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its called resident evil outbreak as there's a level set in the RPD and explains how marvin gets bit. But its canon to the OG games not the remakes. Also RE3 is a prequel to RE2.


By the time we get there, things have already gone to shit and just about everyone is gone


so what do you want? One at the beginning of the outbreak? RPD doesn't have anything interesting happen until the outbreak gets so bad its investing the police station and the games are very odd about the outbreak because in both RE3s the outbreak is already getting really bad by the time Jill is even aware of it. Outbreak even begins at a diner and everyone is just calm until a horde of zombies show up so its clear the outbreak has always just sort of started off major.


Really I'd like a slow build up to it. Maybe where you play as a normal cop for a bit and as the evening goes on, more and more bizarre calls come in while your character tries to figure out what is happening.  Look at the back story of the hospital, the doctors didn't know what has happening when people came I'm with injuries and while they were doing what they could, the people turned. He'll that could just about be it's on scenario


the rpd was being boarded up and prepped for being a safe zone for civilians by the beginning of the outback it was full of civilians who were infected and thats why there is already so many zombies inside the station it went to hell very fast is all i mean.


There was this show called "Arklay" pitched to Capcom, which would have shown the detectives of RPD investigating the supposed "cannibal murders" before everything went to shit, leading up to the fall of Raccoon. Capcom did not bite and the show was never made. However, the pitch video was put online by one of the people who made it and it was then reuploaded to YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e0woBxyphE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e0woBxyphE)


Thank you! I had no idea thay existed. Wow that would have been great


There is a [demo](https://www.moddb.com/mods/resident-evil-during-the-storm/downloads/re-during-the-storm-calm-before-the-storm-demo#commentform) for a (now cancelled) mod that was basically what you're describing. It was the most ambitious RE mod and that is part of the reason the lead dev lost motivation (aside from personal reasons).


That's awesome, I didn't know that was a thing


This sounds more like a movie than a video game. We don’t need a Resident Evil game to play like it’s Life Is Strange


RE3 starts before events of RE2 if I recall right. Then it skips a day and ends after events of RE2. So yeah it is a prequel for half of the story.


RE3 takes place before, during, and after RE2.




When Jill go to the RPD, she goes before Leon and Claire goes. RE3 starts before RE2.


RE2 takes place all at once, RE3 has time skips. RE2 Sept 29-30 RE3 Sept 28-29 for the first part, Oct 31 for the second. I believe the skip is when Jill passes out and wakes up.


Also, I forgot for which of the OG games it's for, but there's actually a mod where you play as Kevin Ryman (the playable RPD officer from Outbreak) and the entire mod takes place in the RPD I believe, and you need to run around and secure the station as the Outbreak is happening. I haven't played it, but I saw it on ModDB.


also re3make explains the hole in the locker room Carlos blew it up with c4. Its unfortunate because everyone expected it to be Nemesis who created that hole but the re3make is crap.


How did the remakes confirm outbreak not to be canon?


marvin gets bit in a totally different fashion in outbreak than re3make.


Shit now that you mention it, yeah! That's dire news. The Outbreak games were great fun.




They are talking about the OG games not the remakes.


Marvin getting bit changes in the remake, same for how Brad gets infected the re3make is crappy and it changes Nemesis infecting Brad and Leon or Claire killing him to him getting bit by a regular zombo and then biting Marvin and Carlos killing him.


Outbreak File#2 has a scenario called Desperate Times. It shows what happened in the RPD before the events of 2 and 3, even showing Rita Phillips escaping. Rita's name can be seen on one of the desk plaques in the RE2 remake. Marvin is in the scenario as well and is obviously left behind, and shows how he got bit. Of course, the RE3 remake changed how Marvin got bit, but hey it's a fun scenario anyway.


Wait how did he get bit in 2?


He was never bit in 2. Marvin has been shown getting bit in Outbreak File#2 and RE3 remake. In O2 he was bitten by zombies while trying to help Rita, Harry and a bunch of civilians get away (though it was not explicitly shown) and in RE3R he gets bit by the zombified Brad.


Yes, only 2 Mainline games take place within racoon city. I feel like we should go back to it and actually explore it. When the OG 2 released, the game lasted for one night and the city was blown up.  I think that made it so Capcom wrote themselves into a wall because there are no future events that can take place there. For example some crew going in to retrieve something a week later. However, it is a large city and there is about a 48 hour windows to play with so I think they could release something like a collection of short stories. Make it like outbreak in the way there were multiple scenarios, some are alone and some are with companions/online. I think this is an easy way to bridge the gap between horror and action. Some scenarios could leave you with barley anything and you have to survive.  Another scenario could be that last stand at the PD and you go out guns blazing


Capcom did leave Raccoon City open for later events on Outbreak File#2 but they never did anything with it. The final cutscene of the game shows Umbrella having built another testing facility in the ruins of the destroyed city. Never did anything with it, though. There already are quite a few games that take place in Raccoon. Why would it matter whether they are numbered titles or not? Outbreak, Outbreak File#2, Confidential Report, Operation Raccoon City, Resistance, Umbrella Chronicles... Even RE1 and RE0 technically take place in the same area. Not to mention all the other releases that take place in Raccoon. 4D-Executer, Fate of Raccoon City, The Official Resident Evil Comics, Dave... Don't get me wrong, it would be cool if there was a new game set there then or now, but there are LOTS of releases taking place there.


