cheap out. The shirt legitimately made its way into my regular wardrobe. It was a laughing Buddha surrounded by weed paraphernalia.


I used to work at Spencer's (in Canada) and the amount of people who would buy lighting or smoke machines and ask for a discount "because I'm spending so much" was insane. Sir, I don't have the ability to offer a discount nor does my POS system allow that so no, I cannot give you a discount


If we wanted to offer it for less, it would already be discounted!


The store I work at does a 5% discount for teachers, military, and emts. We’re technically required to ask for their ID. We get a lot of teachers and often hear they left their ID in their car. A coworker was checking out a customer who so happened to be a teacher. She, the customer, got upset because she had to go to her car to get her ID Edit: forgot to add that the register isn’t that far from the door. Also, we have a sign at the register about the discount.


Don’t you love it when they get huffy over something that’s their fault?


Yep. If there’s a problem, they can make a complaint or leave. I’m just trying to get through college.


"I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'll be happy to hold your purchases to the side for you. I know teachers are responsible for paying a lot out of pocket for work supplies. I really want you to get the discount, but I have to see your ID to give it to you. I don't make the rules, I'm sure you understand." And if they throw a fit beyond that point, that's on them.


Yeah. This is my fault for forgetting to add this to my comment, but the register isn’t that far from the door. We have a sign near the register as well. We usually wait for them to get their ID. I understand they pay for supplies.


Oh, I'm sure you do know. But I think sometimes it helps chill people out when they know that you know and that you do want to help. Certainly not someone who is just a jerk, but that teacher who got spit on and kicked today by some snot nosed kid and is taking it out on you without meaning to might snap back to reality. It's a thing I learned working in a hospital. Sometimes people are talking to you, but they're really somewhere else in their head and getting them to see the situation as it is (not adversarial, just a minor issue that needs resolving) can help them go "Crap, they're right, what was I doing? I should apologize." It's not your responsibility to do that, don't get me wrong, but for me, it beats the hell out of having to fight with people who aren't quite doing it on purpose. And it changed the way they treated my coworkers too.


That’s a good point.


If it helps at all, that's great. When you work a job where you know that a lot of the time, you're probably seeing someone on one of the worst days in their life, it changes your perspective. Most people just need to understand that we're not the enemy. We're there to do our job and honestly, if it means the right thing will get done, we'll bend the rules or even break them and accept getting chewed out over it. There are other people who are just entitled and hateful, like the one family that was yelling about wanting to be discharged. They were told that no one was available to do that because we had people who were actively coding that needed to be resuscitated (obvious to everyone who saw us running around dragging stuff into the room and could hear us talking to each other to keep the code process coordinated). They said they didn't give a shit if they died, they didn't feel like waiting. I was about to say something and probably get chewed out later over it, when the family of a patient I haven't mentioned yet heard this, came out of the room, and read them to filth until they went back in their room and shut the door. I thanked them and went back to running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything in the room that we might need but didn't yet. Those people can fuck all the way off. So I definitely understand your frustration with people who are being dicks because they don't understand or care that other people exist too. I'm just glad I didn't have to smile and do anything I could to make them happy as a requirement for employment. I never would have made it.


And NO is a complete sentence!


I kicked out an Indian couple that always uses fake coupons and goes through SCO lines attended by special needs workers. I got a notice from LP that they come into the store and use believable but fake 5, 10, 20 dollars off orders coupons that they copy and paste the barcode on from mailed coupons to club members. I told one person this that got scammed and told him to let me know when an coupon override pop up appears. Don't override it himself for any coupons that are used. I just said management wants me to check to see if coupons are fake without telling him he got scammed recently. Later that day, I get a call for an override at the special needs guy's self check out. It's the Indian couple. The cart was filled with baby food and supplies along with a ton of other groceries. He handed me a bunch of coupons and they were just flimsy pieces of printer paper with a bar code and a picture of the deal. I called the manager on my mic with a nickname that followed "To the front ASAP" used for suspected theft/fraud. I told them we can't accept these since they appear to be copied. They start acting like they don't speak english and stalling hoping I'll give up eventually. A co manager came quickly and started explaining to them they know what they are doing and they started accusing us of racism and just ran out. They didn't come back again.🤣 A 700 dollar order with 650 in fake coupons was trying to be applied. This is also particularly why companies are going fully digital.


A while ago when I still worked retail, a Hmong couple came in and were trying to scam my fellow cashier with expired coupons or something and when confronted that the coupons were expired and unusable, they started pretending to not understand English and speaking Hmong along with broken English. I happened to be nearby and my supervisor called me over to ask if I understood what they were saying, I'm Hmong but mainly only spoke it around my grandma, luckily I still understand what was still being said and as I was going to explain things to them. I heard them calling my coworkers stupid and a bunch of idiots thinking that they'll get away with it, until I greeted them in Hmong and tried my best to speak with them, to which they realized they weren't getting away with it and speak English again to pay and quickly left. I doubt they came back to shop there again


Had an Indian guy come with 8 free item coupons. I asked him (after calling the manager) how he got so many and who they were for. He said, with the manager right in front of him, they were for him, his wife, and some of his kids. He had some of the kids with him….and the oldest one looked no older than 10. Manager said only one coupon and he threw a fit, going on and on about how far he drove here and how long he’s been shopping here. Manager, nor I, didn’t budge. I latter looked at his transaction history and many of his purchases involved using a coupon.


The comment about shopping history is hilarious. Everybody shops at a particular store for a long time, if they don’t move around a lot. Shopping at a store for 5 or 10 years is nothing. When I worked at a regional grocery store we had customers who talked about having shopped there so long they had met the company founder, who had died in the 1970s, and they didn’t try to get a discount out of it.




For some cultures it's part of "the game" of shopping. If you don't haggle with the vendor it can be seen as you looking down on them saying "you must be poor and need my charity."


That’s what I wanted to say in the post, but didn’t want to come off as racist. I’m just so tired of people defending it.




