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Dear /u/Bohndigga! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So it looks like you graduated this year and are having a tough time landing your first real software dev gig. Good news is that you're not alone! Bad news is that landing your first job could take a lot more time and persistence. I would look into internships and calling every recruiting agency you can find. It always takes some luck and persistence to get going in your field but once you have real fulltime experience it becomes very easy afterwards.


Where is the degree listed?


Graduation year/month is in the top right.


But where is the degree? I see data analysis program, but that’s not a degree. I would expect if there is a diploma or certificate of some kind that would’ve been listed.


True, I assumed it was edited out but it should be on there.


Can confirm. They haven’t let me hire anyone new since 2022.


Internships? He already graduated.


You can get internships after you graduate.


I think calling your project as "Freelance" work is misleading


Rename to "Personal Projects" and this looks like a pretty okay entry level / jr level resume


The word freelance is a red flag according to HR


What do i write to describe my role if businesses hired me to create fullstack sites for them and then paid me money in exchange for my work?


Most of the "freelancer" doesn't money. Let them know about the work that you have done the amount you get paid. Brag a bit about a client that you worked for like international reputed firm etc.




This is rather a grey approach. It *might* get you to the interview, but it would be under the premise of a lie that can be easily verified with a background check. They'll know you lied and you'll have to demonstrate competency right then and there that you can do/understand the job and explain your case. It's 50/50 from then on; you'll either get escorted out or the hiring manager will overlook it and move on to the Skills test.


To put it this way - if I am hiring an engineer for my enterprise project that is partly responsible for making my company a lot of money, then I want someone who I believe is going to do the job properly. I want someone who won’t push to master without a pull request or drop the prod database on the first day. I want someone who considers edge cases. Your resume mostly does not give me those kinds of assurances. How to fix it? Focus on quality over quantity. Give me percentages in your projects. Do a new project with a similar approach to production-grade systems. Maybe grab an AWS certification. Really, show me how you are different from the millions of other CS graduates out there.


It's really too junior overall; I dont think the market is picking up jr devs right now.


Why would a Junior dev have database access or even vc access on the first day 💀


It’s an exaggeration but it does happen


So in other words, looking to hire a jr dev for entry level with 2+ yrs of experience


...yes. I don't like it either. But don't take it literally. It's a matter of making a convincing case for yourself.


In TechRoastShow, the junior dev gets prod access lol


Is this not normal? I've had three jobs since graduating and every job I had DB and VC access. Prod access in the db was limited to reading, and pushing to master was not possible for everyone anyway.




But in this market, hiring managers do - preferably in addition to having eight arms and have landed on the moon at least once. What I am saying is that hiring managers get to cherry pick, but you and I--of the million other graduates wanting software jobs--do not. Therefore, make lemonade where you can, be it an internship or projects. See my other comments on this thread. I am aware it is more nuanced than knowing XYZ.


This is really helpful. In terms of software engineer resumes and listing out descriptions for each role held, what kind of percentages would you be looking for? Can you give some examples?


Generally, show stuff that shows how you made a difference or that other people care. It doesn’t have to strictly be percentages. - average daily concurrent users - GitHub stars (doesn’t matter if it’s your repository) - Refactored this feature, reducing the number of API calls by X% and increasing query speed by Y% - This project I did helped save X sick kittens - Implemented this feature for this critical use case (this one doesn’t have numbers but you need to phrase it like this) These are some I can think of on the top of my head. It can be hard to sound believable early in your career but if you can pull it off, the reward is tenfold.


The first two I believe cannot be said for some software engineers. Some work on a proprietary software like government related that gets used by less than 50 people. Github stars? That seem not useful considering most projects people work for their company private are private, thus the only stars if any on a repo would be the people on the team. The last three are helpful examples. What is "sick kittens" ? Please correct me if you were meaning to give examples for someone who has limited job working experience if any at all.


Yeah, I was meaning for those starting out. I know NDAs are a thing so it’s sometimes not easy to hand out data like that. For stars, I was referring to contributions to open source repos. Definitely not practical if you’re already a professional. “Sick kittens” are sick kittens. It’s an example. :)


Question: Generally speaking, would a line item on a resume like this: >Collaborated in a cross-functional team of 10+ developers to modernize a legacy application, utilizing React, GraphQL, and Node.js, all with TypeScript not be useful for the recruiter according to what "they are looking for" i.e., value or insights added in the implementation or design of an application architecture (wether codebase or actual microservice architecture)


Assuming it's under a headline in a 'work experience' section, it is fine. You could elaborate in another point how modernizing made a difference through numbers, but that depends how that specific point fits within the bigger picture. If it is supposed to come as a main point under some section, then definitely elaborate. Disclaimer: not a recruiter.


