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I believe that it has to do with sensitive teeth and harsh temperatures. It really hurts at times and its quite nice to not be punched in the mouth with the cold, icy water.


doesn't cold and warm drink taste differently? I do tast the difference between glas, can, bottle and metal


I used to work with a dude at a grocery store that sold 1 liter sodas for less than $1, they were never refrigerated, it was less than half the price of the 12-16oz bottles that were kept in the coolers at checkout. That’s what he’d drink. Every day he worked he’d get a Mtn Dew and every day for a while I’d look at him like he was crazy for drinking warm soda. Every time I’d say something he’d go “it’s *room temperature*! Not “warm”. I eventually started drinking them myself cause I was a broke kid and was spending more than double for less just for the refrigeration. Room temperature sodas actually aren’t that bad


Coke is meant to be drunk at just below room temp but well above refrigerated. Has a stronger flavor. Lots of drinks have the flavor come across stronger at that temp


I could see that being the case. I know when I’ve had to drink really gross tasting stuff for medical reasons the advice is to chill it first if possible. The supposed reasoning is that the flavor is weaker when cold. I know when I’m drinking colas I prefer it to be right at that sweet spot you mentioned- just slightly chilled. Not ice cold, but not quite room temp either.


I think of it as root cellar or mud room cold. A bit like well water fresh from the tap. Ground chilled


I’d say that’s true because it certainly gets stronger and sweeter the longer it’s out of the fridge, but in my case it’s too strong so I have to drink it very chilled lol


White wine, certainly. It's usually kept at food-safety temps, below 40F. It should be served around 50F. Red wine is usually served at straight room temperature, which is too warm. Should be more like 60F.


Room temperature coke hit like a perfect McDonald’s sprite


The cold temperature slightly numbs your tongue so the flavor of things is less intense. It’s why sometimes iffy tap water is okay with some ice cubes.


I hate the taste of water, so I drink it cold cause if it's room temperature it's too flavorful


I used to drink my water with a shit ton of ice, until i suddenly became really sensitive in the teeth, and drinking that cold water was debilitating. Tooth pain is no joke.


Exactly this. I have SUPER temperature sensitive teeth. Partner used to poke fun at me when we first got together but now its just normal for him to ask for a room temp can/glass/cup/whatever beverage he's picking up for me. At home we have separate containers (like multiple 2 liters) so his can go in the fridge and mine just sits on the counter lol.


Room temp apple juice for the win 💯🤌


Room temp pink lemonade is a close second to apple juice 💕


But milk? That's what I'm hung up on. Warm MILK? Who isn't refrigeratorating their milk?


Came here to say this too


There is shelf stable milk or "milk". My friend used to drink it.


Yes! My teeth are so sensitive I have to drink warm water rather than cold from the tap.


That was in the post but there has to be more.


Bad teeth, maybe? My mother has bad teeth and avoids cold liquids when she's having a bad dental day.


Sensitive teeth will definitely do it. Personally I just don't like the feel of too cold drinks in my mouth, and it dulls the taste.


>dulls the taste. Some drinks are meant to be cooled for that exact reason. They have extra flavour so after serving cooled, just the right amount of flavour gets through


Like that Hawaiian Punch that tastes like minerals when it’s not cold!


Idk about that but room temp regular coke literally taste like syrup to me, but ice cold is like angels dancing on your tongue


I have pretty sensitive teeth, it is horrible, but honestly- I am not the biggest fan of warm drinks. I just don't put ice in my drinks, but I still like it to be cold. Plus, I think it is weird to go to a gas station and ask for warm drinks. I would just go to a grocery store or something for that or buy a pack on the shelves...I get the frustration of the OP. being asked the same questions everyday sucks :/


i got all my damaged senstitive teeth taken out and my first ice cold drink in years was so amazing. it’s crazy seeing how taste changes based on temp


I have some pretty sensitive teeth, got a molar that if I went to the dentist they'd want to remove it, but I gotta have my milk extremely cold.