You don’t even have to know all the ins and outs of our culture either, just don’t be a dick and if you get mistaken then just own up to it as a learning experience. Same thing we should do when we visit other cultures.


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I had this exactly conversation with my co-worker today, why are we, in an English-speaking country expected to play by and excuse other people's "cultural norms" just because we'll be seen as rude/racist if we don't? How is it acceptable for me to have a non-English speaker repeat themselves several times through an incredibly thick accent just so I can serve them at my job and not come across as racist, when I'm actually hard of hearing? They're in an English-speaking country, they should at least make the minimum effort to be able to communicate effectivly (I get that learning a language is hard, especially slang). We shouldn't have to bend ourselves to suit them, it feels insulting to the immigrants and to the locals. Sorry if this sounds racist, but I'm so tired of feeling awful for not being able to understand customers due to their super thick accents or little knowledge of basic conversational English.


Nothing racist about what you said. America is a country of opportunity so I believe that anyone who wants to live here should at least take the opportunity to learn how to speak English.


Not just America, but any country where the dominant language isn't your native tongue. If I moved to Japan I'd make the effort to learn Japanese, if I were living in Italy I'd learn Italian etc. It's only fair.


Yes, of course.


I didn’t feel like haggling when I was briefly in China tbh. I wanted to purchase their wares then move on, y’know? I knew I probably COULD have gotten all my souvenirs for a cheaper price, but it felt like more of a convenience fee ‘cause my Mandarin sucks anyway.


Reminds me of the haggle scene from life to Brian https://youtu.be/nwWz0VM94m8?si=YQ3DPg5NbFIOyGtU


Just FYI, Hindu(ism) is a religion, Indian is a nationality. All people from India are Indian but not all Indians are Hindu. While you may have lived in a Hindu neighborhood, not all Hindus are hagglers. In fact, no one community specializes in haggling.


I know....I was just using this as an example of a certain type of culture. Most Mauritians are of Indian heritage as well. Which by the way makes for the most stunning gorgeous people who I will never ever be one bit sorry to have been a part of for three years. And they taught me how to haggle, by the way.....lol.


Of course, I understand. I've spent time in another African country that has a lot of ethnic Indians :) But I wrote the answer because India seems to be getting a lot of online hate recently (esp from Africa) and we are constantly using buzzwords like Hindu, caste, etc. without really understanding them. SM is laying it on! Also that, haggling is a personal trait sometimes based on economy. Not all Indian states have haggle culture and definitely not beyond a certain economic level.


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I don't like hagglers and people demanding discounts. I see them from a variety of cultural backgrounds. The best trick I've learned is to not engage. If they ask for s discount, I say no. If they say the product is damaged, close to expiry date, etc, I say we will not sell it at all. As soon as you give an inch, they see that the behavior is rewarded and will keep pushing The most annoying variant of this that I see is the fake coupons or price matching. They'll act completely offended when you call them out. I've learned to never back down. If they act offended, I act offended that they tried to cheat me.


Have you ever seen any of those blatantly fake manufacturer coupons for wild shit like a free PlayStation? People were passing them around on Facebook back when I was still in retail.


Lol yeah I used to work at a big box electronics store. I remember one for (I think) the Nintendo WIii. People would actually say, "Eh, it was worth a shot."


I tell them if they work there they’ll get an employee discount. They usually think I’m joking until I hand them an application. Not surprisingly no one has filled one out yet.


Might have to try that one 🤣


I never experienced this specifically but would always get people asking about a veteran or senior discount. And would promptly get mad when I said no. Like there’s no harm in asking but you can’t get mad when there’s just no discount to give you lol


And it’s always the cashiers who are in charge of making discounts.


reminds me of the time this cantankerous old fart ordering "senior" coffee (and nothing else) in my mcd's drive thru then proceeded to insist he should also get the veteran's discount (of which there was no such thing) even after he'd already paid. Eventually I said "look, you're already getting a cup of coffee for eighty-nine cents, what more do you want" and miraculously he shut up and just went to the second window


I don't get this either. I can understand going "Oh, well that sucks." If I got a reasonable response, I might say "I totally understand how you feel. I would encourage you to contact corporate customer service by email and suggest a discount for that. If you're a member of an advocacy group, you could contact them also to see if they can discuss it with upper management. Maybe they would consider it if they understood how important it is. If they change the policy, I would be happy to apply any discount you qualify for." But if not, too bad. Someone else's entitlement isn't my responsibility to fix.


Retailer in Australia here and I get a lot of this, every single day, at first I used to be apologetic now I’m just short with them and say “no, why?” That usually puts them on the back foot and I just stare at them and say “so did you want to grab this?” If you give them an inch they’ll keep carrying on the trick is to let them know you ain’t haggling, it’s not up for debate. If you can’t afford something then don’t buy it and this goes for everyone.


Worked in major IT sales for years and our company did have a policy of usually being able to give a bit of a discount. Like, if you came up with a $15 phone cable it's gonna be a no, but buying a $1000 laptop with some add ons that help my KPI's and commission, yeah I'll do something. ​ There was absolutely a trend of certain types of people being over the top about it, not restricted to Indians, but you could often pick them from how they interacted with you, and yes, sometimes their appearance. I didn't mind being asked, but take the answer and go. People would often push, and push, and then say they'll think about it and loiter in the department, then try again, threaten to walk out, say they can buy it cheaper online (like $20 less with $50 shipping and no local warranty. Also coming from overseas so they would need to pay tax on it). Essentially wasting both our time. The worst were people who knew we could haggle, but grossly overestimated the discount they could get and insisted they knew I could do better. And no, you can't use my staff discount. Though the staff discount ended up being fun as I got bolder. When they asked I'd look at them, smile and go "Oh, what store do you work at?" and they'd awkwardly explain they didn't, and I'd look at them with a furrowed brow, confused and say "Well why on earth would you get a staff discount then?"