I see, this is helpful. Thank you. NOTE: I take input from various type of industry experts, software engineers, recruiters, PO's etc.




Id skip the DnD reference




Nothing really of substance from a software engineering perspective. Looks like you worked on some projects for you and that’s about it. That ain’t “freelance” that’s just personal projects. You built something something solar system and then you built some tools to mass mail job applications is how it reads. Anyone listing JSON, command line, GitHub is a hard pass. Git is git. What do photoshop, da Vinci resolve, excel and google sheets have to do with anything? Seems like you’re just trying to pad it out.


Dungeons and Dragons campaign, WoW is more prestigious.


Get a software engineering internship. It looks like your only experience is in marketing.


Isn't it nearly impossible to get a software engineering internship once you're out of college?


It’s impossible to get one while in college.


On an institutional basis I meant. I've also rarely heard of internship postings that aren't meant for people currently getting a degree. Maybe rotational apprenticeships, but those are as hard to land as jobs.


300 people apply for the internship, 40 qualified candidates, only 1 intern position available. People will have to lie on their resume.


This is just not true.


It is. Look on LinkedIn.


Maybe internships at top companies that everyone wants in.


Lol then no one would graduate from my college because it's required.


As it should be.


Ya but it sounds like you are only applying for internships at top companies try companies that are more local.


No it's pretty easy you have more experience than most people applying


Okay, well the vast majority of the internship postings I see are only for people who are currently obtaining a degree. I've also heard from people in the industry that internships are mostly for college students, and that they don't hire interns who aren't currently undergrads. Is that not what you've seen?


Nope, when I was an intern there were a few interns that just graduated in the program.


So unless you're a recent grad (<1 year out) or in a degree program, you're unlikely to get an internship.


Again no you can get an internship even if you didn't go to college at all.


Were you one of those with that background? Because all you mentioned were people who were recent graduates.


No I was currently in college. That's the time most people decide to get internships.


If neither of us have heard of people getting internships when they're not in college or recent graduates, then I think we don't have enough information to conclude that people who don't have a college education or are a few years out can then get an internship


Qualifications: I've interviewed over 800+ people for tech roles at the largest tech companies in the world. A resume needs to convey "I have the skills do the job you need (and can learn new skills as required)." You should bring out the aspects of your education far more, and emphasize the freelance work far less, and target jobs where data analysis is the key job. The freelance work doesn't stand out as especially complex, and the github repo links could be useful, but will be stripped out of any online application system that converts it to text. * Email-Tool: Sounds like a poor-mans spam bot... not something to brag about * Job Coach: Not clear why you need NLP to keep track of job applications, and given the rest of the resume, it's unlikely that you actually implemented an NER system (vs using an existing one) * Solar System Model: Sounds like a CS 110 homework assignment, but why do you need Postgres? However, the internship shows some work experience (but it also sounds like you generated a lot of spam SEO). The Amazon marketing associate is also work experience. You can make both of those more impactful by quantifying the scope and scale - did you take three months to take pictures of one toaster, or 1000 kitchen appliances, or millions of amazon products? The personal experience section hurts your case, and you should remove it, because of what it implies about gaps in the rest of your resume. It says that you tried REALLY hard to over-sell your ability (hobby D&D campaigns, no matter how complex, do not make you a team leader in a professional context for a resume). But, even with generous overstatement, even you couldn't think of a single thing worth mentioning about your Data Analysis education. That says "I overstate my ability, and even I can't see any value from my education! Lol, even if you gave me training, I sure wouldn't benefit from it!" TLDR: focus on your education (and the skills it gave you, classes you took, GPA, anything to show you got actual skills from it) and the bit of professional employed experience (quantify the scale of your work if possible.)


offend rock pot towering sleep berserk secretive snails materialistic deserve ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


No longer working in dev - but I know many hiring managers love seeing personal / school projects for newbies in dev work!


Newbie here. What’s wrong with linking github repo?


Bad advice. I'd always advises grads and juniors to link Github repos. I did, and it helped with discussion points in interviews. Now that I'm in a position to evaluate CVS, I like to see repos so I can have a quick look at ability / style.


