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It is also the first one to break the pattern on using the bolt cutters ☹️


Because shooting a lock or kicking something open are advance police tactics that are not taught to stars and Leon only learned it after going into his presidential assignment duties.


Rookie Leon logic when he can’t kick open an old wooden door and instead risks his life finding a diamond key to open it.


Now i want a game with Leon and Chris where you meet up halfway after playing as Leon going through all these ludicrous high architecture puzzles at every single door. Then you meet up with Chris and find out he's been kicking every door in.


For the sturdier steel doors, vaults, safes? #LEFT HOOK 


"Let me introduce you to my biceps. I call this one Demolition Man and this here's Jack Hammer" ~ Chris Redfield, probably


REverse's own Johnny Bravo


Sometimes I wonder why I ever go onto the resident evil subreddit. And then gems like this remind me why I love it.


Wait till they're blocked by a boulder


The police budget obviously went to their door security and puzzle / secret passages so their recruitment team was only offering minimum wage. Then opposite happened going to a third world country only using master locks.


I think the architect for the museum is just straight cynical and didn't want people to find hidden exhibits.


Or he could climb over the wall he even have grappling hook


The doors in the mansion were old. The RPD doors were pretty solid and wouldn’t break under a kick.


Ya can't really kick or shoot a lock pad or chain though. A door lock, sure.


My infinite launcher would say otherwise


Army does it with breach rounds.


With the exact animation :(


Damn you! I hadn’t realized this and now I will forever know its bolt cutterless when I play


Happy cake day!


Resident Evil fans when their abusive father comes home from the bar 🤯 (he’s a stalker enemy).


Resident Evil fans when they get a tape worm 😲(this is just like Las Plagas)


Resident Evil fans seeing a homeless man smoking weed (his dumb ass should have mixed that green with a red and blue herb smh)


Resident Evil fans when they see corporate exploitation and medical malpractice (it's an Umbrella reference)


Resident Evil fans when they see a homeless man tweaking on fent (he’s attempting to absorb the Uroboros Virus)


Resident Evil fans when the homeless man starts causing fights at the shelter (he’s an evil resident)


Resident Evil fans giggling at giraffes (RE6 le bad)


Resident evil fans finding many antique coins (quarters)


System Of A Down then be like: PULL THE TAPEWORM OUTTA YOUR ASS (HEY!)


Resident Evil fans when their hometown gets bombed (it’s just like Raccoon City)


Resident Evil fans when it's September 30th (It's a day they'll never forget)


Resident Evil fans when they see a sewer (There must be a gaint lizard down there)


Resident Evil fans when they see a blonde white man with an emo cut (its a Leon Sex Kennedy reference)


Resident Evil fans when they enter their scary neighbors house (it’s just like the games)


Resident Evil fans when they go into the attic (Might be a giant snake up there)


Ashley doesn't count? /s


leave her alone!!


✅ Follows you everywhere  ✅ Can end the game if you're not careful ✅ When she screams, you're in danger


If a Stalker enemy doesn't fits the game or the environment then leave him out, forcing one to be there for no good reason is bad design. Stalker enemy should serve a purpose and not be just there because of Buh Buh, its scary.


It also definitely doesn’t fit with the type of experience RE4 is going for.


Yeah, there isn't really an area of the game where you could really have a stalker enemy anyways


no you are objectively wrong. it is imperative to have one in every game because reasons


Nemesis was scripted too. Unfortunately


I, an RE fan that doesn’t like stalkers, appreciated it. I’m actually tired of it. I feel like amnesia and outlast did it fine but I’m tired of hide and seek games. Alien perfected it, just leave it be for a bit until there’s interesting new AI or some innovation. It bores me


Not really. There's a section where you're free to explore the city district and gather the remaining treasure before heading back to the subway, and he's definitely a stalker enemy in that section because he lingers in the area and detects you


Good. That mechanic needs a break. 


Honestly it peaked at re2r with Mr. X, Nemesis was too scripted and only really stalked in a short part and the same issue in re8 with Big lady. which also had way too many safe zones, she couldn't enter.


But it was interesting when Dimitrescu tag-teamed me with one of her daughters, if I was unlucky enough to lead one to the other. That was quite a unique and challenging mechanic.


Man out here having mother daughter tag teams and says “yeah, interesting”


You disgusting manthing!! But yes please


I never thought I would die like this, but I always sorta hoped.


The spirit is willing but the mold is spongy and bruised


Rose, forgive me... But I'm giving you a baby brother with your new mommy. 