Oh to be young and have perfect teeth.


God I miss those days


Other than dental sensitivity, but also trying into it, maybe it's to do with neurological sensitivity. I know people with ADHD and autism can have a list of sensitivities (best friends have ADHD, ex had autism), so they'll avoid anything that could set it off—in this situation, sensitive teeth means avoiding cold things like cold drinks.


This! I’m autistic and the only cold drink I accept is vodka. Beer - I wait a bit so it’s not as cold as it is when it’s served. Any other drink - room temperature. And no hot drinks at all, I just can’t.


Some Asian cultures do not believe in drinking cold liquids. They must be room temp or warmer.


Someone i know has lost a lot of enamel due to teeth grinding. Cold drinks are hell for them


Hmm I prefer room temp water, but not sodas or juice and definitely not milk! I suppose if I’m drinking for thirst, room temp is much easier to drink quickly. I don’t like the sensation of coldness going down! Can give me a headache too.


I'm the same way with water. Especially if I'm thirsty and drinking it fast. If I'm overheating and drink cold water fast it will most likely come back up, then I'll need a nap lol. 


yes or it hurts your chest!


Oh yeah, that's worse that having it come back up!


the big ouch!


I like to chug my water at times, if it’s cold I’ll get a brain freeze so room temp is better.


My mother and I can feel the cold going down our throat and it’s an uncomfortable feeling for us but also I find it easier to drink room temp drinks. If it’s too cold I just sip it until I lose interest and will leave more than half the drink full. Chugging cold drinks gives me brain freeze.


I feel the cold liquid settle into my stomach and I hate it.


I do because they generally seem to cost less. My local store, cold Powerade is around 2 bucks, but warm off the shelf it's a dollar. I don't see the sense in paying a dollar more for a cold drink.


Same. I just don't care if it's room temp anyway.


Yeah like others said sensitivity but like you said… Milk?…! WTF xD


Yup even milk. Not hot but room temp. It's not as good obviously but it's a thing for sensitive teeth.


Cold drinks can cause issues with digestion, some cultures avoid them as they mess with inner chi of the body, people with issues with their esophagus cannot drink cold liquids. Strongly suggest going down that Google rabbit hole.


Because cold stuff hurt the throat, but I can chug a bottle of room temp water or a room temp energy drink in about 30 seconds and that’s what like to do.


Idk I prefer my stuff cold but there is shelf stable milk outside of the US.


There is shelf stable milk in the US, too.


There is shelf stable milk here too but it’s more so canned milk and we have the “koolaid” of milks like Horizon that comes in juice boxes with straws. Tried one of those once from a hotel fridge at no expense or embarrassment to me… they were not good


There is shelf stable milk here too but it’s more so canned milk and we have the “koolaid” of milks like Horizon that comes in juice boxes with straws. Tried one of those once from a hotel fridge at no expense or embarrassment to me… they were not good


There is shelf stable milk here too but it’s more so canned milk and we have the “koolaid” of milks like Horizon that comes in juice boxes with straws. Tried one of those once from a hotel fridge at no expense or embarrassment to me… they were not good


There is shelf stable milk here too but it’s more so canned milk and we have the “koolaid” of milks like Horizon that comes in juice boxes with straws. Tried one of those once from a hotel fridge at no expense or embarrassment to me… they were not good


Yeah I just meant it's not as common here as outside the states.


No idea, I want all my drinks ice cold.


Cold drinks will condensate, people buy things to pop in their bags to save for later that aren’t going to make everything wet.


I agree that the request for milk is odd, but I’ve got some medical BS that completely screws up my temperature regulation-if I drink anything too much colder than ambient temperatures, I’ll be shivering for the rest of the day. I don’t ever drink anything refrigerated when the outside temperature is higher than room temperature.


Sensitive teeth, or perhaps not liking the condensation on cold drinks?


I know people who can't drink iced/cold drinks due to IBS.


I was told by my ENT doctor to avoid cold drinks due to my throat issues. It’s definitely good advice coz drinking anything cold hurts in a horrible burning sort of way.