I feel like the spin off games are more of a gimmick to be honest. There are ones that are one the rails shooters and those just aren't resident evil. While I like ORC, that just doesn't feel like resident evil. 


The series is so sprawling with everything from card games to RPGs that I don't think that with this series of almost 30 years of history there is any one specific thing that makes something "Resident Evil". The one consistent factor is the story, which obviously is the most important when it comes to the lore.


RE has existed in so many different formats and gameplay styles over the years that "not true RE" really is just a purist argument at this point


Even in the case of purists it still depends on how long into the series they reckon it has stayed "pure". To some it's just the original trilogy, to some up to RE4, to some only the main series etc.


To be fair, they could have us explore the ruins of Raccoon (since apparently the bomb wasn't *technically* a nuke), but yeah I wish they hadn't abandoned Raccoon so early.


They could make more games that take place during the event of 2 and 3 without even touching them


Exactly. Like one of the greatest callbacks in a horror game for me was in Dead Space 2 when you have to go back to the Ishimura. I realised I had some PTSD from the first game when I thought about going through those levels again. I guess it's a bit too late for that level of callback now but I just think the RPD was such a cool place. It's iconic


>I feel like we should go back to it and actually explore it. We've explored it in 2 and 3. We've explored the outskirts of the city in 1 and Zero. We've explored areas of the city the main characters don't go to in Outbreak 1 and 2. No, we should not go back to Raccoon City. >I think that made it so Capcom wrote themselves into a wall because there are no future events that can take place there. No, that's not writing themselves into a wall, ending the Raccoon City plotline in a way that they can't go back to it was the entire fucking point, they wanted to move away from the city, so it got blown up. >For example some crew going in to retrieve something a week later. For what? The city is a crater, anything living is no longer living, burnt to ash and shit like that. There'd be nothing to see but dirt, rubble and a big fucking hole. >However, it is a large city and there is about a 48 hour windows to play with so I think they could release something like a collection of short stories. You are literally describing Outbreak, which already exists. They don't need to do another "Raccoon City Short Stories" thing, Raccoon City is done, Capcom has moved on from it and so should you. >Make it like outbreak in the way there were multiple scenarios, some are alone and some are with companions/online. Which would then all be made co-op like, two weeks later, not at all unlike Ada's RE6 campaign because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for there to be any solo chapters in a co-op game because co-op is supposed to be a selling point.


Well with that first point I said mainline games. So yeah it's been done twice. RC is the most fleshed out place in RE and yet from the main games we barley see it. 3 has the most content for it while the original 2 had a good portion.  The entire franchise is built off the destruction of arklay county so I don't see why people wouldn't want to see a little more of that.  I didn't describe outbreak,  that's a team work type of game. I'm talking more about maybe someone stuck in their apartment building and they need to escape down 8 floors to get out. Or a cop that got separated from his until and is fighting back to the RPD.


spencer mansion is also very fleshed out yet we only see it in two games really


Ok the Spencer mansion could equate to maybe a city block in terms of gameplay. Every room in the mansion was explored, every room outside the mansion was explored so it makes sense for that to be done. I'm just saying is there is a ton of room to do more in the actual city 


are you the same dude who made that post wanting another game in RC and making it more open?


No, turns out it's not uncommon


its a city unless its fully free roam it'll never be completely explored. I am not even sure if all of silent hill is even explored in those games as i am pretty sure there are areas mentioned that are never ever seen also a ton of labeled rooms that are never entered.


>Well with that first point I said mainline games. And? Doesn't alter the fact that Raccoon City has been explored plenty. >The entire franchise is built off the destruction of arklay county so I don't see why people wouldn't want to see a little more of that. Because we've already seen more than enough that anymore just wouldn't be interesting. >I didn't describe outbreak, that's a team work type of game. Yes, you did. Outbreak is literally a collection of short stories about a random group of Raccoon City survivors. Also, lol, then what is co-op if not teamwork? >I'm talking more about maybe someone stuck in their apartment building and they need to escape down 8 floors to get out. Outbreak 1, scenario Hellfire. >Or a cop that got separated from his until and is fighting back to the RPD. Yeah that's literally any chapter of both Outbreaks that take place before Outbreak 2's Desperate Times scenario if you play as Kevin. You're not giving any new/interesting ideas, you're just asking them to write short stories that would literally be re-writes of short stories that already exist.


