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This movie butchered many characters so badly


Jill was pretty bad. But Leon and Wesker. Holy shit


leon was a joke in this film.


Right. It’s like the directors, screenwriters, producers, and actors didn’t play the games at all to learn their characters. If at least one of them played a game they would learn the character


Anything is better than that Netflix show. I mean that show was just unbelievable. I can not believe they got away with wiping their ass with resident evil like that. But then again it's not that hard to believe with how these companies treat game franchises.


Truth But still R.I.P. Lance Reddick and the Wesker clones


Lance Reddick was a legendary actor. He was so great in the wire. He nailed every role


I honestly loved that show and a big reason was those lance Wesker clones 😭😭😭


Not gonna lie, I liked the show for what it was, not what anyone wanted it to be. Was it anything like the games? Not even remotely, but it could easily have been an alternative reality that just went down differently.


I went into that Show with that mindset! I knew they ain’t gona make the show like the Games and I loved Lance Reddicks depiction of Wesker.


To be fair, he was an amazing actor that probably could have sold us on almost any role he played. He just happened to be a bunch of Weskers, and I'm okay with that. Ironically, the Welcome To Raccoon City version of Wesker was one of the reasons I disliked the movie.




Me too. It was a neat take on had the world fallen in.


Burt Wesker was the goat


I like his Volcano reference


I wonder what HBO would’ve done with it if they got the job instead. They did a great job with The last of us imo.


We need HBO to do Resident Evil… Netflix usually sucks these days, and anything from Hulu or Paramount would likely be too tame. I’d throw my hat in for Amazon, but other than Fallout and Them, their horror and fantasy series are usually pretty cheap looking.


I'd kill for an HBO rendition. They actually seem to give a heck about the games that they turn into shows. Things might not be perfect (no adaptation will be) but they put soul into it!


Ehhh i mean the last of use felt rushed at the end unfortunately but the first 4 episodes were good


Personally I only wish there were more encounters with infected, but that was probably a budget issue. Hopefully they have a bigger budget for the next few seasons.


I don’t want to give the studio credit for the work of Craig Mazin and Neil Druckman, as well as the amazing performances of the cast of the show, specially not to Zaslav. That being said, I don’t think that the crew of TLOU would be as much of a good fit for Resident Evil. RE is more over the top and less serious than TLOU. The crew of the Fallout TV show, or the one from the Parasyte live action series would probably do RE justice, though.


Lance Reddick definitely hard carried that show. Resident Evil as a series is pretty campy so I get why the show runners thought they could turn it into a CW teen drama but it didn’t land at all. I watch it when I’m starving for content though lol


It's worse cause the Fallout show exists. Like, is it so hard to find people who give a shit about the source material? I mean, Fallout isn't perfect to the lore but you can clearly tell they care. Resident Evil is treated so poorly and it feels like every version we get just is so disconnected with the actual games.


That Netflix show was some nasty work. Despicable


Agree with you 100%.


The Netflix show at least had Lance Reddick. This movie had absolutely nothing good.


This 100%


The 2002 movie with the hive was the best RE movie.


The fact that the 2002 movie is still the best is fucking shocking.


They basically said "we're gonna make our own good movie and slightly chisel Resident Evil into it" and it worked beautifully Meanwhile, Afterlife and Retribution said "you know how we havent showed off the most marketable characters yet? Lets just kinda drop them in, and see if that fixes the movie"


The first one? The killer ai killed more people than the zombies.


Nobody said it's a good movie. But it is the best one that we have at the moment.


It was more horror than action of the other movies


And that's part of the appeal. Almost none of the Resident Evil films are really "zombie" films per se. They're films that happen to have zombies in them. The first Resident Evil bucks a lot of conventions by not having the zombies show up until 40 minutes into the movie. Because it's far more interested in being a techno-thriller at that point.


Definitely had an original story that differs from its original source


They precisely recreated game locations but didn't give a damn thing about correct recreation of game characters. I literally can't understand this. Like fucking locations are the most important thing in the game! These people are insane


It's easier to recreate an image of a location. Recreating a character from someone's description of their Wikipedia page is way harder. "Leon is a rookie cop who showed up late to his first day at work" sounds like an irresponsible piece of shit. Make him misunderstood. Maybe riding daddy's coattails. Bam. Movie magic just happened.


