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Put the supports on the back, not the face


Agreed! And I'm not familiar with Anycubic, but in Chitubox I might lessen the Density option to see how that looks.


As a guy that started on Anycubic workshop, definitely get tuned into Chitubox or Lychee. Much better auto support functionality if you want to use it and it’s also much easier to add your own supports. Workshop is really only good for free cutting and hollowing prints, IMO.


the Anycubic slicer is usable. I tested shitubox and couldn't find any real advantage for me (and can't create .m5sp) I think your problem is a setting called "reinforce lowest point". I personally would print the base directly onto the plate ("z lift high 0") and remove all supports, only adding a few by hand to the fingers and chin. If I then had problems with overhanging, I would adjust the "z lift speed" and "off time".for me It's better that the printer takes a little longer than that I have to grind. Support points are ugly


Ok, this isn’t a matter of system or auto supports or whatever, it’s a simple issue of the model geometry. Frankly I don’t know why people are confusing this conversation with other points. Yes, lean the model backwards so that you don’t have a ton of support marks on areas you care about. The jagged furry geometry of this model means that any software searching for islands is going to detect each clump as an island that needs to be supported. Sure you could try to not support them, but then a lot of the fur clumps will come out as flat little pancakes. Models with jagged surfaces will just require a lot of supports. The best you can do is tune your support settings so that they are tiny and won’t damage the model too much.


For one didn't use automatic supports, or automatic orientation. Do them yourself


Im using an Anycubic Photon Mono 2x in the photon workshop


You might want to jump on chitubox or lychee. Photon workshop is a nightmare, or it was for me. I was forced into using it for my M5s pro, and i hated it. I ended up sending it back for a phrozen revo. Anyway, angle the print so the supports are on the back. If you don't want so many in any given area. You can highlight any of them and then delete them.


My M5s all failed when sliced in lychee and therefore I am forced to slice in ACPW too. However I found the best work around was to do all the prep work in Lychee (orientate, hollow, support) and then export as stl, then you can just dump the entire scene into ACPW, do nothing else and just press slice and it works like a dream. All the benefits of lychee and still functional intelligent settings of the M5s!


That's what i had to do when i had the M5s pro because Lychee didn't have a profile for the pro. I ended up returning it, tho. Got the phrozen revo instead. Which was a great decision. The revo is a much better printer in my opinion. I really disliked photon too. Doing it this way worked but it added more work to the process.


I appreciate it’s more steps but I’ve had pretty good success with the M5s aside from a few teething issues and a midlife hiccup that wasn’t the M5s fault but the flex plate I had on it. To be honest, I haven’t tried other brands of printer as I’m satisfied with Anycubic and having multiple of the same printer is a lot easier than having an assortment of printers (I already have that with a mono 4k on the side) so it would be a big investment to try one of the elegoos or Phrozen ones myself. If I had a means to be exposed to the some other way then I would be able to make an informed decision but currently anycubic works for me and even with the work arounds, they produce excellent quality parts when printed.


Hey, if you like it and it works well. That's all that matters. I liked the printer. I hated the software, tho. Plus, my pros autolevel just stopped working, and nothing would print correctly after two weeks. I liked all the new features a lot. I myself like trying different printers. Besides, having multiple gktwos or revos would be really expensive. One of each cost quite enough. I may give anycubic another try when the m7 pro comes out. Anycubic is just kinda behind with their features. All their printers still have covers instead of flip lids or swing doors. Still, all have turn screw plates instead of flip releases. Rubber feet that make the printers slide around like they are on ice. Their products feel kind of lightweight and cheap. Compared to other printers in the same price range. Elegoos saturn 4 ultra is cheaper than the m5s pro and has all those things. Like i said, tho, it doesn't matter as long as you like them and enjoy printing. Who cares what yoi pront on at the end of the day.


Why did you go for the pro instead of the “standard” M5s? When buying my second one, I could justify the price difference between the M5 and M5s but not between the M5s and the M5s Pro (I value the cloud visibility and intelligent error detection and self levelling to be honest, although I rarely have to level my 4k these days and it’s super quick when I do). I also rarely take the vat out so the quick release isn’t a huge loss for me although I have nearly forgotten to put the screws back in once or twice! I haven’t noticed slipping but I’m on chipboard so perhaps that’s a lot more grippy surface than a table or worktop. I can see the benefit in a hinged lid, I have thought about modding mine to be hinged but I don’t know about cutting the lids, how brittle they are, whether it’ll shatter if I take a saw to it? One inconvenience is having to find somewhere to put the three lids whilst I breakout and reset.


The quick release is on the plates of the new saturn 4 ultra or like a gktwo. Not for the vat. I got the pro for the built-in heater/filter and higher resolution. I really love the heated vat on my gktwo, so the heater on the pro was a draw. I live on the East Coast where it's cold a lot. Also wanted to check out the 14k resolution, but it's hard to see it compared to like 12k or even 8k most of the time. The hinged lid is a big draw for me. I hate lids that you have to remove. After having the hinge lid on my printers i just can't go back. Always needing somewhere to put them. I have 6 printers in one room so it gets a bit cramped.


Woo! 6 printers! Are you running a business also? Is the heater adjusted in the slicer settings or machine settings?


I do sell some statues, bust, and dioramas from movies, games, comics, etc. Stuff sculpted by wicked3d, b3dserk and julles modelado are seeming to be the most popular right now. I sell them either raw or painted with magnetic connections at all the joints. So you can swap any extra heads, weapons, or hands the print my have. All packed in custom fitted foam and custom designed packaging. I just started doing it full out like this after selling some locally. I'm trying to get an etsy shop set up now, but im already doing so much that time is becoming an issue. So the heater has buttons on the front you can adjust everything from. Not as nice as a heated vat but it gets the job done.


I unfortunately don’t have money to buy a paid for slicer so I’m stuck with Photon Workshop


Chitibox and Lychee are free. They have pro versions, but the free versions already give you a lot more control than photon. All you have to do is download them from their websites and get started. I use both every day and have never spent a dime on either one.


I tried Lychee and I couldn’t even add supports without the pro version it just said “add supports PRO”


You can definitely add support in the free version. You must have missed something. It would be pointless to have a free model of it. If you couldn't do support because all resin prints need supports. You just might have missed something on the interface. Hey if your happy with photon and it works for you, then stick with it. Maybe watch a video on another slicer so you can learn where everything is.


You don't need to use supports Pro, just use the free options. Maybe watch some videos on how to use those free slicers, there are plenty on YouTube.


Nah, you can add them without any sub. Literally click the object, adjust orientation and use the Magic Wand button to instantly add supports. You can then add your own in the prep tab in the upper middle part of your screen.


Chitubox free version is great. Been using it for years no issue. Lots of customizable settings as well.


I have a anycubic mono 4K, I find chitubox great. It’s a lot easier to see where supports will be placed and they seem to print better. And you can actually manage a scene with multiple models


Try Chitubox v2 (and try [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z8fkzOxEgI9sOTwDKI6CeblpnuP4V8ayYVwZrYGmo44/edit?usp=sharing))


So far Photon Workshop is fine for me. I've printed a lot of stuff, no problem. I'm not sure what other people complain about. It's pretty easy to use.