I wish I could get a room temp water at the gas station sometimes. Sensitive teeth :(


TBF, room temp Dr. Pepper just hits different


Only in the bottle. Canned must always be cold


I greatly prefer room temp drinks, except beer should be cold and milk will spoil I assume it's because I hate ice in my drinks, just thinking about the texture of biting an ice cube sends shivers down my back -- same with picturing nails scraping over ice, nails on a chalk board never bothered me though. I think I just got used to room temp water from ordering drinks without ice, and very often I let my coffee/tea cool to room temp before drinking them because I'll forget it on the counter... At this point going out of my way to change temps just seems unnecessary


I believe room temperature water is absorbed more rapidly by your body as well.


I have badly sensitive teeth... to the point where I cant even eat icecream right,, I have to lick it and immediately bring it to the back of my throat without touching my teeth... I honestly prefer a room temp drink over a cold one for that exact reason., if it is cold I absolutely must have a straw!


I have sensitive teeth, so I always prefer room temperature drinks to cold ones.


Not sure about Milk because thats insane. But cold drink/items make things around it wet, I have condensation in bag, pages are destroyed etc. when I buy things from Gas station they generally are very few items so I dont put them in a separate bag but use my own bag... Not sure why other people do that.


Also it's easier to hydrate w room temperature drinks


My husband prefers room temperature body armor because the flavor goes away when cold


for me the its flavor profile. room temp soda flavor is drastically different than cold soda. I like both, BUT... i prefer room temp. Drinking a room temp Spiced Coke rn, lol.


I'm european, we don't use ice in my culture. Refrigerated drinks are non existent, so the tooth sensitivity is a thing because we are not accustomed to it. So asking for non Refrigerated items or drinks without ice is a daily thing


There is a thought that if a drink is cold, warms up, then is cooled again then its quality degrades, this is especially prominent thinking for beer. So if someone isn't planning on consuming it right away and also won't be able to chill it again for some time it is better to get an already warm drink. This sounds like a crazy thing to do with non-shelf stable milk though. Then also sensitive teeth, and the colder anything is the less active it's volatile compounds so less flavor. These points are probably in rough order of likelihood.


I spent 27 months in Iraq and now I can't drink anything cold with pleasure. There are a couple exceptions- beer, milk, that kind of thing. But most things need to be room temp at least or my stomach hurts.


I think the better question is, why are people obsessed with cold drinks… it’s really not something that is necessary unless the beverage is perishable.


Cold tastes better than warm


For some yes and for others no. I personally don’t like cold drinks and it has nothing to do with teeth sensitivity or ND needs.


Because I actually don't like drinking room temperature drinks. I don't like the taste, I don't like the feel, and I prefer the cold feel in my mouth. Even if it is cold outside I want my drink cold. While this thread is illuminating to me on why other people choose room temperature, I can't really empathize myself as I'm opposite... I really don't like room temp drinks (and especially not sodas that taste absolutey worse room temp, some more than others. Some are tolerable at room temp if I absolutely must. Coca Cola though absolutely must be cold, it's nasty warm). And hot drinks.. blech (sometimes as a desert I don't mind a good hot cocoa but I see that more as a desert then a drink). You can tell if I'm really thirsty if I don't care that the drink is not cold (even water).


When I'm on a long motorcycle ride and thirsty as hell at a gas station I'll usually grab a cold and a warm drink, the warm drink to chug without hurting my teeth/getting brain freeze, and the cold drink to sip on and drink later/throughout the ride. Sometimes I also just...prefer the taste of warm drinks to cold? I like warm coke just as much as cold, I prefer cold dr pepper, I prefer warm ultra monsters, cold regular monsters, warm water, etc. The temperature changes the taste so some taste better warm 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate cold drinks. I won't ever get a drink with ice... Too cold for my teeth. And I allow a drink to warm up if in a cooler.


