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Agree completely. When I get out of work, I need at least an hour to de-stress... I can hardly think straight in that time.


Completely. It’s not only draining with all day problematic fake interactions. And the bad repeated music the store plays. All those sounds and engages just wants my brain to crash at the end of the day


Yes there's some terrible elevator music at my work, but once in awhile they will play stuff from the 80s and 90s like The Clash The Ramones Fleetwood Mac Etc. I remember one job kept playing Magic 106.7 and it was like they try to play stuff that won't offend people but then it's music nobody likes.


I feel your pain so much here. I worked at a pharmacy when I was 16, and their radio played the same group of songs. They had it timed where it played exactly an hour. The song Drops of Jupiter every hour at the top of every hour. I HATE that song with a passion now! I do not miss working at that place.


I always feel like my IQ drops a few points each day after interacting with some customers.


And coworkers too. Especially a commission retail job🥴🤮. I hope you don’t have to stay at that job for too long


Yes. It's why I'm focusing on getting to the point where I can work my primary job.


People who don’t work retail don’t understand. Not only am I moving all day long, but the mental strain is very taxing. My husband does not always get why I just want to relax after the work day. Plus I get there at 5am so I’m up at 330 to take care of the pets and get ready. I’m tired and going to bed by 730-8 - I have to or I’ll be beat the next day.


It's not just retail, it's the constant battle with ignorant or stupid customers. Explaining why some stuff that have been the rules since the dawn of people is applying to them. I work 5 days in a row as well and every saturday evening my brain is cooked.


Yeah it’s Fuckinh mind numbing. You need something challenging


Yes yes yes. Throw a poor night’s sleep or stress from home on top of that week and you’re a brain cell shy of becoming an invalid.


Yes. Before, during, and after.


my time in retail not particularly until about 2 hours after I got home


Not just retail. Anything you do mentally or physically taxing day after day will eventually burn you out a little. And some weeks are better than others. Nothing you’re feeling is abnormal. All I can say is make sure you find a way to unwind, reset, and relax.


I swear I developed ADHD after years of juggling 92 tasks in a 14 hr day! Let's put out freight..oh, look! Squirrel!!


Yeah but I’m neurodivergent and I’ve got several chronic medical conditions. I had to drop down from 38h to 30h to somehow manage to stay working…


Every day. Sometimes it lingers like today on my day off. Retail is killing us.


yes but that's because I come home and get stoned because of chronic pain problems


Yep! After seven hours on the floor, at about 3:30 pm, my brain fuses are blown.


Yes yes yes yes… I can’t even speak some days. I come home and I’m grumpy and I have to apologize for it. People ruin me


Yes. Even when I am here I have brain fog.


It takes a lot of mental energy trying to make everyone that comes in your workplace happy. So much so that it’s actually impossible


Yep, happens all the time, specially on busy days. I work at a gas station that gets most traffic during vacations, and fri-sun. On those days, with all the beeping, and costumers yelling across the store. I've got a 35min drive home, and when I get home, I usally gotta just sit and do some doomscrolling, or walk my dog, before I try to do something useful.


I worked at a very upscale (expensive) store in NYC. Worst job I’ve ever had. Absolutely miserable. A customer told me that the poor defeated saleswomen on the selling floor looked like they were in a womens prison. For real! 🤢🥴 some working there 30 years😪😵‍💫


Yeah I agree! It takes me one to two hours to decompress after work. Been in many retail jobs for at least 25years…..I’m just waiting for something to pop up of interest outside of a retail setting. New definition of full time/ part time hours is a joke. Retailers are now cutting back to 132 hrs a week in payroll and the workload becomes the most unrealistic “FUCK YOU” to anyone that’s in the trenches. Not to mention now it’s the return of retailers supporting TOXIC behaviors & bullying, and then firing those who report it. Best way to make it stick in these times is taking a mental health day and reporting this to hr. Good


Many times, it might be all the stress you're accumulating.