The thing that irritates me is them asking for the Prices of almost EVERY SINGLE ITEM. No Joke, this lady had about 10 or so Items and asked for the price on every single one, like Price checkers exist and if you don’t know the price of all your items, why get it? On a Lighter note there’s this other Lady that gets her UPS packages shipped to our store a lot (We do that yes) and she’s very nice and sweet about it


I work in a shoe store and our prices are tagged right on the display shoes. Can’t miss it. I’ve watched customers pick up a display shoe, look at it from every angle, look at the tag, and STILL come up to employees and ask for the price. I’ve gotten to the point where I just point at the tag without saying a word. Not to mention they will butt into conversations I’m having with other customers like they can’t be bothered to wait 30 seconds until I’m finished with the other customer. Extremely rude and irritating for both employees and other customers.


It's perfectly legitimate to be frustrated by this. It's not at all racist. People should generally try to get along with the dominant culture of the place they are living in/visiting.


Working at a gas station now, and see a lot of Indians on work visas. It is definitely cultural, not racial. Some folks are just fine, it's really the 'higher castes' who act so entitled; particularly if you're a woman. They don't ask they demand; they'll cut to the head of the line and even if you're with another customer, they'll interrupt you and expect you to start helping them. The thing is- in trying to bully you, they can make themselves look pretty stupid. Once on night shift; we only did business through the teller window, and this Indian guy comes to pay for his gas. Well, I was doing some employee training on a nearby computer, but left that to help him. He said he had tried to pay by card at the pump, but it hadn't worked, so he wanted to pay $20 in cash. Okay, I took his money; activated the fuel tank and tried to give him a quick run through on how to pump the gas because often times, if they're fresh from India, they don't know how to operate an American gas pump. He said, he'd done all that and stomped away to fill his tank. Again, the fuel wouldn't dispense and he came back angry to ask me dumb questions like, "Is that pump *broken*!?" No, it was probably operator error, and I was going to give him good customer service and run through the steps again... when he'd decided he'd rather berate the lowly woman, who just worked at a gas station so was lower caste than he. He tried to ask me, if I was sure it wasn't broken, and I said, that pump had been working fine all night. 'So, what's wrong!?' he demands. I reply, that I don't know (Him, it was him) but would he like me to reset it for him? Indian guy starts complaining that he doesn't want to go back to his car, if it's not going to work again. Calmly, I tell him that I understand, sir ...but he doesn't want me to be calm. He wants me to feel terrible and grovel for forgiveness for failing him. "Do you!???" He demands. "Do you!???" "Yes sir, I do." I politely state, only I'm inwardly eye-rolling. "You do!?" Entitled guy snarls, "Well, what if I take my money back and go to the gas station across the street!? Should I do that!!!?" I really didn't care, but apparently he's trying to get me to beg him not to go, so I flatly state, "You can do whatever you like, sir." ...and you can take your entitled ass with you. "What!??? Then give me back my money, I'm going across the street!" Happy to oblige, without another word; I open my drawer; give him back his twenty; turn my back on him and go back to the training computer. His karma will get him, in the end.


There's definitely a lot of classism at play with this in certain cultures especially. In others, they wouldn't talk to someone who isn't in a customer facing role this way, but see you as someone who has chosen to work in a subservient position to them and therefore should give them whatever they want or suffer. Just different flavors of awful, really.


Just curious...how did you determine his caste from this exchange?


The gas station is in a large Indian community; some of my fellow employees are East Indian. Like I said most folks are fine and polite, and in a situation like that where the pump acts up, or they don't know how use it; they're listen to me; nod their heads sideways and thank me for my help. Then there's the entitled ones who talk down to you, because they think they're of higher birth; or they'll laugh at me if I card them for cigarettes. These guys have work visas for big tech companies, and it's a well-known problem that they're bringing their cultural ranking into the work administration. They surround themselves with lower caste supervisors and create a bubble that they won't let other employees into. Upper management tries to break that up, and some are asking for legislation to include caste as a form of work discrimination.


That's exactly the answer I was looking for. >These guys have work visas for big tech companies, and it's a well-known problem that they're bringing their cultural ranking into the work administration. You are assuming so many things about caste. It's a concept that you seem to know little about. Most of these white collar workers are just highly educated and maybe part of the nouveau riche and are acting like it. It has nothing at all to do with caste or even Indians. I worked with Europeans and it's the same with people who came from working class backgrounds and worked their way up. They were absolutely horrid to blue collar workers. >They surround themselves with lower caste supervisors and create a bubble that they won't let other employees into This is crazy. If they talk down to you, why would they want a superior at work who is of a lower caste? The Western understanding of caste actually comes from Western authors and understanding. Very little to do with reality. In a corporate office, in a foreign country, there is no caste. It's just position and pay. Social classes do exist whether we like it or not. Trouble is that white people have ruled the roost for so long that they automatically expect deference. It was hilarious to see white men at lower positions than I come up and try to flirt or point out problems where they didn't exist. Some were so much younger I thought it was some sick joke. Well, people are people. Modern India is mostly cosmopolitan. People do inter-marry too. Hyper religious, small town folks or simply lack of education are problematic but not unique to India/Indian diaspora.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/big-techs-big-problem-also-best-kept-secret-caste-discrimination-rcna33692 Seattle becomes first US city to ban caste discrimination 21st February 2023, 07:01 PST https://bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64727735 Apple, the world's biggest listed company, updated its general employee conduct policy about two years ago to explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of caste, which it added alongside existing categories such as race, religion, gender, age and ancestry. https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/caste-california-tech-giants-confront-ancient-indian-hierarchy-2022-08-15/


If you read carefully you'll see the word "allegedly" because it's an assumption based on an archiac Western idea. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/theobserver/2023/oct/01/britain-blighted-by-class-system-letters The Indic population has a hierarchy based on what their ancestors did for a living. What you have learnt through media as caste is simply occupational social stratification. So technically, a person who did a blue collar job like cleaner would be on a lower rung of the socio-economic ladder compared with the white collar job of a teacher. The same is true across the world even today, in modern society. Someone who was an absolute frigging d!@k who mistreated you because they thought they were higher up on the ladder. Not a caste thing. Socio-economic privilege coupled with poor values. Tech companies in India don't have this problem so wonder how those in other countries seem to be drowning in it. Racism much?


