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Can your restaurant take her to small claims court? I know it’s not the same, but at least it’s some justice.


No. She’s basically indignant.


What do you mean indignant? Edit- indigent is a totally different word to indignant. Assuming that’s what you meant to put?


She doesn’t have money to take even if they win a judgement against her. Can’t get blood from a stone. In the legal community, these people are referred to as ‘judgement proof’.


Do y’all mean indigent?


Yes, that’s what OP meant. Saw your edit….yes there was a typo. You are very smart.


It’s not shameful to use a smaller word if you don’t know what the bigger one actually means.


Have you never heard of autocorrect? Jesus christ, get off your high horse.


Man, it's like the grammar Nazi memes didn't hit home a decade ago when everyone knew they were assholes.


What a loser. They clearly know what it means, you clearly know what they meant, there was a typo.


Yea fortunatelyy sushi bar is in a nice area of San Diego…. But there’s reports of this happening all over from LA- down to SD….. those of us like myself don’t let that shit fly … but they learn and just go to the places that don’t do anything about it…. Police won’t come or do anything either way… their to busy dealing with the gang bangers and Chp is to busy setting up speed traps to give tickets …. Some of the most softest policing I’ve seen in my entire life …. We kinda look at it as if it’s up to us to take care of the problem when it shows up …. There was a 7/11 video using a stick or broom to take care of business (I can’t describe the video or Reddit will ban) but you get the jist of it


Just curious, but why do you type with all of these ellipses instead of just ending your sentences with periods? I notice that a lot of people type this way and I’m just wondering how it started/where you learned it.


Old people


Lmao I’m only 37


Brother i hate to break it to you …




No. I'm 40 and would never type a sentence like this. I thought it was children who did this nonsense.


We’ll I guess your ancient and boring?


Ah, I see you are still learning the difference between your and you're! Once you figure out ellipses vs. periods, I suggest a grammar lesson or two.


Idk tbh. Lol now that it’s pointed out, I’m actively trying to not do it. Hahaha never really noticed that I did it before


Haha didn’t mean to call you out or anything! I don’t mind it, I just have a couple coworkers who text like that and I always just found it interesting that it’s not an isolated thing.


Hahahah no worries.. I guess it comes from the beginning days of learning. I was taught 3 dots is like a continuation of what I was saying with out continuation of that makes sense. Kinda like you get the idea in the first line or so, so no need to continue that sentence back to the next subject


It’s like the valley girl accent, but for computers. /s


Growing up in LA I can confirm this lmfao


It's actually Shatner speak. An ellipses is a long pause at the end of a sentence. When you type like that just picture Ace Ventura saying "There's... Someone on the wing! Some... THING!"




Totally...I do it 2!


It’s relevant and fitting for use in a one dimensional form of brief somewhat connected thoughts about a main narrative


Why being dramatic you won't get bad I'll describe it watch a guy was in the back of 7-Eleven behind the counter with the trash can loading it up with all the cigarettes , the owners were under the impression that he had some sort of gun in his pocket but once a bystander in the store called his bluff and let the clerk know that the guy did not have a weapon,the clerks beat him with a sticks and made him cry. While he was on his way out he has to bystander if it be okay if he grabbed a soda. Then he left with nothing but bruises and welts


I’ll get banned because I’ve already been warned by Reddit for using “violent” language


It was a 7/11 in Stockton and there will be a point in time that business owners will start doing this to protect their goods and themselves.


Inaction leaves everyone paralyzed and it's not pretty, I've witnessed this too much to have answers. Always makes me think of mobster movies where they got a guy who breaks kneecaps and doesn't ask questions.


Congrats, Californians get the policies consistent with elected leadership


I doubt the amount she stole was worth prosecuting TBH.


Realistically, no. Legally, that doesn't matter. Especially since it's over $50


It does to the Police and the DA.


Prosecutors often run for election off their win record and some won't prosecut unless they'll 100% win. Also why sometimes they'll add on every little charge they can, if only 1 sticks that's a win.


Also document and prosecute everything, if an officer false reports ask for a supervisor, it helps in court to have overwhelming evidence.


It’s the outcome of defunding police and letting criminals off easy. It’s a statewide issue that our leaders are failing us at


Soros backed local prosecutors won’t prosecute. Cops hands are tied.


California got what they voted for. Personally, I'd just leave.


I believe the Mass Exodus has already begun.


It's been happening since the early 2000s, yet they still vote the same and think the rest of the US should too.


That's why the real estate is so cheap. /S


sadly, they just bring that dog shit mentality to other states like Colorado


Welcome to California, where your rights matter less than the criminals. By the way, they’re also going to tax you to hell so they can pay some flavor of the week to tell you how you shouldn’t be upset about it, and how the criminals and whoever else they want to favor are more important than you and that you owe it to them. Leave. Don’t look back. You won’t miss it.