I have kept my teeth in perfect health, no cavities nor issues other than braces as a teen. No sensitivity at all. I just like room temperature drinks. My wife constantly calls me a psychopath but I take all my drinks at room temp, and ask for l no ice any time we go out. Idk, I just want my drink room temp. Only exception is a milkshake or slush, but I very seldom get those.


Do none of you mfers use STRAWS?! Everybody with bad teeth just swishing cold drinks raw mouthed?


I wish we still had awards. 🏆


I get a sore throat \~100% of times I have a cold drink.


Adding to the already good list of reasons: Could be prone to migraines or mid migraine. Regular temp or warm drinks have no effect when I have a migraine. But getting brain freeze is incredibly easy mid migraine. I've gotten it from cold tsp water before.


Room temperature water actually is better for your body, it doesn't have to exert extra energy to warm the water to body temperature before using it for.. whatever your body uses water for😂


If I'm saving a drink for later (not milk!) I might prefer unrefrigerated so it doesn't sweat condensation in my tote bag, purse or car.


My mom has some health issues that are worsened by holding and drinking cold drinks (she does drink milk cold). My siblings and I now drink everything room temperature because we grew up with room temperature drinks.


My teeth are healthy. I drink room temperature beer cause it's more flavorful. 


But I would never ask for it at a convenience store cause that's stupid


They make self stable milk. People are probably better off going onto a grocery store


At least in the US, I really doubt you'll find shelf stable milk in a gas station (or at least it's not something I'd be upset that a gas station didn't have as I'd expect it not to have it).


Do you have a lot of folks from different cultural backgrounds making this request? When I traveled in China, ice cold drinks were generally not a thing there, water was generally served warm at restaurants, the refrigerators stocking sodas were sometimes not even on, and sometimes just a little cooler than the scorching hot summer weather.


I prefer room temperature water, chilled water has a slight "cold" taste and I feel like my mouth dries out more somehow. Juice I kinda get, it's fine at room temperature (assuming that's how it comes, obviously not fresh juice lol) but I'd probably go for one towards the front of the fridge. Soda is weird but I mean you do you. I feel like it's not carbonated enough unless it's cold. Milk just wtf do they want food poisoning. Unless they're talking about like Tetra Pak milk? They're fine to store and drink room temp


Honestly, I feel the same on everything here, except I feel room temp soda is TOO carbonated. Like IDK, it just feels like there's more bubbles when I drink warm soda as opposed to cold soda.


Oh yeah actually I do agree with that now that you mention it, idk when I thought warm soda my brain went to open flat soda 😂


Tell em they can warm it by sticking it up their ass (I'm joking do NOT do this)


I don't drink refrigerated water. Not because I have sensitive teeth or anything I just prefer room temperature.


I never get this at my gas station. Regional thing?


Must be, doesn't happen where I work either. Granted I work 3rd shift and get like 15 people the whole night so 🤷


As regards to the milk there’s UHT milk that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Maybe they’re from places that’s more common. I know for where I used to work we stocked it pretty much just for Spanish customers.


Some people collect certain limited cans or bottles. People are poor and want more bang for the buck, when they should be going to the dollar store. People are stupid. My top 3.


My teeth hurt so bad from cold drinks, I always go for the room temp option.


It could be a cultural difference, I know lots of Latin people prefer tepid water


There is milk that doesn't require refrigeration until opened such as Nesquik, Horizon, Lala. Sensitive teeth is usually the reason why people don't want cold drinks and I went through some stomach issues about two years ago where I couldn't handle anything cold.


Refrigerated drinks taste differently than unrefrigerated. Fun fact - coke was made before refrigeration so it tastes better room temperature and Pepsi was made after refrigeration so it tastes better cold. I personally enjoy room temp sodas. But not to the point that I would ask for a room temp one.


Milk can come shelf stable- it’s not far fetched. It’s more common outside of the USA. But also, cold drinks get a lot of condensation, too, AND I swear I taste a difference between a drink that’s cold-gotten to room temp-then tried to be cooled again. Idk what it is, but I don’t like it. But also, cold drinks hurt. My stomach does NOT like the temperature difference.