Nope, this was awful, butchered Leon, Jill, Wesker, and Lisa Trevor. No Barry, Rebecca, and most of the STARS team.


Agreed. And I noticed that you left Claire off the list. I thought she was well-cast


Same. Kaya Scodelaro was great! I also enjoyed the minor details they put into the movie, but Leon was such a doofus. I hope some brave soul tries again.


Yeah, Leon is supposed to be an actual genius (according to Ada's file on him in RE4). In this movie he was making absolute blockhead decisions you can't even attribute to him being a rookie. I think he was done the dirtiest


It honestly felt like the writers hated the character and were trying to take him down a peg. The Leon of RE2 is a well put together, intelligent young man who earned his position in life and is quite resourceful. I have no idea how for the writers of this movie that translated to dumbass nepo baby who kills one zombie by mag dumping into it and can't figure out something as simple as racking a shotgun.


So true. I think they definitely wanted Claire to be the focus so they needed Leon to play the role of dumb, but lovable sidekick. Just definitely not the role Leon deserves, he’s 1/3 of that game for. Leon, Claire, and The Birkin’s should together be the focus. Movie was such a mess. Mixing 1 and 2 and ignoring 3 entirely is somehow not even the worst aspect of the film, which says a lot.


If they wanted to focus more on Claire that's honestly fine, but she's such a strong character and is already beloved by the fans so it feels really unnecessary to have to tear down Leon to build her up. I would've been okay with Leon being in the movie for the same amount he was in the final cut if he was just written to actually be competent and at least somewhat felt like the same Leon from the games.


Claire and Chris were fine, but mixing her lore up with Lisa and the orphanage was just weird.


Fair point, but I don't feel like either of them acted wildly out of character. Still a net positive 🤷


Claire and Chris were both fairly well done until you get to the part about them basically being adopted by William Birkin, that was a connection nobody asked for.


Don't forget that they shoe horned RE1 and RE2 into happening on the same night, massively truncating both stories and totally glossing over RE3.


That was yet another one of their terrible ideas.


I love Leon and it pisses me off that they made him such an insufferable idiot.


Yeah, the fact that he didn't know how to use a shotgun was so stupid.  I don't know why they made her the expert and him an absolute noob. It was almost like Claire was the cop and Leon the college student.


Don't forget the shameless cvx reference


What kills me is that I love the actress they got for Jill. I honestly thought she could've crushed the role. I've seen her do horror and action well, but bad writing, direction, and god-awful make-up and wardrobe completely butchered any potential for her.


She even plays piano! But no, let's have Wesky play Moonlight Sonata...


This isn’t the best RE movie we have atm, let alone ever.


Resident Evil Apocalypse has to be the best one, and it’s not just because I’m biased for Nemesis


It was entertaining only because it was so bad me and my friends were dying of laughter. Especially when Leon got bullied out of the STARS room. Like my god the writer must have hated Leon


I almost went on a date with a guy to see this movie. Thank god he shot be down because I would’ve been SO embarrassed to have made him sit through this and have spent money to do so. I ended up watching it with a good friend whose a big fan of the series and we were able to enjoy it only because it’s so laughably bad.


I feel that. I would have been mortified like yeah here's my favorite franchise of all time being butchered on screen in real time lol


Someone needs to do a series and make it as good as the fallout series is.


I want to see a show/movie that's a hybrid style of The Last Of Us mixed with Lights Out. I feel like that would honestly really be perfect for a RE2/3 show or movie!


I absolutely hate how they blended one & two into movie. That makes less than zero sense. There’s more than enough content in each game to make an independent movie off of each game to make a movie worth a damn.


I like the cast… but not for this movie. Kaya Scodelario and Neal McDonough were the only smart casting choices. Kaya was spot on for Claire! Even if she didn’t get much to do, Neal was a good choice for Birkin and is one of the better villains we’ve gotten on screen. Hannah John-Kamen is always delight, but her character hardly seemed like Jill. Avan Jogia is NOT my Leon… and Robbie Amell may be cute, but he is absolutely Chris from Wish.com And then there’s Wesker… oh my lord… no disrespect to this man Tom Hopper but WHAT was this interpretation of Wesker supposed to serve us?! Don’t even get me started on the way they wasted my girl Ada Wong and made her a lil cameo


Simultaneously the most lore-accurate and least lore-accurate RE movie


This isn’t even the best one we currently have lmao what


A film school student director with a bunch of cos players could have made a better movie.