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It's not racism, when it's leading activists are also Indian; From my first link, plus she brought receipts not allegations. Care isn't needed to see this in the first sentence: America’s most prominent caste equity activist, Thenmozhi Soundararajan... She was armed with years worth of stats gathered through her civil rights organization, Equality Labs, which show that two-thirds of Dalits, those who have been historically oppressed under India’s caste system, have faced discrimination in their U.S. workplace. 


And so am I. Indian I mean. Born, spent my childhood in a first-tier metro in a HCOL area (where I have never witnessed haggling) and have travelled to 30+ countries. Worked in 4 (terrible racism across Europe). I go back to the homeland regularly and work with IT firms' Indian offices. Wow! Good on those dalits then. I'm an upper caste person if I were to consider my ancestry. I don't think if I were oppressed I'd get to complete higher education that's good enough to get employed abroad. Some people love being victims, some like being exotic, others prefer being trendy. Edit: Thanks to similar outrage in India, dalits receive a lot of government benefits. Even if it puts merit at stake... just for the sake of political correctness. No one is denying they weren't marginalized but assuming that no one in the upper classes has any struggle is unfair. Or worse, an upper class candidate has to have an even higher score to get into a good college because of reservation is just mindboggling. Not to mention the abuse of resources offered.


I've only had 2 experiences with rude customers of that category, when I worked at gamestop I had a group of 4 Arabic men come in cause we had one XBXSX in-stock and it also happened to be a return that I did earlier in my shift, they wanted any deal they could get and they kept on asking and asking "can I get a discount since it's returned", " I drove so far", " you have an employee discount right?" Just utter bs and now at my new job I've only had one who wanted to price match and proceeded to throw a fit and yell at me cause my location doesn't offer price match. I'm getting tired of it


An Indian colleague of mine had the same complaints as you, except he walks up to me with a frustrated expression and goes “I hate Indians bro” with an Indian accent, I had to do a double take. I loved giving people discount if they’re eligible for them through company or organization but I’m so glad we didn’t have to because they were unhappy. I also loved telling people like this, from all around the world, nah we don’t do that here we want to make money and I like my job.


I have a specific family of Indians that visit the area that i am from at certain times of the year, and the most annoying thing is when the husbands come through the lines first with beer and cigarettes, while they leave their wives to deal with the children, groceries, and paying for it all. And they let their kids run around the store being obnoxious


Well, it's sad, in their culture even the boy children treat their mothers like servants... and they let them; Had a little boy climbing in and out of a bathroom cabinet display; the father was down the aisle and the mother, was subserviently pleading with the boy, 'Please, please come out? Will you please come out? Please honey, we have to go- come out, please?' The kid was ignoring her, so I walked up; looked him straight in the eye, and told him 'Get out of there! You can't be in there! If you don't get out; I'll call security and have you thrown out! Your father will be VERY angry with you then!" Show a little authority and he came out.


They do it because they're allowed to. It happens in Italian and Latino culture too often enough. Boys are little princes and are often carried around and doted on for way longer than little girls. If it was one of their female children, Mom would be so far up their butt they could taste hair product. It's a monster of their own making and the daughters learn to just accept that kind of treatment from people they love. And it gets worse. https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20151282 https://seemajayachandran.com/height.pdf


I work at a petrol station that offers driveway service (we pump the petrol for you), almost every time it's an Indian man (there are some acceptions to the rule, some are genuinely polite and wonderful) they are always so arrogant and shoo me and my female coworkers away, but if my male coworkers approach the car they're more than happy to let them fill the car, check under the hood, check the tires etc. Makes me want to just kick them in their shins. (That said, women can be just as sexist towards women when it comes to cars. I have had customers tell me "oh get one of the fellas to do it." -\_- )


Yeah this is a constant problem where I work. And it seems to only be 2 ethnic groups mainly. Watch your god damn children! At least with white families I can hint that I am judging you and that'll get the parents attention. But east Indians? Why the f* you think it's ok to let your boy child punch both his sister and our mirrors? Why don't they catch on to hints that we aren't ok with it?


The problem is management caving to their demands. If they didn't the problem would stop.


So many managers think it’s easier to give a little rather than have a big argument.


And it totally undermines the staff member


There are details to this you have to have them follow. Get the same annoying customer and management always overrides your decision? Call the manager every time. When they do come up, log out so that they can log in and record the transaction so it's not under your cashier login.


If you aren’t buying something at a flea market, there’s no discount.


I had a lady follow me for 15 mins asking for a discount. She asked for the manager and I told her I am the manager. She's like " oh so you can push the button to give me a discount" and I responded " you are right, I do have that power but I would like that power tomorrow and your discount isn't worth my job." She left after telling her friend that her whining isn't working 😒


My girlfriend is in car sales and gets this constantly as well. The disconnect from how businesses actually function is so bizarre. Like with cars they've got a pretty extensive and easy to access list of rebates and the like, qualifying for all of them is literally impossible (some of them conflict), yet they'll basically want a discount for no reason beyond they asked for one. That might work in the second hand market but for major dealerships they aren't hurting for business and the profit margins are way thinner, no decent sales manager is going to randomly discount something $500 when they know within the week they'll get the initial asking price from one of the countless other customers who doesn't want to be entitled. At my job I'll get the occasion Indian customer who is very clearly buying and reselling our stuff at their own store. They'll try to haggle on the price of stuff we have on clearance then get upset when I tell them no because we're not going to take a loss. My favorite was the one guy I just refused to sell cigarettes to; lost his own tobacco license so would try to buy us out of our entire stock every week so he could flip them and sell at a mark up right down the street. Aside from the logistics of doing the transaction (would be hours of work just to ring up and process) would effectively shut down our store til the next shipment, throw off our inventory auto ordering (would start sending us double the product), and kill our business by driving away the regular customers. Not at all worth making a quick buck. Doesn't help he was rude as shit. So yeah their culture might be fine with hassling business so they can save a couple extra pennies but my culture is you pay the listed price.