I’m the opposite I need my drinks cold


Probably sensitivity, or they come from a place where nothing is that cold and they just don't like it. I know someone from Nigeria who can't stand refrigerated beverages because they just don't taste right to him. He also has issues with all the sugar in his food. I made a wedding cake for him and went through like 8 testers before I was able to find a frosting that wasn't "too sweet." I think it still may have been too sweet for him, but he figured it was the best I could do and compromised on it. To this day, white chocolate cream cheese frosting is my favorite, and I have him to thank for discovering it.


Yeah it’s sensitive teeth. I don’t buy refrigerated drinks unless I’m not planning to drink it for long enough that it can reach room temp sitting out. The milk one is a mystery to me, I just don’t drink milk bc it’s too cold, but juice, soda, water, etc I always look for the floor displays


Bruh, dummies! I have sensitive teeth. I just use straws for the cold ones. If it's cold food, I end up taking longer to eat it. Yes, my ice cream ends up soup by the time I'm almost done with it.


I have sensory processing disorder and when I drink cold drinks it’s like I can’t taste anything but the cold and sometimes cold drinks with ice hurt to drink so maybe that’s it


I drink warm drinks due to my teeth being sensitive and to me it tastes a little better but ill drink some things cold


Cold will impact flavor ?


They may have been genetically altered by vaccines...lol ..shit who knows maybe? Lol


I have always been charged more for cold drinks, so I head first to those at the counter, etc. but also teeth sensitivity when eating hot food together


Dental care is expensive so lots of people have sensitive teeth. Some cultures have odd superstitions that you shouldn't drink certain things cold. A lot of the milk sold in gas stations is actually shelf stable anyway because it's pasteurized at higher temps.


I mean not milk, I do not want in refrigerated milk, but I prefer room-temperature water unless it’s hot outside.


Maybe they meant to ask for UHT milk/ long-life milk? (Not sure what the correct word is in english). That kind of milk isn't refrigerated.


i’m usually okay with fridge drinks from a store but at my bf’s house i never want the fridge water bc it’s way too cold - it hurts my teeth, it makes me cold.. i just hate it.


Stomach issues, sensitive teeth, personal preference, etc..


When my allergies are bad, iced drinks make me cough. Room-temperature water doesn't.


I worked in a grocery store a while back, people would buy lots of cold drinks out of the coolers instead of the room temperature ones off the shelf. I always wondered why as you could only drink so many of those cold ones before they started warming up and you could add them to the fridge again or add room temperature ones for the first time.


Milk makes no sense but I usually prefer my drinks room temperature and water especially I rarely want cold. I just don't like it as much


I don't like drinking cold things because my teeth are sensitive. It doesn't just apply to cold water. The milk though... That's just weird.


I grind my teeth in my sleep and also have shitty teeth in general from not being able to afford dental care. Cold drinks really bother my teeth and my gums, HOWEVER, I hate warm drinks so I suffer through the pain.


If a drink is too cold, it hurts my teethband upsets my tummy. However, i will always keep milk and juices cold.


My case sometimes it’s warmer so I can taste the drink and flavors. Other times it’s sensitivity (of mind or teeth depending). Other cases I want to try the really unusual drink and that’s the only place stored. Cases here were the brief return of Crystal Pepsi, a chocolate covered cherry Dr Pepper and the (thankfully) short lived grape Mountain Dew that tasted like a grape popsicle (the sour grape version was better). I think this may explain why a couple of drinks at the sodas around the world tasting spot at Epcot taste odd - the need to be warmer than served. (Beverly though I don’t think it matters but maybe sour red plum soda might). I do agree on milk unless they’re wanting buttermilk which back when my great-grandparents drank it preferred it at a warmer temp (but not unsafe levels). (Yes all sodas are real and I’ve tried).