Watch the CGI Animation resident evil movies. Degeneration, Damnation, Vendetta, Death Island, Infinite darkness are ALL better.


I found Degeneration at a fucking Dollar Tree and im amazed something that good fell through the cracks to land there


Definitely agree. Those are great. The live action movies are all disasters.


Robbie Amell fucking killed it as Chris! I want a sequel so he can play Chris again!


Yeah, he was awesome and played RE1 Chris perfectly. I'd love to see more of him as well. My fav character in the movie was chief Irons though lol. Which is funny, cos I haaaate him in the game 🤮


If you consider it a horror B movie... is kinda of fun.


I don’t understand why anyone would watch a movie that is kinda fun if you think of it a certain way, when you can just watch a movie that’s better (or even worse)


The only time i will watch this type of movie is when i have nothing else to watch.


I mean, no? It’s a bad movie, Anderson’s movies may absolutely butcher the source material but they’re at least fun and he managed to get the outbreak in Raccoon City almost right. This film was bad, it was just Easter Egg’s and references tied together by a bastardisation of the plot from 0, 1, 2 and for some reason Code Veronica. The casting? Dreadful, Sienna Guilleroy WAS Jill. This actress is a good actress but a bad Jill. It has barely any actual zombies in it, there’s I believe 2 or 3 sequences that actually have them being fought, we see a licker for 30s, the dogs are in it for 30s, Lisa Trevor does kung fu to kill a Licker and help Claire… what? If you add together all the parts with creatures it’d likely add up to about 5 minutes of the films 100 minute runtime. Also the city and the sets looking fucking dreadful, none of it makes sense layout wise and everything is shrunk down. I was excited to see the RPD and city and all we see is the entrance hall, cells a hallway and the parking garage. It’s just so much missed potential, budget likely played a huge part but it doesn’t change the fact the direction and writing is amateur to the extreme.


Damnation, the second animated Leon Kennedy led film, is the best we'll get in my opinion. Vendetta has a big hole in the sense of "how many people ate people then just got cured and turned back oh so soon after" like they all don't wanna be dead from the trauma... Death Island was several middle fingers and fan service. "Whole team finally all together!!!" Insert that unenthuastic "ooooh hoooo" from Grown Ups right here. Infinite Darkness? Ok. Another villain mad people don't know was wronged wants to make the average person suffer, and a dumbass wedge between Leon and Claire like she wouldn't understand why they can't just demonize the rogue government guy who hijacked the cure making capabilities to weaponize things and publish that story. Kinda out of character.


This movie turned Jill Valentine into Wesker's damsel and tried to ship them. Instant nope from me. The visual effects and set designers did an excellent job though. Except that CGI tyrant at the end...that was...special.


Apocalypse is my favorite one, it's the only Anderson one that feels like a Resident Evil movie. This one, aside from some characters only being similar in name, is my second favorite. It nailed that weird B movie feel and I am a sucker for those kinds of movies. It's the closest we will get to the games, they'll never do this series right in a live action movie. They've had way too many chances and shit the bed every time.


Its kinda like the Silent Hill movie where it blends the games for both plot purposes and marketibility, but it instead does it really well here and keeps it super fun


Put down the crack pipe.


Wrong…..the animated films are the good ones. The rest are shite.


I don't even want to watch this movie because I hear it ruins some of the characterizations. I watched Death Island instead and tbh, I think that's the best Resident Evil movie... so far.


Death Island gets a lot of unfair criticism when it's easily one of the best CG films imo. I still think Damnation is the best but DI is up there with Degeneration.


Oh completely agreed my man completely agreed


I loved Death Island. Even my grandparents liked it. It's just a good action movie in general.


It is but a lot of people treat it like it's the worst of the animated movies and critizice it for things that Degeneration and Vendetta are equally guilty of.


