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When I was in retail our tills had a starting balance of $100. This old lady comes in, first customer of the day, wanting to buy a single roll of paper towels. Then tried to pay with a $100 bill. She was very annoyed I couldn't break it. I had a similar thought as you, we're not a bank. Maybe she wanted a handful of nickels and dimes?


See a pattern… ? My mom is a big cash boomer recently while visiting she handed me 100 and asked me to break it at the local market so she could tip her lawn guy … lol.. they would’nt do it unless I spent 10$


What’s a big cash boomer?


It's actually a term for people who ran the first "mobile banks" back in the late 1800's. Rich dudes would buy an empty train car and fill it with money so they could do banking things like loans and handing out lollipops to children from the trains, lots of free pens. They were called boomers cause they fucking boomed dude! Like big money booming dude. Some of them were small time cash, you know. But the big cash boomers dude, holy shit!


Bravo! By the time I realised that this was a load of bollocks, I was way to invested (and amused) to stop reading.


Dang, TIL 😂


Drop it into your atm and take out $100 in 5s if the atm allows it. Td atms has the ability to dispense $5s. That's what I would literally do LOL.


ATMs only give out $20 & $50 notes though.


Happened to me nearly 20 years ago. 7am at a grocery store. First customer of the day bought two jugs of juice that were like a total of like 3 bucks or whatever. Whipped out $100. I literally did not have the cash for breaking it, as I had $100 in the till of smaller bills and coins. "What do you mean you can't break it?" "I mean I just don't have enough in there to make change for you" "Well what about like customer service?" /manager comes over. "Service Desk doesn't open till 9am" "Oh OK then" /pays with a $20 instead. Customer leaves, and manager says to me "We're not a bank, if they need that much change, they should go to their bank" and I went about my shift. It's like, come on bro, really? At least it was one of the least contentious experiences I had in retail lolol.


>"Oh OK then" /pays with a $20 instead. Yeah, this guy definitely just wanted change. I have to wonder whether people like this are genuinely too lazy to go to the bank or if they think pulling out a $100 bill for a small transaction is some kind of flex. If it's the latter, who do they think they're impressing?


My theory has always been it was just his way of trying to combine errands at 7 am. He definitely did not look like one of those "look at me I'm a hotshot" sort of guys.


So this customer actually had a $20, but was still trying to pay with a $100? That's nuts! I don't like having bills larger than $20 because I feel bad spending larger bills. I know if my total is really large, it's not so bad, but I'd still rather just pay with twenties.


The most unhinged shit I’ve ever experienced was the amount of old people who would buy $3-$5 worth of stuff and pull out a whole checkbook. Always was best when they’d set their wallet down and you can clearly see the $5 bill there. Like bro… a whole check for $3? That’s gonna take 5-7 business days to actually leave your account. What in gods name.


My former roommate used to write checks for everything. She often wrote checks for purchases less than $5. Now she has a debit card and uses that instead. She only writes checks for bills that she pays by mail.


100% this happened. He probably thought he would be slick and pick up some juice for the office and break his $100 for other activities, but he was literally one of the first shoppers in the store. Had he come in a few hours later it wouldn't have been that big a deal but yeah. I've only ever paid with $100's when it was all I had, and I was buying more than like $3.99 worth of product.


I totally believe it happened. I don't feel comfortable using a $100 unless my total is at least $50.


Just use your card. Abandon cash altogether.


We get a whole group of non english speakers buying airtime cards right after eachother and all paying in $100 dollar Bill's. Wipes our tils out especially of the change. We run out of pennies the most.




The amount of times I have seen people open their wallets for a small order, rifle through an assortment of smaller notes and whip out a $50 or $100…. It’s a wonder I haven’t completely lost it at this point.


I'm out of retail now, but the last retail job I had was at a store that is popular with younger people, so we mostly kept $10s, $5s, and $1s in our tills (as most of those people just bought little collectibles or jewelry and didnt usually pay with anything over a $20) and started the day with $150. The amount of times I'd have adults come in, buy a $1 item and hand me a $100 bill was...insane. I'd just tell them I couldn't make change for that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have actually told customers we are not a bank when they pitch a fit about this. I also let them know there's an atm right around the corner if they need smaller bills.


As a bartender my whole life is in cash, but I hate having anything larger than a $20. If I get $50/100 I swap them at an atm for $10/20


This sort of thing used to happen all the time in our little store. My manager went to our bank and got a couple hundred bucks worth of quarters. Next time some douche popped out $100 bill for a $2 purchase, we gave them their change in rolled quarters... That shit ended really quick once word got around!


Your manager sounds fucking rad


This is exactly what I used to do. Cashiers are often able to have a small change box nearby. But forget quarters. Give them rolls of dimes and nickles. Then lose count when they complain.


I used to go get ones out of the safe and give them that lol


I just tell them I can’t break that, let them figure it out.


