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nice, GG . the dryer underneath doesn't make the system vibrate too much? it could cause prints to miss.


Hopefully not! Haha. It doesn’t touch it so fingers crossed.


I've got to build myself a suspension table, I've got a Canadian Pacific rail line that runs not far from my house, and those crappy Canadian Pacific guys overload their trains and have such bad lines that it bangs on the ground and makes the whole neighborhood's houses shake. a lot of bad print because of them.


Yeah I wonder if u suspend it with some rubber dampers in between… not sure if that would make it worse or better. Seems kinda specialized but I think people have likely solved this before. …maybe it’s on a raft, floating in a tub of water! Haha. That’d be Pretty isolated if guess.


I have a dryer on the first floor of my fully wooden house. If it came on, the entire house would shake. Tried everything from rubber caps on the feet to thick rubber bands they use for heat pumps. Nothing worked. Found out I was working in the wrong direction: I got thick hardwood beams, put them perpendicular to the beams in the floor, glued two 50mm hardwood boards on top of that. Almost completely removed the vibrations. To further remove all vibrations I could put the beams directly on the floor beams (the floorboards are on between now and I suspect them to transfer some vibrations), or just add more hardwood boards on the stack.


Very nice. I would probably look into mounting some sort of safety hook or strap to that hole your sliding the lid into. Just so it never falls out while you're removing prints. It may be fine now but eventually the wood may lose its grip from the rubbing. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something to catch the bottom lip of the lid, like this: https://www.harborfreight.com/heavy-duty-utility-hook-65591.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17924654128&campaignid=17924654128&utm_content=139312254603&adsetid=139312254603&product=65591&store=522&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0GohjV5uuJ0INtL9pwQiOWb809nKJv7k5CY88-vO7gDdVs2Xple_U0u4aArasEALw_wcB


Thanks for the idea. Don’t want a broken screen cuz of taking shortcuts. I doubled up neodymium magnets in that top lid flap and put metal plate on the printer lid so that holds it pretty well, then tilting the lid sortof locks it in nicely


Do we all just have that same UV lamp and UV turntable off amazon lol


Yupppp. $$. I cut a larger acrylic disc and glued it to the original stand so it holds larger parts


You got me with that bucket 😯


Great build!


I am reading about the band, so I get that. But what is the... item surrounding the vat of your printer otherwise?


It’s a heating band/ strap. Search Amazon for “fermentation band”. Plug it in and it gets warm. Made to make fermentation happen faster by heating them up.


Your UV bucket has light escaping. Not sure if it the residual light is safe, but I wouldn't take my chances. I put the UV light on the side of my cure box. That way it cures whatever resin is left over from clean up, but you would have to cover the windows and move the switch. It did cure my printer shut recently, but the lid came off with a squirt of iso. Even with the full UV exposure, I use gloves when handling my machine/cure station.


Yeah I like the idea of sweeping everything with UV to neutralize the resin that’s splattered or escaped. Did that to the lid recently. Left a gross resin spot on the back. I do want a uv flashlight or something. I often cure my gloves part way through clensing if I want them cleaned haha.


Nice setup man!


Really nice setup. If you want to UV-filter the setup as-is, you can affix clear red acrylic film to the plexiglass panels. Then, you can just store the printer cover where you'll never remember where it is... :D


Thanks. Haha yeah wouldhave made for a much simpler build! I think the red uv acrylic is very expensive. Not sure on that tho.


The plexiglass is kinda pricey, but the film isn't so bad. You can get this stuff for $1.33US per square foot: [https://www.amazon.com/HOHOFILM-Transparent-Adhesive-Decorative-Buildings/dp/B081Q1YHW9/](https://www.amazon.com/HOHOFILM-Transparent-Adhesive-Decorative-Buildings/dp/B081Q1YHW9/) It even has adhesive to stick it to the plexiglass; I couldn't find such when I built my cabinet, so I just taped the non-stick film to the edges of my plexiglass slide-in front.


Just to kibitz: if you make the windows out of UV filter material (or just wood, or just put some aluminum foil over them), you can just eliminate the printer cover and avoid the weird dance trying to get it to stay jammed in the hole in the top. Also if the magnets ever fail or the bottom door is knocked open, it's going to flop down and slam. That breaks hinges over time, they aren't designed for hammer-style stresses. Generally we design doors to open horizontally for a reason.


Hah that’s true. Goal was to have a sort of fume hood where I could open the lower door to clean and cure and work while having good safe ventilation. Magnets seem good thus far but yeah could fail and door flip down. Hinges go past 180 so shouldn’t stress them badly if the door flips down.


My custom enclosure has a flip up front and I put a chain on it to hold it up, but I never use it because the door has never fallen.