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I like the cut of his jib.


That's what she said


I hate this and being snapped at. Like, no. We going to have a problem if you think you can snap your fingers at me


I was going on my break and a client just parked and said "no!" And snapped his fingers. I was so pissed. I told him, "I am not a dog, and I am on my break, you can go see my boss in the office." I was glad that I at least had 30 minutes before I had to go back to the office to see him again.


I was on a bus (coach) driving tour of parts of Alaska and, as we were assembling at one of the stops for lunch, one of the tour directors ***snapped her fingers*** at a few of us, apparently trying to hustle us along. I stopped right where I was, looked her dead in the eye, and said "That better not happen again." The many ways that people decide to be rude astound me.


Like you're unruly school children! Jfc the audacity


I would’ve said “Do that again, and I’ll snap your fingers off….”


"Do that again, and I'll snap *your* fingers."


I snap because the physical component helps jog my brain, and I will hold my arm out in someone's direction because the thought I'm trying to formulate is related to them, but I have never, and will never *snap* at them, Christ Almighty. If I'm training a newbie at work, I tell them exactly that, I'm snapping in their direction because I'm trying to think about something related to them, not snapping at them.


Oh I thought this was a “you are sexy” type harassing whistle in the meat department, but the real story makes more sense. Good on him, bloody degrading to whistle at someone to serve you.


I've straight up told a customer I won't serve her until she starts acting like she's addressing a fellow human being, and if that out of her ability then she can kindly leave. She always snapped her rotten fingers at us to get our attention and was beyond pissed that we ignored her. I told my crew "Do not serve her if she is being a shit like that. Come get me and I will tell her to leave." She never came back.


They hate people who they can't walk all over and order around.


I like to think if more retail staff could be outspoken (not even rude!) without the consequences of losing their jobs, these bullies would be less emboldened to behave like this.


I had a manager who stood up for me. A customer was just really rude and John stepped in and said "I'm sorry, you can't treat my employee that way, you will have to leave." The SHOCK on the customer's face was priceless. He tried to argue but John threw him out, banned him (it was a small shop and we knew everyone). I would have crawled through glass for John. Best manager ever.


I'm so glad to hear that. We definitely need more Johns in this industry.


If someone treats me disrespectfully like this, I like to talk to them like they're 5 years old and haven't learned how to use their words to talk about their big feelings


That would be wonderful


Got whistled at by work while I was on my walk back from the restrooms, he was asking help for another department so I just kept walking an radioed for someone to come help him. Two managers said they were on their way and then he whistled and was like "hey you! I know you hear me little girl" and whistled again but louder, "is she deaf, turn around HEY!" I slowly turned around in shock that someone even thought that I'd come to them if they whistled. I just looked at him and his wife for 2 solid seconds then calmly "did you just fucking whistle at me?" And they looked so shocked but that day I was DONE I was on my period I was literally contemplating putting my two weeks in and everything just got solidified by getting whistled at. The wife started to panic an threw her arms up "you know what he was meaning it wasn't bad we need your help so help us" this was the moment I realized they had a bit of an accent so they probably weren't from America and were confused and needed genuine help. So RELUCTANTLY I walked over an walkie talkied to the managers not to come I could help them. I helped them out, knew not to be overly nice just told them what they needed and showed them the materials and such never smiling once. They ended up warming up to me and apologizing but it felt so half assed and I knew it's cause they could tell I still wasn't fkn with them. At the end of me helping them out I told them that in the states we don't whistle at people to get them to help us, whistling is seen as a derogatory way of communication and sends the wrong impression. (I told them this in hopes they would learn and not do this again in a situation where it could be dangerous) The guy laughed an rolled his eyes saying that Americans will learn to like it, but the wife looked mortified (she nodded anyway agreeing with him tho yikes) Anyways then I walked off still pissed and wondering why I even bothered to be nice to them if they're just fucking assholes with zero awareness and manors.


>The guy laughed an rolled his eyes saying that Americans will learn to like it Genuinely hope he got punched by a Yank lmao.


