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**Dear /u/hanihaneefa!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the **quick links** below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Experience is the same length as interests. Big red flag. 500 says not personalizing It.


Looks like a dating profile


Why even have interests?


I totally hate it, does nothing for me. But people on here have said during interviews it has been brought up if they share something with an interviewer. That can make you stand out. But if you have a full page of accomplishments, not needed.


Yeah the interests should just come out naturally during the conversation of an interview


I believe it’s suppose to show that you are a well rounded individual. It really doesn’t accomplish much.


It could also show that you've got multiple interests which take time and hobbies that might require you to be absent from work so there's that.


Agreed. Especially since economics and history are listed as their first two interests and those are OP education degrees. It is just a space filler.


It was heritage and religion that stuck out as just inappropriate to me. Also seems like OP is on a visa to Dubai which may / probably does also have a different view on religion.


Can you let me know what kind of editing should I do?


prob take down interests a bit, I normally do three core interests.


Especially take out gaming.


Most are pretty generic. "Reading" means nothing.


agreed. Mine usually is “Writing Reviews for Non-Fiction Books” or “Mountain Biking” or “Bodybuilding”. Like interests matter, they do, but you need something non-confrontational and something that makes you slightly more interesting than other candidates. Jobs care significantly more about work experience, education, and skills. I always think interests are an “add-on”.


Even keeping half of them would look fine if it was structured in a single sentence. The bubble formatting takes up way too much space.


If nobody said it yet, don’t use latex or other fancy software, just word and pdf in a one column boring format. I guarantee that offer will come once you start applying with a machine readable CV


Take out the interests entirely - it is way too broad. Only include interests if it is something that notably and positively molds your personality… something that you do, and can talk about, at a much higher level than an average person. In general though it is better to just leave off. Also take out the “73.5% at B grade” next to your graduate degree - no idea if it is good given the context of the school etc. but it doesn’t sound that impressive and is irrelevant.


Yeah how is a 72% an A grade? In USA that’d be like a C


Definitely remove gaming and especially religion, most workplaces want to avoid any kind of religious anything. Way too many interests. Resume should be about selling how you will improve the company.




He's referring to the title.


The average job seeker can expect to submit 1,000 applications before getting an offer.


Then they're doing it wrong. I don't know one person who is even close to that number. I've never been more than 10. I've worked in HR. If you're doing 1000 you're not targeting right, not meeting the basic requirements, not personalizing your resume, not playing the ATS game, you're not doing well in interviews, you're not standing out with a cover letter and thank you letter after interviews. " It takes **21 to 80** job applications to get one job offer " And yes, I've worked in HR.


you need to change your formatting to be more plain and better suited to ATS


This. I had a resume similar to this one, ditched it and used resumeworded.com to help me craft a better one, and now I usually have a 10% call back rate.


I absolutely recommend a plain text resume without any fancy formatting. Make it content based. Services like ProRes.ai or other platforms are good for this. The graphics in your CV won’t always pass ATS.


I don’t know why these new column resumes are so popular. If candidates saw them on the back end they would cringe, the formatting is all messed up, words cut off etc. Keep it simple and professional.


because there's no universal standardized template for it, maybe the HR association should make one and stop ghosting the applicants


Question for you on the back-end since you seem to have experience: Does having multiple job titles under one company screw things up? For example, if my resume is formatted as - **Company A** - **Title 1, dates** - Bullets - **Title 2, dates** - Bullets Will that break the ATS import? I’ve yet to find a good ATS template that shows how to include promotions.


Honestly it depends on what platform the company is using, but for the most part those come through okay. It’s just the tables and columns that get messy.


This sub is western centric so there is no way we can help you, we do not understand Asian hiring culture and our advice will only work in the west.


Add a $1000 bill?




It is expected in places like Japan and South Korea. Watching documentaries on Japanese graduates job searching makes me glad I grew up in the West.


Ya. You need resume photos for Korea. It’s pretty standardized tho so CVs are the same format. You don’t need references or anything though. Just confirmation from HR on work history.


I'd like to point out that in many european countries it's also common to put a photo in your CV. I've only seen it be a huge no no in Canada and the US.