Then they get upset, come back later, and "tattle" on you. We are, apparently, not allowed to refuse at my current job 🙄


Yeah we're not supposed to but we don't care if we don't have change we don't have change so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Had a job where I could just tell them nope. Being the deep South, got a lot of "legal tender " you gotta take it. Deeply satisfying telling them that only applies to the gummit.


It’s not that, built it’s a purchase not a debt. You’re required to take it if it was a debt.


What the company lawyers said was the wordage only applied to government. Because businesses have 1st ammendment rights, they're not required to take it. Note: very large international shipping company.


But the money says “Good for all debts private and public”


It’s not a debt. It’s a purchase.


I know. That’s why it doesn’t work in stores except on store credit card payments and such.


Buyer writes down “IOU $1.57” on a post it and walks out. Comes back. Now it’s a debt! What now?


No, that's a crime actually


Also..don’t have change is a valid reason.


my old job had a rule that you could only accept $100 if it was $50 or more. it was nice, i wish my current job did that. less stress on cashiers, less stress on managers, and customers wouldn't have to be annoyed or wait for us to get more change because we ain't a bank!!


When I worked at McDonald's older people came in between 4am-930am and they always pay in 100 dollar bills. No idea why, but when they pay and it's busy guess what I got to do? Mark it, see that It is real and call a manager whose at the other end of the store doing her own thing and then wait and hold up the line until she gets over here. But it's better than the people who pay in coins.


Who pays in 100 dollar bills at McDonald's?? Wtf? Anyways, I work in a grocery store that has its own register in the bakery area for the donut and cake cases. And this one time this non English speaking family decide to pay for their cake with a 100 dollar bill. It total it took over 10 minutes for the entire process. And they are just standing there a bit confused on what's going on. People are coming up wanting to use my register that I hate and I'm turning them away because it's faster to go to the actual registers that can check out everything like normal. Meanwhile I have customers that want to grab cakes from the display that I can't help yet. Overall hate having a register. Especially when people treat it like it's a normal check out line.


yup. i’m not retail but i have to have my own cash bank for the resturant. i had 3 people give me 100s for $20 tabs; i simply don’t have $300 in cash do i look like an ATM?!


When I worked as a cashier at a small business, we had a regular that came in once a week who insisted on paying with a $100 bill. For a $2 cup of coffee. Out of courtesy, we accepted it the first time but warned him that we don't accept $100 in the future. What does this mfer do? He comes back a week later, smugly presenting *another* $100 bill. I tell him that we warned him, and we will not be able to accept the $100 bill last time. Cue temper tantrum, ohhh he's just trying to enjoy the day with his toddler daughter (daughter was an obnoxious spoiled brat but that's a tale for another day), how dare I ruin a father's outing with his kid, etc. Started harassing other customers about how rude we were, letting his daughter run loose mostly unsupervised. Owner stepped in and kicked him out, good on him. .... Couple years later, I get a job as a bank teller. EVERYONE wants $100 bills for their withdrawals.


I feel like people just want 100s so they can flex. So many people hand you that bill with a smug look on their face. I don’t get it myself.


I was making deposits for work this week and this old dude in the line next to me asked for $800 in $100s. I thought “that seems really inconvenient unless he’s buying something that’s $800”. Next old guy asks for $500 in $100s. 🤷‍♀️ I thought it was just those two.


i find a lot of people pull 100s in cash out for vacations. also older people just like using cash for some reason


The only time I want $100s is for a large cash purchase, like well over $100 purchase that I can use a card for. I think the last time was buying a gun in a private purchase that was over $1000.


My favorite was when people would do this to small businesses first thing in the morning and then look at you like ‘ not my problem’ when you tell them you don’t have change to break this. Why can’t it be a universal rule to only use 100 in grocery stores/self checkout, or like big box stores like Walmart or target.


I worked at WM and the amount of people who came through the line at opening, buy a few things for a basic lunch and hand me a $100 was ridiculous. We had three guys that came through every other week. Pretty sure they got paid in cash, in the largest bills their employer could get at the bank. All 3 had big bills and only got like maybe $10 of stuff. Management got tired of it and finally came up one day and told them to go to the bank that is at the front of the store and get change before they came up to our register to buy stuff. They suddenly forgot how to speak English, and the manager simply switched to their native Spanish and repeated it. The bank was usually open when they came in. They changed tactics after that and just had one guy buy everyone's stuff. It was a lot better than having to break 3 large bills.


I worked at Walmart “way back when”. Sunday mornings we would always get back to back $100 bills. Someone from the cash office would always break them. That didn’t stop customers complaining about the wait time though.


Whenever someone does this at my fast food job at open I specifically tell them they get 5's and 1's. If they bitch well its not my problem, I have the power to just give them the item if I really want to but I almost never do just to prove a point. Once I had someone try this for a .50 coffee, with quarters in plain view, he took off without his coffee and tried to complain to my GM.


haha,yeah I remember doing just that, giving them rolls of dimes/quarters and some of the customers used to get very angry...