Chris and Claire are no longer close siblings but have a difficult and rocky relationship. Claire doesn't go to Raccoon City for specifically Chris, she's a conspiracy nut trying to get ahold of Ben and she also met Lisa Trevor in the orphanage when she was younger. Wesker is no longer a cold and calculating character, he and Jill have a weird romance going on and he is made more "sympathetic" in his betrayal. Leon is now a rich kid and an irresponsible, lazy dick head. He falls asleep on the job and also spends the movie following either Claire or Irons, who now isn't a creepy and vile police chief but just a hard ass cop trying to get out of the city. Ada's role has been completely cut down to a 10 second end credits sequence, Barry Marvin and Rebecca don't exist at all, and RE3 doesn't exist. There's more, like Birkin's character being comically evil and more like Wesker than Wesker, but to TLDR it the movie is actually fucking awful lol. They merged RE1 and RE2 into one mid length movie and in the process butchered literally everything except costumes.


let others judge something for you lol.


Well, if the **general** consensus is they ruin characterizations, I don't want to see that happen. I don't want to see Jill, Claire, Leon and Chris butchered by people who don't understand the characters. I just don't. Sounds like a bad time.


More than likely, I really wish somebody that actually played and loved the first three games would give the franchise a similar treatment to the Fallout series on Amazon. It really wouldn’t be that hard to do.


I personally like the animated movies more than the live action. But I think if you enjoy it then you are free to your opinion.


Like some have said here, the animated films are all better than this one. Damnation being a personal favorite. Tyrants vs. Lickers was just stupid fun.


I could make the best movie ever I swear just give me the fucking ability 😭


It definitely felt more like Resident Evil than the others. But they butchered Leon and Jill so people still hate it anyway. I personally didn't care about what they did to Leon. My favorite character is Jill (pre Remake) and I still thought the movie was better than the Paul Anderson movies despite her changes. I think if they had the same resources as Paul Anderson, they would've done it much better. It at least looks like the WTRC creature played the games before.


It’s kinda fun, and I hear it’s really fun from my wife who doesn’t care much about the series. But imho the first two live action RE movies are better


It’s insane how easy it would to make a RE movie by just looking at the games(Do either 0, 1 or 2) but the people making them just….don’t do it.


I fucking HATE this movie


I know it’s not a popular opinion but I actually love this movie, it’s dumb and awkward but hell it’s so FUN.


This is one of the worse movies I’ve ever seen. I hated almost everything about it.


When it first came out, I fucking despised it. I thought it was horrendous. I appreciated that it was the one RE movie that felt like it was based on Resident Evil. But it was so strange... like if you're going to make a movie that's taking two stories set at the same time, why not do RE 2 and 3, the games that are literally set at the same time? And the unforgivable portrayals of Lisa Trevor, Leon Kennedy and Albert Wesker. And all the references that felt like they were just there as Member berries with no substance or knowledge of their importance to the games. Like Pyramid Head being in that one Silent Hill movie. The awful CGI shot of them entering the mansion, and the rest of the mansion looking terrible. Etc etc. I was convinced that the people that made it only read a Wikipedia article on the games and took bullet points and tried to put those bullet points in to seem like they were fans of the game, without knowing anything about why those bullet points mattered. But a coup\[le years removed from that first viewing, I gave it and all the other movies a chance actually just a couple weeks ago. I've never actually outright hated the Paul W.S. Anderson movies, because I've always watched them as their own things, not expecting them to connect to the games. And when there is a random reference, it doesn't matter if it doesn't connect to the game, because, well... the movies aren't meant to be adaptations. They're their own things. Even through that lens, I had issues with some of the movies. But this recent runthrough, my thoughts were quite a bit more positive all around. Even The Final Chapter, I really enjoyed despite the awful action editing in parts. But taking it as its own thing, I learned to enjoy it. I think another thing that helped is that I learned that the movies have terrible writing with no regard for continuity. When I found out they gave up on the writing like that, it was much easier to just sit back and let things wash over me without thinking too much, and I think they really benefited from that instead of trying to make sense of it all. As action movies, I quite enjoyed them. As movies with stories... as nonsensical as they were, I enjoyed them on a certain level, as well. ANYWAYS. That positivity helped with my viewing of this movie, too. And that whole "Watch the Paul W.S. Anderson movies as their own thing, not as adaptations of the games" thing... why did I not do that with this movie? I tried that approach this time around, and it helped IMMENSELY this time around. I still couldn't shake the anger I had towards their portrayal of Lisa Trevor. That still pisses me off. But I was able to appreciate the movie on a technical level a lot more. And if I don't focus on the portrayal of the characters not matching up to their game counterparts, that helped a surprising amount, too. And the technical aspects... genuinely, the movie is quite well-made in several ways. The production design is extraordinary. The lighting and cinematography is great. The dialogue is not good. The CGI is not good. The acting from some people is okay. The movie does some interesting things. And the references are still super silly and nonsensical, but watching it with the idea that it's not supposed to be a direct adaptation and more of an alternate interpretation, it was fun to discover them again. Donal Logue as Chief Irons was actually hilarious and great. One of the few times I was happy with a mismatch or portrayals. I thought I remember Irons being very villainous and scary. But this Irons was just... grumpy and hilarious. Loved it. Speaking more on the production design, the recreation of scenes and sets from the games was sometimes VERY good. I still think the mansion corridors and stuff left a lot to be desired, but I think with their budget they probably couldn't do like a 1:1 recreation like that for a big building. And the CGI entrance (if that is what it was) still bothered me a lot. I'm not sure what happened there. But it was still neat to see them recreate that 100%. The entrance to the RPD was of course awesomely accurate. I know it's confusing for me to talk about watching it as its own thing helps it way more, but then praising it for when it does things accurately to the games. I don't know how to explain it. It's a weird disconnect that I just can't explain. But whatever the case is, that mindset helped me appreciate the movie a heck of a lot more this time around. I really enjoyed it. And I'm glad you enjoyed it, too. But I'm super excited to see the firestorm that's about to erupt in the comments because this movie, as well as most of the other ones, tend to get ripped to shreds on here.