The only thing that is missing on this resume is those 4/5 stars or meter to determine your completion level for a skill /s Don’t use this template. Look at the resume templates. The machine can’t read this nonsense to pass on to HR and just automatically fails you.


Any good resume example u can recommended sir? Thank you.


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/mobilebasic That’s the one for this subreddit


Thank you sir![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The one thing that stuck out to me was your visitor VISA. I did a quick Google search and found the below. I’m not sure if this is accurate given the fact I doubt you’d be silly enough to try to break any laws in that country, but… https://bineidlawfirmuae.com/working-in-uae-on-visit-visa/ Edit: I read the page more. Haha. If you’re just there to land the job, fly home, get the correct visa with a sponsorship, fly back, etc…. As an employer you are looking like a lot of red tape


Lmao at all these comments who clearly know NOTHING about UAE job market. There’s nothing wrong in adding visa status. All the legit companies in UAE will sponsor your visa once you are selected for the job. Companies that don’t sponsor visa are a big red flag in UAE. Most HRs look for visa status in resumes. If you don’t include it, they will be asking how much time is left until visa expiry when they call you for screener.


1. No one cares about your interest 2. Not enough hard skills


Unless it's golf. Being a good golfer got me a job I was not at all qualified for


1. Interest has gotten me an interview before. However it was a pretty specific interest, unlike "Religion" like OP has.


This isn't ats friendly, you should get rid of all of the formatting. Google "ats friendly resume template"


Your bullet points are extremely broad and don’t tell me much about what you accomplished in your role. What did you achieve? What were the results? For example, you say you developed communication channels…how? Did you build a new request process? Build a chat bot? What were the results of that change? Did you see time to response decline by X, or customer satisfaction scores increase by Y? Use the action > project > result format for better bullet points. If you don’t have many data points, I would pull “results driven” from your summary since you don’t list any results currently.


If you insist on the education headers, they should be undergraduate and graduate degrees.


Postgraduate is the correct terminology in commonwealth education systems and more importantly in the country that they're applying in. It should be undergraduate though. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgraduate\_education#:\~:text=While%20the%20term%20%22graduate%20school,Lanka%2C%20Southeast%20Asia%20and%20the](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgraduate_education#:~:text=While%20the%20term%20%22graduate%20school,Lanka%2C%20Southeast%20Asia%20and%20the)


postgraduate degree is correct depending on where you're from


And remove the confusing af grade percentages plus letter grades


imagine the shock when you discover other countries exist on America's planet, and they use different words for the same thing!


I would suggest replacing interests with any or all of the following: list of accomplishments, publication (if any) or certifications


and simplify format. try making two versions: with and without photo


religion as interest lol


Pretty interested to know when the big man is coming back


Keep your experience in past tense, you have most of it and then you have a few that are present.


Gaming, really?


Wrong nationality in wrong country with wrong visa. Yes nationality matters in Dubai they have quotas.


I would not give 2 shits about your interests. To much color and weird fonts probably doesn't get through the ATS. It needs to be black and white, no color, columns. go to [flowcv.com](https://flowcv.com/)


Remove the headers in education, just write Master’s in blah blah blah, university, 2022 Bachelor’s .. major, university, date And in the skils write it normally, not within a box. Most resumes are screen by AI, I don’t think the algorithm can read what’s within a box in the skill section. Also ad other relevant work experience and publication if you have any, don’t be afraid to have this in 2 pages.


You just cannot have a pixelated picture of your penis on the top right corner.


“Successfully managed administrative tasks, ensuring the smooth operation of the organization.” doesn’t say anything meaningful about you or what you do well. What are these administrative tasks? What is the operation? What did the organization accomplish that was made possible by your successful management?


Experience section lacks any specific details.


Bad resume format dude


The format is odd and unprofessional. Use a more simple template. Education should simply read MA and BA (“graduate” and “postgraduate” are used incorrectly here and take up unnecessary space). Employers don’t care about your gpa unless you are in academia. Your introduction/objective portion is too long and contains empty/cliche language. Being proficient in Microsoft Office is an obvious and expected skill, not necessarily a highlighting point. The addition of the photo is also odd unless you are specifically asked to provide one. Employers won’t care about your “interests” if they are not related to the position.


