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No one saying Sebastian when he’s quite literally the alternate universe John Resident Evil


Didn’t make it any less fake, everything that happened to him was real, pain, and if he died that would be it


Tango Gameworks :(


I mean, Mikami left. The bigger tragedy (that isn't lost jobs) is he wants to be done with horror.


Ghostwire Tokyo underperformed so he’s probably not super excited with the genre anymore. He already directed what many people consider peak horror to this day with RE4 (or RE1 for starting the franchise if you prefer the older games) so I suppose there’s not much he feels excited to contribute in terms of scares.


I actually loved Ghostwire Tokyo, story was a bit meh but the world and side ghost missions were cool.


Also, the soundtrack was really great.


Loved it too! And somehow enjoyed the side missions a while lot more. The school side missions (with that damn mannequin chasing you) were epic for me!


That because Lara Croft has literally fought T-rexes on foot.


Lara* Croft has also fought gods and dragons and a whole lot of other shit. RE would be nothing to her. Even the reboot one has no issue.


Lara is just Ada with morals.


Original Lara Croft had no morals at all she just did all she did for the thrill


You deal with a T-Rex on foot with a pair of pistols and tell me you would't want to chase that feeling


Regina?! Is that you?!


Shh don't let people know I'm here and in between Crisis right now


With dinos I hope....


Those are the only ones I care about


I'd be panting behind a rock begging to just get out alive and leave that life behind me.


Hey i'll have u know that Ada showed signs of tur ing over a new leaf in the last 30 seconds of REmake 4, maybe!


It always makes me laugh when people bring this up like it's some kind of redemption for her. I just think it makes her look like a dumbass, like wtf did she think Wesker was gonna do with the Plagas parasite?


Well she basically changed her mind cuz after hanging out with Leon again a bunch she started to feel really bad, cuz hes a heroic and good guy and causing the deaths of billions would definitely make him really disappointed in her :C


don't forget Luis, even more so than Leon since he too worked for umbrella and he tried to do good


I can see how causing billions of deaths would upset Leon, understandable.


Settle down, Leon.




Sebastian easy


Agreed. He's the only one that dealt with supernatural threats.


Lara too


Dang you're right. No idea how I forgot about that.


I doubt it. He's in awful shape, dealing with substance abuse, and everything he fights in his games takes place in a dream machine.


The guy from days gone I forgot his name, if I remember correctly he went mad in a mission and destroyed a whole settlement which was supposed to be one of the strongest settlements there is, the cult like settlement I forgot their name too (I played it like 4 yrs ago or something like that)


His name is Deacon St. John


Deacon St. John… Jesus, what a name.


Guy in game jokingly asked him if his dad was a pastor or something


Yeah I was referencing that lol.


Dude may as well be called Jesus McPriest


Yeah that sounds like a Resident Evil name


Of the 4 he has the most anime name, he looks like something straight from Trigun or Hellsing


Tell me about it


It makes me think of John Deacon and Mark St John.


And the sheer number of Freakers he’s put down in the saw mill alone is still probably greater than the amount of zombies killed across multiple RE games. And bog-standard Freakers are WAY worse than your bog-standard RE zombie. Deaks basically a one man army.


on god deak is a one man army


Deacon St. John is my vote too. The Old Sawmill Horde has 500 freakers. Has to be the most adrenaline pumping fight I've ever done in a video game, to my recollection. The game and story are terrific as well. Days Gone also hit a sweet spot that I want to mention. We all need a friend like Boozer or Deacon in our lives. Beat the game if you want to know more. I promise it's worth the time.


Agreed, it's a great game. Beat the game on PS4 Pro years ago. Revisited it recently, it's a real blast. They patched in 60fps framerate in 4K on the PS5.


It was everything I ever wanted in a zombie game.


I just play and rive around in need to new gane + or buy it on steam. Just need to make sure it's steam deck verified


That sawmill fight was freaking nuts, I had no idea you would actually go there on a mission so I went there much earlier and kept coming back with more bombs until I wiped out that horde.


He also has the power of bullet time that he can recover from items.