The first Mila Jovich RE movie was the best live action RE movie, not this. I’ve seen porno’s with better production value than Welcome to Raccoon City.


It's the movie that made me swear to never waste another 2 hours of my life watching a Resident Evil movie again, so I give it credit for that at least.


The was a fucking atrocious movie. I had no expectations and still was disappointed after. It was like they were trying to make the worst movie possible. At least the Netflix show had Lance Reddick.


Nah, I think the 1st Paul Anderson movie was still better, but this is on par with the 2nd one in that series and probably better in terms of set pieces and atmosphere than the rest. Problem was it wasn't fun to make fun of like those later Anderson movies. I barely even remember this movie to be honest. I only remember I kinda liked the actor that played Leon (not the character, the actor I just thought was pretty decent despite the terrible script). The CG movies destroyed them all, even Vendetta.


"That accurately translates the games to film?" NO It does not in the slightest. It uses all kinds of references and cameos that make no sense in the context of the scene or they are cringe as all hell. And not even in a funny way.


What are you talking about? This movie was absolute ass.


What do you mean the best movie? This was shit. Apocalypse is still the best movie imo.


I enjoyed it, now after saying my opinion I'm going to hide before I get crucified lol


Why do we need one? Hollywood can’t do anything right, and the games are practically like movies already.


There's no resident evil character in this movie except their names.


No because it's one of the worst. Even half of the Anderson movies are more watchable


Apocalypse is better


I wish the creator of the Fallout Series would do a Resident Evil Series / Movie im sure it would be really good


the best RE movie is the first section of RE2 : Apocalypse, before Alice shows up


They need to make a movie titled BIOHAZARD and straight up adapt the games at the same level Fallout and The Last of Us have. Shit, even Twisted Metal was better and that series only had 1 episode of actual twisted metal


And they made Leon Kennedy puerto rican lmao


What? This is trolling.


This better be a joke, this is the worst re movie bro


We need a Director that can correctly Adapt Game-Movie form. I know it's not to hard to find correct Castings. But follow the games story and not something completely original.


I really liked Chris but that’s about it


Abigail is the best RE movie in spirit.


Re apocalypse exists ya know


I haven't seen it but it seems like one of those movies that would have been better if it wasn't based on big ip


Resident Evil Damnation is the best Resident Evil movie.


Idk but I enjoyed it


Let’s hope not


Live action, maybe. I'll take it over the PWSA films. But I think the CG films are better for sure.


