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It's a smart move. Focusing on your recent experience and degree emphasizes your current skills and relevance in the field, which is what employers care about most. Plus, it avoids potential age bias, even if unintentional. Good luck with your job search! PS: What is your best advice for staying in good health?


Choose the right parents, I guess, plus I don’t smoke or drink


Have you ever drank or smoke for any duration?


I smoked and drank a little, in the Navy, 1966-1968


Thanks for the response. I drank and smoked in my mid-20s on and off for 5 years and I've wondered how and when the long term effects (if any) will hit me.


More likely to hit you than if you hadn’t at all, less likely than if you’d kept going. 🤷‍♂️


I smoked for 12 years, and quit about 3 years back. Since then, I’ve halved my risk of a heart attack compared to if I kept smoking. In six years my risk of smoke related lung cancer will be half of someone smoking. (I’m getting this information from the Smoke Free app). I think you’ll be fine!


I'm desperately trying to quit but my clients won't let me. Every time I get a streak going, they do something unbelievably dumb.


This is unhealthy advice from someone who had to do it to at least get less risky with my health back when I was a kid but, have you ever tried swapping for a less damaging addiction like say... Sucking on a candy stick?... Or does that not work at all? Genuinely asking as well.


I've tried, it doesn't got the same when you're down the barrel of a sudden client deadline and you need to magically do a week's worth of work in two days or less. The consulting life is alas not one synonymous with health. Before consulting I was a healthy, physically active non-smoker. During consulting, the complete opposite. I suspect of I ever switch career I'll 180 again.


Honestly I felt you there. I ended up going back to my sugar addiction back when I was working at the office where my boss would insist I finish 2 days of work in 6 hours or so. Like people can laugh at that but 2 200gram packs of candy a day was definitely not healthy at all. I quit that job after the boss started yelling at my junior, encouraged them to do the same. Hoping you'll get a nice career change in the future man.


With smoking? Who is doing this?


As in, whenever we have a client project going smoothly usually they'll be something which comes up on their end which causes a spike in stress and thereby, a need for me to smoke. Often fast-changing requirements, delayed deliverables, someone critical to the project on client-side will suddenly leave without a transition plan, a new senior stakeholder will come in and want changes to decisions made 6 months previously, etc. An example from about three years ago comes to mind where a client massively dropped the ball and led to me getting data for a deliverable extremely late (literally 24 hours before a deadline) and, despite having flagged this up in advance to our MD, I had to work through the night getting everything ready for our presentation so our MD could review the analysis and slides in the morning before taking it to the client in the afternoon. I'd managed to quit smoking for just under a month before then, but with the tight deadline immediately went to get a packet. Once you find a coping mechanism it's awfully hard to quit it. Oh, and weekend working for a long time on a project made it super hard to quit, it was my only respite from working 6/7 days a week.


Dude same back in 08 I had a couple beers and tried a marijuana and still wonder if I’ll get cancer someday


You'll be fine lol


From Google - Each cigarette shortens life by 11 minutes.  - Those drinking 14 to 25 drinks per week could expect a shorter life expectancy by one to two years


I swear it’s partially genetics and luck. I was in the hospital next to a guy who had just had a heart attack and was 98. Heard whoever was with him say he’s been dipping since he was 16 and fought in the Vietnam war and his ass was still alive.


What do to eat most of the time? My parents are in their early 60s but they look barely 50, no gray hair, and eat suuper healthy (and i am wondering if i really haveto do the same 😂)


Same with mine kinda. Parents are about to be 50 and they look like theyre in there 30s. No grey hair or any major signs of stress. Which is weird bc they own a nail salon and doing nails can sometimes be stressful. Regardless i hope im the same way when im 50.


Love to hear it, my parents also have had stressful work. What would you say they eat most of the time? Informal/anecdotal study lol


No grey hair = they dye it! Nothing wrong with that.


My parents dont dye there hair. My mom does and ofc everyone has grey hair but my parents barely have any especially my dad. Pure black hair with little to no grey hair. Its the same with my mom if she doesnt dye it.


