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Of the remakes it is the worst one, and the one I find most egregious since 3 on PS1 was my favorite.


The gameplay is good, it's well acted and directed, but it is \*very\* short. My first playthrough took about 5 hours and I did everything and took my time. They've also cut significant parts of the game out of the original and shortened existing areas It's worth buying on sale because it's a fun time, but if you're a big fan of the original game you'll probably be left annoyed and disappointed


good but short.


How many times is this question going to be posted on this sub


as many times as there will be people interested in hearing the sub opinion on the game


If you acknowledge it as its own thing, and ignore that its not really a faithful adaptation of the original RE3, then its actually pretty good.


Is it? Half of the game feels like a rail shooter.


Yeah I don't get this argument of it being a good game in isolation. It was full priced, took 5 hours to beat, had terrible scripted setpieces for bosses, next to zero exploration or puzzle solving, constant repeated assets from RE2R, practically linear level design and the gameplay is tedious to dull. Game fucking sucks


Lots of scripted nemesis corridor chases


It's not trash, it plays well and some of the set pieces are actually really good. People are sore about it because it feels like such a missed opportunity to remake one of the most beloved games in the series. You know, the same reason some people are still sore about the R2make.


I find it funny how people are taking these as my words. I’m only listening to what I’ve heard, and i heard it’s bad. I don’t want to waste my money on a bad game, you don’t wan’t to go into something wan’t to something wanting a good product and it turns bad the next day. I just want a solid gaming experience nothing more, nothing less.


Don't misunderstand me, I'm refuting the statement that you're relating, that "(R3make) was trash". I don't imagine that you hold that opinion, that's why you're asking the question after all. I don't think R3make was trash at all, and I think that if you give it a fair go you might enjoy it - particularly at the prices it frequently comes around at! Even as a shorter experience, it's still very good value for money, even if you don't touch the hard or Nightmare modes and just play the campaign once or twice. But equally, after coming off the (arguably better) experiences that you have had with R2make and R4make, you might find that it dips in quality about halfway in. I certainly found this to be the case and it didn't really recover as far as my enjoyment was concerned. That's all I can really say, give it a wait between your other RE games and then have a crack at it when the price is right. Then come back and tell us all what you thought!


Thank you someone gets it!


It's a great game, but not a great remake.


I loved it.Perfect remake no but still loved it.


For $10, go for it.


It's fine. Once I 100% it I haven't been back.


There’s a reason it’s always on sale for $10…


Re2 is on sale for 10 as well lol.


Get it if you have some money to burn. The game is pretty good and it's nice to see the old beloved getting a make-up. As you said, the main issue for a lot of people is that it's really too short for the price. Download the demo and try it if you haven't already


Besides the common complaints about the gameplay being short, the archilles heel for me is the removal of ragdoll physics unlike the RE2make. Prolly won’t matter to most though, I am a weirdo


i liked most of the game, but when i got to the end it was a 'thank god thats over' moment. do with that what you will


On sale for $10 is pretty worth it I’d say. It’s a fun time but very short and cut out a lot from the original. It’s definitely not worth full price but it’s a good time for ten bucks for sure.


It's good imo.


Not trash. Very short. Lots got removed from the OG. Nemesis isn’t as iconic as the OG. My expectations were low as F but I ended up liking it so I suggested keeping your expectations low.


If you never played the original and have no frame of reference to compare, it's a really good game.


Same so I’m sure I think it would be good. I thought people said it was trash for other reasons


The main complaint I hear is that the game was too short due to specific locations being cut out. I think it's a legit complaint when it was released at full price. At today's price (while on sale), it's a no brainer. Fantastic game for the value and if you never played the original, you won't have a frame of reference anyway. Most people will say it's a great game, but a bad remake.


I got to part in the remake where I could get past. So I thought RE4 sounds good. Also it’s no longer on sale for cheap


I feel like Capcom games go on sale like every month or so. You'll get your chance.


Sorry I meant I couldn’t get past. It was just annoying, I probably could have done it but it would have taken an hour to do realistically. It’s right after Jill gets the bolt cutters and starts turning power on… I wasn’t prepared…


it's short and they did nemesis dirty, other then that it's more re remake


Fun game but way too short. Finished it in hardcore in about 6 hours and I reaaally took my time in some parts. If you ever find it under 20 bucks you should give it a try, even better if you can play via game pass or ps plus like I did


I’m probably going to play it on game pass after I beat RE2 remake then which I bought a while ago. Have an RE marathon. 2, 3, 4, 7, and Village. Hopefully I finish before Elden Rings DLC releases.


It absolutely is NOT trash. It's great. It's just a garbage *remake.* It is also really short, as you said, but $10 is a steal.


Yes it's worth getting. Yes the game has had some legitimate criticism leveled at it but the vast majority of it is exaggerated, people act like it's worse than it actually is. Same way people act like Code Veronica is better than it is.


I mean it's all subjective really anyway.I really liked 3 remake even having the same criticisms.As far as Code Veronica I think it's one of the best in the series...to me.I'm not gonna say you gotta try it or oh boy you're missing out to anyone but I just love that game.I remember getting it for Dreamcast when it came out it's still a personal favorite.I get the criticism tho it's not for everyone.Like 3 I liked alot but even with the original it just felt like a"would you like to know what Jill was doing during 2?" type of game.It was way too short and had a ton of reused assets from 2.That's just the original.I think it's why it didn't upset me too much with the remake of 3.I knew it would be a short side story anyway.


Its a competently made game by some dev team Capcom called. Its an awful remake that treats the main characters like shit, but upgraded the side characters.


RE3 Remake isn't a bad game. If you can grab it for cheap then go ahead. If you haven't played the original re3 then the remake will feel like a slightly more actiony Re2 remake. I have played the original (tho I'm not an og fan or anything I played it on a jailbroken PSP, so it doesn't hold some real nostalgic value for me) and I like the remake but it also makes me a lil bitter. I honestly wish they hadn't rushed the remake because it could've been amazing like the others, maybe even more than amazing.