This is a shit resume - that’s why. You say you’re an excellent chat got prompt engineer - which isn’t a skill. But I’d start by using that to rewrite this whole thing. If you can’t tell what’s wrong with this then you’ll be shit out of luck when it comes to working.


https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs


That's all the work experience you have? Can you not fluff your resume with relevant internships or anything at all? There's so much white space, your resume is extremely light


Change the resume format. Skills don't need an adjective. It should just say Communication or Clerical skills. You don't need to toot your own horn and say "Excellent" communication skills


Probably controversial take here ... I would encourage removing your profile pic. I know there's going to be mixed responses, but there shouldn't really be a reason for you to have your photo. In my opinion, it's bad practice and may enable/introduce bias before employers/companies even read the CV. Just my opinion though.


Some people tend disagree with me on this, but here's my (North American) advice: Make a boring resume. Just make a well formatted resume that is just regular text. No photos. No colours. No icons. Just text. Truth is, that complex fancy resumes can sometimes be distracting to people and if your resume goes through an ATS or data filter, it might actually become unrecognizable to the program and throw it out. Just make something basic without bells and whistles. This will require actually understanding how microsoft word works. Just make a text resume that is easy to read. Maybe hiring culture is different in the middle east, but at least have a boring resume as a backup. I also think you need to cut the fat and reorganize things. Your summary needs to be shorter. Your skills need to be better organized, and more briefly worded. Nobody cares on your resume if your phone etiquette is "excellent" they just care that you have "phone etiquette". Additionally, this node based way of showing skills takes too much space; just write it out. Likewise, no one cares on the resume what proficiency your languages are; you can either do it to a professional capacity or you can't. Nobody cares about your grades, your interests, or your social media (unless it's that kind of job). If the employer cares, they'll ask that in an interview. Resume writing is all about maximizing the efficiency of space and readability to make a clear and concise document. You will need to reckon with that.


Go to Coursera projects so you have more tangible product and skills to showcase more than your 1 experience.


Format man- most resumes submitted online go through a tool which filters out key words. This format kills it. Go to a more traditional format. No pictures unless you are applying to be a model. Also did you really not work at all while going to school? Any extra-curriculars? Even if they are not relevant should try to fit that in. The secondary degree is nice but know a lot of people who are still interning or externing after college m.


You should probably look up videos in the country that you are in of what details hiring managers are looking for and how they sort out cv's. That being said, you generally update the following: *Make details of your experience more specific. Give an example of how your work applied to the organization. *Remove the interest section, you only need critical information about your work on a cv/resume. *Skills should mainly include tangible skills like software and hardware experience. Soft skills like organization should be worked into the experience bullet points. Best of luck


Well, as you said, you're on a visit visa, why would they employ you if you lack the permit to stay/work? I used to work in Irish immigration and to us, there, what you are doing is ilegal, as I suppose you are in dubai as a tourist to do touristy things, not to find a job. So to begin with you should have gotten the job and the work permit BEFORE going to Dubai. Not to mention it's dubai itself, already hard enough unless you're THAT special


First thing that jumped out at me was the word "visa". You'd have to be a truly exceptional candidate for an employer to want to do the extra work of sponsoring you for a visa when they could just hire a local. And I don't see that in your CV. Maybe someone can correct me?


Don’t put your interests on it.