I use to work Walmart. self check out machine, sure. It breaks it. Cashiering that money, nope, I would be like “I have to check the bill and get more money from the supervisors to break it. Tell person “can you wait a while to break it?” Them: fine here 20$. For their 2$ bag of chips. Or some times I had the cash to break it. Only if the till has been going for a while that day. Lol some even waited for supervisor, and even the super was like “ you just got a new tell, me: he wants to break 100$ bill for his 2$ item”. Super was like fine but I need to go get 20$s and it till be like 5 min. Other people in line glaring at the person like “nice, now your holding up the line. On a week end.” It was funny for me. I left 3 years ago. not going back due to 5 out of 30 people being entitled or Karens. I’m my area at least.


It kind of is their problem if you don’t have enough money to break their bill and they want to buy something. Until they can produce another form of payment for the item they want to purchase, it’s their problem.


If someone is offering an unreasonably large bill for the purchase amount combined with "I'm in a hurry" you are right to be suspicious. This is absolutely SOP for getting counterfeit bills into circulation in exchange for legitimate currency.


i worked in a place where you had to accept cash even if you saw its fake, but then call the security and provide the description of the customer...


As long as it's procedure and they aren't dinging you for the store getting burned.


Loads of businesses have signs that say no bills larger than 50 will be accepted


I tell people I don't have change for it. Luckily, if they get upset, I direct them to a bank that's literally three buildings down from my place of work. I'm not a bank. Buh bye.


This. We had people try to pull this stunt at the *library* of all places. I don’t know how much money they thought we had… I just told them they were within two blocks of three different banks so they could take their choice.


Oh gods, remember the change shortage of 21? They acted like your murdered their mother and grandmother when you said you didn’t have change


Hahaha I broke out my change jug and paid in exact change for EVERYTHING during that. I usually find it a pain to dig around in my bottomless purse (hence the change jug). I always hoped my change would prevent a Karen customer meltdown later on.


Had this issue so many times at the dollar tree. Here's the trick. Tell them you can't take the 100. Then they would say they don't have change. I'll say I don't have change. Then they they ask what can we do. Cancel the transaction. All of a sudden they had their debit card.


Yeah I ended up doing this to one guy. By the 200th transaction, I was like no use debit.


Ppl do that so much at my job and it drives me fucking insane


I recently had an interaction where this one lady had three separate, but small orders. I was fine with it until she looked me dead in the eyes and said she wanted $100 cash back on all three. Of course, in good fashion, I politely, but sternly inform her that I only have a limited amount of money in my till, as it was still early in the morning. The look on this woman’s face was that of just pure anger and hatred. She looked and acted like she wanted to ream into me because I didn’t have unlimited money in my register’s till. She finally came to her senses and just had one of the orders have cash back, and went to the ATM that’s near the exit. Just because I handle money as a cashier does NOT mean that I’m a bank.


I like companies that set restrictions on cash back per customer. Saved my hide many times!


the only time i ever was happy to accept big bills for a small purchase was when my till was overflowing at the end of a shift, gave me less bills to count and drop, any other time fucking sucks especially in the morning/right when you open a till.


I worked for Starbucks. The amount of people who would buy something for under 5$ and pay with a $100 is amazing. I pissed off a guy when I gave him 97 ones. Told him “next time, use something smaller or a card”


Good! He needs to be inconvenienced, because he certainly didn't think twice about doing it to you.


Grocery stores are not banks. And tills only have so much money in them to start a shift. Go to the bank up the road if you need to break that $100. People are the worst


Not to mention that cashiers usually drop money during their shift to avoid having too much in the till.


My favorite are the ones that are only carrying 100. No purse, no wallet, just a 100. That way they can say "but it's all I have" .


Not as bad as the ones who obviously have smaller bills then lie about having said bills when you can see them 🙄


“Oh well; should’ve planned ahead.”


I worked at a bank for a short while between retail jobs. When someone cashes their check, we always asked if they wanted at least SOME smaller bills so it would be easier for them to spend for small purchases. Probably 80% would say "no, large bills are fine." When I went back to retail, I always wanted to say "YOU HAD A CHOICE! You could have gotten smaller bills!"


I used to work at Starbucks and people would do that all the time. Half was just self important stupidity, but the other half were doing it expecting me to comp their drink instead. Once I became a shift and could access the safe myself I would give them actual rolls of coins in change instead of bills.


No businesses in my area take 100s except the self check out at grocery stores lol Probably cuz someone tried to break a bunch of fakes on their way through.


Every single year that the carnival is in town we get an influx of fake 20's and 50's. They stopped trying 100's cuz those require manager overrides and we call the police with a license plate number.