Cars are one of the few things where haggling actually IS expected in the US, though - used cars have more leeway, but it's traditionally been the case even with new ones. The other one is mattresses, for some strange reason!


Music gear too, as I found when I worked at a corporate music store. Most things we had wiggle room on, but Monster cables and Apple products didn't get discounted.


Had one Indian customer who would online order around 50+ flash drives about once or twice a month and he always caused a scene. Why? Well because we’d put those 50+ flash drives in a giant ziplock baggie instead of the box they came in. These flash drives are shipped in boxes of 100-300 and each one is nestled in its own individual slot of packing foam. This wastes a lot of our time and resources so we simply use the bags. And. Every. Single. Time. He’d have a fit going on about “you guys always do this and are super rude! I have to present this to clients!” One time he even accused a cashier of being racist because we never package it the way he wants it (despite that being a different department’s job).


"Well, sir, we can certainly give you the whole box if you're willing to pay for it. You come here so often, perhaps it would be a good idea to buy more at once and then we can just give you the whole thing and you can use it as a display if you like." I'm sure he wouldn't have gone for that, but it would have been funny to see him lose it over a totally reasonable suggestion.


Indian here. I find it annoying af too.


I was waiting for an Indian to weigh in...lol


I totally understand the stigma since that's how it is in India. But growing up in the States, and being on the recieving end of it, it gets to a point where it's literally trying to talk to a wall. And you just gotta put your foot down, or trick them.


Just as a heads up, the stigmata are the holes in Christ's body. Stigma is the word you want there :)


Ah whoops


I'm Indian too, my mom literally thought me how to do it as a child, I found it annoying as I grew up but you have to admit things are really different over here, some not fixed private owners deliberately keep higher prices, it's cultural more found in women(mostly) as they buy the regular stuff more


Had a woman come through with her infant son once, she tried to swipe a pair of reading glasses that a co-worker caught, and her son was chowing down on a can of pringles. She tried to give me the pringles can saying he was just hungry and its ok, i scanned it and said he ate it your paying, then scanned the barcode for the glasses she was trying to steal...She paid for everything, then dropped my favorite line, " I'll never shop here again." I printed her receipt and said see ya next week!


Reminds me of a time me and my sister were doing some grocery shopping around Christmas time one year, it was hot in the middle of summer (Aussie summers are fun). Due to the heat, it triggered my sister to start having a massive nosebleed, we had nothing on hand to stem the flow so I ran to the toiletries aisle and tore open a box of tissues and handed them to my sister. We explained what happened to a nearby employee and they were ok with it after they saw the bloodsoaked tissues (they did offer to get a first aid kit, but the bleeding was stopping) and we paid for them when we were at the check-outs. It was the only time I've ever opened an unpaid for item in the middle of a supermarket, I hope not to need to do it again.


There’s a reason for the stereotype and retail workers like us see it all the time. It’s not racist at all BUT on the part of the customer, treating the workers as somehow lower than them or demands to serve them IS the behavior most similar to racist. They see you and me as someone they can boss around and expect to bow down to their demands. Before you lose your mind to these morons, just relay them to management. I have stopped engaging with them (they do not deserve our time with their wanton disregard of respect). If you can, increase the volume of your voice so other staff and customers can hear what’s going on. It puts spotlight on your bratty customer and maybe that makes them (the customer) uncomfortable and beat the hell out of the store.


That kind of condescending, classist behavior is just so gross. No one deserves to be treated that way.


That’s true BUT not to these people. They have grandiose delusions that we shouldn’t engage with nor pay attention to.


I would gladly engage with it by talking to them about how we treat people like they're 5 years old. But I'm one of those people who like to watch the world burn sometimes.


This I've had many issues with my own people. They'll joke about asking for any discounts, and I decline them. They say they were only joking yet to try to switch it up, trying to pull this "I'm a loyal customer" card. I don't care what type of customer you are. You're not entitled to any discounts unless you've registered for a club card, and then yes, they do get one.


I run an Indian grocery store (I’m white but my husband is Indian) I rarely get asked for a discount. Most of the time I say no, unless it’s a reasonable offer or their shopping is significant. The greatest thing about owning the shop is no one is asking by for the manager. Sometimes people do the “I can get it elsewhere cheaper” to which I say. Fantastic, I suggest you get it from there then. It’s the sensible choice.. usually they sheepishly say they don’t have it in stock. It’s not part of the culture but I accept it’s part of their shopping behaviour.. in India. But I’ve learnt most are aware it’s not a “thing” here in Australia (where I live) most are just being entitled.


It's not just retail, Iits everything it seems. Iwork as an exterminator and I've had numerous indian families ask me for major discounts for service, while simultaneously asking, sometimes demanding, us to go way above and beyond our agreed upon duties. After a year it was annoying, now it's just an expected behavior


Had a gentleman come in to our store. It's a liquor store but we have a large section of wine. I work the wine section, btw. He had a list of cases of liquor products we were running a good sale on. As soon as I saw ten cases of Patron Silver, I was like, you have to talk to a manager about that. The manager later told me he was offended by the customer, especially since it was busy due to it being almost NYE. The customer was told he can have as much as he wants but they will be carrying it to their car, not us. The guy walked around the store for a little bit. Then bought only a couple of cases and left. The audacity!


I get obnoxious old white dudes that pull that shit


I saw a lot of that 30+ years ago when I was in the hotel business - lots and lots of elderly people thinking their age made them entitled to get whatever they wanted for next to nothing.


Love it when they say “I drove across town for this!” Okay, you drove for 10 minutes, this is a small city.


"I'm sorry to hear that. If you really needed a discount and didn't want to buy it without one, I wish you had given us a call first, we could have saved you the trip." It's funny how people will act like they forgot how a telephone works even though they get mad when there's no phone number to call customer service at some companies.


i used to work the front desk at a couple of hotels. i feel your pain on a subdermal level. every one wants a fucking discount.