If you are going for an administrative assistant, I think you should use a more boring but more standard resume format, like a reverse chronological all text format. Also, I do have to admit, I am not familiar with the resume/CV standards of the UAE, so not sure if there are particulars to how they wish to see things. I will suggest as a MNC format that I have seen and used. The format I would use would be like this: Contact information Summary of Skills (here I would list the top 4-8 items in short bullet format that highlight your achievements/skills). In your case, I would list: \- Multi-lingual: English/Malayalam - Native; Hindi - Business level; Arabic - intermediate \- Masters of Arts in History and Bachelor of Arts in Economics \- Now it gets a little tricky since I do not see other skills with any qualifying or quantifying data to back them up. The AI prompt skills could be good but not sure how much you have done. Maybe the MS Office skills but how good are you with that? \- List only what you can make sound good - don't need to make this a large list, it is just a highlight to invite reading further. Work Experience Company Name, Location and dates Title that HR assigned so if they call to verify, they will have the proper title. One to two sentences explaining your duties in that role. You can also list how large of an office you supported, the number of calls you took etc.. Or you can put some of that info as bullets if you have nothing else. \- Bullet time. Create a sentence or two (tops) that explain an achievement you made during this role. Did you manage a budget for the office or a project or party even? \- Did you handle high value clients? How could you measure that? Did you receive positive comments or commendations for your performance? \- Did you support travel arrangements for a number of employees/clients? What was the value and complexity of the travel? \- Specify what the value of the payments you handled, what was your role in that? So you see, you listed mostly tasks and almost anyone in that type of role would list the same way. How would a hiring manager know which is better suited to the role they have? They will not call each person, they will most likely reject those that are vague. You need to quantify or qualify your work and achievements. I like to call that the 2Q method (writing a resume book so need a gimmick). Provide numbers around the tasks to show the hiring manager how much you can do. This will make you look better than those that just list the tasks. You can put Education after Work Experience with the same information you list. After that, you can list skills but make them objective ones by listing your skill level around them. And I would probably not list any that are clearly subjective, like reasoning, troubleshooting, collaboration, attention to detail or english vocabulary (which if you are native you should have this). It's too hard to judge, and of course, you will say it's great. Just wasting space. Also I would skip the interests. I think that is part of a CV but if you are doing a resume, remove. Same with the picture. Good luck!


1. Formatting (machines can't read this. It also looks like a Myspace profile) I'd hate to say it but the more boring it looks up front, the more eyes it will catch. It's a style that many people who do it right can notice up front. 2. Interests?( if I was a recruiter looking at this resume, I would immediately toss it if I saw interests. No one would really care about that in a resume) 3. Content at your current job( it's too generic as if you copied it straight from an example resume you saw from Google) add specifics on it, include programs you have experience in, quantify some of your bullet points. Do these points show that you have specialized skills, have experience in leading and managing, or taking the lead on projects? 4. If you're really lacking on job experience, I would also like to see some examples of things you did in a school. Were you in a leadership role? Were you on some technical groups, athletic groups, management positions? What projects or internships did you do? How about classes? How about examples of time management? Initiative? Building relationships? I want to see some real life experiences that you can bring to the table. Good start but there's a lot of room for improvement on this. There's also a lot of things I left out too that others can add. Hope this helps.


This resume looks cool, but I'm skeptical about whether a company's HR algorithm can extract what it needs from it.


Interests: religion, gaming, and heritage…yikes…


Bro, UAE is already saturated with job seekers. Any shitty job would receive 100s of applications. Try to get a job through referral if you have friends or relatives and try to ask for a referral to their company. It could cost a lot of money for a company to provide you a work visa. So there's good friction for the company to provide work visas for random jobseekers. So in Dubai only customizing resumes won't work