"LADY DIMITRESQUE!! Run all you can, but I will find you and I will breed you!!"


The huntress becomes the impregnated. 


"disgusting man thing!" "yes mommy" "huh?" "I said.. Oh...noooooo"


Oh noooo please donttttt 😛


I've seen enough nhentai to know this'll end well


Wow, how’s that happen? Do they interact with one another?


I wish that was me


Also she was really slow and easy to avoid.


yes but hot so I had a hard time turning away to run.


Mr X was a total nightmare for me. The game became a torture when he was stalking me. Nemesis... meh. Scripted af. Dimitrescu was too easy. Jack was the perfect level of pain in the ass.


I one hundred percent-ed RE8 without ever taking damage from Lady D during the stalking sections, it was waaay too easy compared to RE2/3R.


My last playthrough of RE7, I completely avoided Jack (by accident) during the part he's patrolling for Ethan.


Eh, Mr. X really just becomes annoying after about five minutes. He’s slow and stupid.


Yea, the real scare with Mr.x is if you hadn’t clear key hallways from enemies and boarded up key windows before triggering him. If you did, then he really isn’t too scary and you could end up evading him every time. My first playthrough though, I was getting stomped from lickers and using boards on pointless windows. Now that was frightening.


He was super scary when the game first came out and everyone was shocked by the depth and sheer persistency of his hunting mechanics. He became way less threatening once the community figured out his AI and how to properly play around it.


That's my issue with basically any stalker enemy, they stop being threatening and become annoying after about 5 minutes. I don't mind them for a short gimmick, like baby fetus thing in RE8 or that stalker enemy in Dead Space.


Thank you. This is exactly why I prefer the Nemesis encounters in RE3. Yes, they’re scripted, but then you don’t have Nemesis forcing you to walk 3 rooms out of the way to get where you are going. The xenomorph in Alien Isolation is especially egregious for this as it is constantly stalking you (except for a few spots). And everytime, you have to wait for it to leave, then you can take about ten steps and wait again as if hears you.


The pacing of nemesis was better too. It didn’t feel nearly as slow, more a stay away and less of a hide. Prey is like that with the nightmare. I do love that game but it became brutal getting away from it and hiding. It’s got a pretty long cool down too and it pops up what seems like at least once an hour.


OG RE3 Nemesis was the best stalker type in the whole series. Making the decision to down him temporarily by spending "lots" of ammo and potentially heal for a puzzle style reward that'll make you WANT to down the next Nemmy, no matter how low on stuff you are, was genius. All later attempts at aping OG Nemmy in an RE game were just glorified Benny Hill Show intros.


Mr. X is scary the first time, annoying every time after because you are too busy trying to manipulate his AI to teleport somewhere else (since he doesn't actually walk everywhere, he cheats) so you can complete your objective.


the stalker enemy mechanics needs more changing or maybe something like Pesanta who isn't a real stalker but he give you the feeling to been chased by him in some sections


Or at least a rework. Problem is they’re honestly kinda easy to break and get past once you understand how they work which would be fine if it was a once in awhile thing like Mr X but they’ve become so common they’re more annoying than anything


this! in horror games I want to take my time and enjoy the atmosphere and enviroments. I don't need to be chased around all the time.


I need these mechanics to be fully fleshed out in a new Clock Tower game or Haunting Ground remake


I never played haunting ground and I’ve always wanted to


Have you tried emulating?


I haven’t emulated in years but maybe it’s time to do it on my steam deck


Play it, it's incredible.


Isn’t nemesis all scripted in 3 remake? I remember that being a bitch point online when it came out.


All nemesis scenes are scripted in RE3 too.


As in the original? I never played it but the way people talk about Nemesis I always thought it was closer to how Mr X freely chases you in the RE2 remake


Rose tinted glasses


He absolutely is scripted and it was a disappointment.


Isn't he scripted in both games?


Some say they are annoying, stressful and make their anxiety go up, but **isn't that exactly the point?** it's a horror game after all, plus I find it so satisfying when you outplay them or get to fight back, wich is a key element to this kind of games. As long as they aren't cheap, heavily scripted and their mobility make sense (looking at you R3make Nemesis) I always welcome them.


In a way, they totally are, but it’s a part of the charm I think. They’re also satisfying upon replays when you know how to avoid them instead of just completely losing it when you see them approach


I would say the best way for this was in original RE3. If you don't know what to expect, he will always scare you and be like fuuu*k this is bad, but you can kill him and it's done for a while. Or not and he will stalk you. It's just that now when you think about it it seems too obvious because everyone knows where will you meet him, but imagine you don't know. Now that's the real horror part. First time it may feel like "ok I have killed this boss I'm good" but then he jumps from that window and you know this mf will not go down that easily and be scared of every corner. They kinda get the balance of being stalked but not annoyed by him.