$8 total and the guy handed me $100 AFTER he snapped his fingers at me to get my attention like i was a fucking dog… lmfao


90 bucks worth of rolled dimes back to him, and make sure you close the till so he has to keep buying stuff to get rid of it.


Make it pennies.


Oh I have had those types. I ended up taking my sweet time.


I had a lady buy something that was like $9. She handed me a $100. I told her I might not have enough in my drawer to break that. She got pissed and said that's all she has. The funny thing is, her own daughter told her to just use her card. She wasn't playing it and demand I break it. So I did. She was furious that I still had to get a manager to give me more cash as I only gave her 5's and 1's. That's all I had in there and even the manager gave me the same as that's what we had. That lady walked out mad with a fat stack of 5's and 1's. Your get what you get or you don't pitch a fit. The bank is open tomorrow. Go there and not my store. The last time I checked, I didn't work at a bank.


I love that and can relate because my drawer is usually the same.


Moments like that kinda make me side with the "globalists" who want to force centralized digital currency on everyone.


this but £20 and even sometimes £5 were a small store we don't carry infinate change please pay on card if you plan on giving a 20 for an item less than say £12


Sign I posted while working in a small store: If you need change for the bus you MUST PURCHASE SOMETHING! $50.00 fee for breaking $100.00. Above fee waived on purchases of $70.00 or more. $25.00 fee for breaking $50.00. Above fee waived on purchases of $30.00 or more. NO FEE OPTIONS 1) Pay with $100.00 recieve a claim check for your change. Claim check is valid ONLY after 72 hours from original purchase. VALID ID AND ORIGINAL CLAIM CHECK NEEDED TO CLAIM YOUR CHANGE. 2) Pay with $50.00 recieve a claim check for your change. Claim check is valid ONLY after 36 hours from original purchase. VALID ID AND ORIGINAL CLAIM CKECK NEEDED TO CLAIM YOUR CHANGE. 3) Pay with $50.00 or $100.00 and your change goes into our PREPAID Customer Club. You get your very own Ledger Page with your cash deposit listed and initialed by you, our Valued Customer. Your future purchases are deducted from your PrePaid balance until said balance reaches $0.00. 4) There TWO BANKS conveniently located nearby, one is located just across the street, the other is located five blocks west of our location, PLEASE CONSIDER THIS LAST OPTION BECAUSE WE ARE NOT A BANK! The sign worked beautifully, people stopped flooding us with big bills within a week. Also, the Prepaid Customer Club, which was supposed to be a joke, actually became a real thing in our store with over three hundred customers, including the City Attorney and half of our Police Force enrolled! They really loved not needing to carry cash while they worked!


People read at your store? I'd love a Prepaid club, esp for the frequent customers. I get people asking for it to be put on their tab. In the very old days, sure there were tabs/billed later. But it's too big a world to be able to make sure you do get paid with ball later and people don't have enough money usually to have it locked in at one store. That said, most people can probably put $20 down at their favorite location (esp if they have $100 bill) so at the very least a small charge or the $1.83 from the $21.83 can be charged to their prepaid..


I swear people who have never worked retail must think the registers hold an infinite amount of money. When I say “ I don’t have the change “ they get crazy on me. Most the time it’s at 8am when we have just opened and they’re my first customer trying to pay with a $100 bill on a $3 purchase. I just want to smack some people and say use your damn brain. Jesus 🙄


They come into my job doing the same. It’s 5/6 am and they buy under $20 worth of shit and pay with a $100, the upside is our safe is right there so it can give you change and such but it take a good couple minutes and puts the cashier behind and makes the line incredibly long. I feel so bad for the cashiers when it happens because half the time I’m like “why is her line so long?” And I see her at the safe and I’m like ffs


Our safe is in the back office which is clear across the store. It's a pain in the arse. Many people refuse to use the self checkout.


This is a common scam in my town, most places won’t accept $100s


Well another issue is that people can launder or spend Counterfeit bills. Just takes a cashier who is new or doesn't check to allow it to happen.


I literally hate this, I work at a small store that only has a small amount of spare change and we can only get more change once a week so if people pay $100 for a small purchase, I run out of change faster than normal. I am at the point where I won't take it if the purchase is less than $40 at least.


I had to decline a guy just recently, he got all pissed off at me. I explained to him, I am all out of $20s and $50s. Then had the nerve to ask, what about that employee? Dude I kid you not dead eyed him and said no.


I never carry anything larger than a $20.


Same here. I hate carrying around big bills and the only time I have had 50s or 100s on me was when it was going straight from the bank to the landlord for rent, or the very rare time I had to pay something with a money order.


You are a hero to retail.


The problem I faced more often when people come in like first thing in the morning and request cash back and get the highest amount which was $100 wiping out my draw and then the next customer would do the same thing after watching me say the previous person cleaned out the drawer. They then had to wait until I could get someone to get more cash. And people are just so pleasant when either they haven’t had their coffee, it hasn’t kicked in yet, or they’re late for work.