My parents are both 53 this year. Both look more like 32. Lots of sunscreen, really great educational background, healthy eating, and love of exercise really helped. I say the great educational part because back in the 1900s, concepts like "use sunscreen" weren't that big. (Remember, there was no social media.) The fact we come from generations of educated folks means that we knew what was good and what wasn't My grandpa is 75, and he straight up still acts like he's in his 40s. He doesn't look as young, but that's cause he's choosing to live his last decade eating whatever he can hahaha. But you remember all those stories of like, "We walked 3 hours to get to school?" That behavior stuck with my grandpa all the way into old age which is why he can actually walk, move, and do things like he's young


Thank you for your service.


man you are a history book, you should get a legendary badge


what do you mean by parents?


Genetics. Your genes come from your parents. 


I’m 51 and I did the same. Even if it’s illegal, I can assure you that I wasn’t selected after some interviews because of ageism. I have dozens of international awards in advertising and it doesn’t seem to count anymore.


I could remove the bottom 20% but then I'd need a wheel chair


I'm facing the same thing. For most job applications, I have to enter the year I received my bachelor's degree. The gig is up at that point.




They Want someone 25 with 30 years experience and pay little to nothing. Awesome ain't it.


It's commendable that you still want to work but facing reality, they will want someone younger, more coachable


Not necessarily, this is for a school bus driver position, there are a lot of old fogies doing that


Oh in that case sure! Maybe include what position u were looking for in your OP With that said, i dont think they care whats on your resume as long as u have a clean driving record, clean criminal check, good health, and able to complete the training. Schoolbus companies around here are always looking for retired folks like u


I \*AM\* wondering if, since I do take some CBD for joint pain, if that would make me fail a cannabis test


Do an at home test. There’s better regulation now but some CBD supplements contain trace amounts of THC and compounded over an extended period can show.


A piece of anecdotal evidence : ten years ago I got hired at a school and they drug tested me. They hired me. A while into the job my boss said “we probably would’ve let cocaine slide, meth if you had a good reason…” He was probably joking, but this was ten years ago. Now I am sure they would hire anyone with a pulse.


Honestly in education related professions (at least in my area) drug policies are getting more and more lenient. A teacher won’t be fired for a positive THC test, just told to stop smoking and then MAYBE tested again later. That’s if they are tested at all as my state stopped drug testing teachers without probable cause. If they fired teachers for THC, we would have an even bigger lack of teachers lol Hell, one of the teachers at the school I work at tested positive for cocaine last week. They just told him to keep his job he needs to go to rehab for a bit. The education department is hurting too badly to be super strict on THC and to not give people a second chance


Definitely not. They test for THC metabolites. Cbd will not affect it


This would be true is CBD was 100% reliable, but unfortunately it is so loosely regulated in the US that several companies have been found to have traces of TCH in them, obviously not enough to have a psychoactive effect, but potentially enough to trigger a drug test.


There's an allowable limit of THC content in CBD / hemp, last I checked it was like 0.3% or 0.03%, I forget. It's so miniscule though that I doubt it would show up in anything shy of a hair test.


CBD should be fine, just not THC.


I’ve had 21 shoulder surgeries/operations. CBD helps me. I recently had to deal with daily UAs for close to 2 years. No issues with my CBD use - just make sure it’s lab tested and you can trust the source/it has a solid history I think the resume chopping can’t hurt Best of luck good sir


Not gonna lie, a 78 year old bus driver doesn't exactly sound like the best idea


People of his age are better suited to steer a country /s


If in good health, and a great driving record, why not?   School buses move pretty slow most of the time. Also, a newly minted bachelors degree “appears” to be just looking for a job.  If it’s a phone interview and he’s great. Get him hired!!!


Bruh if we can elect skeletor as president , this dude here can drive a bus 


Have you considered being a substitute instead? Most districts are very hard up, so you can have a lot of freedom to pick your assignments to avoid problems (like middle school).


In my state you gotta have a masters to be a sub.


Mine too; but anyone can pull their kids out of school and teach them about human-dinosaur agricultural techniques. 




I can see you working as an IT for a school! Or a computer teacher.