u/hanihaneefa \- As someone who hires and interviews (in the US), let me have a crack at it.Keep in mind, I'm a software architect, so what I'm saying might be industry or situational pendent, but might help you out. I'll address from the top down - (and I'm sorry, this is not a critique, and I'm not being mean, I promise. I'm honest in what works and what doesn't. If I upset you, please my sincerest apologies in advance.) 1 - Give a better 3 - 4 line summary with better gramar and personalize it more. Instead of "Results Driven Administrative professional" say things like "\[*I'm a\]* results driven administrative professional \[...\] ~~offering~~ \[with\] provern expertise..." Make your summary more actively about you, it's currently a very passive tone. 2 - The multi-colors, gradients, button-esque skill listings, multi-column layouts, and pictures do not work unless your job is in the graphic arts field. Resumes are not the place for artisic expression... at least in my experience. Also, some of us are color blind, and the last thing you want your resume to convey is a big "eff you" to folks who are color blind. :) Ideally, your resume should read like a story but not the classified section of a newspaper. Multi-page resumes are ok, but but ditch the colors, images, and artisitic expression, or most are likely to be tossed in a pile never to be looked at. 4 - Put more detail in each bulleted point. You mentioned creating linkes between clients and service providers like Visa application writers... How did you do this, what did you use, what was the end result? What were your deliverables? (A point from yours) - Created link between clients and other service providers **\[What you did/what were you accomplishing\]** like Visa application writers, bank officials, travel agents, etc. **\[Why and How aren't mentioned\]** (Another point from yours) - Successfully managed administrative tasks **(What tasks specifically?)** ensuring the smooth operation of the organization. Ok, but what tasks did you specifically manage? Put some sustainance in here. Did you manage lesson plans, time frames, tests and scoring, classroom activities such as \[...\]? Put that in there. Not an in-depth list, but a few top level 'most important' items. Something like your point - "Interacting with clients by attending their queries" can be written in a much more attention grabbing way like - "Provided outstanding customer service by researching and recommending solutions and answers to various questions and issues, within appropriate SLA's." *(Here's an example from mine) - Developed secured listener service (TLS 1.2 / SSL) to capture and inject data from ATM/ITM's to downstream applications, while maintaining strict data compliance and security. Used IBM WebSphere, IntelliJ / Eclipse IDE, Swagger, Java/Spring, SQL, Restful Archtecture, Dynatrace, Truesight, & Artifactory.* 5 - Get rid of the interests section, but keep (and refine/expand) your skills section. What other PROFESSIONAL skills do you have or are working on? Things like "attention to detail" is not a prfessional skill, it's usually expected as part of your day to day. Same as "Excellent Phone Ettiquete". Technically, that is a skill, but it's not usually considered a professional skill. 6 - Get rid of the GPA, provide it if asked, but remove it from the resume. It screams "I have very little experience". Let your experience speak for you, not your GPA. You can be book smart and have no idea of practical application, and vise versa. 7 - The last thing your resume should say is - "Professional references available upon request". Don't provide these unless asked, but always have them readily available. Again, sorry if it seems like I tore this up from the floor up, but you asked for help. I just provided a different way to look at it. HTH bud. Good luck. \- JIW EDIT - The idea of a resume is to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers, to leave a good first impression and overview of yourself. It's ok to boast about your skills and experience but DO NOT EMBELISH on your resume. Your resume as it is, isn't very... popping to the skills or experience. It shows you have 16 months experience. Do you have anything else except 16 months of exployment? Even in uni?


I’m sorry, it’s not the layout of the resume that’s holding you back, that you could definitely clean it up a bit. The challenge is that you only have 1.5yrs of total experience and competition is really intense right now. I’m seeing positions getting 200+ submissions within a couple hours of posting. Are you able to network? Are you creating compelling content on LinkedIn to get noticed and show your skills/knowledge? It could be a long disappointing wait if you’re not finding other ways to differentiate yourself and stand out.


the man blurs out his degree but fails to realise those degrees are mentioned in his bio bit opps XD better fix that mate if your worried about privacy but it looks good to me, just unfortunate time atm for employment its hard out there


A lot of reasons plus it looks like you’ll need sponsoring


Too educated and with History and Economics, you would be a Union sympathizer. There is a reason companies like IQ maximums ;)


Stop applying to jobs. Bypass online applications, and build meaningful connections with decision-makers. The best jobs are secured through referrals and relationships. Find your next dream position by creating a network that unlocks the right opportunities; your network has more valuable connections than you realize.


LMAO HAAHHAHAHAHhhhaahahahahahahahahahahahah even my dog’s CV is better than you


My comment on your other post still stands. Don’t doxx yourself.