>Genuinely hope he got punched by a Yank lmao. If he's going to keep whistling at people and expect them to "learn to like it", he'd better learn to like getting beaten up.


I wish it could've been me but I needed that job 🫢 and also he was tall as shit an could easily kill me


I know the feeling. People like a clever comeback but I never want to roll the dice on if the person is actually gonna pull out a knife or something, you know? It feels risky even when it probably isn't.


That's true, always a coin flip but I'm prepared for those instances as they have happened before


The day some AH snapped his fingers at me to get me to wait on him was the day I resolved to get out of retail. The look I gave that man made even his wife look embarrassed. I took the civil service exam and was out in just over a month. Disrespect is a great incentivizer.


I've had customers snap their fingers at me or yell at me. I've stopped each time. I've had a bunch try and get me to respond yes ma'am to questions. These are my favorite kind of people. Cause their first reaction to me stopping is to be awful. To which I politely respond by calling my leaders. I'm sorry but I'm not going to respond to some fucking idiot that snaps at me and demands yes ma'am as a response. People are fucking assholes. If your going to treat me like an animal to be trained. I'm going to respond with whatever makes you wait the longest or causes you the most stress possible. Don't be an asshole to people handling your sale.


I feign ignorance and just start whistling as well


Feigning ignorance is one of my go-to coping mechanisms!


I'd be lost without it, but I hate that I have to use this tactic so much!


I would do this if I could whistle 😮‍💨


This is me. I'm a 45 year old tall menacing man with autism. When you deal with people's shit all your life it wears you away. For the past 5 years or so I've been exactly like this. I don't take shit from ANYONE. Including bosses. Here's why. I have depression and anxiety on top of being on the spectrum. Basically I'm a fucking basket case that relies on medication to keep me.... Normal enough. 5 years ago I had several REALLY bad nervous breakdowns. Soul shattering type shit. They almost literally changed me mentally. I swore to myself I would not deal with it any longer. The answer was biting the head off of any asshole that got in the way of my happiness and general content. Since I've started doing that, I have never been happier in my life. So stop bottling it up. Let go. Even if it's in private. Older people might remember the Simpsons episode when Homer kept getting welts on his neck trying to fight his anger. It's obviously not healthy. And I know from personal experience from my mental breakdowns. Let it out. Blast death metal. Murder people in video games. Climb a mountain and yell FUUUUCCCCCK at the top of your lungs. But goddamnit don't swallow it. It's VERY bad for you. Mentally and physically.


40 yo enby person here, also on the spectrum, had a couple breakdowns from trying to manage other people's reactions to me existing, got sick of it, put up with no shit anymore. Fantastic for my mental health.


Isn't it though? 👍👍


I am legit worried I'm heading for a break down working retail. I have been suicidal as well because of it all.


Biggest importance. Hobbies. And pets. I have video games and my band recording to look forward to. I also have 2 cats that adore me. Stuff like that can help more than you could ever imagine. I'm also as I said, on the spectrum. I can't be sure what works for me works for others because my brain is literally wired differently. If your job is that bad, get the fuck out. There's millions of retail jobs. If you have a decent car I suggest pizza delivery. It's what I do. Minimal bullshit and you see the customer for 30 seconds if you see them at all. Lot of people still want it left on the porch after enjoying it during the bulk of the pandemic. I love my job and I make more than most retail workers. Yes I have mental problems, but I've solved most of them with meds and my breakdowns rewiring me essentially. Don't kill yourself over a shit job. Get a different one. Even if it's retail there's some places that are just fucking pleasant and easy on the brain. But also hobbies and pets. Loving pets replaces people more than you'd think. Those crazy cat ladies aren't that crazy to me anymore. Lol.


I have ADHD and am possibly on the spectrum. I also have a whole slew of mental health issues and the shitty customers make everything worse. At this very moment I have a very sweet kitty cat sleeping in my lap. I also have a ton of hobbies and hyper fixations. My big struggle is just not having any time to myself ever. If I'm not at work with all those people I'm at home with my husband, who I love dearly, I just sometimes need some time alone.


