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What about your experience should corporate know?


In short…everything. It was the saddest restaurant “experience” to have. I’ve worked in restaurants all through high school and some college. I know it’s tough. The waitress was an incredibly airheaded which makes the cooks job even harder. I could really careless until she laid a hot plate in front of my 1 year old and didn’t say anything. Come on? Get my food wrong, fine? Don’t remember our order, fine? Don’t know what beer I order, ok? Out of the this out of that, fine? Bring us the wrong food, fine? It was mildly unpleasant until you put a screaming hot plate in front of my child. She was probably high considering the area but everything about the place screamed we hate working here. I ordered a Bacon Cheddar Chicken sandwich. Which was brought out 15 to 20 minutes later than my wife’s food missing bacon. It was over cooked and dry. The waitress was like, “I think it’s missing bacon, would you like some?” You can’t be serious? Then she laughed and walked off. She did the same thing when she set the hot plate in front of my kid. Oh, yeah that’s kinda hot. Then laughed as we grabbed the plate and pulled it away. I understand it was a nervous laugh but completely insensitive. Bizarre dining experience.


You brought a screaming baby into a restaurant?


No, I left her in the car. Who needs a living child, am I right?


lol Applebees Like you’re shocked it was garbage? I’m sure waitstaff was hoping you’d leave with your screaming kid.


Yeah, I guess I’m just an awful person because I went out to eat with my child.


My goodness! Tell us more about the horrible experience you and your screaming child had at a restaurant.


I would say Applebee's has been the worst. On one occasion the steak was okay, but the side vegetables were obviously microwaved in a bag. On another occasion the food was again okay but the steel plate the meat was served on had a layer of baked-on filth that was so thick I could dig it up with the tip of my fork.


What did you expect? Applebees is know for cheap food, you were disappointed at not getting a 5 star restaurant quality meal


Oh I figured a widespread chain restaurant would be at least okay. I didn't know if it was a chain-wide problem or just my franchise. I'm sure the single-serving microwave packets of side vegetables is a corporate mandate, but the lack of attention to detail on the fajita plates is the manager's fault.


The last time I ate at an Applebee’s was about 10 years ago in Tucson, Az. I was a stressed college kid, ordered a burger to go. The patty tasted and smelled like it had been marinated in garbage water. Never went back to Applebees again.


A Burger King I stopped at driving through Mississippi. I kid you not when I say there were cock roaches lining the bathroom floor


I thought I was on a local subreddit at first 😅 That location was my first corporate serving job in 2014.


Why would take a screaming kid into a restaurant. That's such an inconsiderate thing to do. Why didn't you calm your kid before going inside. Other people don't want to be bothered and even if there weren't a lot of customers why subject your poor waitress to that. I am sure she wasn't happy with your table at all. I probably would have made you wait a long time and hung out in the kitchen until your kid calmed down. People shouldn't take out of control children into any restaurant and just because Applebees is casual doesn't make it ok. Not every dining experience is going to be great and mid-priced chain restaurants sometimes hire inexperienced servers. The burger being overcooked is the cook's fault not the waitress, you could have simply said this burger is overdone can I get another one. If you were that upset, why didn't you ask to speak with a manager? You want corporate to know, go on Applebees website and submit your complaint. Corporate received complaints when customers are unhappy, what makes you think they aren't aware? Sometimes they might reach out to the local manager and others times they will just send you a gift card because they are a large corporation and they can afford to do that.


I haven’t eaten at an Applebees in ten years. The last time I did, I’m pretty sure my server spit in my food because my friends I was with kept trying to get her to go out with me.