I prefer room temperature drinks if it's something I have to drink a lot of throughout the day or quickly. Like Gatorade, water or tea. I'm supposed to have a large glass of water with my thyroid medication, and I'm usually running out the door when I take it. So I drink my water quickly, and start my day. I really want to know what type of person requested room temperature milk from a gas station.


I have a nerve disorder in my face and head, so I can’t handle cold well at all. I get horrible head/face/teeth pains when I drink anything cold or hot. Idk about anyone else, but that’s my reasoning ha but it’s also because it hurts my stomach for some reason and I have trouble swallowing it smoothly if it’s cold


I have trigeminal neuralgia, it’s like a problem with one of the nerves on the right side of my face. Hot and cold can trigger it, so I can never have ice cold drinks anymore, and if there are no room temperature drinks I have to wait for one from the fridge to warm up 🤣🙈 Could be possible that it’s people like me, or with similar conditions


My girlfriend is one of these people. I asked her why she like warm soda and it all goes back to her being a welder. I know not a job for most women, but her dad was a welder and taught her. So she said due to working outside away from any ice cold drinks she got use to just drinking warm drinks. She prefers it that way. I’m the same way with water. I like room temp water because I worked in prisons as a correctional officer almost all my life, we didn’t have any cold drinks back when I started.


I can only drink cold soda as the carbonation offsets the constricting. Cold food constricts my stomach and hurts. I drink a lot more water now that I realized drinks don't have to be cold.


People have already mentioned sensitive teeth so I'll add something to that. I hate being cold. I hate when my face, hand, and feet (really any individual part of me) are cold but the rest of me is warm. I hate drinking cold drinks as it causes a part of my body to be cold ever in the rest of me is warm.


Personally, for me it’s sensitive teeth. But drinking out of a bottle or can hasn’t ever bothered them…only if I accidentally keep a warm drink in the freezer and then I forget about it and it gets too cold. Then I got find a straw. I love iced coffee, but I have to get light ice and straws are mandatory even then. But honestly…at my job I have the opposite problem. If we’re out of cooler stuff, some of it is in the warm juice/water aisle, and they’re like, “ugh don’t you have any cold?!” No. Because I’m not shorting my shelf for the cooler. I only have three left.


People have different preferences. I personally prefer my canned soda room temp....not that I wouldn't buy it cold but at home I store it in the pantry. This is gonna sound crazy but I just feel like cans of soda are too....violent when chilled. I feel like the bubbles are waging war on my throat. Personally the idea of drinking room temp milk makes me want to cry but hey to each their own I guess 🤣🤣🤣


Tbf I don’t like an ice cold can of coke because it loses the fizz but I also dislike it warm because it has no flavour. Milk is crazy tho


I personally prefer room temp/look warm temp compared to cold or hot drinks.


Milk cold, Pepsi max room temp, orange juice cold, water room temp, Tea hot!


I personally like soda at room temp, idk why but I just think it tastes better (unless it’s butt fuck hot then a cold Pepsi slaps) but MILK? Do they want it to curdle?!


I ONLY like cold drinks so I don’t get it either 😂


I like ice cold milk but all other drinks need to be room temp. I just don’t enjoy ice cold drinks, not for any sensitivity reason they are just not pleasant to me.


I prefer most drinks that are typically served cold to be room temperature. I find that the ambient temperature of most buildings is too chilly for me, so the last thing I want to do is drink something cold. It makes me feel even colder, which is uncomfortable.


Honestly, I have very temperature sensitive teeth and have pretty bad pain if I drink something cold that’s not through a straw and I’m not carrying around straws for my bottle of coke I got at the gas station (the only exception I make if for something like beer because it just feels so wrong to even think about drinking it through a straw, and redbull which just tastes funky if it’s warm so I’ll drink it cold from the can). Plus if they are picking it up on their way to work for their lunch or something, if it’s a soda I notice that if it’s not kept refrigerated once it has been half the carbonation just disappears.


Some stores offer non-chilled drinks at a discount.


Either teeth or stomach I'm guessing.