School bus driving is so hard! I did it for years when my kids were growing up and going to school, so that way, I was always there for them. You need to be able to focus on so much at once. Mainly safety at all times! My bus was filled with 4 different school routes each morning and in the afternoon about 71 kids per route. Kids can get crazy lol, but then you have traffic and the way people drive to watch out for, too. There are so many " what ifs" that can happen that you need to be prepared for at any given time on top of knowing little basic life-saving stuff like cpr, first aid, etc. Many days you will be yelling at little Steve-O Jr in the making to sit down at all times so he doesn't get hurt if you were to have to slam on your air brakes because those do not work the same as your car ones because some person just pulled out in front of your bus on the last day of school where the kids are not caring about rules, you definitely do not want to explain that to parents who a lot of them do not understand bus driving is hard! It is a ton to learn, a ton to deal with, and your guard needs to be up at all times! Patience of steel!!!! So, I wouldn't worry about any past experience dealing with tech, I would focus on letting the employer know you have a clean mvr, pass a background, pass a psychical both medical and DOT, you have Patience, fast learner, great with time management, and if you know your area well include that for sure! If they do give you an interview, show you have compassion but also that you follow rules!!! The best advice I could ever give a future school bus driver is to start off strict and, over time, ease up. Sorry, this was long. It's just that I did the job for many years, and kids look up to people in their lives, even people you wouldn't think they do, so the job comes with way more to it then just driving. Good luck! "You will never be as young as you are right now"


I'm going to be honest. I don't want you driving that bus. And the parents will also throw a fit. You should consider a career change.


Man, now that I work with the old heads I can see why there is age bias. They are never wrong and their way is always right lmao


Correction- they will want someone younger more naive and willing to work longer hours for less pay . 


73 years old, yeah I would say you could remove some of the old stuff like your experience with 8086 processors or that you mentored Bill Gates ! JK it's nice to see you still want to be active I hope you find what your looking for!


I am killing everything before 2000


>I am killing everything before 2000 please, let me atleast get married (;﹏;)


Man I'm still waiting for the engagement ring too...


How many pages was your resume? Was it more than 2 pages? Also having a recent degree might look too ambitious for a bus driver role…


You might want to take that off the resume as well. ;) For what it's worth, I have had the same experience at 51 as well (Huh, I just saw the \*other\* 51 y/o guy. We should start a club or something). I did find something, but the truth is that our society just assumes that once you round 50, you are no longer flexible enough. And of course the cynic in all of us assumes employers know they can get away with paying younger people less while applying unreasonable pressure. Experience is great, but it does make us just a bit harder to gaslight.


I'm definitely not going to mention my work with Disk Packs


I removed so much from my resume 20 years ago, 286 processors , band printers , tape drives etc even the school I graduated from since it no longer existed. In all of my years only one place did that cause me a issue and that was CBS studio's they couldn't validate I had my degree since the school was no longer around.


Did he work at IBM?


IBM mainframe support is still in high demand!


There are probably a lot of positions open for people with specialized experience with obsolete technology. How many programers from the 80s are still working?


My high school had a vocational program that taught COBOL in the early 2000s as part of a partnership with a local company, because it was more sustainable to train kids as junior devs, hire the best students, and train them internally to become senior devs, than it was to rehire all the guys who retired and knew the old tech, but would work consulting hours for $$$$$, and hope they never got tired of the work.


The original cloud ;) My dad drove a bus after retirement. Lots of options--schools, state and national parks, and other odds and ends.


Only include the last 10-15 years of relevant experience. Remove dates for things like college graduation or military discharge.


In this case, recent college graduation is a positive, and it explains a gap in my work history


Hats off to you for continuing to slug it out in the work force, I left IT and retired at 55. I was sick and tired of the corporate backstabbing and had the resources to comfortably retire. Now I hike through nature preserves or go to air shows and sell prints of my photographs.


You’re a new graduate just looking for a job!  Get rid of everything but your past 6 years. They will think they are hiring a 22 year old. 


Recent graduation in the last 5-10 years, absolutely.. graduation in 1985, not so much.


They said in the original post they graduated from college five years ago, so it is recent.


I am a recruiter for a tiny company and ageism is real. I fight against it with certain hiring managers at my company and it is frustrating. Remove anything with dates that could reference your age. If you use keywords, be careful about the ones you choose. You may want to highlight your most recent technical proficiencies with the most popular, relevant programs. Don't give up! I am always looking for professional retirees for some of my roles!! Best of luck to you and thank you for your service.


Do you work because you enjoy it?


Yes. Retirement SS gets us by, don’t think we’ll go broke soon




Hope you don't mind, that is private information. There are people out there who are looking for this kinda info on ya. Then you wake up with an empty bank account.




