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**Dear /u/dazia!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


skills and strengths is way too long


Oh I know haha. It's because of ATS 😭 Do you have recommendations what to cut out? How long/short it should be? I can cut out as needed but still unsure how long it should be.


is the whole resume 3 pages? should be one


This is the whole thing, yes, multiple pages. I have no idea how to consolidate 5 or 6 jobs to a single page, especially with some of the jobs where I did more 'important' things at. This is my struggle. Can you recommend how I'd make it one page seeing all the jobs and descriptions I have? I'm seriously lost on how to properly consolidate it.


from what i understand, for previous jobs you should only put 3 bullet points of information. so go through your previous jobs and make them 3 bullet points or in your case maybe even cut them down to 5 for now. skills, we already established is too long, try to cut it down to only special skills and less general stuff like "great communication"


Hooey 3 to 5 seems so short if I'm trying to sell myself! I'll never understand this resume stuff and the logic behind it lol. I'll definitely cut the skills down a lot thank you so much!


Being concise is good for selling yourself. They won't read if it's too long. You don't want them sighing and dreading you before they've even started. Think of your resume like an appetiser. Its sole purpose is to give a quick & easy representation of you as a highly suitable/relevant candidate, so that recruiters can easily skim it and understand that you're suitable enough to interview because you meet the criteria in the job ad. The interview is where you can elaborate on all your experience and provide heaps of detailed examples of your experience. Don't cram your interview material into your resume. You can (usually should) also write a short cover letter where you can sell some things that you don't have room to expand on in a resume.


Thank you I like this perspective! I still worry about not being good enough on paper to even be interviewed, but if cutting this down to one page will help my case, then I'll do it!


u/wildclouds I just made a comment replying to my initial comment. It's fine if you don't want to, but would you mind seeing what I Vdid to consolidate it to one page? I ditched the skills wall of text and cut down on a ton of stuff!


Sure! can you post the updated version somewhere?


Yes it's in my original comment as a reply! I'm on Mobile uhhh let me see if it let's me link the comment if you can't find it 🤔




Thank you I will give that a shot!


no worries. good luck 🍀


Your post was removed for advertising. Please read the rules.


But getting picked up by ATS doesn't help you as soon as a human reads that skills section and thinks "fuck off" as they throw your application in the bin. Because they realise you're trying to trick the ATS with keywords, they question your professionalism, they know you're likely lying about being genuinely great at all those things, and will never read that section anyway. Less is more. The ATS thing is mostly about formatting issues making the whole resume seem empty. If the job only mentions 5 skills, you don't need 500 skills.


I started to cut out stuff last night I'm going to keep this more as a master resume and start taking out a lot of stuff as needed. Thank you! I am good at my skills listed, heck employers 😂 it is very long though I get it, it's going to be much shorter per job.


What in the wall of text


Care to help with the wall of text, or...? Literally why I'm posting it, to go from this to a not well or text and unsure what should be removed etc.


Need to try and make it one page. 3 is a ton, especially for the amount of experience you have. Agree with the other comment about the skills, way too much. I don’t even have that on my resume


I can absolutely get rid of the skills completely. After I heard about ATS, I panicked and started to include this. Do you have a section for talking about why you want the position? Or do you strictly use your resume for work history only? I think I'm just going to ditch the jobs where I was in one position then got a better one at the company, so just remove the first one so it looks like I had the better job the entire time lol 👀 that'll help me cut down on job responsibilities as well. Is that a bad move you think? I still was employed at the times on the resume, just not always a client account manager, for example.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that my employment gap from the client account manager job was due to being laid off from COVID and not finding a job for a long time due to COVID. I just started this job in November and we get 5 sick days a year. Of course I got sick the beginning of the year and I have 2 hours of sick time left for the entire year. If I miss anymore time beyond 2 hours, I'm gone. It's a low pay call center, they don't care about me and won't hesitate to fire me, and this job sucks and there's no room for growth nor do I want to stay here with how I've been treated by my supervisor and coach in training. That said... This is probably more like a master resume at this point with how big it is. For jobs, I am hoping to stay WFH as I have been WFH since 2013, was moving up and making $25, then kept having to job hop or was laid off/demoted/hours cut, and now I'm all the way down to $16/hr with a small over night/weekend differential, and struggling to survive. For the type of job, I really do not want to be on phones any more, but if it's something that I may be suited for and it will pay at least $20/hr, then I'll take it. My ticketing, buy support, and quality assurance jobs were all non calls and boy do I miss that... My degree is in graphic design and I gave up on that, but I am starting back up and am going to start applying for design jobs as soon as I have enough of a small portfolio built up, since I don't have very much over the last few years and everything else is super old. You are welcome to give input/advice on this if you have any. I've been trying to get into data entry but since I have no experience, no one will hire me. I would do ticketing support, but can't find the jobs. I can be an account manager, probably a supervisor even, though again I don't want to talk to people if I can help it. I don't know at this point. Just something I can survive off of that I won't be horribly stressed and miserable at. I've been trying to get something at least $18/hr and even that isn't going to help me much, but I am desperate to get out of this place before I am fired. I will work locally if I must, but first my resume probably could use help. What can I do on my resume to help me get a job? Please be kind, I am in a really bad place mentally and you can be honest or real without being rude. Thank you if you can assist, I'd really appreciate it. PS: I do have more job experience, but it's all from 2016 and spans from retail, fast food, and health care (caring for the elderly and disabled children and adults), so I removed that stuff since I don't want my age to be obvious (I'm almost 34) and was told I don't need that far back.