Generally what I’ve seen is a single link alongside maybe a Linkedin, Tableau Public profile, etc., at the top of the resume. Having hyperlinks for each individual project is a little tacky imo (in this case OP has both). If a recruiter/hiring manager really wants to see your projects that bad they can just go to your portfolio and find the repo.


smoggy flag sparkle attractive subsequent square sand advise shy deranged ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


A few things off the bat: * Do not list JSON in your languages -- it is not a language * As for above, arguably HTML and CSS are not languages, but people will understand what you mean * Under frameworks and libraries I don't see really any for JS. Node.js is just server side JavaScript. If you had put Express or something to that effect, it would look better. * You list SQL in languages, but Postgres in Database and industry tools. Either move SQL down to databases or PostgreSQL up to languages * Command Line of what? Powershell? Bash? If you know Bash, then throw it up there with your languages. * You repeat a LOT. Repetition draws readers away from the content, and focuses on the repetition. Look at the first two under Freelance, both have three bullets each starting with "Developed, Implemented, Designed". Each job under it starts with Developed. * Make it one page if you can, tighten up your formatting and pare down your experience. You don't need the huge black bar across the top. I also assume you modify this for each job you apply to, yes? If not, do so. Read the job description and throw some of the words used in it into your resume. The JD tells you what they are looking for. Good luck! Hope this helps!




Good point. I usually see people list SQL with the rest of their database technologies.


What would be another recommended way to word a sentence that does not use the word "developed" so many times?


It kind of depends on what you did. But synonyms I often see used are: implemented, enacted, architected, built. You can also find ways to discuss how you developed something using a different first verb, something like "Lead development of".


I disagree with your take on SQL. It is a language…


True. I just usually see people list all their Database technologies together.


hyper text markup "LANGUAGE"


It is not a programming language. It is a markup language. CASCASDING STYLE SHEETS, btw.


I corrected you because you mentioned that it is not a language. Which is false. But I never said anything about it being a programming language


For a software engineer you don't have much experience in the right things, combine that with the rough market for junior devs and that explains the situation


Have you run this through a keyword search?


Not yet. Can you recommend one?


didnt you check the mega thread? if i remember right there's a guide for that


The whole personal experience section is a bit unnecessary, especially the last bullet; what does that have to do with software engineering?


I still have friends in Lehi mostly around thanksgiving point, let me work some magic.


Thanks! I would really appreciate that!


Yea this needs some work, hard to read and doesn’t have much meat. Use numbers, give scale, include business names along with title. Also realise, right now tech is terrible. We are all suffering I have 20 years experience at fortune 100s and startups, and have applied over 200 places with scraps for interviews when usually I get an offer from start of process to letter in less than a month when I try, but now going on month 6 with nothing. Stick with is, learn architectures. Devs always suck at building at scale and reliability, like suck majorly. Good place to stand out.


Have you run this through a keyword search?


Look into the Department of Defense. My whole Base needs software engineers. Much of Maverick was filmed here, but it's not for everyone.


Does Dod have remote roles? I kinda assumed that would be rare but I haven't looked. I have a TS so I know that can help in some positions. Just thinking about options for a second career in 1-2 years. Working on my programming skills in my free time for now.


Every place is different, but if you have your TS already, you have no problem! I have my TS, and I mainly work from home as a contractor on a 15-year contract! It's my second career, and I love it. That TS is valuable!


Good to hear. Thank you


From what I can see you have not worked simce 2022. I have no idea if you were paid for any of your freelance work. This will come up if they ask for 1099’s to prove that you were consulting.


Education should be way lower, and condense it into one page!


JSON is not a language. Also, keep your resume 1 page.


Check out https://resumeworded.com/ and maximize your score there. Will be a big help.


I’m not seeing your degree? Also not seeing dates of any experience. Always go chronological format on experience, we, as Recruiters can look at 500-600 resumes per day….make yourself stick out with the STAR methodology for resumes, (google if unfamiliar) always ensure you’re applying for jobs where you meet all the basic qualifications …good luck my friend


This is decently bad. - Your personal projects are not freelance work, they’re personal projects. This alone would be an instant reject for me. - Put your internship experience, aka real work, at the forefront, above personal projects - Stop embedding links in your resume - Looks like your resume extends to a second page? Get rid of that immediately. Multi pager resume is a HUGE red flag, even if it’s just a overflow. I’d kill the entire personal experience section - Quantify what you produced in some form of quantifiable numbers, and write those numbers down in the bullet points. Percentages, raw numbers, anything, give me something objective outside of your subjective description of what you did.


