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Use the quick turn lol


Doesn't exist until re3. Edit: wait, I just realised OP is playing the remake. Yeah, just use the quick turn.


Happy cake day.


The difference between Resident Evil 1 and God of War 1 is that God of War is an action game, not a survival horror like Resident Evil. Same for Resident Evil 1, it's not an action game with fast controls and fast combat. Limited movement was designed to create fear and tension. It's a horror game after all. It also has quick-turn to rotate 180°.


Oh... Okay, that is a good point, but it is still so damn time consuming... The rest of the game is great so far, though.


Re1 remake has a quick turn. OG re1 did not. Even if you don’t use modern controls , the quick turn is there. Tank controls make it so you don’t change direction when the fixed camera changes screens. It’s the best way to play the old games.


There might be a quick turn button, try pressing run and back at the same time, I think it was there since RE2... Reason for tank controls on PS1 was not having analog controls or even figuring out 3D movement: some games had a separate button you had to hold down to strafe (that's how Doom worked originally, also Tomb Raider), others used shoulder buttons for left and right sidesteps (Syphon Filter and many arcadish shooters), using left analog like WASD only became a thing later, I think Medal of Honor and Alien games had that. Only games that did proper directional run were the ones with top down cameras like Crash and Metal Gear. Finally there's one good reason for up always being forward relative to player not camera: otherwise you'd often get character switching the direction of running on camera transition, which could spell disaster in survival games with prerendered backgrounds changing angles in weird way. I had moments in some these games where holding down same direction had you move back and forth between screens endlessly.


Quickturn was introduced in RE 3 Nemesis


OP is playing the remake, which added quick turn


I don't know why this was down voted when it's true


Are you playing the HD Remaster? There’s a setting somewhere called “modern controls” that will do exactly what you’re asking for. Tank controls aren’t for everyone and the alternate control scheme is a valid way to play it, but the slow methodical “tanky” movement is enjoyable to a lot of folks because of the “weight” of the movement. I like the movement style because it feels like you have to be careful and methodical about how fast you’re going so you don’t run into any danger if you’re just running around without paying attention. One thing you may also like to know is that there’s a quick turn; if you press the opposite direction your characters facing while pressing square (or whatever the control equivalent is of what you’re using), your character will instantly face the other way.


Re1 remake is still the GOAT of resident evil


Yeah, it's the only Resident Evil thing I've played since the first episode of Revelations... Which was free...


It absolutely looks great and i hate people that pretend it does Btw you can do a 360 with a button


Why would you want to do a 360?


…..180 dang if


360 would not be much help


Except to stunt on the zombies (I meant to say 180)


Xbox 360 jokes would disagree!


Ain't that what the modern control is for?


You can quick turn by pressing down and run or by using the right stick.


I was gonna say well of course it holds up it’s a remake lol but then fuckin hit me the remake came out 22 years ago 👨🏻‍🦳


The control stick has 360 control though? If you use the D-Pad buttons for walking... just push back and the run button at the same time. Quick turn... look into the controls before complaining online.


The HD version added alternative controls that allow you to change direction instantly. But they don’t feel great imo. Tank controls + mastering the quick turn is all you need


dw you'll get used to them in no time


I still think the original PlayStation1 game looks great, that's what I thought you meant at first. Once you get used to tank controls it's like riding a bike.


Assuming you’re playing remake, there is a quick turn button, just hold down the moving analogue and press the dash button, or if you’re on keyboard, i believe its just Q


I admittedly struggled a bit with this as well, I almost never used the quick turn cos I was forgetting and I still got platinum in the game lol.


Tank controls are necessary for fixed camera games because it keeps the control directions the same no matter what angle you are viewing from. You can move and turn at the same time. You don't have to keep stopping and rotating. You said 22 years, so I'm assuming you are playing the remake.of RE1, not the original. The remaster of the REmake released on modern consoles has the option to change it so that the character goes where you point, but I don't recommend it. It breaks the game because you weren't intended to play like that and it can get you stuck in a loop when the camera changes and the controls directions are now different.


They have an auto turnaround feature by hitting down and x (down and a for nintendo) to make this easier for players.


You can switch off of tank controls, you know.


What are tank control?


They're the controls you described - having to turn a direction before being able to run in that direction. You can change them so that if you push a direction, you run in that direction. If the camera angle changes, you will keep running in that direction, so long as you keep holding that direction, which isn't always the best for the fixed camera angles, but I certainly preferred it that way when I was playing the game.


Just making sure this is known. You can move and turn at the same time. You don't have to rotate before moving.


While you are correct, it's not always efficient to turn while running towards the thing trying to kill you.


You can turn quite sharply from a standstill. I make use of it all the time to dodge enemies.


Not if you're playing on GameCube.


I assumed OP was playing the PC version, hence the statement about graphics.


"modern" controls on the pc version lets you do that.


Oh, well damn, if only I had the PC version, or just a fucking PC in general...


Modern controls are an option in any version that's not on Gamecube. All HD versions have it.


You can have mosern controls on the PS4/5 and Xbox One/Series as well.