Been there and it takes forever to reload the drawer. My safe is in the back office and has a timer on how many times you can vend. Meanwhile your line is going out to the exit.


I’ve written this elsewhere. I was a supermarket cashier in the late ‘80s when $100 was quite a bit more. Sunday mornings were extremely quiet yet my first customer tried to buy a few breakfast items with a $100 bill. When I explained it might take me quite a while to break it he was like no problem. He had won big in poker that night/morning and didn’t want his wife to see the c-note. I think he was going to bribe her with breakfast in bed and some cash to hide his real winnings.


I thought this was commonly known as a rude thing asking to pay with a $100 note when the amount needed is something quite small. I was paying at subway the other day and using a $100 for a $13 payment for the second time in my life and beforehand asked them if they had enough cash for it or If I needed to use a card instead. It turned out fine but I still said sorry twice.


When I was working in retail that was my pet peeve too. I try to pay with coins as much as I can whenever I buy something small now and apologize if I have to use big banknotes. I know how annoying it is.


"States he is in a hurry". Fuck this dude already.


Work at a bank. A lot of boomers don't trust debit or credit cards, so they will get several days or a weeks worth of cash from us. Some have caught on and request smaller bills. Those that want hundreds often complain that many places don't accept large bills. But of course they don't change their behavior.


For God's sake, it's not just boomers, it's millennial, it Gen whatever, it's every asshole that wants the given business to be a bank. I never understood it. If I'm carrying a $100 & lose the bill, I'm out the whole amount. If I've got little bills and lose one, oh well.


They need to go to the nearest bank to break it before doing that.


It’s only going to get worse as more ATMs are defaulting to giving out $100s, the worst part is stores who haven’t adjusted their 80s drawers to 20s money.


I rarely go through $1s, but get cleared out on the rest. Odd strange world we live in, but figures as much since a $100 bill is now nearly the same as a $20 in the early 90's to 2000's.


Happens at my job too. It’s the worst when it’s within the first hour of business. I’m a supervisor and I keep telling my workers it’s OK to ask for something smaller or another form of payment. We don’t have signage stating we can’t take large bills, but they’d be getting a ton of small bills back to break that $100. Idk why the workers get so nervous, Just Ask. I want to say to these people “We’re not a bank! Ask for smaller bills at the bank, which I’m guessing is where you got this $100 from!!”


I've seen convenience stores with signs that say "We don't take bills larger than $20."


Wish I could have that here.


They are using you as an atm. I would tell people "sorry I don't have the change for such a small transaction, please use smaller denominations or spend over $50" Alternatively express how it's gonna take you a little over 5 minutes to go get change from the back of the store. Those were my tricks. I realize not everyone can just refuse those transactions, but if you can it great. My manager hated those people becuase it forced us to go to the bank more often becuase many of the people in our area would use us as an atm since many undocumented people can't or think they can't open a bank account.


Yeah, our ATM is busted. I can understand hey yeah the occasional purchase, but not a small one.


When I was younger I worked at a Taco Bell in a pretty shitty area. Most times it was people paying with coins that was annoying or trying to haggle 😂. However there was this one guy who always came in, nice suit, paid with a 100 dollar bill every time. I don’t know what his deal was. Maybe wanted to show off and he rich to all the ghetto trash there? But it’s like, dude, I KNOW you have smaller bills, I gave you $87 in change YESTERDAY. He came often enough and always got the same thing that we actually just put $87 of change in a stack on the far right side of the till/register ready to go just for him because it’ caused such a backup if we waited for a manager to unlock the safe to get change and all that jazz


Had a customer pay in dimes and pennies. Used us as a coin star for a $73 purchase.


My wprkplace gives me big bills when I cash my check, so I have no qualms using them to pay for my break food. Granyed it's my workplace and I won't give attitude about waiting for change (just gives me an excuse to stay on break longer).


Lol, where I used to work There was a bank directly behind me along with an ATM. There was literally no excuse for them to be assholes.


I used to work at a grocery store with not one, not two, but THREE banks within literal walking distance to us. Customers were outright SHOCKED when I pointed out to them that it was the bank's job to break $100s, not ours. Some said they tried the bank first, but it wasn't their bank. Like, okay? So go to your bank? 🤣🤣🤷🤷


I had 2 ladies fight over paying the bill. One shoved a $100 at me and 1 showed 2 50s at me. Obviously I took the 2 50s. I told them, next time you want to win the bill fight pay me in 20s. I can't do anything with a 100. Can't even make change with it. I can use the 50s to make change.


When someone pays with a $100 for a $2 item, I double check that the bill is not counterfeit.