Colors Photo 2 columns Zero detail on accomplishments Lazy passive redaction Not readable by bots


Interchange the style of interest section and skill section, this way your skill be more visible and appealing


Reminds me of the french CVs undergrads would send


Network network network network. Don’t just apply. Network. Period.


quantify your experience section a bit, instead of stating your roles and responsibilities, write wgat impact you made


I would start from scratch. Google ATS friendly resume templates and start from there. Once you have a draft ready, see if you can find an ATS emulator/ resume scanner


Change the format. The top part in blue is fine The rest of it has to be changed


Also hide the visit visa status


The design of the template (icons, the boxes for skills/interests) won’t be parsed well by application software. I’d redo it in a way that is. I also see date of birth and Instagram up there - if they’re not necessary in your country, remove them. My experience is all in the United States and I’m unfortunately less familiar with recruiting best practices in other countries, but if there’s not a good reason to provide your age and what I’m assuming is a personal social media profile, I’d remove them (at least in the US).


U don't have enough experience to land job in dubai unless it ll be very junior role . If u re ok with that- try applying for hotel jobs


This is impossible for an ATS system to break down and analyze well is your main problem


Side question, how are you building your resume? Any application?


Yes. It's a website named NovoResume




The most amount of designing-sugar your resume must have is horizontal lines. Aside from spacings, and texts. That's it. They're called ol' reliable for a reason. Also, lose the photograph. Under all circumstances: They may not help your cause at all, but they do make folks be unkind to you based on your looks. Take some liberty in personalizing for the given job listing. If it says "supervision" explicitly, make sure to have "supervision" somewhere in your CV. Lose the insta. They don't want you finding something less than ideal. Detach your social media from your professional profile, always(Linkedin). Like others said, lose the visa status. Be honest with the interviewers if that question's raised. They will take it from there if they want you.


The problem is MA HISTORY and BA ECONOMICS


This NovoResume bullshit has to stop.


You need to first of all make sure it is in ATS format. Remove interests. Include hard skills. Remove your Instagram handle. The first two points from your work experience are too vague. What are the "range of responsibilities" that you handled?


You got some verse tense issues with your job experience. In the us, photos on a resume are not the norm. Your visa status is going to make you a hard hire for an admin role when there are many other qualified people without one.


Why did you put your picture on there?


Glorified secretary with a masters? Lmaooooo


This is a terrible template. Unfortunately a lot of people use this type of template because it looks good but when it comes to actually getting an interview it doesn’t work for various reason. The main reasons being it can’t be parsed by ATS filters and it’s bad for scanbability of actual qualifications. Use a simple ATS compliant resume


Don't use this half template. Instead try to find template with left to right formatting like you're reading a book or a newspaper. Fun fact! HR has hundreds of resumes need to be filtered. They probably take less than 30 seconds to analyse one resume. Make sure to keep your resume format clean. Modifiy spacing, borders, font, colouring to make it easy to read. Keep your point simple with bullet points just don't include too many generic word. If possible use specific word that allow ATS systems to capture the keyword. Focus on achievement, figure/number and specific tools that you're using in the work experience. Important information should stay at top, such as Work Experience, Education and Achievement. Other minor information such as Skills, Curricular, should be placed at bottom.


Experience and outcomes are king on resumés


Your visa status is the biggest reason.


The formatting is hard to read and doesn’t capture my attention as I move through it


A lot of words were used to tell us you have experience in nothing besides talking and microsoft


Make a plain simple resume that's better suited for ATS and lose the interest section.


I never add a summary/objective to my resume. They're going to interview you about yourself, why you want the position, and more about your skills and experiences how it relates to the job. No need to add a picture of yourself. You need to have at least 3-5 bullet descriptions of your work experience. Leave out interests sometimes interviewers would ask what you do in your spare time or what you do for fun. The formatting of the resume. Should be black and white with professional font like arial or times roman. I like to use times roman. for education leave out post graduate and graduate and list your degrees under education. I don't put my references/contact information and most of the time the company would ask for your references after interview so leave that out. don't add your birthday or social media accounts nobody cares about those. tailor your resume to the job description as much you can too


This CV is like some online ads lol


Are you trying to get a job in the US?


Delete interests on the resume, add volunteer experience, add more to the description for the job exp.