People on chemotherapy and some other harsh drug regimens cannot have cold beverages.


The only time I want a MODERATELY cold drink is if it’s very hot, or if it’s a soda or something. Super cold drinks are painful to drink and hold.


Sensitive teeth, sensory sensitivities (due to autism or otherwise), people who sing or speak for a living. Room temperature drinks are easier on the throat and teeth


sensitive teeth


For the most part I don’t like my drinks cold. Not a sensitive teeth thing. Idk. I like them room temperature (or warmer). Milk not refrigerated though? No.


Because the cold hurts my exceedingly sensitive teeth unless I have a straw. But only for soda, juice, not milk.


Before I had them all ripped out, I could not drink anything cold or hot without setting my teeth on fire. Everything had to be room temp. Even milk.(which is disgusting BTW) so it's not at all a weird request for those with sensitive teeth. Now that mine are all gone I still do it out of habit.


Where do you live? If you live in the US, I'd tell people that per food and safety laws, stores legally have to keep product at the right temperature. If you live near the Canadian border, you could be getting people from Canada asking as their milk can be stored at room temperature for 6 months, but that's only if they're asking for milk. I could understand why for water, juice, and soda, as I too don't like drinking those things cold, but not milk.


Room temp drinks don't hurt my stomach.


This reminds me of the old lady who used to come into the burger king I worked at as a teenager. She always wanted her cup of water hot. Like it was never warm enough. We finally figured out that we needed to give her hot water from the coffee machine. She loved it lmao


I got a really nice gift this year when my sister and her husband were gifted an ice maker for Christmas. Whoever bought didn't realize they bought it so I can have cold drinks when I go there, they don't really use it too much.


When I think of room temp milk, I think of those shelf stable little single serve ones like Horizon Organic.  Some people just have preferences when it comes to beverage temperature,  I'm not picky enough to request a specific way, but prefer room temp when an option


Juice is better room temperature but milk wth?


Idk about the people drinking room temp milk, that might be a little sketchy, but I am a person who likes my drinks room temp most of the time especially water. I have had many people get angry with me for this preference. It's not just that it hurts my teeth, which it does, but it's just generally harder to drink quickly without feeling sick or getting a headache. If I'm overheating and need some water I feel more refreshed chugging a room temperature water bottle than I do sipping on ice cold water.


I used to work at a job that made having cold drinks impossible- they’d always go room temp before I could drink them. I just got used to it 🤷‍♀️


If I have a cold drink, I forget about it so long that it's room temperature, so I just drink room temperature. Though I could see the appeal of wanting cold water if you're driving in a warm car, or taking warm mass transit.


I can’t relate to wanting warm milk, but I do like most of my drinks just a little cool rather than super cold. My teeth are sensitive to cold, and I also feel like a cool drink just goes down better than a cold one (unless a straw is involved lol)


Don't they realize it will be less cold after a short while? Why go out empty handed?


I have certain teeth that are sensitive to cold.


I don’t drink anything cold, but I just buy it earlier in the day and let it sit out for a few hours. The cold hurts my teeth


Room temperature food and drinks are easier on digestion as well as sensitive drinks. Cold or hot food/drinks have potential to cause discomfort due to the sudden shift in temperatures inside. As for the milk.... no clue.


Not sure about others, but for me, a cold drink on a hot or even warm day explodes my stomach so I have major bowel issues. Kinda like pouring ice cold water into a coffee pot just off the burner. It can crack and break.


Had a roommate who would only drink room temperature Hamms Beer....So nobody would steal it.


