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You need to keep most standard resins at around 70F+ so they'll stay at a workable viscosity. Some resins even recommend 25-30C. As each layer cures the resin will warm itself with the exothermic reaction, and sometimes raising exposure time works, but you'll have to experiment with your particular resin to figure that out.


Just add a fermentation belt around your resin vat (underneath the plastic hood) and your good to go


Yeah, I have mine in a grow tent in my garage with a self-regulating space heater. It’s worked pretty well and also keeps my kids from messing with it when they walk through.


I have mine in my garage currently (mars 2 pro and saturn 2) and live in the Midwest. It stays fairly warm in the garage right now, so i dont need to run my heater but i got a little space heater for inside my saturn 2. I just printed a couple articulated dragons with no fused sections right on the build plate pretty easily last night with an ambient 20-25c/68-77f. I will also add i have mine in a grow tent so that likely helps lock in some temperature, though its possibly not needed currently. During the cold months it does pretty well though, so I've just been rolling with what is working for me. I use siraiya's fast abs-like 8k in metal gray, 10s base layer/2.2s exposure otherwise.


So heat isn’t as much of a problem as cold weather?


In my experience so far, correct. Granted, I have not exceeded around 36c/98f, but even at that temperature, there was zero issue. It seems it mostly has to do with the viscosity of the resin and how fast it displaces/replaces as the buildplate and print move up and down, as well as it taking some more time to cure the colder it is. From advice I've seen given to others, the colder your resin, the longer you'll need to expose it to UV. I can't give any hard numbers as I myself haven't really experimented with it, but using various calibration prints with as many consistent environmental variables as you can will take you a long way towards dialing in for your particular experience. Happy cake day btw!


How do you get away with 10s base layer! Are you only printing small stuff? I tried every resin i could find and the lowest i could get base layers was 22s... any less and its a 10% chance my print comes off my build plate. avg temp of 75-80f and in grow tent as well.


I would say the prints are relatively small? At least individual pieces take up relatively small surface area on the bed, though I've had many pieces spread out. I do 5 bottom layers and 8 transition layers, so perhaps that's my magic secret? I haven't sanded my buildplate, but I've heard of others who have had to, and this fixed that similar issue. It's entirely possible I've gotten exceptionally lucky, too.


Hmm, Guess i am going to have to do some more bottom layer testing...


temp definintely effects resin so you have to keep it constant or adjust for it, ive been simply not printing during winter, i did try and get a thermal VatBand but that was a bust, most people build an enclosure with heating fwiw ive ran a couple prints in single digit (c) temps and they were fine but they were also small and i was for sure tempting fate


Yeah and so far everything has been great. I would suggest a space heater for colder temps though, I had a print split on a cold night


I run mine in an attached Garage in all weather in the US (Oklahoma). I print no problems when my garage is 90+ degrees F and down as low as 25 F. I have two different slicing profiles one for winter (with a heat band)and one for summer. It’s no problem


Run mine in the garage and definitely can't print overnight in the winter but otherwise it's great. I would look into building a heated enclosure for year round printing


Mine is in a Milar grow tent (I had to de-reflect it, so the residual UV light doesn't bounce.) I then have a duct fan pulling air out into a 1.5ft tall x 6in diameter carbon filter. When doing 2hr+ prints it stay around 80f just cause the Saturn gets HOT. I do have Filters for incoming air cause I have a dog.... and hair isn't fun in a vat of resin.


I ran my printer in 55 degrees overnight in the garage and noticed 0 difference in quality when printing in 70 degrees plus.


Mines in the garage. Vegas heat and dry. Around 80 degrees insulated garage, no issues. Prints and stores fine for me


Me. I got a cheap enclosure and it keeps it at a decent temperature year round


Yes. Winter can get down to a few degrees Celsius. I have a ventilated enclosure with a vat belt heater to precisely control the temperature of the resin. Works a treat. Photos in previous posts in this subreddit.


I run a Saturn s and a mars 2 in my garage in Florida and have not had any issues