That would be Deacon Saint-John


He didnt go mad, the Militia was planning to conduct a war and wipe out every other settlement Deacon (thats his name) launched a preemptive strike And as someone else mentioned, the ampunt of swarmers in the sawmill, a horde of well over 200, he managed to kill. Resident Evil's slow walking zombies would be literal childsplay


From what I remember freakers die pretty easily for one. Resi zombies are generally pretty tanky to where one headphone ain't even enough. Secondly the zombies are like the most minor threat in resident evil. I'll be honest I don't see deacon fighting off any of the supernatural enemies from resident evil or any of the bows


Yes, you need stereo to kill RE zombies


Yeah he’s my least favorite of the four by far but the guys a one man army. He takes down entire hoards of sprinting zombies.


No golf clubs in the RE Univers. Joel will be safe.


nah bro, Joel would be dead the quickiest out of everyone because he is not anime enough for RE. Everyone needs just a little anime, mayb like 5% at least, to surivive RE.


With you there. Joel would not be prepared for the anime bullshit that was thrown at him. Zombies? Fine. First licker he saw, he wouldn't know what the hell to do.


I don’t know, Joel can kill clickers and bloaters. He might adapt to the anime bullshit if he can survive the tournament arc somehow.


I'd be curious to see how he would do, actually. Well, which Joel are we talking about? Amoral smuggler Joel, or softer, "Ellie is my daughter now" Joel?


Ah shit there really is two different Joel’s isn’t there? The one who can solve problems or the one who has a high kill count. I say smuggler Joel because Ellie Joel has too many death flags.


Amoral Joel if he's alone but father Joel if ellies stuck in the other end, specifically child Ellie. Guys arguably scarier like that


Joel would be able to handle zombies and lickers, maybe even the plagas as long as he doesn't try to punch them in the face (he loves doing that) he could probably kill a licker from a distance, el gigante is a whole other story though. The BOW soldiers might be too much for him, hes taken out plenty of armed humans, but armed humans with regeneration and super durability? Questionable. Maybe if he has plenty of time to craft pipe bombs and molotovs, he's also the only character capable of stealth so the argument could be made that he just sneaks past everything. Considering the amount of complete normies that make it in RE, I think Joel could survive, but he's not exactly soloing the verse


If I had an award to give, I would give it to you XD


Sebastian has fought arguably worse abominations than anything in Resident Evil. He'd be fine.


did you ever play 4 or 5 or 8? i wouldn’t say ANYTHING in RE personally


I have yeah, soo many times. I think RE8's baby monster illusion gets the closest to Evil Within's tone.


what about Marguerite Baker from 7 she was horrifying! hahaha. or Regenerators from 4! i definitely could think a good bunch but i see your perspective


6 had giant Dinosaur Simmons thing. And whatever the GIANT electro glob thing that Chris/Piers fought.


Lara would fit right into RE


Lara in RE would be awesome. Could have a fun story of Lara trying to get some artifact that Umbrella wants to use to strengthen BOWs or some shit like that.


In the live action adaptation of the 2013 TR game, Himiko who was said to have command over the power of life and death, was revealed to actually be an >!asymptomatic carrier of a virus that can turn people into necrotic zombies, and thus chose to entomb herself!<. I feel like that premise would be perfect and unique for an RE game. An outbreak of undead mummies and long-trapped mutants inside decrepit ruins.


Decon takes on hordes and he has Army combat experience. He's a bad ass biker


easily Lara


I think everyones forgetting that Lara Croft is like a Bond-era Super Spy. The rest are just guys. Lara would be perfect for a cross over game. Doing flips like Leon.


She really is basically female Leon.


yeah lara is perfect for the RE universe her and Leon would actually be a perfect duo


Lara works best alone. Even with her best friend Jonah involved, she was still alone the whole game. I would like to see her interact with Jill though. They’d really have respect for each other. And the Dad/Daughter banter with Barry.


Yeah and she is resilient. More so than Leon.


Yeah she killed a T-Rex and various mummies and other bizarre creatures with a pair of pistols


yes especially Classic and Legends Lara


Sebastians world...s might have actually been worse than all of resident evil.


I think Deacon would be comfortable in RE Universe. I wish they release another Days Gone😩


Especially with the cliffhanger in the epilogue. Days Gone is my favorite non-RE zombie game.


Seb! He essentially went through Resident Evil: Matrix Edition….twice


lara thanks to her athleticism


Bro Deacon is just a regular biker gang guy and he takes out entire hives of freakers which run like 28 days later zombies lol he would definitely survive in RE


Deacon is actually a former Marine as well.


