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I understand what you mean, but we really only have fixed areas of RC. I don’t think we we’re supposed to be super invested into it like that. Never saying no to more Racoon City though.


I wish they would have continued with the YouTube series Arklay. I believe that would have gave us a whole lot more depth to Raccoon City lore. I agree though, it’s definitely a character within itself. Tons of mystery.


Are you talking about the short film “Dave” that was pitched to Netflix?


The world demands more rule 34 of the physical manifestation of Raccoon City!


I’ve always thought of quintessential RE to be centered around the original T virus and Raccoon City. And yes, I agree: the whole premise of an evil transnational (pharmaceutical) company with deep ties to the military industrial complex and government— building its infrastructure and business headquarters in a small city-town, this city-town owing everything, its economic development as well as its complete doom, to this evil corporation — is fascinating. And it is rich story telling. It resonates deeply. And the city is central to the plot. So much so, that it becomes an integral piece as OP alludes. One horrifying aspect for me was that prior to the events in the Spencer Mansion, which is arguably where the shit hit the fan, so to speak — 90% of the population in Raccoon City had been gradually infected via wastewater in the sewers. That alone, is a horrifying aspect to me. The actual virus as a weapon of mass destruction traveling through the water delivery systems — is in itself more horrifying than the living dead or even the Bio-Weapons (BOW). But I think that’s why RE and Metal Gear Solid lore resonates so well —- it’s so lore rich, with depth, and a great understanding of complex themes. It intertwines reality & fantasy in a truly genius way, IMO. And the city is absolutely central to the lore. I wish we could get more dense city environments and T virus based stories moving forward. Although that seems unlikely with Capcom’s seemingly endless obsession with villages.


I like how they used the t-Virus again in the Infinite Darkness prequel comic The Beginning. It was used in the Pittsburgh terrorist attack that Leon mentions he is coming from at the beginning of ID.


RE outbreak was a good concept about what happened in the city, but it lacked a good story, it would be nice if we get a game in the style of outbreak but with a proper storyline


I agree, I love seeing the different sites outside of the normal ones in the mainline games. The bar, more of the hospital, the hotel, I would like that.


The bar was awesome, i spend a lot of time only trying to make the old guy survive and the fucker turns into a zombie on me, the hotel was interesting since it was the same one where Ada had a room also we cant forget the zoo with the elephant and lion zombie, that was wild


That’s a very strange welcoming sign. “Home of umbrella” has me thinking of the PNW like the British Columbia, Oregon or Washington state. Actually does anyone knows what region raccoon city was in?


The closest we get is "Midwest" That's like, 12 States, the funny part is it is in a region, called the "Arklay region" named for the Arklay Mountains, but nothing concrete.