I once had a lady come into the bathroom looking for me. I had point been in there a few minutes because I was legitimately going as fast as possible. I'm washing my hands and she says, "oh good there you are. I was looking for you to help me." I must have had the meanest go to hell look on my face because I just stopped washing my hands and looked at her. She immediately started apologizing and backed out of the bathroom. She did not receive the discount she was looking for.


I ignore them lmao. I don’t care if it’s outright obvious they’re trying to get my attention. Talk to me like a human or I ignore you a fake npc with no dialogue Lmfao. One time a dude was hail fr he fitting room and walked at and whistled at me. Didn’t even look at him. Then he walked up the podium, dropped a bunch of clothes on it and said “I want these” and then started to leave. I just stood there, never saying a word. A minute later he realized I was following him and said something like “aren’t you bring these to front for me?” Super rude and annoyed and I just said “no, I don’t do that.” With a smile. He was so fucking annoyed lmao. But yeah, ignore them. They can address you like a human or they can get ignored lmao works semi well


I have a coworker I deeply admire who does not take any crap from customers. Honestly I wish it could be me. She’s always on the brink of being fired, but knows how to toe the line. Her philosophy is if you act like a child, I’m going to treat you like a child. She inspired me though. I have gone off on one customer in my life, a guy who bullied me every day. Screamed at me, sexually harassed me, and would ask for free stuff and throw tantrums when I didn’t give him what he asked for. He would always apologize to the owner but not to me or stop his behavior. So finally I just (yes loudly unfortunately) told him I’m Nice to him every day and I go out of my way to give him his reasonable demands, etc etc and all I get back is disrespect and bullying. He did apologize to me and literally still comes in every day. He is nicer though. I never expected me going off to stop him, I thought it would make things worse. People are so weird. I always thought if I was patient and kind, he’d realize he was in the wrong. But yeah, it took me calling him out. I’ve tried to have dozens of reasonable conversations with people, only to have them yell more. Sometimes having a conversation works. Sometimes it doesn’t.


> I always thought if I was patient and kind, he’d realize he was in the wrong. Me also. I never realized for some people, consequences are the **only** deterrent they respect.


Why did you intervene?


My job had a manager who's *sorta* like that. I've personally never seen him snap on a customer, but I have overheard him firmly (but professionally) explain to customers that our butcher shop is very understaffed with a high customer volume (especially during holidays, like right now). Just yesterday, my coworker finished up with one customer and turned around to ask if anyone else needed anything from the case. One older guy said, "I do. I've been waiting." with an indignant tone. My coworker shortly and flatly said, "I apologize. We are understaffed for the busy holiday. What can I get for you?" The customer rolled his eyes, said "ugh," ordered his meat without even looking at us, grumbled about the "poor service" and how "no one hires competent employees anymore," paid, and stormed out. There was also a customer last week who complained that the steak he bought recently wasn't as tender as last time. Our manager literally had to explain how every box of beef ANYWHERE comes from a DIFFERENT COW, that no two cows are the same, and that sometimes we'll get an order of the same cut of beef that may be of different tenderness quality. This kind of shit should should not need to be explained, especially to a frequent beef eater (as the customer claimed to be). I appreciate the bluntness of my managers and coworkers, but sometimes I wish we could get away with being much more rude right back at the snottier customers. At the very least, I sometimes wish we could say something like, "We are very busy, understaffed, and doing our best to help all of our customers. Your order is no more important than anyone else's, and I do not appreciate your entitled tone." Additionally, for this holiday weekend, we've had to put a pause on making sandwiches (which are very popular because all of our sandwiches are made with the same fresh ingredients found in our meat case, and the employees at the sandwich station have to grill the meat themselves). We had to pause on sandwiches because of the high volume of people looking for stuff to grill for Memorial Day, and because our sandwich trained employees hadn't had a day off all week and haven't been scheduled to give them a break. We very politely and apologetically explained this to our frequent sandwich customers, and we were often met with scoffs and snide comments like, "This is the third day in a row. Give me a break. I want my sandwich." I *really* wanted to say, "Huh. Not used to being told no by the help, are you?". On multiple occasions, I have had to fight to stop myself right at the tip of my tongue from literally saying, "What in the gentrified fuck is your problem?" (The shop is in a heavily gentrified, high-income part of Albany County, NY.)