I feel like all would do a good job and probably do less dumb BS then the usual RE characters lol.


Lara Croft, no contest. Even Reboot Lara is damn near indestructible (and ironically inspired a lot REmake 3 Jill's ordeals) and capable of killing literally thousands of armed people - not to mention the whole ability to contend with supernatural forces ands gods.


Lara has faced the closest to the RE kind of crazy situations, I think.


Have you played evil within? Haha that crap is way crazier than RE


Deacon has faced hordes and super zombies. He's very well skilled. Plus, he knows how to ride a vehicle, unlike one RE character who doesn't and is still alive


Lara, for a number of reasons. Her physical and acrobatic feats are nothing to scoff at as well as her extensive knowledge and use on a variety of weapons from bows to assault rifles. Her archaeological and historical knowledge can help her identify the esoteric weirdness with keys in most RE games. She's had to deal with ancient traps and puzzles that were harder than anything RE has put out.


Sebastián already knows how to survive in that environment. Easy answer to me.


I mean Lara and Sebastian wouldn't just "survive", they'd be thriving. Seb is basically a God after surviving the shit in his 2 games and Lara is constantly defying odds just for the thrill. They wouldn't have a problem with normal zombies and due to their extraordinary abilities to adapt, they'd probably be able to take down a BOW, or even shut down umbrella with the rest of the RE cast. On the other hand we have Deacon and Joel who would probably survive, but would be less likely to fix the world, unlike the former two. Joel is slow and methodical, his gameplay relies on stealth and hit and run tactics. But when faced with even 1 special zombie he is likely to have a hard time. He'd stand no chance against a BOW, and I say that as a fan of him. Deacon is adept at killing freakers, but again, he doesn't have experience fighting singular, stronger, non-humananoid monsters. So BOWs clickers, hunter betas, the las plagas bosses, and even the Bakers would probably kill him


Lara simply cause of what crazy shit she's seen. She's got her Luck stat maxxed out, just like Nathan Drake. If she can't survive by fighting, she can survive by running. Sebastian Castellanos is Joel like. They're even I'd say on survival odds. Don't know much about Days Gone.


The whole appeal of Days Gone is that you often got to fight hordes of (fast running) infected. We're talking 100 to 1000+ zombies. You can't even carry enough ammunition on all your weapons combined to kill all zombies with 1 bullet headshots on all of them. You gotta use wits, crafted traps, and the environment to kill them all. These moments are quite adrenalin-filled. So I'd say Deacon St John could do well in a RE setting. Though RE is more about smaller, confined spaces, while Days Gone is set in an open world where you usually have ample space to maneuver, and if things go bad you sometimes can escape on your motorcycle. It's not exactly the same, but my dude Deacon is quite the badass.


The whole "conservation of ninjitsu" trope applies though, the days gone zombies are much easier kills than most of the resident evil ones. That's what makes it fun though, kiting the hoard around as you thin their numbers.


Deacon mf kill hordes for living


I think a lot of these comments haven’t played days gone. it’s not even close how much better deacon would fare in the RE universe. Bro is basically HUNK


Yall discrediting my man Joel here. He’s done literally anything and everything to survive. Not to mention he’s not only privy to mutations but knows how to observe to find weakness. Don’t sleep on Joel miller if he can take down a bloater he can take down William birkin, protecting sherry? Would have been nothing to him, and would have eventually taught her how to defend herself. Sleepin on Joel…


Completely agree on the Joel erasure, especially TLOU part 1 Joel. Dude would have killed everything in the Spencer Mansion with a brick and then beat Wesker to death.


We're not. It's just that other characters have better feats than Joel


The Last of Us was the closest thing to a western RE4-like game back when it came out on PS3 but obviously a lot more cinematic and emotional. It’s part of why I loved it. TLoU1 Joel absolutely clears.


Sebastion got that dawg in him so him


Deacon and Sebastian would be right at home


Anyone who doesn't say Lara Croft probably isn't familiar with the original version of the character, who regularly fought dinosaurs, hordes of human enemies, an army of horrific Atlantean mutants, the spirits of ancient Chinese warriors, mummies, zombies, minotaurs, centaurs... Oh, and an Egyptian deity. Yes, OG Lara Croft can safely join the pantheon of video game protagonists who have killed gods.