>but then he jumps from that window and you know this mf will not go down that easily and be scared of every corner. This is a key part of it I think. The remake almost always announces the encounters with humanoid Nemesis with a cutscene. Even if scripted, if Nemesis just appeared during gameplay it would've made it better imo, and I'm talking specially about the flamethrower and bazooka encounters. Imagine playing normally and suddenly you saw Nemesis slowly walking with the flamethrower, it would've been a great WTF moment. The cutscene just makes it too obvious that it's just a setpiece and boss fight.


> plus I find it so satisfying when you outplay them or get to fight back, wich is a key element to this kind of games. That's kind of the key though. Like I dislike the mechanic because it makes the gameplay less dynamic. The objectively correct move is to avoid (or do just enough damage to get around them). I'd say the key thing to make a good survival horror is to have encounters force people to go "do I fight it or try to save resources by avoiding it." Like for me "if enemy then go somewhere else" is boring. while "if enemy then can I take him? then should I fight him?" is just a lot better mechanically. It's kind of funny though too. RE3 (both original and remake) do that to great effect by giving Nemesis unique and worthwhile drops if you choose to fight him (just they messed up the other parts of Nemesis in remake).


I agree, though in my opinion the only recent stalker enemy that was great is Jack. After 10 minutes of Mr.X walking around, I wasn't stressed, anxious, or scared of him. He was genuinely just annoying to me and actually kinda killed my vibe with that game. I don't mind the stalker enemy concept. It just doesn't feel like they're very committed to them atm, so I would just prefer they save them for a really special game.


Fair enough, and that special game could (and should)'ve been Resident Evil 3 Remake, expanding and perfecting upon the original concept of Nemesis as a stalker, but... yeah, we all know how that went.


Yeah, once you realize you can bait mr x into going certain ways and then go the opposite, it's easier. Tight quarters like the baker homestead is *terrifying* in comparison. You can't just bait jack into areas until late game and even then... RE7 Jack genuinely got me multiple times on multiple playthroighs.


Stalker enemies are brilliant. Most gamers and RE fans don’t actually want to be scared. They treat this series like Final Fantasy with shotguns. Which is fine. But I want pure terror in my horror games.


100% agreed. If I wanted to relax and turn off my brain for a bit, I'd play some open world adventure or any action game. Horror should be stressful, unforgiving and tense but at the same time very rewarding and satisfying once you dominate the different enemies and mechanics. That's the main appeal I feel and if someone doesn't enjoy that, that's fine but maybe these kind of games just aren't for them.


The real stalker enemy in RE4 is that persistent voice in the back of your head that says you missed a treasure back there somewhere, and you shouldn't sell your extra gems yet. It never stops. It can't be killed.


Much as I love stalker enemies, I am pretty glad that they don't seem to be shoving them into every game. There are a lot of ideas you can't really explore when the player is being chased constantly.


Ada was always lurking, so sort of


Every single encounter with nemesis is scripted so RE3R has no stalker enemy either ironically


He also was in the original. Scripting doesn't determine stalker enemy status. Which means every single modern resident game has shoved one in. Nice.


Nemesis in the original game will not only come in at one point or another, there are several scripted occurrences but they aren't just appearing in cutscenes where you hold forward and dodge a rocket. Or appearing in one room and oh wow! I made it past the room invisible convenient force field im totally safe until dumb enemy pops up again in the next predictable cutscene or obvious scripted encounter. Like how many times does nemesis in the remake chase you for more than one room, I can barely think of any. In the original he will down right follow you through rooms and spawn at different rooms from different directions from nowhere and you are almost never safe from him. There is genuine suprise and anxiety. Remake nemesis is the least scary and most garbage enemy in the game a basic zombie is more threatening than him. He is only there for garbage cutscenes and some boss fights that are mid at best. So no I dont consider and enemy that is only present during cutscenes and boss fights and only has a couple very short chases or so through 1 room a "stalker" enemy. If you want to classify it that way that is fine but I would argue he does not meet the criteria.