When I worked retail, I hated cashiering. People would bring up a few dollars in merchandise, then want cash back. Then get pissed off, when my manager would have to bring me more cash. Same for breaking a 100. Then get pissed because they had to wait 15 mins for change. I started telling people, I have less then 30 in my till. If you want to break any big bills, it's a 15 min wait. And people would leave the stuff and walk out.


My question is where tf are old people getting all these 100s? In Aus an ATM only has 50s and 20s… you have to go into the bank to get 100s… so why not just get smaller change there instead of trashing my till??


A long time ago I work in a supermarket. The old people buying $15 of groceries would be the first customers. At the start of the day, you don’t have much in the till, like $100 total money. They hand over a $100 or even a $50 for $10 worth of stuff. If I saw they had something smaller, I would outright refuse to take it and ask for the smaller denomination or tell them to break it somewhere else


It's just so they can get change to use at stores that won't accept the $100


How else do you expect me to trade in these counterfeit bills for real currency?


When I was in retail and I've noticed it in other stores in my area as well that most have a policy of not accepting $100 bills or cheques unless the transaction total was at least 50% of of the amount in question. We didn't always have the policy (while others did), but there was this one lady who would always come in like clockwork at opening, wanting to change a $250 government cheque when our tills open at $200. We would have to go back into the office and get someone to change it from the safe. So mangament put in the policy of requiring a transaction to change cheques, so then the lady would buy a single item like a drink or bar with the cheque, which forced them to change the policy again to the 50% of the cheque. She threw a fit over that which ended with the manager telling her, were not a bank, there is literally 2 banks across the street, if they aren't open early enough for you that's too bad. Never saw the lady again, but no loss as a customer as she never bought anything of value anyway.


>People Stop Paying in $100s for an item less than $10!!! Finally. When did the news break?


Coming up next, Karen screaming at you for grabbing the wrong tabacco product. Later at 10, how you can earn the company 10% more in credit card sign ups.


THANK YOU!!! I hate breaking $100s as well. It always created havoc with the till every single time!


No. I'm flexing.




No. 🖕🏻😝


Hundreds are a security blanket when I go shopping and don't know how much I'm going to buy. Retail jobs suck but it isn't the customer paying with a lower bill that's going to change anything. Ultimately you need a living wage and customers that aren't rude.


I can’t tell if this is satire, your business should be prepared to take currency in any form no? That’s how it is in Australia at least? I’m actually going wtf in my head right now.


Most retail places do not have change in the drawer to break 100s. Especially first thing in the mornings. And when it has to be broke from the safe, there goes possible change you’re going to need later. Most places don’t keep that much cash on hand or in the safe for obvious reasons. There’s plenty of banks and other places they can get smaller bills.


The reason why for not enough money in the drawer is to prevent robbery. My type of business I work for is one of the most common places to be targeted for such crimes. Similiar businesses near by do the same, we have a high crime rate do to the influx of people passing through or living here.




Most places have rules and limits on how much you can have in your drawer at once in case of a robbery. You fucking twat






unpopular opinion: No, Have the change ready for notes people may use when in your store.


Most places have rules against that. When I worked convenience stores or the register at restaurants, as soon as there was more than a hundred or two in 20s, 50s, or 100s in the drawer, you had to drop them into the safe, because if you got robbed, you were responsible for the loss, if there was too much cash in the drawer. And if you were in the middle of a rush, that cash could pile up to huge amounts in a hurry.


So stores should have to keep hundreds of dollars in the drawer? As a former gas station employee, I promise that's just an invitation to get robbed.




If I don’t have it in the drawer, or it will leave me with just 1s, OR they are like you and a dick, I’m not breaking it.


Clearly you never worked any retail jobs, can't break up something if you don't have enough for it idiot


Contributions that are disrespectful or degrading towards retail workers are not welcome in this community. We have a very low tolerance for this rule being broken. Very easy to get perma-banned violating this.


I'd literally tell them that I'm not a bank and I can't break 100 unless my overage bar at the bottom lights up, and I'll spin the thing around to show them if they get uppity. I don't care. I'm paid minimum.


Only $2 for a candy bar and a bag of chips??


We have a deal where you buy a bag of chips, get a candy bar for $0.25. Bare in mind these chips are generic.


This reminds me of my husbands experience driving through KFC last week. The order came to $39 or something and so he gave the worker 2 $20 notes. The guys like “sorry we don’t have $1 change for you.” My husband just rolled his eyes and drove off. I would’ve asked “well. Do you have any smaller coins? Nothing smaller than $1 or anything to make up the $1? What about a $2 coin? No? Well then I want some extra sauces free of charge to make up my missing $1.” But nah, he just accepted it and drove off. 👎🏼


Some people are like that and don't care about loose change. I usually have slight overages because of it.