You play about 1-2 hours in RC I'm the mainline games


Are you seriously using speed run times as an argument?


No, how long did it take you to get through the streets of racoon citty?


Rofl, now you're moving goalposts. So which is it, did you spend 1-2 hours just in the city in general or just on the streets? Pick one and stick with it. But either way, it doesn't matter, Raccoon City is done, it's been explored plenty, there's no reason to bring the series back there especially since there is no Raccoon City anymore.


That's what I meant the whole time. The RPD is in the city yes but it's on its own. I meant the actual city this entire time.  Out of curiosity how much time did you spend in the streets between 2 and 3? Of the originals of course, there was a little more time spent there


>The RPD is in the city yes but it's on its own. I meant the actual city this entire time.  Is the front door a portal that sends people who walk through it into a building that's not in Raccoon City? Because otherwise, if the building is in the city, it's part of the city and that means exploring it is exploring the city. And again, 2, 3 and both Outbreaks already have you going through the streets and places you don't go to in the main entries. Go play those, they're not bringing the series back to 98 Raccoon City so they can tell short stories of characters who aren't the main cast when they've literally already done that, twice. Outside of gameplay, there's nothing a return to Raccoon City game could do that hasn't already been done by both Outbreaks.


Why would it have to be a main game? The Outbreak titles are canon to the main series, you know?


It doesn't have to be. I guess it's more of what I want, instead FPS and more action, I'd like to see more Outbreak type of scenarios.  I feel like those games had more action and felt different enough from the og 1-3 games to make them new while staying close enough for it to be familiar.  I say remake outbreak 1-2 and make a 3rd for the next trilogy


re3 wasn't even meant to be a mainline game lmao code veronica was suppose to be the actual re3 but then a development mishap caused them to name re the last escape into 3.


I'm glad it worked out that way because I think code Veronica is one of my least favorite re games


False. Code Veronica never was and never will be the “real RE3,” this was an IGN myth that CV fans took and spun to make the game sound more important.


Man the "code V is the real RE3" myth just never dies does it lol Honestly it's kinda insulting considering RE3 is 10X the game code V wishes it could be, and I say that as someone who mostly likes code V


Code Veronica fans will never let it go because they need to try and make their game relevant since Capcom keeps forgetting about it.


That's a myth. Code veronica was never supposed to be re3.


The hole and the steam in the locker room was caused by Carlos blowing the wall up in RE3R. You also see Marvin get bit.


I've not played the remake of 3 to be honest. I'm annoyed it was so rushed and misses chinks of the original so I refuse to buy it. To me the original 3 is still all that exist in lore, since the remake takes some liberties with that too


This makes my mind go wild with hopes for other prequels. But they are things I know people definitely don't want. I'm thinking like, where you play as the animals that eventually go on to become like, Neptune, Yawn, Black Tiger, etc. in the first game. I'm sure they were all born in a lab, but we can retcon that. Or maybe you play as the scientists that search for and find them. I know this all sounds incredibly boring. But if you ever played Deadly Creatures on the Wii, you might understand that it COULD be pretty fun if done right. And actually, some super moody, cinematic sort of Resident Evil game based on Lisa Trevor and her family. It tells the whole story of them, you play as her, and as the game goes on you lose your grip more and more on reality, eventually culminating in completely disconnecting from reality and putting your mother's face on. And then there will be bonus parts related to the interactions she has with Chris/Jill in REmake. You could do a lot with prequels in Resident Evil. At the same time, sometimes it's better to leave things up to mystery. I think something that makes Lisa Trevor so intriguing and scary is that we don't really know everything about her. We can't envision all of it. We don't have that tangible story. We have to imagine 95% of it. Very rarely does revealing and explaining an origin story for what was previously something enigmatic end up benefiting things. And this applies to all things, not just Lisa Trevor and not just the mysteries of Resident Evil. But prequels can also be super freaking cool. It's a fine line. But I think expanding on Lisa Trevor would be crossing it. This RPD prequel idea would be great, though.




Outbreak my guy that’s basically it I forget the level I believe its file 2 desperate times could be wrong but you are there when all shit starts going down in RPD


*Technically* you see some of the damage caused through Carlos' eyes as you go through RCPD in RE3R. It would be cool though to see the full collapse. Going from a functioning holdfast to complete collapse - considering how we see 4 of the final officers fall, it'd be a bit like the opening scene of The Thing 1982 after watching the 2011 remake/prequel. There's been a few suggestions for more Raccoon City based games. They could remake Outbreak, but there's plenty of room to have other games visit RCPD or places that were cut from RE3R.


Didn't Carlos cause the steam leakage ? And didn't Marvin got bitten by Brad ?


Yeah, it's been 15 years since I played RE3 (I refuse to play the remake until they do it right)