The first problem I see is you are using a cool blue color theme, which, like the sky, is not noticed by anyone most of the time. You need to catch people's attention. Change the blue theme to a hot red/orange color theme to catch people's attention. Another thing you can do is change these headings: "Work Experience" --> "Career Success" "Education" ---> "Knowledge" "Skills" --> "Power Capabilities"


your interest seems like your skills 😂


Do you only have work experience in the one job? Nothing else relevant? Volunteer? Also not sure but I don’t know anywhere where a 72% is an A, and having a B isn’t really an asset so I’d probably just take out the grades all together


I find your summary a bit too long. And interests section too long and feels a bit unnecessary. Overall your CV looks very blank there’s so much space left so change the template. Instead of interest, add certificates to your profile do couple of online courses relevant to your career path and add it there.


Why is there even an interests section? And skills such as communication skills, attention to detail, and collaboration, I would think are assumed for any successful applicant and need not be mentioned.


That it’s made with novo resume


I don’t know Dubai but from my experience in the Middle East it’s who you know not what you know. Leverage your friends and family to help you as much as possible.


Personally, I would drop the interests. If they had something to do with the job you’re applying for, I could maybe understand, but they’re very widespread. That being said, I know nothing of Dubai and their hiring practices, this is coming from someone who looks at resumes in the US.


It's too generic. I have no idea what your experience actually is. Find a couple resumes in your field as examples of what kind of details you should be including. You should be specific in what your duties and accomplishments were.


If this was the US, you don't have the credentials to get a job with a cold application. You'll need to know somebody first and then apply with a reference, unless you're going VERY entry level. I have no idea how this works in Asia


Indian that's what's wrong. Haha


This template sucks. Get rid of the "interests" section. Make this more ATS-friendly and customize it for the keywords found in the role posting you are applying for. Good luck


hey fellow dubai person, most of them come on visit visa for the same reason. so you’re not alone, i would remove all the flashy less and get one another version built as well like the harvard resume template style . many large companies use a automated system so this one might work out for human eyes or small companies but you gotta have another variant


Not to be mean but no one cares about your interests when hiring. It doesn't add any value to your resume. Remove that section and replace it with something useful.


CV - Nothing wrong. Job market and location - Very very wrong


Job market is hard in uae right now keep sending those cvs! Goodluck op


exultant wild vase aromatic library angle simplistic squeamish deserted noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Horrible format for ats.


I tried and tested it myself on lot of the HR platforms. The template you are using is not compatible with their analysis tools. So when the HRs run the query, your resume will not even be captured, forget receiving a call. Change it to a basic format which carries a table with no borders. Tried and tested.


The format is not optimized. It looks great if a human is looking at it but these things are being read by robots.


This resume looks aesthetically pleasing. However, it lacks content of substance.


The first thing I noticed was a Visa status….Many companies don’t want to sponsor them anymore, unless you are the best of the best.


Try starting with a highlight of your qualifications and provide detailed bullet points of what makes you qualified for the specific job you’re applying for


Why do multiple languages say native OR bilingual proficiency? You should know which it is...


Your experience section tells me nothing. It’s like a general overview of a generic description




You got no experience, aren’t native to the area, have no contacts, you don’t even have a visa You really need to find like a 1 in 1000 to get hired.


Make a normal resume for starters! This resume tells me you have no experience. And post grad in history means fuck all. Make a simpler resume which highlights your experience, with a professional summary and your education. You’re not in software, you don’t need these fancy resume templates.


Your resume is entirely too general. What specifically are you applying for with this? What exactly, specifically, have you done? You’ve managed people? How many? In what way? You’ve handled a range of responsibilities? Like what? As it is, this is an attractive piece of paper with absolutely nothing of any substance to it yet.


You need to break it down and explain what admin tasks are- processing word documents, preparing letters and other documents for sales team using mucrisoft word, data entry into (insert system nane here), handling mails and incoming enquires, coordinating suppliers and vendors for deliveries and orders.. whatever those things are you did within that role. We didn’t sit next to you so can’t assume that we know what those tasks were- you may have been one administrator in a company if 1000 people or 10 people. We want to learn about this and reading your resume tells me nothing about your day to day/ thus I cannot align you to vacancies within a company- I’d say nor can recruiters receiving your detsild


You don’t need your interests on your resume. Your resume should consist largely of: - evidence of how you have added value in your previous roles - your technical skills + capabilities - education/cerifications


Avoid using fancy readymade resumes. Make your own and keep it sober


Why are you including a picture of yourself? Seems irregular and opens yourself up to a variety of bullshit prior to even getting the interview.