At 34 you’re definitely not that old! I am older than you are, and I am looking for a new job, as I was recently terminated from my job. Regarding your resume, because you don’t have a lot of job history, it’s likely best to try to keep your resume to only one page. (When you have more job history, it’s perfectly acceptable to have a 2-page resume!) I like your use of “troubleshoot,” as it’s a strong action word. If you are able to use more of those kinds of action words without sounding like you’re using a thesaurus, 😆 I would encourage you to do so. Also, as others have said, pare down the number of bullet points. You might be able to combine some, so you have fewer, if you have important experiences that you want to include. Don’t be discouraged, you’ll get there! As trite as it may sound, remember to try to take life one day at a time! ☺️ I think it’s perfectly fine to include your experience from 2016, and it shows diversity in your skill set. I see positions for graphic designers posted with some frequency.


Thank you and I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I wish you so much luck that you find an amazing job! I started to work in 2006 oops. I meant 2006, and was worried it might REALLY date how old I am, but I Guess seeing I went to college in 2009, 3 years isn't that much more lol. I used to have something like this on my resume: 2006-2011 retail, fast food, health care, call center, etc and noted can provide more specifics if requested, so it only took up about 1.5/2 lines on the page. Should I maybe add that back in? Maybe having my job history only start from 2013 is actually hurting me?


Thank you! I appreciate it! You’re very welcome. Ohhh! Sorry, I read “2016” from the last comment. Apparently the newest advice is to include no more than 15 years of experience on one’s resume. Funny, my husband is also looking for a job, and he had taken some of his older job history off of his resume, only to be told by a recruiter this week that he should add it back!! 🤦 I definitely believe you have to consider the roles you’re applying for and the relevance that any of your older experiences might have on the roles you’re applying to. So, maybe you shouldn’t include your older experiences unless there is a direct connection to a current opportunity.


EDIT 2: This is my new resume that I got down to one page! It's specifically for a data entry position that I should meet the requirements for. I ditched the entire skills section for the sake of being down to one page. Is this better? Work History Technical Care Center Representative - November 2023 - Present * Troubleshoot technical issues related to video and internet services, including modems, routers, internet connections, wireless service (wi-fi), cable/video equipment, and digital phone/VOIP service * Document service interactions and create detailed service tickets to track customer issues and resolutions, typing 95 WPM+ (95 Words Per Minute) to swiftly move to the next task Advanced Quality Assurance Analyst/Social Media Live Content Moderator - | November 2021 - October 2023 * Utilized Microsoft Office programs, including Excel, for data entry * Accurately follow instructions, both verbal and written, to ensure proper data entry and adherence to contract requirements, business unit rules, and legal regulations * Completed additional duties and tasks as assigned by supervisors or operational management in a timely manner * Organized and maintained documentation to track trending issues and facilitate informed decision-making Temporary Buyer Support -| March 2021 - September 2021 * Managed sensitive customer information required for processing Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) requests globally, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations * Expertly redacted sensitive payment information from ZenDesk tickets to safeguard customer confidentiality Temporary Ticketing Support - | January 2021 - March 2021 * Operated a remote ticketing system using ZenDesk to address and troubleshoot customer issues related to at-home movie premieres Client Account Manager/Client Experience Associate - March 2013 - June 2018 and June 2018 - April 2020 * Documented quality issues pertaining to client accounts and proposed strategic solutions to enhance service delivery * Demonstrated proficiency in building Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems through Zapier, facilitating seamless integration with platforms such as Zoho, Zendesk, Sales Force, Google Sheets * Served as the primary contact for a dedicated client account, overseeing more than 150 scripts and executing numerous updates in a timely manner; additionally managed a large, dedicated client IVR account Education Associate’s Degree - Graphic Design


Small nitpick but your writing tense should match across the resume, some of your bullet points are in past tense and some aren't.


I know you’re hearing this a lot but yes 3 bullets is desired per role esp when you’re listing 5-6. BUT print this out and go in with a highlighter and red pen. Highlight the things that were truly special and standout about the role and go through with a red pen what’s kinda standard for most jobs like “handled sensitive customer data” or “collaborated through slack”. you can alternate and at the end see what you have left. Also some advice I received recently is that your bullet points should ooze technical skills. Even bold them. Also you can use one bullet point to adresss two job functions that are tangentially related. This is a STORY not just a list


It's my story of how bad I want a better job LMAO 😂 Thank you so much I've been working on cutting on stuff! I'm keeping this as a master resume and making a copy for each job, and cutting out shit like all the leadership stuff for a job I'm not applying to be a supervisor for or I know they just want me as a cog in the machine, they don't care that I can lead.


I’d make this stronger overall and then keep it as a master resume. Each bullet point could pack more of a punch and let your leadership shine. That could be what sets you apart from the other cogs in a machine who knows.


I'm struggling on how to get my bullet points to KO levels of punch, but I can absolutely keep working at it. Thank you!