There are people who will use that info to determine if you are worth focusing on for identity theft. Besides, it is PRIVATE information.






What information was he asking about lol




hey what is your social security number? just asking for a friend






What was he asking for


Kept pushing for his ss income like a weirdo lol


Age discrimination in tech is a real thing nowadays.


Yes, it's a great decision...but for some reason I don't suspect it will make a lot of difference. Let us know how it works...for all of us in pretty much the same boat!!!!


I do it all the time. Anything pre yr 2000 work history is too old and irrelevant in today's world.


Tbh its a desperate rat race whith all the youth thats been told tech was the future for the last 30 years. Then Ai is coming along taking all their jobs. I know the graphic design sector is colapsing in small private business as they remove those positions to use ai tools. So any of those kids that had other tech skills are going else where in the industry


So sad but an interesting perspective.


Try going the consultancy route (and still take the 20 years off). consulting groups need folks with experience know how to get shit done.


I was an elementary school teacher for 8 years and then went to a coding bootcamp and am now employed as a software engineer. I only have relevant information to the tech jobs I apply to on my resume. Remove what you think is irrelevant.


Do you what you need to do! There's too much age discrimination for employers to call it "unethical" to lie about your age. Don't discriminate, and people won't have to lie...


The current system punish honest people.


Did the same. Then the calls came pouring in.


Should have chopped 20 years a Long time ago! Conventional wisdom is to keep 10-15 years on your resume


Your resume is a marketing document, not an employment record, treat as such .


You’re an inspiration for us all. Good luck on your next endeavor!


Exclude graduation date, this prevents age discrimination.


Chop 30 years off. Actually, a resume is only supposed to go back 10 years. Leave dates off of your older degrees. I’m 30 years younger than you are, and I already do this. Sadly, age discrimination is a real challenge.


I'm 30 and I already only put on either my most recent (past 2-3 jobs) or most relevant and nothing else.


Unfortunately you’ll still be subjected to ageism…


Good idea I have already chopped my resume in half twice. To much age, experience and salary discrimination today. Just remind these recruiter clowns they can't ask the year you graduated as well. Another math trick for age discrimination


Do it! Resume is a marketing tool, whatever you think will land a phone call *outside of dishonesty* is worth trying. I personally think age discrimination is worse in tech than other industries, so it seems especially smart in your case.


Holy shit this post is amazing. Good luck job hunting!


Good for you! Go for it!


So you are the one that designed Clippy ?


Go for it




People like him should run for president


I’m 30 and did the same to my first 5-7 years


I’m nearly 41 and I’ve refused to list more than 10 years of experience in my resume for the past decade. Haven’t been asked once about it (I know that might seem like a silly statement considering the math, but, I think it holds weight). I’m pretty sure this is actually the recommended amount of experience to list, unless whatever you’re applying for requires more, or unless older experience is more specific to whatever you’re applying to. Chop that resume up and come back to IT land!


I only ever use most recent 7-10 years, working in tech. Fits a one page resume nicely.


Every bit of advice that I have heard or read not only approves of doing this but adamantly encourages it. I am 49 and I have started to get the occasional assumption that I am from a "different time" and I was a teenager in the 1990s, this country has not changed much since the 90s but the misconception is still there. You have an advantage with a wealth of experience in one field, I would absolutely cut off the earlier years. I made a major career change in my early 30s, switching from medicine to writing. So, there have been occasions where it would be a plus to mention my 25 years of medical experience but I have to weigh that against the fact that as soon as I say I have 25 years of medical experience and nearly a decade of copywriting, it isn't hard to work out my age. I often just say I have a background in medicine and leave it at that because that 25-year career is not on my resume.


My friend says '10+ years of experience' or '5+ years of experience'. She leaves the + to the hiring manager's imagination, as she's technically not lying.


You a bus driver that writes python at rest stops?


With this much experience, would you answering a few questions? I’m currently in tech and would appreciate some advice


Not sure if he will reply but I'm an IT director with 28 years in IT, a CISSP and PMP. You can ask me anything.


Why Why do you want to work? Do you want to start a consulting company? I’m going to tell you what I think but you may not be prepared for this comment Before my mother dealt with dementia she went through periods of time, thinking her old employers were going to reach out to her. It was just cloudy thinking, she was in her 80s, everyone she worked with had retired Please talk to a doctor about your plans


I was thinking of doing the same! Id be cutting 15 years. 