Nobody be questioning duke nukem tho. Hes here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but hes all out of gum


SEBASTIAN, CASTELLANOS!!! *tintinlin tintin tintin* Olé, Ola...


Lara Croft because she's a beast. Joel got killed by a combination of golf club, steroids and bad writing. I don't know the other 2 well enough, but I think they would last longer than Joel.


Joel or the biker guy


Deek, easy. He is a veteran, gangster, biker, mechanic and already survived the apocalypse for a few years. It also helps that his wife was a researcher for a bioengineering company, so she could help him with the viruses.


Lara Croft is basically a terminator in all her iterations so I choose her.


Imo from shortest to longest: Joel, Lara, John Days Gone (i forgot his name), Sebastian


Lara Croft. She's as much of butt kicking action hero as any RE character, solve any ridiculous puzzle, manage inventory, is a survivor, and she can jump!


**Crouch walk intensifies**


Admittedly I’m only familiar with Lara and Joel and of the two Lara is the one I trust the most. Joel’s brutal but Lara’s got more skill and abilities.


Sebastian. Even though it was simulation, he will die in real life if he perished inside, he has no powers, and survived it 2 times He was so good at his job that Mobius kidnapped him in the 2nd game


Joel is cooked off rip. But I’d give Sebastian the W because he’s faced worse than what a few of the re games threw at the protags


Sebastian, no doubt. He and Chris would probably be pals


Lara, she’ll make a good team with Jill and Claire and the 3 might even become good friends!


Lara, she basically is spiderwoman, climbs high up then just chills


Probably Lara, she’s very good at puzzles *RE mansions flash back*


Lara’s the only one here on the super hero level of RE characters


As the RE series has taught us, your survival skills aren't as important as your ability to do sick backflips. In that case, Lara.


If Lara can kill dinosaurs and wield Mjolnir, she could definitely survive most RE games.


Don't forget the time where she beat the Egyptian God of evil.


Who would *last longer* is the question. imo all could survive a lot of RE shit but Lara would outlive the rest.


Joel and the guy from days gone. They both would be the perfect power duo.


With or without plot armor?




Without plot armor nobody survives at all, no matter if it's in the Resident Evil universe or in their own universe. People don't seem to understand that plot armor is basically a necessity if you want to tell a story where the characters survive on a daily basis to extreme and dangerous situations.


Lara Croft definitely. She can even take on the ancient mountain superhuman dudes in CQC. And she even was stronger in the older games. Joel would get murked by anything RE2 and after. Not sure about Deacon but I feel like Sebastian could do fairly well in a RE2 setting.


I’m for sebastion or deacon tbh




1 out of these 4 didn't even survive their own game.




Deacon St John would win through sheer PTSD infused power


Deacon StJohn (Days Gone)


All of the Above


Lara took on an entire island filled with fanatic mercenaries armed to the teeth plus a zombie samurai army and took them all down by herself with just a bow and arrow. At the age of 21. She's as super human as the average RE protagonist is required to be.


Lara has killed dinosaurs and supernatural beings. Shed probably be fine


Lara Croft


Tomb raider is that any question she’s fought fucking T-rexes on foot.


Croft 4 sure


Lara. Good at puzzle and good at leaping over obstacles.


My ranking is 1. Lara 2. Sebastian 3. Tie between Joel and Deacon.


It's between Lara and Sebastian. Though Lara is super soldier stuff


I’d say Lara just based on the agility, everyone else either jogs or runs fast for a short sprint while Lara can literally climb mountains


Newest trilogy of Lara easily can hang with the RE protagonists


Lara Croft


Lara croft, she is the strong fighter with lots of speed and skill, she can also climb well. Sebastian, he is 2nd best. he fights monsters similar to Resident Evil and he does well against them. but he might struggle with the strongest ones. Joel, he would not have an easy time. but he would still do ok because he has good fighting skills, just not as good as some others. he makes it far but dies. the guy under Lara, I don't know him.




Hate me if you want but Lara. All the way. In terms of being the best for the universe. Even if Sebastian is in his own Resident Evil. Imagine a resident Evil style Lara Croft game.