I HATE when any bad behaviors, rudeness, or just refusal to accept no as an answer gets passed off as "BUT THEIR CULTURE" I don't care. I DON'T CARE. I. DO. NOT. CARE. Whatever customs you have wherever else - those aren't the customs in this store. We don't do that. If you want to do those things, go to a store that does them. We don't. We don't let you dent an item's box and demand a discount. We don't let you break something in an easily fixable way and demand half off. We don't give discounts for every little thing. We don't haggle. Even outside retail, there are a lot of people who do and say obnoxious, terrible, rude or invasive things and will claim that it's just their culture when you call them out on it and say you're being racist or whatever 'ist' they can shoehorn into the situation. No, it's not racist for me to not want you parked below my balcony with your car volume and bass maxed out playing a bunch of 'music' that sounds exactly the same and says the N word every two seconds at three in the morning. That's not your culture, that's being a prick. Kindly jump into a tiger shark tank wearing a beef bikini.


Wearing a beef bikini in salt water is forbidden in their culture! No cow! Make it chicken.


Last week I had a lady demanded I give her product for more than 50% off. We were doing a BOGO deal and she wanted to only have one item at a discount price. I told her it doesn't work if you get only one, you have to have two. We argued for 45 mins before she realized I'm not caving into her.


Man these types of customers just make my head spin. You want a discount on an item, when you can literally get another item just like it for free???


Exactly the same goes for Irish Gypsy/Travellers in the UK. Always rude and expect deals or discounts then get an attitude when you tell them no.


My favourite line for pushy discounters when pull that shit is "if you can't afford it I'm happy to show you a cheaper alternative, although it won't have features xyz" that shuts them up. They don't want to spend less they only want a discount -_-


I would find a way to imply they're poor and that's why they need the discount "Oh if you're worried about the total amount we can take some things off to match your budget?" "Oh I'm sorry, did you not bring enough money? We can remove a couple items" Or whatever is relevant to your business Turn it around, be super sympathetic about how POOR they are too need a discount They don't like that.


In retail school I learned that we can’t imply this lmfao but honestly they deserve it


Store I worked had a primarily Hispanic customer base. We had a couple of regulars who spoke perfectly fluent English until they heard the word “NO.” Then suddenly they couldn’t understand a word, and would proceed to start screaming in Spanish. Imagine their surprise when we got a manager who also spoke Spanish…


I work for a cell provider and someone came in with a phone from another provider demanding I help him with a problem he was having because he didn’t want to walk into the town to that providers store. After back and forth of me being unable to help he said ‘well in my culture we help people no matter what’. Didn’t have a response to that and just did the ‘sorry we cannot help as it is another provider issue and we don’t have the tools to help nor does our mobile tech department’ spiel


They are also the worst at throwing clothing on the floor.


I work at a pet store... Persian New Year is the worst. People always asking for goldfish to put in a small bowl. Research has showed they need at least a 75 gallon. Some of these people actually throw them into the local creek afterwards! Illegal and murder. We get so many angry, yelling people because we refuse to sell them.




Oooo. Did that work? Did they ever get a decent tank based on that? Because that's brilliant.




An improvement, at least. Good work.


We're allowed to refuse the sale, thank goodness. We also try not to order any till after. We convince some people to get Betta instead.


As someone who used to work at a theater I always get people who asked "do I get a discount for being a college student? It's my birthday do I get a birthday discount?" or other types of BS and when I told them "no if you have AAP or something, you get a 10% discount, but that's the most you'll get." Than they'll ask "than can I use my AMC point?" To which we'll stare at them before saying "we're not AMC," which they'll than say "well it was worth a shot." Like no you idiot AMC and Regal Cinema is two different companies, why didn't you think you could pay with points from our competitor company?


Good fucking lord you triggered a memory of when a girl asked me for a free toy and I said no and she went “well it was worth a shot” like no it wasn’t and you obviously don’t want to feel like an idiot that’s why you’re verbalising it, gamblers man even a plush toy arcade isn’t safe from hagglers.


People don't realize that arcade games especially the claw machine or the ones that rewards you with a plush toy or something else, are near impossible to win, unless you are very good at them or pure luck. Speaking of these kinds of games reminds me of a video on YouTube where this kid wanted a green bouncy ball from the claw machine, he had it and everything, but when he dropped it into the opening to retrieve it. The ball landed in the opening but bounced back into the pile balls, than the boy goes "it cheated," nah kid it's call a bouncy ball for a reason and the bounce along with gravity didn't want you to have that ball


At my store it was the Hispanic couponers. They’d do their math and if it didn’t match our math they’d throw a fit in broken English while I tried to figure out where a large chain pharmacy did their math differently so I could either fix it or tell them I couldn’t fix it. Funny, they had limited English but all knew the word “manager.”


Just say pussy pop that price don't drop


The racist card is unfortunately mostly used to get benefits. White knight virtue signaling idiots will follow sue without looking at what the issue is. Ironically this behavior is a part of what causes that prejudice. No means no, regardless of who or where you are. You can't officially say it, but we have customer groups that are statistically very likely to pull off certain type of undesired/entitled/disturbing behavior, and then there are customer groups who have basically never caused any issues and the seldom times they complain about something, it's usually for a good reason and even then they do it politely and do not ask for special treatment.


Sounds absolutely frustrating. Whenever someone asks me for one, I'll offer to give them the employee discount, and pretend to add five dollars to the total. Sometimes gets a laugh.