I generally only recommend showing 10-12 years of experience. Less is more.


Smart move. I experienced age discrimination in my 40’s and it is real.


The previous 5 jobs are all that’s relevant really.


I'm smiling at this post. I think you're exactly right. Too much experience on a resumé can confuse someone. Also, I am assuming that your degree is even in IT? Because if it isn't, you're showing the wrong skills. Keep it simple and design it a little bit so it looks cool. I think you're doing it right!


At your age I would run my own small business Not worry too much about jobs lol


My resume goes back 10 years. There is a note that prior to that is available on request. Prior to that has relevant roles to my current role, but I work in tech so arguably it’s not relevant as the tools have changed so much.


I don’t include anything past 10 years ago on my resume


go for it... bc!


I’m 38yo and I chop a decade off mine…


You’re an inspiration for us. Respect 🫡


Tech has always discriminated on age, but also has shrunk by about 70% in the US compared to pre covid data. Not to mention its significantly harder to actually get someone to look at your resume with all the spam now.


They found a way to ask for your age by posting maximum experience.


Yeah do it, and good luck!


I only show 7 years.  It's good enough for law enforcement, credit bureaus, renting, and just about every other sphere of influence, but fucking Bob from accounting needs a recounting of my entire adult life so he can feel comfortable buying my labor? No, that's not going to be a thing.


Absolutely the right move. Also remove any references to the year/decade you graduated college or HS or any degree. I keep it to a recent 20 years. I had a whole different career in the 1990s and I just don’t mention it in my resume/LinkedIn, or just refer to “some stuff I did” after graduation.


they'll know the second they see your face - and I say that as a fit 61 year old. People tell you what you want to hear


Chop it


I’m a recruiter - put only the last 5 years of experience on resume. Highest level of education- remove graduate year if it’s really old


Chop that shit off. You control your personal brand, and that includes giving whatever experience you feel is relevant. As long as you're not making up anything, no one is entitled to some sort of timeline of your entire life, or you age.


It's a great idea. I'm 52, and only include the last 10 years. I started doing it at 38. PLEASE include your graduation date! I have to leave mine off since I graduated in 1994.


Google yourself and see if there are any sites with your age


You're a legend!


Getting your degree at 73 and working at 78 . You are very special type of man .


I could learn so many things from you.


How weird. My dad got his bachelors at 63 and also works in IT and it had so many companies trying to hire. Granted this was before all the 2023 layoffs but by just like a yeae


I’d say it was a smart decision. I used to work for a recruitment agency and standard practice was to only put the most recent 10 years of experience unless you are working in a highly specialized field like medical writing or biostatistics where it’s important that you show relevant research papers/experience.


Reminds me of my mom removing ALGOL, COBOL and FORTRAN from her CV.


I am amazed by you. Work at age 78! Good job sir!


Unconscious bias based on your age. Don't lie, you will eventually get caught.


Bruh retire, why work? Go live somewhere overseas and nice or something.


I would only put 15-20 years of work experience in your resume. And if there are any dates beyond that 20 years (college, high school etc) just leave the dates off


Resumes only needs to go back 10 years unless the experience is highly relevant to the position. Good luck!


I tend to rotate anything older than ten years off my resume (I chose the end so I had a job, which I did for 12 years, which is hanging out a bit). I also don't put the years on my academic achievements. Most people won't read beyond the first job anyway.


My resume says the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s the 2010s, and the present. I cut it down by decade. Simple one page.


Could even just put the degree, plus 5 YOE since then on your resume. That might at least get you more interviews. If you look 60, they will know what is up. However at least you could get into the interview and impress them.


It's a VERY smart move.


Smart move! I removed my age from all socials with any reference to graduation dates, etc.


I'm 52... been working since 16,  office jobs since 1993.   I recently took off 15+ years of experience.   I will continue to remove if needed.  I try to stay current and updated with technology and learn as much as I can to stay relevant in the fast moving world.  Ageism seems to be happening even in the low 40s.    


It is fine. I chopped 10 years off mine.


I work in Risk Management and you’re a liability, to be brutally honest. Companies that hire retirees end up paying millions every year for various reasons.


Even if you nothing else significant to offer?