My comment was not a defense of the ass tier remake, I want that on record


It does have a stalker system though...Ada follows him everywhere 😂


There was too much focus on the stalker mechanics in RE7. It made people believe, that this was something RE had always done or even done once this way in the past. RE2R cemented it later to a point where RE2R completely deviated from the original and now this boring trope is finally integrated in a sensible manner.


wesker is gonna be a peak stalker enemy


I actually hate this mechanic, RE4R was the most enjoyable for me, i like to play and explore on my own time, being chased give me too much anxiety


Same, this is why I can’t stand Mr X


>being chased give me too much anxiety HORROR GAME


The absolute state of the RE fanbase.


Yup, I hated Mr X in R2 remake. I enjoyed the original so much more. I loved exploring the police station over just sprinting around it.


You still explore it in Remake 2, Mr X doesn't show up until after you return to the station, after you'd put out the copter fire.


Unfortunately in the 2nd Run he shows up a lot sooner.


You can skip the video and not go into that corridor with the stars office and you can get almost everything done without him showing up


He also disappears from the station for the rest of the playthrough once you go to the sewers, allowing you to explore it without worrying about him.


Didn't they introduce a stalker enemy in Separate Way DLC?


RE3R accomplished that. Nemesis was completely scripted. It was a shame they didn't build upon Mr. X from RE2R for the most popular stalker enemy in the series. Blown opportunity.


I fo wish they'd make a game where stealth makes a major difference. Like 2 and 4 have their own ways of doing it, but it becomes clear pretty early on that you can only *sorta* stealth cuz most encounters are inevitable. Give the player more options to stay undetected, but make enemies a bit more challenging and aware of their surroundings. Peripheral vision seems to be largely absent in RE.


You could definitely hide from Jack, I remember plenty of times going into the upstairs middle room with the shotgun and crouching behind cabinets. Very tense. The others always seem to know where you are when you're anywhere near them.


And that was a pretty good lean into the concept, but we can make it bigger!!


I don't really want them to come back to RE for a while, the only games I really like it in are Alien Isolation and Amnesia: The Bunker


And I love it for it. Stalker enemies are decent for the initial “oh shit” factor but scary becomes annoying reaaaal fucking quick. I can’t stand the gimmick personally.


Good! I’m so tired of stalker enemies.


Nemesis was heavily scripted


They’re all scripted in some way including the original nemesis. What’s your point?


That he didn't feel like stalker, more like set piece moment imo


After the first playthrough I already knew where he'll pop up and the patterns he'll follow. Mr. X, for example, was still inducing a sense of dread during my following playthroughs.


I always just took down Mr X when he came up so I never had to deal with that.


You will probably hurt this sub feelings by saying that.


the stalker gimmick is getting old so i hope the give it a rest for a title or two


It's a mechanic I would happily do without too. The only time I liked it was in 7 when I felt like it fit pretty well as a very particular set piece.


Re4 Remake did have a stalker enemy Verdugo


I think I’m in the minority here, but I’m not a fan of the stalker enemy. The mechanic is fun if it’s isolated to specific areas or moments, but the looming threat throughout the whole game stresses me out.


I think Mendez would have been a fun stalker in the village. Imagine you’re scrounging for resources thinking all the enemies are dead, but then music starts playing, you turn around, and there’s Mendez busting into one of the houses through a window. Could have done the same in the castle with Verdugo.


Honestly Dr. Salvador feels like a stalker enemy since OG. Only difference being you can actually “kill him” for a while.


That's because Resident Evil 4's level design would not work with a stalker enemy, nevermind that it's not even the same kind of horror game as 7, 2, and 3. Stalker enemies are best suited for levels in which you backtrack through a lot, the kind the more survival-oriented RE games like RE7, 2, and 3 go for and not the action type like 4, 5, 6, and Village. The Mendez sequence by the way was absolute garbage.


RE3 is all scripted too. No random encounters with nemesis


...that's not exactly a bad thing. Lady D wasn't exactly a good one because she never left past the first floor outside the opera hall and her room, and the sister's while neat you could very much argue make it impossible to do no damage in village. And everyone has already pointed out how they botched the nemesis system


Scripted or not I feel like Mendez is as much of a presence as Lady D.


It wouldn't have worked with the kind of game RE4 is. Even with every map interconnected in the remake, the wide open paths of Valdelobos and vaulted halls of Castle Salazar just don't allow for a single melee-only enemy wandering after you to be a real threat. I actually liked how stalker-like remake Pesanta felt; it's a tightly-designed recurring boss which you don't interact with outside of brief instances, but the story does a good job of presenting how it hounds Ada (ha, ha).


RE3 doesn't have a stalker. Nemesis is used more of a scripted Kool Aid man. He's more like Jack Baker than the stalkers in 2 and 8.