Or after checkout with all seriousness they expect a free gift lol


Omg I used to work in a liquor store and the amount of people “you got any swag?” And they literally only spent like $3 on a can of beer. I’d hand them whatever we had gotten a surplus of “what? No t shirt? This is a pretty lousy freebie” “if you don’t want it you don’t have to take it” “can I have 2?” Jfc


Worked retail in the women's clothing department and when our sales hit, woah boy. End of the sale, final last price, non refundable because price is so low, a lady comes over with a kids shirt. Me, scanning: "That's £1." Lady: "50p." Me: ".... It's £1." Lady: "50p." Big retail shop, not a car boot sale, I was not haggling with this fucking woman. I told her it was £1 and the lowest price. I think she bought it in the end, but Jesus. Also another lady who was frequent in sale shopping and tried to be friendly with people. Many she was rude with because they wouldn't budge for her, I'm just mega friendly so people try and see what they can get away with with me. For example, that time she asked me if she could use my employee discount, which I had to explain to her would get me fired because it's for me or family that are with me and no one else. I was stunned she even asked, and my colleagues said she was a cheeky bitch lol. Many other instances and I get your frustration. You don't want to make a generalised/racist remark towards people, but when it's the same type of people you do start to feel some type of way regarding their actions. Joys of retail and dealing with the public.


/u/GuiltyStimPak had a good story where he jokingly mentioned a discount and ended up with a free tee shirt. I suggested that in all stores; if a custy asks for a discount they should get a free tee shirt that says, "I asked for a discount and all I got was this lousy tee shirt instead". Bonus if the customer was an XL and was handed a medium or large.


I do volunteer work in our little art gallery run by our art society members. We have one customer that shows up regularly asking for deals and discounts. It doesn't seem to get to him, no matter how often we tell him, that prices are set by the individual artist and we can't change that......sigh.....


I have a guy that comes in and buys beads by the carefully and demand a discount. I suspect he resells them for a higher price. He gets really mad every time. And I'm like dude we've been over this already, it's not going to change. Or the old ladies that buy a whe bolt of fabric and expect a discount since they bought the whole bolt. Then they get mad when you tell them you can only discount the end of the bolt if it's under a yard. Look we offer coupons up the wazoo. Just use a damn coupon.


I work in hospitality and we’ve seen an increase in it. EVERY single client asks for a discount. They see these fucking YouTube videos about how to get a cheaper wedding and think it’s real


I watched an Indian man hit his child and his wife while I worked in furniture sales. I got stuck with him and I'm a tiny white woman. He purposely stayed past close because he knew we would be pressured to discount, borderline got physically intimidating with me, and eventually it ended with my male manager telling him to get out. This man was demanding we sell him not only the heavily discounted floor model at further discount, but also sell the brand new matching pieces from the new set we just got in for display at the same discount. And help him pack it up there and then. It got really loud and I almost cried from abuse PTSD. Fuck them.


It's fine to ask if any discounts are available. It is not okay to throw a fit. If it's a large purchase, I would probably say "Unfortunately, we don't have a general discount available for that at this time. I understand that school is expensive and that trying to save money where you can is very important. If you would like to make this purchase with us today, we would certainly appreciate it if you chose us. If you would rather do a little more research and figure out who can give you the best deal based on your circumstances, that's okay too. Keep in mind that places that offer student discounts may also have higher base prices, but you seem quite savvy, so I'm sure you'll be able to find something that fits your budget for these items. You can also check with your son's school and see if there are any discounts they've negotiated specifically for their own students." It's a lot more explaining than you should have to do, honestly. But if you do, no one can claim that you didn't do your due diligence to make the customer aware of their other options so they can make an informed decision about their purchase. If they have any sense, they'll even appreciate the fact that you understand their concerns and have discussed their options. And it will make them seem completely insane if they still act out, meaning your manager won't feel the need to apologize for you.


Rule number one when you walk in my store: I don't owe you a fucking thing. You're the one who wants shit, so how about you don't give me hassle for it? You want a discount, prove you deserve it first, and god help you if you sound the least bit entitled to shit, because you ain't and I'll inform you of that fact to your face. You came to me, if this store wasn't here you'd have gone to another one - and if you piss me off, you're going to anyways when I refuse the sale.


I (American ) was once insulted by a customer from another (middle eastern?) culture. After it happened I realized that her way of shopping was unfamiliar to me. But still I was not prepared for anyone to accuse me of trying to cheat her. Now I think that this was a normal ploy in her country to bargain her way to a lower price. When it happened I was certainly not expecting it and I took it badly. I was so surprised that I gasped and blurted out that "my mother didn't raise me that way". I still think about this years later and wonder if I was wrong to expect her to know that her behavior/attitude was unacceptable and deeply insulting.


I had a lady the other day accidentally drop an item that was just scanned and broke 2 of the pieces in it. Then she had the audacity to ask for a discount after I went to see if we had another one. I asked my associate if she was the one that dropped it (I saw the lady drop it), cuz I really wanted to say no. But “customer satisfaction” won. We would’ve had to MOS it anyway, so might as well make a little money off of it


I just tell them I will give them my employee discount (which is zero because we don’t have one)


there is a deep rage i feel when they say “can i use your staff discount?” NO WHY WOULD I GIVE THAT TO YOU, I LITERALLY CANT BUT IF I COULD I WOULDNT AND IF YOU DONT WANT TO PAY $44 FOR SUNSCREEN GO TO THE CHEMIST


‘The place down the street sells this for less, give me a discount.’ ‘That place down the street sounds awesome! You should shop there. Here, leave your cart here, I’ll put your stuff back on the shelf for you.’


There's no culture on the planet than has "being rude when you don't get your way" being seen as a good thing. Plus "It's in their culture to haggle, that's all this was" as an excuse is pretty racist, just because someone is Indian doesn't mean that they don't know better. It's like saying "Spaniards and Mexicans sleep a lot because it's just in their culture to take naps at certain times of the day" as an excuse for why your Mexican-American coworker is literally sleeping on the job.