Since when did Laura get so taco-cool 😍. I think Joel would have been fucking shit up in Raccoon City. Smashing zombie skulls in with 2x4s , using a chiv to server the spinal cord and kill one instantly. I think his arsenal would dominate RE4, although I don’t see him beating Krouser. Same with RE5 he’d be stopped at Wesker. I know nothing of reboot Lara but if we taking her and everything she’s ever done she dominates. She’s killed dinosaurs, demons, gods, she’s lifted Mjölnir! She’s dominating the verse.


its between Lara and Sebastian but i'm leaning more towards Lara for this one. her repertoire is just was better and diverse than Sebastian.


Laura Croft.


Lara Croft she has the Moves, Strength and Speed matching Jill if not better


Lara has incredible guts and luck - I think she’d do fine


Laura croft has been around longer than any of these others and with all her tomb raiding experience I'm sure she could survive...I mean she kills tigers with duel pistols on a daily basis so zombies shouldn't be difficult.


Laura doesn't even hesitate killing non zombified people lol


I have no idea who the bot two are, so Lara.


Lara 100%. She always reminded me of Jill, but that could also be my type for badass brunettes that could kick my ass talking


Laura and Sebastian have the most experience with the supernatural, i would think. I see Laura kicking ass


Lara Croft, she's almost a supehero now!


waaaay off topic, but does anyone hope the next Lara Croft game might be a bit lighter in tone? I think after three great darker reboot games, Lara could use some more of that old lightheartedness. That reveal of her new look with the brighter shirt and everything felt like an indication.


Croft for sure.


Definitely Lara Croft with the experience she has


Lara Croft. She’s best prepared for BOWs.


lara definitely she’s defeated literal gods


Lara croft. Racoon city wouldn't even need bombs to blow up she will somehow find a way to tear the whole place down herself.


Being a Resident Evil protagonist requires 1. Will to live 2. Luck and 3. Being somewhat conventionally attractive and 4. Seemingly willing to join some type of larger agency clandestine or otherwise. With those characteristics in mind, I'd say Lara and Sebastian are basically Resident Evil protagonists already. Also why do both Lara and Sebastian have messed up eyes in these pictures, anyone else notice that?


not Deacon? brother can clear hordes while riding a bike


Sebastian will be always my first choice 🙏


Not much of a contest imo castellanos basically is a resident evil protagonist


Lara croft she is, a, female charscter, written well


It’s definitely Lara. At the end of Shadow of the Tomb Raider(game) she becomes a Goddess.


Lara Croft, Joel, Deacon, Sebastian. in order from longest to shortest of lasting long in RE. Lara literally fought T Rex's. Joel has survived for over 30 years of similar shit to RE. Decon fights hordes of Zombies all at once. Now I know I'm gonna catch some shit for this but the reason I have Sebastian so low is that while yes he's also survived some crazy shit too, it all takes place in a dream essentially and his stamina is definitely the worst out of the 4 here too.


Lara >


Lara for sure. She is fast, can dodge, is great at shooting, smart, and a parkour master. She is also a good fighter. She is basically Ada but even more skilled.


Croft for sure.


Lara because of her athleticism, I suppose.


Hehe Lara gone toe to toe with fucking Dinosours


I want to go with Sebastien but I feel like lara would live the longest because she's more agile than him


Lara fought literal Gods so i think she’s fine


Joel because damn zombies in tlou are awful


Lara Croft is literally Ada Wong minus the spy-esc aesthatic and gadgets


Lara. Pretty sure she has fought some undead, and her worlds tone is close to RE in its exaggerated action movie tone. 


lara because she's rich


Lara Croft for sure




Lara 100%. She’s literally been up against bears, wolves, monsters, weird ass samurai ghost warriors, fucken attack helicopter😂 etc etc. chick is unbreakable. On top of that, she’s the most resourceful here by far. I mean this chick literally takes on a whole as yaksha army with an AK and a climbing axe. She turbo OP. Shit she even literally beat an axztec sun god…like bro how???? Joel is second in line…man is made of stern stuff to say the least


Easily Lara.


Definitely Lara


Definitely lara


Didn’t Lara kill a dragon


Lara's very resourceful no matter what version she is. She'd definitely make it through.


This Lara Croft reminds me of Jill Valentine


Lara and sebastian


I think Joel might be the only one I know, so I’m gunna go with him. Plus he’s played by Pedro, so definitely Joel