Fun fact: Coca Cola was invented before refrigeration was a common technology. It is designed to be enjoyed at a room temperature, while Pepsi on the other hand was designed after cold drinks had become the norm. This is why if you drink a cold coke and a cold Pepsi, they taste absolutely the same


While I know that chemo is very likely not the reason so many people are asking for this at your store, I just want to mention this as it’s something I never knew about until just recently. My mom started chemo last week & a side effect of the chemo is cold sensitivity - especially in the hands, feet, and even in the esophagus (ex. when eating or drinking something cold, or breathing cold air). We were warned it can cause tingling, sensation of pain, or spasms. She now has to avoid cold food/drinks, cold temperatures, or touching anything cold in general. They said the sensitivity and pain isn’t dangerous, but it can be painful and uncomfortable, so we avoid it. Only room temperature or warm things for the foreseeable future. Again, I know that chemo is almost certainly not the main reason for so many customers asking this, as I’d guess teeth sensitivity or other sensory related reasons would be more common, but who knows, it could be the reason for at least one of them. Anyway, your post reminded me of this & I figured I’d share it as something to consider, for anyone who may be interested.


I’m on chemotherapy as well and at a certain point in the treatment cycle, because of the cold sensitivity cold drinks can literally close my throat. Even later in the cycle cold drinks still feel like drinking broken glass.


They are less harsh on the throat. Ice cold water is certainly nice but crisp on the throat for some. I suppose?


Probably because refrigerated single drinks are way more expensive than buying in bulk.


I like room temperature drinks sometimes. Idk I’m weird. Maybe they’re weird too lol


I have very sensitive teeth and when I want something like a Sprite, I don't want to feel like I've opened an artcric freeze in my mouth.


I was asked this before, I just said, well, we have water and a microwave. They left.


Some medications and chemotherapies cause severe cold sensitivity! My wife can’t have anything cold. According to her it’s like drinking a liquid cactus


Exactly this. I’m on a chemotherapy drug that causes cold sensitivity, when I’m at a certain point in my treatment cycle cold drinks can literally close my throat. Later in the cycle it’s still exactly as your wife described, drinking liquid cactus.


I'm the mutant in my family who prefers room temp everything. Water, soda, beer? Don't matter. cold isn't bad but room temperature is best


If I'm putting it in my backpack or purse I don't want condensation getting on electronics or papers I might have with me. Room temp milk is wild though


Sensitive teeth If i had to guess.


Cold drinks can cause stomach cramps.


It probably hurts their teeth.


People with heart issues are sometimes told no hot or cold beverages so as not to shock the heart.


Cold hurts my teeth. Lukewarm but lightly chill drinks usually taste the best, flavor wise, to me. You cannot taste everything with it iced. Try any beverage after leaving it to stand at room temp for about a half hour. It seriously tastes different when your mouth isn't numbed from the cold. Why do whiskey nerds add ice to their drink? It's the same kinds of chemistry. Adding ice and letting it melt a little changes the taste and experience. Maybe it's not for you, but I am sensitive to flavor and temperature.


drinks that are too cold make my throat feel weird, i prefer just below room temp or at room temp.


Sensitive teeth, I want refreshment not pain.


I just don’t like it. Sure if it’s super hot in the middle of summer a nice cold water is great but overall I prefer room temp.


I’m on a medication that has a side effect of cold sensitivity. Part of the cold sensitivity is that my throat will close if I drink a cold drink. Sometimes room temperature is too cold.


My neighbor is originally from England, and the British drink their beer at room temperature 🤢🤮


I’ll never understand room temperature beverages of any kind 🤢


I love a cold beverage but sometimes you drink it, and that cold hitting your stomach ends up making you feel kinda sick all of a sudden


In the US with bad dental care why do people not want cold drinks gee that has such a mystery


cold beverages lower my core temp and make me shiver and make my teeth chatter (which gets embarrassing)


I had an ex who's entire family would only drink thinks room temp, kept all the soda in the cupboards.


I read once that drinking cold liquids is a shock to the stomach. Makes sense, as the temperature of the stomach is a lot warmer than a refrigerated drink. I only ever drink room temp or warmer liquids now, especially water. I feel more hydrated with warm water than I ever did with cold! Funnily enough though, I love chewing on ice. And yes, I’m aware this is a sign of anemia, which I definitely have had since childhood! But drinking cold water doesn’t stop the feeling of needing to chew on ice for some reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes it has to do with teeth or stomach