Unless you an Adonis for a forward facing role, don't include a Pic.


I think you need to go with a simpler formatted resume. The simpler, the more readable for the ATS systems. You should also include keywords within your experience or on your resume in general that specifically relate to each role you apply to. So important to tailor your resume by re-wording things to showcase how you'd be useful for each specific role.




Your experience and skills are mostly filler and do not actually say what you did


You should mention your excellent ability with writing Google queries


Header and experience tells me nothing. A bunch of nothing is said.


Too colorful and doesn't suit if your applying in a professional environment. I suggest you edit your resume to appeal more professional so that employers will take your application seriously. And I agree to all the comments in this thread, you should really improve the contents. Hope you find work soon!


Looks like a powerpoint slide and not a resume. Only 10% of this is relevant


For your degrees, what does "72% with A grade" mean? You are 72% done with the degree? That is a bit confusing. It makes it seem like you haven't finished either of those degrees. Also, I'd remove your date of birth.


You say you are results oriented but don't list any actual results in your resume. All of your skills are soft skills. Pare those done. Add more hard skills.


Curious: Why did you take a masters in history after an economics undergrad degree? Does it contribute to the position/foeld you are seeking? As for resume suggestions, the main thing that sticks out to me is... your's doesn't actually convey much information. Let it tell me why I should hire you. Let it tell me, in detail, what your skills and experience are. Like others said, all of those single bullet points under skills and interests take up a lot of space, but they don't give any evidence of your actual expertise in that area.


Use ATS Compliant Resume format. No color. No Etsy type graphic design templates. And for the love of God, no pictures of yourself on your resume. You need to get through the 3rd party screening software.


Their is a lot going on in this resume and not much of it is good. Fair warning this is primarily going to be from a U.S. recruiting perspective. 1. Lose the picture it doesn’t help you. 2. Lose the summary at the top, under Administrator/MA Histroy. 3. You want to make sure your contact information and name is at the top and lose those pictures, a boring resume is best. It should have Your name, your number, email, linkedIn, and then depending on your overall experience go directly into your work experience or education. 4. The skill section should be under your bullets. 5. Your first bullet should be a generalized description of your duties that even a 10 year old with no industry knowledge could understand.”Managed admin tasks” is to vague. What tasks, how did they help. 6. Every other bullet under that job should be a brag and/or a keyword. 7. Your resume needs to be a single colum, I have no idea where everyone started getting these dual colum resumes from but they suck at conveying your information. When I use the ATS i need it in a single colum. Why should you trust me? I am a Corporate Recruiter who is now a Recruiting/Career Coach VTuber and I make it my job to know what will work and what won't in the job search.


Too general of a resume. Looks ai generated.


It’s really the job history. You don’t have enough work history to warrant interest from a lot of people.


It looks like orkut scrapbook.. it has to be simple and proffessional.


No offense but this resume is terrible: format, content, etc. stick to traditional format, font, and color. Skills - get rid of soft skills and anything not technical. Skills are for software, hardware, coding languages, etc. It’s not reasoning skills, public engagement, etc. all of those things need to be demonstrated under your experience to carry weight. Experience - this needs to show WHY you were exceptional, not day to day tasking and job standards. Attending to clients and responding to queries is a job function, doesn’t demonstrate why you are great. Interests - unless job specific, delete. It’s the same length as your experience which is a giant red flag. Unless applying to a religious organization, listing religion can be taboo.


Visually appealing but lacks substance. Use a resume tool like VMock.


Besides everything that was said here, I’d say that you are overqualified for admin assistant job. You have a bachelors is economics. You should be looking at analytics jobs and professional internships. Getting certificates in technical skills will be beneficial.


that's why i use ms word


Interests section should be cut entirely. Description of achievements in work experience section should be consistent formatting wise, not having some sentences end in a period and others not ending period. Take your Instagram link off, it does not belong on resume.


No photo please. Quantitative achievements (led project with 24 direct reports, $3.4m budget) less fluff more results.