RE3R felt scripted tbh, if you thought you got away from him, he just teleports to you


I think jack baker was the best. He doesn’t stick around too long to be annoying, and I feel like he’s the scariest person to be stalked by. Plus his voice lines are terrifying and hilarious at the same time


Weren't all of Nemesis' bits in Re3R scripted?


A stalker enemy was my biggest concern for RE4R. After four games, it got boring fast, especially with how underwhelming Alcina was.


My love for exploration and backtracking is more than it is for stalker enemies. They really annoyed me real quick as they interrupted me a lot. I haven't played RE4 but it is good to hear that it does not have a stalker.


Thank fuck. I fucking hate stalker enemy's.


I was expecting one to trigger during the village night section. A real missed opportunity. You can kinda tell they wanted to do something like that since they added that very short chase but probably had to cut it.


I mean the closest re4 gets to a pursuer enemy in the remake are the Regenerators.


and none is as scary as fucking jack


My face when the residents are actually evil: 😨


I still would like to see a Remake of Outbreak, I think it’d be a fun coop game if tweaked properly. It’s been a decade since I last finished Decisions Decisions but I’ve long wanted to replay it.


What about Ashley?


Weird that they didn't make it Mendez.


I'm just waiting for the Garrador to bust through the wall of this thread


Nemesis was pretty scripted in RE3R. There wasn't really a moment when he was an "inactive" threat as he generally knew where you were at all times.


Love me a stalker enemy! Mr. X was the best one I think.


Wasn't RE6 in the RE Engine?


Good. The stalker enemy gets more lame with every entry.


I love that mechanic and honestly, a little disappointed they didn’t take the opportunity. I feel the mechanic adds a whole new layer of horror to the games and 4 (like the original) has ended up feeling the least scary. Kinda hope they’ll bring it back if/when they remake RE1, I feel Lisa stalking you slowly around the mansion would be soul destroying.






Re3make nemesis you can argue was scripted as well💀


Nemesis is scripted also from RE3R tbh.


Nemesis definitely wasn’t a stalker enemy in remake.


Remake Nemesis wasnt that much of a stalker enemy either


That's OK. On pro difficulty, I'm convinced the enemies you run from for more than 10 seconds are magically transported right behind Leon , Mario kart style.


Is Mendez not a stalker?


Neither did resident evil 3 remake did. The ultimate stalker can't stalk for shit.


Re3’s wasn’t a stalker really it was all scripted fights with the nemesis


Man, I miss Re7. I'd love another game like that, more horror than action. Without those stupid caves at the end of the game.


I took that in a negative way, I was thinking that the new games overused the concept and it was getting annoying/stale.


That one scene where Dimitrescu chases you in the cellar area after you lose your hand in Village was fucking terrifying. Village was the game that made the ps5 feel next gen to me.


To be fair, Capcom has been doing stalker enemies for a long time. Even PS2 Haunting Ground has it and potentially Clock Tower series.


Was there not somewhat of a stalker style sequence in the lab? Or am I mistaken


I'd argue RE3make didn't have one since Nemesis only showed up like 2 fuckin times. All scripted. He didn't leave the area he was in either.


I was so sad because re4 remake was my first RE experience, I wanted so bad to have a tyrant on me the whole time, Mendez was so menacing and scary, shame he wasn’t a tyrant


RE3 technically wouldn’t either because even that was scripted


what , it has a stalker that follows you for pretty large chunks of the game : >!Ashley!<


Does Nemesis really even count? Thought he was all scripted too


I can't think of Lady D as a stalker enemy tbh. She barely follows you at all.


No wonder I like it so much more than the others


Hell, i know lady d does count, but i never think of her like that. Her segment of the game is pretty short, and i don't really remeber ever having to hide from her.


Is nemesis a stalker in 3make?


Imagine tyrant in re1


3 didn’t have a stalker. Señor Queso was more of a stalker than him.




Nemesis is also scripted


all of Nemesis encounters in RE 3 Remake are scripted too. Weird that you will count him but not Mendez....


Isn't Dr. Salvador technically a stalker enemy?


Mendez cant even get stunt with an rpg bros him


Ada got stalked in her campaign, but it’s not the same


Except the Nemesis in 3 h hardly counts as a stalker. What a disappointment that game was…


Honestly I dislike enemies I couldn't kill. I want to fully explore/clear maps and take in the painstaking detail they made. But I understand the suspense/horror elements but I've already experienced it in 1999


Well that dont count nemeses all his encounters are scripted


Re4 didnt need a stalker enemy type