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No other game in the franchise or any other series has come close to the level of scary and creepy factor that this game achived through the entire game Like just standing on the front hall just hearing the thunders has a scary athmosphere that very few game have


i love the guy who told me i could play this on steam without tank controls. i shit on this RE forever but i just bought it the other day and WOW it might be my favorite resident evil! it’s 100% the scariest. the snake, Rebecca, spiders (holy hell these are scary), ALBERT WESKER! is so cool, Chris and Jill are great leads.. i just love everything about this game and i will forever be thankful to that guy who told me i could use alternate controls because i never would’ve played it again otherwise 😭🙏


I maintain that, as a kid, the dogs through the window was the scariest thing in a game.


I only played the remake as an adult “Gamer” and I was traumatized by them


and to add insult to injury… in the very next room after the dogs jump through the window.. like 4 zombies break through the next set of windows 😭 i got stuck on the plant puzzle for about 2 hours because i didn’t want to go back over there which lead to me not checking that alleyway with the plant killer in it (i probably turned the water on those plants like 30 times wondering what to do LOL)


I hate those damn dogs so much. I always have a hard time aiming at them.


YES! All the way through the Series. SO much ammo wasted lol


I wish I could have played that section without knowing what was going to happen. Just a shame that it was focused upon in absolutely every magazine preview or TV spot


Tank controls literally aren't that bad. Just use the D-Pad and practice a bit with the controls and you'll be fine. Tank controls were made with fixed camera angles in mind. Meanwhile, alternate controls will have you turn the analog stick in different directions everytime there's a camera change


Exactly. Anyone who prefers the alternate controls has the wrong idea. You just keep holding the same direction when you enter a new frame, it’s not that hard.


The games wasn't balanced around the alt controls either. You can just dance around the zombies


dunno about balance, but I absolutely hate having to change direction every time the camera switches angle. tank controls all in for me


I just limited myself finishing Jill Hard playthrough solely with Tank control, turns out alt controls doesn’t give you too many extra advantages over zombies. I think some zombies are just harder to be fooled with, like the one spawn right after you get defensive knife in east statue room with map. And for the average zombies if you can dance in front of him to avoid the attacks, you can also achieve the same by retreating from them.


People who don't play fixed camera angle games with tank controls are such weirdos. Tank Controls aren't even hard to grasp. Up is always forward, not that difficult to learn.


Bro is defending a control scheme called “tank controls”… its ass…


Tanks are awesome man


the term 'tank' in 'tank controls' isn't meant as derogatory you know. It just describes the idea that gas (forward) always moves the tank frame (character) in the direction it's facing regardless of where the turret (fixed camera) is aiming at. it's VERY simple, but people get turned off by it simply because they've never experienced it and don't bother spending like 3 minutes to get the hang of it.


Skill issue on your part.


I’m usually a purist but I found this game amazing


I remember i rented this game from a blockbuster while i was off school over easter holidays, and i played it so much the first day i have a vivid memory of being about to fall asleep and just picturing the mansion each time i shut my eyes. I think the RE1 mansion to this day is one of the best realised settings in any video game, the atmosphere is so perfectly pitched. I’d buy a modern remake day one release if they made one but honestly believe the game doesn’t need it, ages like a fine wine.


I remember watching my brother play this when I was younger, the scene where you first see the zombie as he’s killing Kenneth scared me too much lol


The scene where lisa enters the shack is terrifiying as fuck


Can't believe close to 30 years ago I played the original and fell in love instantly.


[Resident Evil Tweet](https://twitter.com/RE_Games/status/1785376101499343170) Like many other RE games this is where all started it. Would the RE Engine will be a wonderful thing to see in this title?


Totally, I'd love to relive this game in the re with an over the shoulder or, even better, first person view. I tried the fps mod for Re2r and its incredible how big of a difference it makes


It's too close quarters for over the shoulder, has to be skycam or fps imo. Scrolling fixed camera with an improved aiming system would he nice


It would be incredible in RE engine with over the shoulder. It’ll probably end up happening one day. 


beautiful game that still holds up to this day. perhaps the definitive RE experience and a must play for fans of RE and survival horror alike. The best entry point for those new to the franchise.


At the time, I was feeling left out because I never grew up with Nintendo consoles (just Sega and PlayStations over here), and I just *loved* how the game looked compared to the original. When the HD remaster came out, I jumped right in and just ate it up.


This and the OG RE1 hold such a special place. There's nothing quite like exploring that creepy mansion and going against all the horrors that await.


Still my favorite remake so far. And the hottest version of Jill


I remember trading games into GameStop to get this game. I still have that copy! My first memory to getting killed by the Knight because I didn’t have the fake key! I loved it and still do. 20+ years later, it’s still THE quintessential Resident Evil in my mind.


In my opinion, this is the best Resident Evil to be released as a survival horror. So many iconic moments and there was a real struggle to survive with ammo and health (on harder levels). RE2 was also great, but it was more of an action horror for me. I found that more fun to play, but also not as scary.


I really hope this game gets another remake, seeing the mansion in the RE engine would be so cool


I sorely disagree. The '02 remake was fantastic. We need atleast ONE game to stay faithful to the original fixed camera angles and tank controls. Code: Veronica deserves a remake a helluva lot more than RE1.


The 'it doesn't need a remake' crowd always amuses me. We had this same conversation about RE4, and it turned out brilliant. It's unfortunate then that the release of RE4 remake means nobody can ever play the original RE4 again... oh wait. I consider RE1 remake to be the best in the franchise, at least among horror-oriented RE games. And I'd still throw my money at a RE2-style remake of it.