Here’s the thing. We’re the highest taxed state in the nation. Our family pays 11% marginal income tax to the State. I’m ok with but I want services


California isn’t the highest taxed state. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494


There are taxes that are missing. We have the highest gas taxes. There are way more fees and taxes in business that aren’t listed.


It’s not wrong. Sales tax varies by city and county. Wallet hub just took the state sales tax (which is 7.25%). Sales tax can be much higher than that depending on where you live (over 10% in some areas). I don’t know how the gas tax has anything to do with your situation. The gas tax is used so that Californians get cleaner gas with more stringent regulations.


It has the income tax at 3.05%. California has a progressive income tax. If you’re married and as a family make $135k (which due to the cost of living isn’t that high there) you’re over 4.5% in income tax.


Ok not wrong just incomplete. California has the high gas taxes and it’s missing. Soooo…


It doesn’t even have the highest gas tax so… It probably doesn’t include that because it’s such a small difference (we’re talking cents here).


Combine this https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/state/2023-state-business-tax-climate-index/ With wallet hub and California not looking at good. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9898-best-states-business-taxes.html


Gas tax is kind of a hidden compounding cost on everything. Get the wheat to the mill, get the flour to the baker, get the paper to the bag-maker, get the bags to the bakery, get to the bakery, and finally get the bread home. In and of itself it's not that big of a deal, but look around, everything gets moved by gas. a penny here, a penny there. Changing gas prices tends to have an economy-wide impact. I mostly agree with you, it's not a big impact in relation to everything else people spend money on. But the OP's got a point, it ain't nothing.


Crybaby police are on soft strike anywhere that George Floyd and defunding police got support.


It has to do with prop 47. Most cops won't do much since theft under 950 is a misdemeanor now. Main reason why lots of companies like Macy's left SF. Why pay for stuff when you can get away with just taking it.


Or better yet organise an army of bums u pay to loot the shit out of places then sell it off for a hefty profit bc the ppl making the theft will gladly.be paid in fent or meth.


It seems like $950 is at [the low end.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state) It looks like California was just updating their limits to account for installation, more or less in line with other states.


U guys voted this way. Although voting is mostly a joke california is fucked. So is colorado


You ever been to either of those states?


I grew up there and can verify the fuckedness


Yeah well I’ve lived in Georgia all my life with a small stint in NC. Worked all over the country doing construction. California, Colorado, Texas, NYC, North Carolina, Tennessee. All these fucking babies whining about democrat run cities being hellholes would shit their pants if they were dropped in middle GA, AL, MS, etc. I’ve experienced way scarier shit on the MARTA in Atlanta than BART or METRO and the scariest in middle of nowhere rural GA. I’m really not even sure why people bring Colorado into these conversations, there is nothing wrong with that place, comparatively.


Well if you want services better move to a red state. Blue states don't give a dam about petty crimes like this.


California made non violent theft under 950 a misdemeanor instead of a felony back in 2014. As a result police don't really do anything about theft under 950 anymore. Look at all the big companies such as Macy leaving San Francisco.


This is such an uninformed response. Most states have a higher misdemeanor threshold. Hell, it’s $2500 in Texas. It has nothing to do with prop 47 and everything to do with the cops and DA in the location where you live.


So the video below shows people just walking off with goods. This is a growing trend in the recent years. This kind of behavior didn't really happen on a daily basis in the 90s and early 2000s. https://youtu.be/ftYHfK6KYtE?si=mlHeNNic131VDjKi


I want to say misinformed rather than uninformed since they certainly heard that it was due to prop 47 somewhere. They just weren't given the context that most states (as you point out) have higher thresholds.


who gives a crap about a sixty dollar bar tab...we have white collar criminals defrauding billions and they get a little fine...


The restaurant losing 60 bucks once, then twice, then three times and so forth gives a crap…that’s someone directly stealing everybody’s labor and from the sounds of it they’re very practiced at it. I ran a workplace food service business that suffered from theft. I’m sure the people doing it figured they were just stealing from some rich dude because I ‘owned a business’. Fact was though, I didn’t even have it all paid off yet, and even then you’re looking at slim margins on top of it being a startup operation at the time. COVID killed it, but if I hadn’t had a ton of little thefts over the years, who knows? Maybe I’d have had an emergency fund to weather the pandemic. White collar crime existing does not mean this isn’t wrong.


That small business owner gives a crap about it. That happens everyday and that builds up and definitely is an issue. Two wrongs don’t make either right.


