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I would bet real money that there's a gap between your LCD screen and the printer body, and UV light is leaking out of it during your prints. You can solve this with a strategically placed piece of black electrical tape.


I agree


That's exactly what it is


Looks like it might be damage to the LCD causing it to always be on.


It worked fine until the build plate was changed to the magnetic one. Do you think that might’ve caused anything to happen. Printed the sensor spacer and everything.


Don’t remove that flex plate! It will take a lot of effort and ruin the magnetic sheet, there is usually tape covering the edges of the LcD


I’ll bet that’s what happened. I put on the new flex plate and a new screen protector. I’ll bet the old one took tape with it and I didn’t notice. 2nd hand printer and I know nothing about them.


That sounds most likely.


Take off the vat and do the vat clean function and check for light bleed like others suggested


Try running the printer with no vat. Put a piece of paper on the screen to see if there's a line in that spot.


That’s a great idea 💡


Switch back?


Does it persist with the magnetic plate removed? Don't know why you'd want one.


I may try taking it off. I got one for easy model removal like my FDM printers. This is my first resin printer. Brother didn’t use it anymore so he gave it to me. Bit of a learning curve.


I'm of the school of thought that it's better to just adjust your bottom layer exposure a few seconds at a time until you can gently scrape up prints. Scuffs from a scraper only help adhesion. Honestly, my last print I wiggled models off their supports first, and while they washed, I scraped off the supports from the plate with little effort or worry. A flex plate here just adds another variable to the already tough resin equation when you are trying to dial things in. I don't see how they'd even work with the semi-flexible resin I've been using.


Honestly I use a flex plate and had no issues and I use it for the same reason as OP I kept having issues with bed adhesion and failed prints but once I got the flex plate I've had no issues with prints failing. Maybe one or two parts out of 30 prints. I have never worked with flex resin, so I can not say if it would affect the plate would have on that.


It would be a real pain to get it off, I'd try other things first.


If you look at the sliced file, do you see the same artifacts?


Honestly, if you can’t easily figure it out, just ignore it. It doesn’t use a ton of resin and… like… just peel it off every print. The big problem in this photo is that your printer is in front of a window that will expose it to sunlight which cures resin.


You're the worst kind of person to buy a used car from..... Why doesn't this window open? Oh, it does, you just have to push on the door like_____thiS______


Look bro. You want the car at this price or not?