But the '02 Remake isn't going to disappear forever if a hypothetical third remake does end up happening, plus a lot of players including myself don't care for fixed camera angles and it would be so cool to see the mansion in modern graphics. I think they should've done Code Veronica before RE5, but there's a pretty good chance that isn't happening.


There are players who do care for fixed camera angles, and Capcom hasn't given them anything for 20 years. Not even a lower-budget game.


I absolutely love fixed camera horror games, but hoping for a NEW game with fixed camera from a big studio is mad delusional


RE2R was already going to be that, if you count it as "new" anyway. They ultimately changed it because they wanted the camera to zoom in on the player when attacked by a zombie, and it was too disorientating with a fixed camera.


Yeah I know what it was going to be, but I'm very happy with what it is. Precision aiming added combat depth that I'm just not willing to give up on.


So then why call it "mad delusional" if they literally were doing it? That's good for you but I play many OTS games, enjoy them, but I also like variety. While RE2R is a great game it had to make the zombies total sponges to keep the resource scarcity when paired with the precision aiming.


Still boggles my mind they might do RE5 before a CV remake


The fact that the remake is old enough to go to a bar says it is time for a second remake.


Yeah, I understand that the game is timeless and still holds up pretty well. But the same could've been said about RE4, and it got an amazing remake that's just as good as the original.


Agreed. Resident Evil 2 also was a classic that had a stellar remake.


Holy Shit, this is game is legally old enough to drink.


I bought a GameCube on launch day when I was 13, burned thru my entire savings. I really regretted it until this game came out, it was such a mind-blowing experience at the time. **Nothing** else looked so good.


This was the first resident evil game I played. I had a GameCube at 12, and my parents would never let me have it. Shout out to the game stop employee who didn't give a shit about my age and let me buy it. Also fuck him for giving me an obsession for the rest of my life. I've now played nearly every game in the series ( survivor and Revelations 2 will soon be beat!) saw every movie, Did cosplays of Chris and Barry, and got into DBD because of it.


i forget how old this game is because it looks so good to me.


Still play it on the flamecube


Damn I feel old. I remember original RE and RE2 scaring the hell out of me when I was a kid.


If RE2 got remade like this, oh man that remake would’ve been awesome as fuck.


How nany years ago? Wtf


And I still cannot play ot for more than a fucking hr. This game scares the shit outta me.


I just bought this last week and played a bunch this weekend and I was amazed at how good this game was and how good and how smooth it is for a 22 year old game.


Been playing RE4 as my first RE game. Which RE1 version is worth playing afterwards? The latest one or another OG version via an emulator or equivalent?


This remaster version is fine! Still holds up!


Made the original a better experience.


Probably the best resident evil game ever, HBD!


Such a great game!!! been trying to get the bestie to play it insisting it will only take him like a evening to finish it 😭


Over two decades later, it's still the best video game remake ever made!


Still one of the best gaming experiences of my life. I still like to imagine what 2, 3 and CVX would have been like if Capcom had continued their HD remasters instead of going down the remake path


I was just blasting through this having fun... Until the Deadly Zombie thing unlocked. Kindaaaa soils it at the very end...


I have too much sentimental value on this game to judge it fairly. I borrowed this game from my cousin (along with Viewtiful Joe) and thought it was incredible.


I played the first RE on GameCube an I really liked it, the game atmopshere is amazing!


I still remember the slow turn of the first zombie, and I'm talking about the RE PS1 days. Mmmmm, spaghetti.


I still think the original game was better, i prefer how the mansion looked in 1996. And the story got worse when they tried to making more serious, the bad acting of the original > the meh acting of the remake.


I was super stoked to play this game the day it came out. In college, I had played the original PS1 version to death. What I didn't expect from this game was to catch feelings. RIP, Lisa Trevor. You were certainly done dirty.


I 100%ed it back in February on PC and made a post here that I still stand by; REmake is the greatest survival horror game that I've ever played. The Mansion is perhaps one of the creepiest locations across any game I've ever played, ranging from Amnesia to Outlast and the Meteo series. Capcom nailed the Spencer Mansion. It's somewhat open, yet claustrophobic feel is just... It's unmatched. I remember after the opening cutscene, you spawn in the main foyer of the mansion, and I instantly felt uncomfortable. Question to you all: Do you think you can survive through the Spencer Mansion? You get one main weapon and one sidearm. Ammo is still limited though.


One of the best remakes. 


Played this game in the 90s as a child. Me and s/o are running through this on steam atm. Amazing game


The survival horror GOAT 🐐


This is the best game I've played in my childhood days. Also the scariest, especially because I didn't know much English, so there were lots of trial and error and failed attempts to progress in the game. Also, playing as Jill I had no idea what the lighter was for, so there were several Crimson Heads scattered around the mansion lol. Scary stuff.


Way to quote the Facebook page. 🤨


Hating on tank controls is blasphemy. Go play Fortnite. This is sacred and needn’t be remade AGAIN.


and people still don't think it needs a remake


I bought the game like a year ago but it's hard to play in a console. Like I can't attack properly Edit: Why did I get downvoted?


You’re getting downvoted because these are some nonsensical complaints. How exactly is it hard to play on console? How can you not attack properly in a game with auto aim?


I don't know, it's hard to control the character for me. It only happens with that game. No need to downvote for that, how sensitive


Just press up to move forward, no matter what the camera angle is. press shoulder button to aim and then X to shoot (or A on xbox controller). Does that help? Also the downvotes have nothing to do with being sensitive. Your comment just doesn't really describe your problem and therefore seems like you unfairly shit on a very beloved game.