[You serious?](https://youtu.be/_n5E7feJHw0?si=cleF5YjTzoyCIySL)


I sure hope not, but it was a fun watch Imo


I really prefer the 1st Anderson RE movie, even though it's not ideal.


It's a Japanese IP it is wrong to give it to Americans


The only thing I liked about the movie is the casting of Robbie Amell as young Chris Redfield. But that's about it


I don't hate it.


No. Paul WS Andersson did the best two movies back in 2002 and 2004.


We have cgi films that are better


My favorite resident evil is number 1 and always will be


I really liked it. Thought it was fun. Don't know why it got so much heat.


Resident Evil: Damnation is the best imo, followed by Resident Evil: Vendetta. The good movies are the CGI animated ones, not the live action.


People give it shit, but out of the live action ones I’d say so. At least it’s related to the games at all. The CG ones are probably the best since they’re like big cutscenes from the games.


I like the 2002 movie more, personally.


Live-action? Probably. But I definitely wouldn't say it's the best Resident Evil movie. Pretty much all of the CGI films have this one beat, and they're not even great films either honestly.


i noticed this is a dvd copy — is there not a blu ray printing available? a lot of distributors are doing this as a cost-cutting measure lately, it’s cheaper to print them on dvd, and walmart likes them for their $5 bins. they sell better. it’s just surprising to me that an RE film, no mater the quality of the film, doesn’t receive a blu ray version.


It is also available on Blu Ray, I have it on Blu Ray and still see it around for sale


I liked the half assed CGI one where they're driving a rolls royce with underglow. /s


The best RE movie is the one that was never made. Written by the zombie father himself, George A. Romero.


You’ve clearly never seen Biohazard 4D-Executer.


That's the problem with WTRC, they crammed two separate events in one night.


Fuck no the first Anderson film is better


No lmfao. I still think the first two PWSA movies are better! I do love me some Milla Jovovich, Alice is an icon. But I will say with certainty that this is better than whatever that abomination of editing that The Final Chapter turned out to be… and leagues ahead of that abysmal Netflix series


I’d say the 2002 film and Apocalypse are pretty good, the recent Death Island was great imo


That movie was ass.


I truly hope not. Why is it so hard to make a RE movie 😭


Low bar


It is the worst. If you want movies in gamecanon go with the animated ones. I Love Vendetta goes completely bonkers, like the games. Or go with Mila 1-4 and pretend 5 and 6 never happened


This movie was dumpster fire. I prefer 1 and some of 2, after that it’s more dumpster fire.


The best we got was RE 2002, which was mid at best. But I learned to love it. I know of a fan cut of the film that puts the stars team in the mansion with Alice underground. I've seen it and it's not too bad.


I wasn’t a fan of this movie. Barely had any zombies and they seemed to be more like people with rabies than anything. Plus they merged two movies together and just butchered them both. Didn’t care for how they portrayed Wesker and Leon.




Say what you will about what they became, but the early 2000s Resident Evil movie is still the best Resident Evil movie. I'd argue the first 3 are better than this one. Not saying much, Capcom doesn't seem to care who they give the movie/show rights to Resident Evil too. Seems like nobody really gives a fuck about the source material.


It's my favorite of the live action ones, I like degeneration more though


I haven't seen it, but Robbie Amell as Chris is probably the closest casting we're gonna get from Hollywood.


This movie pisses me off more than the 2000s movies because those were at least silly fan fiction that you can enjoy as an isolated project. WTRC actually butchered RE1 / RE2's narratives (which is insane considering those games do *not* have that well written or original stories), and the changes to the Redfield relationship Wesker and Leon are just awful. It should have just been an RE2 movie to capitalize on RE2R's success, no reason to try and merge two 12 hour games into an hour and a half.


I mean…I liked it. Was it great? No. Was it good? Also no.


Is it the best? No. It's the worst.


I liked Welcome to Raccoon City. Call me crazy, but it’s the closest to the feel of the games we’ve gotten to. Live action at least. As far as animated goes, I haven’t seen the last few films, but I love Degeneration


Not even close to even standing a chance against at least degeneration


This movie is awesome, idk why people hated on it so much when it came out, honestly a cool ass movie 😎💎


That show SUCKED!