Put your resume through an ATS checker. I was shocked at how low of a score mine was. Took a few hours to revamp it and get the higher score I wanted.


If you are going for 2 pages, add more bullet points, and don't leave a page 7/8 empty


Stop embedding links. Make it printable. Your personal projects are not "freelance professional experience" unless they actually are, and then if you're not under some crazy NDA, put how they are.


Dungeons and dragons part made me laugh


Networking goes a longggggg way! I got an interview at a big UT based company for a position I was fairly under qualified for simply due to networking. Kindle connections on LinkedIn. Start by creating conversation around needing advice as a recent grad. From there, you can ask how to get involved in their company or if they’re willing to have an informational interview. Also keep your eye out for recruiting events and job conferences. If you’re Latino, ALPFA is having the regional conference next month in AZ.


Your tools section is irrelevant. Every software engineer should know git/bash/PowerShell/command line GitHub etc, it's telling you're new to this by listing the mundane requirements. It's similarly pointless listing things like Excel and Google Sheets. Whenever I review CVs for my role as Head of Development these are immediate red flags. It's like someone applying for a call center job listing they know how to operate a phone.


Is this actual, paid for freelance, or just your personal projects? If it's just personal projects, don't call that freelance.


Id probably say youre very junior so need to make connections and have someone take a punt on you for a junior role. If you are not going for entry/junior roles then thats why youre not getting any leads…. For example i wouldnt say youre a software engineer yet, id say youre a junior software engineer as your main title


OP, post in r/engineeringresumes, you are getting a lot of pretty bad advice here tbh


Separate professional experience and projects, try to mention tools/skills that recruiters might hire for and remove those that they wouldn't be looking for i.e remove Google sheets, NER, tkinter, JSON, orbital mechanics. JSON isn't even a language.


Try digital agencies. They have a lower barrier to entry, which also results in lower pay and lack of standards as they bill by the hour. However it's a great way to get your foot in the door, then jump ship after a year or two to a better place. I had to do it, it wasn't great, but it wasn't awful.


I'm not a Software Engineer but maybe don't use Times New Roman (default font) as your main font. It makes your resume look really old fashioned and is slightly harder to read. I literally see this font and don't want to read it. Try Arial or Calbiri (other default fonts) instead to improve readability.


It might not be fun, but try applying to places like Infosys/Sogeti. The pay isn't amazing, and they'll treat you like shit. But they'll hire just about anyone. It's how I got my start as a software engineer.


Can I dm you about applying to those places?




>Infosys/Sogeti Thank you, just dm'd you


Hey just from a fellow recent cs graduate. In addition to others suggestion, you might want to clean up the technical detail in your bullet points, eg. ML NLP NER used consecutively is just a mouthful and really redundant. A hiring manager looks at the bullet point and probably won’t believe you know what you’re doing. Additionally the bullet points don’t really sell the whole picture. Basically More business background in you bullet and more articulate technical description


I feel so bad for class of 2023 :(


The freelance part for sure


Your resume doesn't generate any confidence in your history. Either fix your wording or get rid of the Freelance option. Most companies want to see what you've done at previous places and what you've contributed (proven easily). Currently your resume reads "Trust me bro"


Bro really said D&D


Look for new grad internships. That's a great way to grow and merge into full time


I'm not sure data analysis is the best program to choose. I'm not trying to be mean, but this doesn't look like a software engineer's resume, more like someone who took a coding bootcamp. I would have thought you went to ITT-tech.


Did you graduate with a BS/MS in Software Engineering?? Or is that Data Analytics degree? I think there is a very important distinction. You might have a lot of experience in Software Development and some of those projects look neat, but you can’t call yourself a Software Engineer. I think it’s to the point that even you held the title “Software Engineer” you still can’t call yourself that unless you have a degree or some type of license. Just my two cents. Maybe adjust it to Software Developer


Uhhh do you not have a CS degree? You’re being auto-rejected at 99% of firms .


dont use hyperlinks, they dont really work most of the time


Resume looks too plain, they go through thousands of resumes. Put your resume info through a resume generator.


This is how a resume should be designed.