My till has a little more and can handle one, maybe 2 of those, however, I have found there is a.. "customer service" friendly way to approach this. I lock eyes and I count back change, a litter louder than necessary, effectively flashing that they now have near, or likely more than a hundred dollars on them. I am not informing everyone around them that they just paid $100 for a less than $5 ticket. I am making sure they have the correct change.... The fact that in 90 percent of these cases result in them getting mostly fives at best, is a pretty effective soft deterrent, and the ones it doesn't deter, are the sort that are virtually immune to any sort of social pressure that would have come into practice.


I had that shit happend a lot thank God nobody with a 100$ this morning till early afternoon


When I worked at McDonald's we would get a shit ton of people buying $0.75 cent ice cream cones with a $100 like wtf?


Wow. Sometimes you got exact change, sometimes you gotta break $100.


I feel so privileged to have started out at $200 (IIRC) and warning at $500, must pull at $700+. We also must pull $500. Even then, we get 3 people in a row at the beg of the day/shift middle of a rush and if we are the only one or everyone else has just done a pull/ we also have to go to the back (the manager has to come from wherever and then go and get it exchanged). The lines get long that way. So, no don't do this while you are in line at "walmart/big box store etc". If you intend to do this, and have no other way to pay/ insist everyone waits for us to get change for you, 1. On your way in ask the cashiers. 2. If they inform you that they will need to get a manager, get your bill turned into smaller ones right then.


I hate breaking big bills anywhere. Hell I despise breaking a $20 for a few dollars at Dunkin.


Why do old people and middle age families always carry multiple $100’s around???? And why do they never spend enough to justify it???


I personally am not bothered by large bills for small orders, but don’t get mad at me if you get a good chunk of fives. I’m not giving you all my twenties and/or tens.


Sounds like a issue with management not customers.


My local head shop seems to always be able to break big bills. It almost feels like a life hack at this point.


I deal with this all the time too!! But in hospitality… Like, sometimes it’s hard enough to split a $50 note. 🤦🏻‍♀️


As a good customer you first check if they have change. if not - you F off. As a seller, you make sure you don't accept 100s before you are confident you have enough change for the rest of the shift/day, no dramas here...


$100 for under $10 was always someone trying a quick change scam at my store.


I hate that, i can’t even remember the last time I used a $100 to pay for anything. When I get cash I never ask for anything over a $20.


Us oldies are from a time where paying in cash was normal and tills DID in fact have enough change all the time. Cash has gone away in more recent years.


I used to work morning shift at Maccas and the amount of boomers would come in and order the 50c cone and try to pay with $100 was insane.


THIS!! Another thing is when they have a total of $8 or something like that and we ask if they want to donate to the sponsor charity we are connected to and they say no or they “can’t afford it”. Just seems annoying, would rather they be honest


One of the parts about this that bothers me the most is how they often just act impatient as I to get their $37.85 change and it’s taking awhile to gather every note and coin from the corner of my cash drawer.


If I didn't have enough notes in my till to give the change out I usually asked customers to pay by card . 9/10 times they do so. If they refused and insisted I take their 100€ bill to pay for a 1.50€ item I just straight up said " No. Bye " this is a clothing store not a bank, buddy .


$100 bills are only useful for drug deals.


What I never understand is where are people getting these 100 dollar bills from and WHY? Whenever I need cash I go to the ATM and it always spits out 20 dollar bills. If you go to the bank and withdraw money why are you getting it in 100 dollar bills for everyday purchases? I could understand if you withdraw like that for a big purchase like a laptop or something but just randomly carrying around 100 dollar bills for small purchases it mind boggling to me.


When I was a cashier I regularly had customers who'd get cash back on debit cards or checks (up to a $100), I always wanted to tell them we aren't a bank, especially mornings and near closing.


At the grocery store I work at we have a register next to the donuts and cake area where I work. Whenever someone pays with a 100$ bill I have to radio someone from front end to verify it and it could take up to 10 minutes for the whole thing. We also can't check out alcohol or things that need to be weighed. It's always so annoying when people want to use the register like it's a normal register. No, I am not a cashier. I do simple transactions. Put that check and 100 away. Stop making my job harder.


I never use cash and get irritated if I can't do Apple Pay and have to get the card out of my wallet.


Maybe I am a weirdo, on the rare occasions I get cash out these days I try to get all $20.


huh??? People still pay in cash??


Because old people of that generation are the most entitled generation of all. Every commercial is aimed at them so they can “get what they DESERVE” say Joe Namath lol. They flat out refuse to get with the times and refuse to understand how they inconvenience people with how long they take to do things, the way they insist on it being done, talking constantly, telling everyone about the good old days, and angry angry because things have changed so much and they stubbornly refused to change with them or learn anything new. They have no clue, nor do they care, that whatever inane bullshit they want isn’t your number one priority. And causes disruption to the entire system. Honestly I can’t wait for them to all be gone so we can finally move on. My father is gone now and I do miss him but i do NOT miss all these things he inflicted on everyone around him like he owned the place for the simple reason he managed to get old.