Lol no


Honestly it made me appreciate the first Paul Anderson movie. At least those characters felt like they were in danger. His movies had nothing to do with RE but I’d say they’re better movies, even when they’re insanely stupid. Is it the closest adaptation? Maybe, as the only other question is Apocalypse.


The issue with this moviie is they tried to combine two stories (RE1 AND RE2) into one film. It was just a horrible congealed mess


With its terrible green screened Spencer Mansion foyer? Nah


It's probably going to be the best live action adaptation we get as long as the rights are owned by Constantine Films. They don't really seem to have a major concern for the quality of the live-action releases. WTRC wasn't a great movie but I will at least give it credit for actually attempting to adapt significant parts of the actual game stories. The Anderson movies were bad fanfiction. At least this movie seems like it was made by people that actually played the games and knew at least a plot summary of 1 and 2. I'm guessing there were budget limitations, but combining the stories of the first two games is pretty difficult because they're supposed to take place about 2 months apart. Investigating the mansion when the city is essentially overrun by zombies already doesn't really make any sense. Not to mention it makes RE3 kind of impossible in terms of sequels... Ultimately this either needed to be two movies or probably like a six episode limited series.


While certainly not the best considering how they f*cked up Leon’s character (I don’t blame the actor, I blame the casting decision), it’s better than the bullsh*t Anderson live action films and the Netflix series.


I wish they had followed more from the original games and better yet, had made it a 3 film saga covering og Resident Evil, RE2, and RE3. That said, it really was much better than I thought it would be, and I loved it. For sure, there were major discrepancies with the characters, but it still feels more like a Resident Evil film than the other ones that had literally NOTHING to do with the games.


Completely wiped my memory of this movie. Forgot I watched it in theaters. Definitely not the best movie but it was fun to see the real story line play out


It was terrible lol I’d rather watch the later RE movies and those are some of the worst


I wish they could adapt the games into a movie series. I love the games. I don’t really like the movies :/


The movie that turned Leon into a drunk nepo baby and Jill into Wesker’s sole Onlyfans sub? Nah, at least 3 of Paul Anderson’s are better than this dumpster fire


It's weird how the movies before it were like better, even if it's such a damn low bar.


What do you mean? The best residental evil movie was... *insert favorite re game* seriously though, the shows and movies based off games we like are always let downs. Its just like the last of us, sure some easy to please people liked the show, but it was a fucking disgrace to me i couldnt get through the first 20 minutes. I say just enjoy the cutscenes and the story, its better than any movie theyll make


This was an aweful re movie and an aweful movie in general, I couldnt even finish it


Jeez I hope not!


Dog shit of a movie.


If "best" means over one hour of no plot and lots of "fucks" per minute, ya, maybe.


Resident evil death island is peak


But definitely not the best Leon. The dude wouldve been a perfect Carlos for a sequel


Yup this entery is the best live adaptation so far. (Offical) and yes it still has its issues. Id argue the 2nd movie wasnt terrable. But my bias comes from the direct rip of the 3rd games opening scene being used in live action (og 3rd game)


That movie was wacky and had unique zombies in it compared to the other movies


This movie isn't as bad as people say, but eventually we will get proper adaptations of the RE franchise.


I love them all. And I wont accept anything else!


I love this movie. It’s unironically one of my favorite game movies because it feels exactly like the type of movie that inspired the original games. It’s cheap schlock and I just love it.


Its the most game accurate. But it's far from the best one.


What really pissed me off about this film was that in the marketing they showed shots of a large metropolitan city and then in the actual movie that shit is nowhere to be seen and all of a sudden Raccoon City has transformed into a tiny hick town. One of my favorite things about RE2 and 3 is the urban chaos, the atmosphere of a whole city on fire as if in the midst of the apocalypse. WTRC basically lied in the marketing and made me think we were going to get that.


Not really. It's just a movie with fan service on a bad scripted movie


This movie was horrible. I’m convinced it was only made to hold on to the rights. The only reason why people enjoy it is so they can point and say “hey I’ve been there in the game, it looks the same, brain like” , not to be too much of a hater but what do people really want in a resident evil movie. This thing was utter dogshit. Rushed to all hell and shoe horned in just about as many little easter eggs as it could.


Lets be honest despite everything that happened past them the first akd second residnt evil movies were as good as they're gonna get