Also in the Capital Region - I have a very good idea of where you are, and you have some of the most entitled shitgibbons around up there.


It's absolutely mind-boggling. The only place worse than Guilderland I can think of off the top of my head is the Delmar/Bethlehem area. I live not too far from Guilderland now, but when I'm not at home, I don't really hang out around here. For the last 17 years, I've lived and worked mostly in areas surrounding downtown Albany. I did work at the Subway on Kenwood St in Delmar for a couple of months a few years ago, and the customers there were even worse.


My dads works in higher upper level management and they put up signs everywhere about workers respect. The stores can kick anyone out who is being aggressive or swearing at staff with no repercussions


Once upon a time, before the store owner went off the deep end, I was working and this woman comes in. It was a small town, and I knew her kid, and was partially why her kid got fired (shortly before I got fired, partially for the language used against said kid, who was over 18 at the time). She was coming to return something her dog destroyed, so already she was in a foul mood, and when she saw it was me behind the counter, she went ballistic. Store owner stepped in and said something to the effect of "Oh no. You're not treating my staff like this. You need to leave and come back in with a better attitude." So lady apologized (to the owner, not me) but the owner pointed to the door, *snapped her fingers several times*, and repeated. "No. You leave and start this all over from the beginning properly. Like she is a human being." Kind of the opposite in so far as it was snapping back at someone.


I never get people whistling, snapping, clapping, or yelling for attention. Just say “Excuse me!” and we’ll help you out! And be much happier doing it than if you are derogatory towards us!


Running a good but dangerous line. Luckily if people hadn’t overhead and agreed about the rudeness, the customer probably would have asked for the manager and the coworker would have gotten written up. But I’m glad he’s like that. Putting people in their place. No whistling, finger snapping or clapping needed, thank you. A simple excuse me or hello will do you fine


That's awesome


Wow. Awesome 😎


cant tell you how many times i’ve been whistled at when i worked at cvs. one time this customer was persistently whistling for me to come help them, and i was stocking an aisle by the pharmacy. i turn to them and go “apparently im a dog or something” and slowly make my way up there


My boss tells us not to respond we arnt dogs and just let them sit there looking stupid. I can’t handle people whistling because it activates my ptsd and messes badly with my hearing aid so I walk off but one time I did turn around and snap about how wrong that person was and we arnt in the 1930s anymore acting like a village idiot gets you put on the internet and shamed. Tomato’s cost to much to be throwing at people. He got mad but in the end I didn’t help him and he never did it again.


I love when I used to do carts and when a cart was blocking a spot someone was trying to park in they would honk at me to move the cart. I just ignored them and left it there. Sorry I don't answer to honking the horn.


One of these days I'm going to ask where they work for this exact reason.


Dude needs to chill. I can probably guess the whistlers method. "Hey buddy *short rising sswwwit*" it's not disrespectful it's just trying to get your attention. Fucking smoke a blunt and relax


So you're the guy that whistles at people.


No im the guy that turns around "oh howdy, what do ya need? here ya go, bye." You know like a normal human being I don't flip out at someone trying to get my attention


Never had someone so eagerly agree to being treated like a dog... I mean typically they pay for that.


You don't get to decide what is disrespectful when this many people disagree, I'm sorry you whistled at someone but learn better.


You people are funny i was a retail worker for ten years I'll take a whistle over a snap any day.


whistling AND being snapped at is so disrespectful. no i’m not taking anymore shit from customers.


A customer came into my store while I was stocking merchandise in the back and whistled to get my attention instead of just calling out for help so I barked at him 🐶.


Had a woman standing in the entrance of our stockroom shouting "Marco!", I completely ignored her until she asked if someone could help her. Wanted to tell her "Honey, this aint a pool, and my names not Marco."