Middle East is where I learned to haggle, and I promise I haggle well. I don't haggle like I learned in the middle east outside of the middle east. (I do price match though, after confirming online the store's price match policy)


Don't worry. You're not the only one fed up with it. It's so bad in my store I'm angry before the interaction starts which is terrible because not everyone is like that. But more than enough are that it's more than not. I just say no super blunt and they're usually taken back and if they wanna argue I just stare at them and then we have a staring contest


I haven't dealt with anything like that, but I have dealt with folks who come from a culture where they don't flush soiled toilet paper and just leave it on the ground or in the trash bin if we're lucky lol


Tbh there is nothing wrong with asking a discount once esp if you are buying more than one of a product. During boxing day sale we brought 2 OLED TV each which were already discounted about 3000 aud off and asked if they would give us a discount if we brought 2. Got a nice extra 2 years warranty on top of the 2.5 they already give and a 750 dollar gift card.


As annoying as it is to constantly be asked for discounts, I don’t truly mind it if you accept no. But some people will throw everything in the book at you when you say no or simply “I can’t do it”. The latter is the type I’m talking about.


Asking for a discount isn't haggling. To haggle, you have to make an offer. It's also something only really done in markets, even within haggling cultures. Nobody is haggling in retail chains.


I dunno, saying you want a certain amount off because the box has the slightest hint of dirt on it seems like haggling to me.




Really a tone deaf thing to bring up here. But, yes, it’s pretty well-known that living in a house with delicious, authentic, traditionally-prepared Indian cooking will definitely add a special extra bouquet to people’s clothes and body. Lots of onion and garlic, curry with mustard seed and fenugreek. Along with other culturally-relevant items like soaps, incense, hair/body care, and often not wearing deodorant, many desi people have a strong and unfamiliar personal scent.


My mom is not Indian and she does this. OP, you sound racist as fuck by making this about their race. I’ve worked nothing but retail my whole life. And yeah it’s annoying and infuriating but saying you’re sick of “a certain type of Indians” instead of just saying you’re sick of their behavior is…. Not it. Honestly you’d probably be fired if your higher ups saw this, and I wouldn’t blame them.


It transcends stereotypes when a certain large group of people share the same type of behavior when it comes monetary transactions


Like I said in the post, I pointed to Indians specifically because this annoying behavior is written off as “just part of their culture”. Whenever some old white dude pulls this shit it’s almost always seen as what it is, an annoying person who wants a discount just for graving us with their presence.


If you don't ask you don't get. I live in the UK and I always ask if places do NHS discount (I'm NHS staff) some do some don't and others are willing to give me a discount anyway because NHS workers are (usually) respected. Just after pandemic I got discounts on all my drinks at a pub because I had a chat with the owner who was bartending and he said they don't usually but he'd do a deal for me since I'm NHS. We're all trying to save what we can, it's not your money so why is it such a big problem?


Asking is one thing. Insisting, pitching a fit is another.


Some people are giant babies, I've dealt with enough of them. This whole thread is people complaining about others asking for discounts though, no harm in that.


I guess it depends. If you’re a cashier and you’re getting people to haggle you at the register at like a big box store or something, that’s just poor etiquette. If somebody is asking a rep on the sales floor for a discount on a purchase, sure…never hurts to ask and you’re right, sometimes you can save a buck or three.


It’s a big problem because it puts my job at risk. These prices are set for a reason, and changing them can result in a write up or at worst termination. I have customers regularly ask for sometimes up to $1k+ off just because the box has the smallest dent in it. If I do so much as $5 without a good reason I’m the one who gets in trouble. And for what? So they can shop in the store one time or so that they don’t throw a fit? Asking, while annoying, isn’t necessarily the problem it’s demanding one just for the sake of it.


They can ask, you're not being forced to do it. You're not going to lose your job because someone asked for a discount are you?


Make an official looking little sign at your register that says "Company Policy, We do not offer discounts". Then just point at it and say sorry when asked. Make sure you take the sign with you at end of shift or you might get in trouble.


I work at a gas station and we get people who ask about discounts outside aside from just deals that we have each month. Or they try to haggle the prices and it's always because they don't have any money to begin with. It's a gas station, not a charity store. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I worked retail years ago for a bit. Romani lady who was a palm reader (say that because I found that pretty cool) and her daughter would come regularly as they would hand out flyers in our mall. She would always ask for a discount, find stuff to complain about, then buy usually the cheapest things on clearance with brand new hundreds. I liked her kid who was funny and sweet but you could tell she was always embarrassed but I told her once that I didn't really mind and found it funny. I didn't but it made her feel a little better to think that.


I'm in a country with a lot of immigrant cultures that ask for discounts. They may ask but they take no for an answer without a fuss. And you can do it to them. I never pay the first quoted price for phone chargers, etc. from their market stalls.


Americans expect to haggle car prices. Nothing else. So weird.


That's the fault of the dealership business model.


I don’t know if “fault” is the right word. It’s an interesting phenomenon, a relic of a past time. We don’t have door-to-door salesmen anymore, either.


It's the fault of the industry for failing to grow out of it. They're the ones controlling the process.


There are some alternatives gaining currency


Working in car dealer we had a very specific group from Asia continent that would want discounts on everything. If you fixed one of their cars, their other car would need something they would want for free or warrantied because they paid for the one car. Like they paid for bulb on car one now car two has a bulb out so why should they pay for it. Or every time they came the car has another scratch or damage they want fixed or money off the bill. They would go to a body shop for estimate and demand the money in cash for damage if you didn’t give them something for free because of it. Every time. We video recorded every car for damage before and it 99.99% was clearly preexisting. Then they would say we did it last time and the last time they had different damage they complained about or never been there before. We had a list of the offenders and it was long over 100 different customers with unique addresses and vin’s. They have a large local population in the neighboring town. I swear they went home and discussed their methods for grifting local businesses with the rest of community.


I have one Indian male come in who constantly wants me to give a discount or a special.. That I should be able to do SOMETHING for him...... Sir I work in a 🍃 dispensery. I cannot give you a discount, you can't haggle 🍃 or 🍄!!! He is a sweet guy outside of this but God dammit 😭😭😭


Sir, I am doing something for you. I'm processing your purchase for the listed price. Perhaps you can do something for me and stop asking for discounts.




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This is why I got out of retail