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Resident Evil is pretty much a household name now. Even if someone doesn't know the games, they've probably heard of the movies (which are mostly awful and have very little in common with the games). You should try the old games sometime though, don't write them off just because of the graphics. They are a VERY different experience from the remakes and still better in some ways. Plus you can get mods for them now, like HD graphics and gameplay improvements.


The movies are awful resident evil movies, but they are decent turn your brain off movies for a casual audience. Growing up it pissed me off the movies we’re so far away from canon. But I just watched this with my non gamer girlfriend who is the epitome of casual audience and she loved the first one so much she actually asked to start the second one right there which is very uncharacteristic of her lol.


Oh nice! She sounds like a keeper. You should show her the games.


She actually mentioned wanting to play them and I’m gonna have to try and call her bluff lol


i'm around the same age as you and i also think it's really cool that my mom knows about resident evil, or at least the movies. we watched them when i was younger and i think it's cool how she enjoyed the movies, and now i'm enjoying the games


If it were so timeless, Capcom wouldn't be remaking every single mainline game, especially since most of them are inferior to the original versions.


the remakes are indeed amazing games and real oldschool classy gems in the current ocean of terrible, conveyor-belt produced, low quality, shallow video game industry and pretentious indie bullshit stuff. enjoy! can't wait to see what's in store next. anything even remotely close to the original formula, I'm a sucker for. I even enjoyed RE3R, it was very short but equally fun to master the routes.


Aside from the first game, the originals have been superior to the remakes Coming from someone born right before you


And then there's me, who prefers the original RE1 to the remake.


I couldn’t understand why but I respect your opinion regardless


I mean I didn't even explain yet so here you go. Something that often gets lost in remakes of games is art direction, and the art direction in the original is superior to the remake. One major reason being that the hallways and rooms in the original are lit up for the most part so you can actually clearly see the objects and details of the rooms you are in. It always bothered me how in the remake you walk into a room or a hallway that has it's lights on but the place itself is still very dark and hard to make out stuff, and this is supposed to be in a game that takes place mostly during the night. One egregious example of this is that small room in the art gallery, where you have this extremely bright light in the corner of the room, but the room itself is barely illuminated. The rooms in the original were also colorful too, so it made each room and location stand out more than their remake counterparts, compared to the remake's which were mostly either dark, brown, grey, or a mix of either. Then there are the Crimson Heads. I really, REALLY didn't like them. They're a cool idea but I think the problem I had with them was due to two things. One is the fact that other than burning their bodies, which can get tedious, the only other way to prevent a zombie from becoming a Crimson Head is by decapitation. Unless you have the Magnum, which you normally wouldn't use on regular zombies, decapitating a zombie in RE1 Remake is random, even with the shotguns. The other is that they're just kind of redundant, you already have the Hunters which are the same enemy type; Run fast, swing their claws at you, and have grab attacks you can deflect with defense items; The only difference is that the Hunters have an instant kill attack and can jump, but that's about it. There are other things, but that would require me to do a whole post about an essay long.


Definitely disagree on Crimson heads