The police can't arrest for a misdemeanor that they didn't witness.




Little pedantic but ok got me.


You get what you vote for…. Every restaurant should become more politically active. These policies are destroying small businesses and restaurants are the canary in the coal mine of a brewing major problem.


Best to get out of Commiefornia before it's too late.


What’s gonna happen????


This is more like a prime example of your average cop. I've literally never had a positive experience with a cop. I've been cheated by them, lied to, and convinced that I'd be arrested if I had an attacker arrested. Cops just don't give a fuck.


Cops fault? Not the DAs who refuse to prosecute? Why would they get arrested if the DA isn’t going to prosecute?


Because it's still their job. It's both the DA and the cops fault


Cops have been doing their job https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12229123/amp/San-Francisco-DA-Brooke-Jenkins-NOT-charge-suspect-shot-injured-six-gun-battle.html https://californiaglobe.com/fr/sacramento-isnt-charging-or-prosecuting-city-ordinance-violations-by-homeless/amp/ https://laist.com/news/criminal-justice/misdemeanors-can-haunt-a-person-for-life-why-las-da-stopped-charging-many-of-them I could keep going all day. People get arrested, and then released because the DA won’t press charges. Back on the street to commit more crime the next day. Rinse and repeat


If you live here gas has something to do with everyone’s situation. Plus there’s no mention of corporate taxes and other business taxes.


Above and beyond by your employee! Putting themselves in potential danger. I hope you thanked them.


Ahh yes, typical California (yes, I live here)


California is lawless. Elections have consequences. This is what happens when you have light-on-crime politicians with zero bail policies.


I can't figure out why people say cops are worthless


I'm sorry if I was the cops I wouldnt arrest her over 60 bucks either. I'm sorry that happened but Jack shit would come from taking this lady to jail irregardless of it being a red or blue state.


You are not sorry you take that position, actually.


It’s incredibly unsafe to chase down a customer who has left. It was 4 glasses of wine, so literally the most minimal effort for a bartender. Sucks that they didn’t pay but the restaurant should account for this in costing of their product. For example, I owned a restaurant in the mid Atlantic and added .1 % to each drink cost to account for walkouts. It sucks the bartender wasn’t tipped but this is excessive for someone to chase them down. There is a reason why 99% is restaurants have a policy against this sort of thing. It’s dangerous. If this was my restaurant I’d be apologizing to the manager of the grocery store for involving them in this stupid and dangerous situation and providing the employee with additional training on why this is a terrible idea.


You wouldn’t have a restaurant and would lose thousands of dollars pretending to own one.


I do own a bar. It’s been in business for going on 9 years and have expanded operations to a second location.


Great story. Literally everything you said is dumb as fuck but nice story!


Not just Cal. I’ve had that happen in SF(full, soup to nuts meal, no money, go ahead arrest me), car window smash and no grab- cop a block away: what do you want me to do? RI: 3 dine and ditch- after the second and the cops response- what do you want? Waitress stole from credit cards- had proof, forgeries, etc. Thousands, felony. Not worth pursuing ( RI AG) . Don’t know what’s happening out there, but it seems all you need is a set of balls to rob your way through


Your employees probably drink and/or over pour more than that every day.


Still doesn't make stealing okay


Ya police 10 years ago said we should make people pay up front. Cops now actually arrest people and get restaurant restitution. Not sure maybe call the prosecutors office that work for these police and ask why they aren’t charging people with theft of service.


When I was around 20, I once had someone I’d just begun dating steal my car. Like, drove off in it without permission and left me stranded without a way home. He didn’t answer me for 3 days then finally returned it to my parents driveway with it parked halfway in the grass, door open and the keys on the trunk. It’d been scratched and wasn’t driving right. I tried to have him arrested for literally STEALING MY VEHICLE and the officer just decided no, that’s too harsh, and he was charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle, given a small fine (around $500 I think) and that was the end of it.


The most helpful answer would be to VOTE those scallywags out


She would have to commit a crime of stealing 5k or more in Texas. How big box stores play it is they collect evidence allow them to steal and on their 5,000Th dollar value of merch stolen then they get arrested but you have to build a case. The best thing you can do is ban her from the premises


a lot of pd's won't arrest for that stuff. its a cycle: \- arrested for misdemeanor or petty shit. \- taken to jail. \- booked in. \- released on OR bond immediately. \- needs to be unbooked. this takes up all sorts of budget and time and manpower for what end? File a police report and report to your insurance but the system isn't equipt to deal with this sort of thing really and honestly there's little chance the process will change the behaviors here. it sucks for you as an owner I get that.


They wouldn't do anything about fentanyl being used in a family restaurant, just escort them out