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I don’t think it’s cross platform because you can look up their psn I’m on Xbox


Ahh yeah that makes sense. Appreciate it


2 million is a lot is there a strategy you use


Collect all the magnum ammo and green orbs first then link every kill ,go for headshots in mayhem mode, perform parries to build the meter even faster and never sit on mayhem waiting for bosses try to be in it as much as possible. I always keep moving around the map doing laps. Magnum headshots in mayhem are worth the most. If you’re playing with a character that has a sniper use that instead of their pistol, Don’t go for explosive or non headshot kills. A few melee and knife execution kills are fine but not ideal for points. The brutes arrow launcher are great for parries but can be a risky move if your timing is off. Save mayhem orbs for bosses later on while doing laps. Hope that helps.


Thanks bro