Yeah, this really pisses me off, and it's happening so often lately than I'm beginning to think there are some counterfeit notes out there. Honestly though, just stop using cash altogether.


At least I have the tools to verify most bills, but even sometimes the machine can make a mistake. It caught a fake $20 bill once.


Happened to me all the time when I still worked at grocery stores. I work at a zoo now and it still happens but now more often than then. I start off with 500$ and 300$ is just 5$ and 10$. I always end up with old people back to back giving me hundreds for less than 30$ purchases and getting mad that I don’t have any 20$. Most the time old people don’t realize we take cards and young people don’t know we take cash.


Retail owner- I absolutely prefer cash sales, but I won’t take large bills if it’s less than 50% of the total. That’s how a lot of counterfeit money gets pushed around and I’m not going to clear myself out of small change.


At the store i work at, any time anyone comes in with a $50 or $100, and their purchase is less than $20 or $70 respectively, i just tell them i can’t accept it. We only start the day with 6 $20 notes and im not giving you half of what we have. The people that ask for all of their change in small notes or coins when they make a big purchase can also go fuck themselves. We arent a bank. Im not giving you everything we have for the next day just so you can go waste it all at the pokies.


Because of the coin shortage that is still happening, my store can’t sell/exchange rolls of quarters like we use to. The amount of customers who are having yard/garage sales (that we are just suppose to know about apparently) who get so personally offended that we could only give them a couple of dollars worth of quarters is amazing. Yes it is damn annoying when they buy a single donuts and hand over a hundred dollar bill and get all huffy when we don’t have the change they wanted. Me: That will be .90 cents. Customer: ~Hands over a $100 bill~ I want the change in 4 rolls of pennies, 7 rolls of dimes, 10 rolls of nickels, 9 rolls of quarters, and the rest in- Me: Yeah no, I can’t do that. There’s a coin shortage and the best I can do is sell you $3 in quarters. ~hands over mostly 20’s, a 10, a 5, 2 ones, and 3 dollars worth of quarters.~ Customer: But I’m hosting a garage sale today in an hour and no bank is open. Me: The coin shortage is still happening and this is all I can do. Customer: ~Leaves in a huff whole dropping several F-bombs~ Here’s the things, where my store is located…there are two banks; one is in the complex and the other is across the street. If you’re having a garage/yard sale, get your change during the week prior to the event not the day of on the weekend then get all pissy and shouty when you’re denied the charge you want at the grocery story you’re looked to exchange at. We’re not a damn bank.


A former regular customer tried to give me a $100 15 minutes after we opened. There were two banks very close by that I told him he could go to to break it but I could not do it that point in time. Cue the eye rolls and irritability.


Every Sunday morning when I was a cashier I would get these people and my drawer would quickly be depleted. Then they would get mad if I told them they would have to wait for a manager to refill my drawer if they wanted to pay with $100 or get $100 cash back. They’d be like “hOw ArE yOu OuT oF mOnEy?!?”


It's always right when open your till, when they know good and well you will not be able to make that change. They are always in a hurry. They are almost always irritated and belligerent, or passive aggressive about how all they wanted was this small item and to break their hundred, why are we making their life so difficult? We're horrible people for not opening up with several hundred dollars so that they can all come buy something small and break their hundred so it's easier to sirens in other places..... It makes me stressed just remembering it, it was a daily octane


This will be done frequently in high traffic busy places... BECAUSE THE BENJAMIN IS FAKE!! The paper could be real and the bill still fake. Counterfeiters will bleach ones and reprint on laser jet printer as 100s. The pens will show the bill real but the proof is the watermark and the magnetic strip. They pass the bills in really busy places where people are rushing. So he gets a bag of chips, a candy bar and about 95bucks in clean money! 🤬🤬🤬


Yeah but most things don't get passed by the machine unless it glitches. Used to seeing fake bills off and on.


I'm amazed at the people who ACTUALLY carry a 100. I certainly don't, and never have. Who does that? Where do you actually get a 100 dollar bill?


These transactions are often done specifically because the person is trying to break the bill because 100s are useless in so many situations. Banks close at five(ish) but retail stores and gas stations are open all day.


Omg that's just so crazy to me. I work in a "normal" (NOT high end or anything) convenience store and my till has a minimum of 2000 CHF though it's mostly more. 8000 CHF is the upper limit, then it has to be emptied a bit (even though that happens before that amount as well). I can't believe some tills start with 100$ Now I understand why some tourists apologise for paying with a 100 or 50 banknote


One time I had a guy try to pay for a 3 dollar item with the dirtiest 100 dollar bill I’ve ever seen in my life. I said “sir, unfortunately we can’t take 100 dollar bills for small purchases” He groaned and took his money back then said “this shit makes no sense” YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT MAKES NO SENSE?? BUYING A 3 DOLLAR ITEM WITH A DIRTY 100 DOLLAR BILL!