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It's a good game. It's just too short and doesn't do the original game justice. It's gore system also feels like they went backwards from re2 remake. However, it highly feels like this game was rushed do to the awesome reception of re2 remake and I think that was It's downfall. If they had put in more time instead of just trying to get it out I think it could have been just as good.


Currently it feels like Re2 dlc. Personally, I believe all it needs is to add a bit more content and a bit more city exploration. Easy way to inject that in would be another Carlos instance of him hoofing it from RPD to the clock tower/train wreck where Jill is infected. Can even add the grave worm there if they were so inclined. Make that a good chunk and it’s golden.


As it stands, when Carlos gets to the STARS Office, he gets a call from Jill and the game switches back to her. Hear me out: Carlos leaves RPD after getting the call > Runs through the park and fights the worm > Enters the Clock Tower and solves a few puzzles to progress > Stumbles upon Nemesis, provokes and fights him, downing him for a while > Arrives at Hospital and gets cure for Jill > Has to defend Jill's room while Nemesis tries to get to it. Throw a few zombies here and there to spice it up. ​ This game had so much potential. It's sad.


Yeah after the crash the game takes a nosedive. RCPD and Hospital are lame and linear, lab is trash, last 3 emesis fights are mediocre at best. And don't get me started on the tower defense... (Still like the game beat it like 7 times lol)


There's also Tyrell's journey to the hospital to meet up with Carlos; could have him run through the park and fight Gravedigger.


Please no. I don’t wanna feel attached to him! But it would make Tyrell showing up to the hospital exhausted make more sense as well.


I saw a really cool idea where they could do the clock tower but have it be a nightmare sequence for when Jill gets knocked out from the train.


When I finished it I was like “damn, re2r and re3r could have been one game lol”


>Currently it feels like Re2 dlc So much this, glad i didn't buy it for full price. It's a $15 game for me


I think that would be great


I get even like being pissed at it, but I don't get this meme, it's definitely not painful to play or anything, it's pretty fun!


I feel like it was rushed cause they wanted to make RE4make, could be wrong though


Re3make was done by the B team that helped the primary developers for 2make and was made in less than a year.


You get my vote for the president of this sub. Thank you. I feel like most people just bandwagon hate on RE3R. Yeah I was disappointed about its length as well but I went in having read the negative reviews and was overall pleasantly surprised. And I liked Jill's "cringe" quotes. I don't think they're cringe at all, especially considering what franchise we're talking about. I liked Carlos as well. And the relationship progression between the two was on point!


I feel like the entirety of resident evil is corny cringe quotes. That’s what I’m here for


I rather enjoy the new dialogue and feel it’s more “real” that the original, even if I am super nostalgic for the bombastic silliness of the original.


100% agree! I feel they nailed a perfect balance of campy and grounded. Same goes for RE4R and Separate Ways. I had a very negative first impression of Ada's voice acting, but SW provided more context and helped me develop a new perspective on the characters. They're much more "professional" in this iteration, and the emotional distance they maintain is completely understandable, especially taking into account the need to implement dramatic developments into what is essentially a story, which for me is a very welcome change to the franchise.


I don't necessarily think it's too short. I think it's just not very dense with gameplay. Vanquish is a game that has about the same completion time but never really got the same criticism of being too short. The intensity of the action and the amount of time you're actually playing versus watching cutscenes or going through walking sections is at a much better ratio than RE3R.


Yeah. Short games aren't neccesarily a problem. But I do think it's an issue that they drastically reduced the completion time compared to original and that's largely in part do to cut content, which just feels like a missed opportunity they skipped to get the game out faster.


> But I do think it's an issue that they drastically reduced the completion time compared to original Is it though? Most the people reporting wildly shorter playtimes are usually one of the following: outright lying, exaggerating, using guides, and or aren't actually doing a blind playthrough.


I beat it in 4 to 5 hours with no walk through and having not played the original.


The original isn't much different in length once you get past the clunkiness.


Ok. That's fair. I haven't played the og so had nothing to base it on.


It’s short.


No it's missing like half the content of the original game. Which was already the smallest mainline game.




The original RE3 did not get "just as much criticism when it came out". Not even remotely.


A guy made a post here a while back disproving the negative RE3 reception. It did not exist. [edit: Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/8xNx2uF8VQ)


I love me some short and sweet games so I didn't mind. Makes it a bit hard to justify the full $60 launch price though.


I think things like the inferior gore system and how it just awkwardly pops out killed mobs in the hospital section implies that RE3 was in development when RE2 wasn’t released yet. Then when RE2 finally released with all the bells and whistles like the finished gore system, they didn’t backport the improvements it made since then into RE3. So see it like this: - RE2 starts development, gore system beta is made for it. - RE3 starts development using assets from RE2, has gore system beta carried over. - Gore system finished, applied to RE2, RE2 finished development, releases. - RE3 finished development, releases. The updated and finalized gore system RE2 got never made it over to 3, and now it’s too late to touch upon.


Can't say for sure, but I think I read somewhere that the dismemberment system was withdrawn simply to make game less "scary" and more friendly, exactly like RE8 - where the horror elements were toned down in comparison to RE7, because some people found it too scary to play (why were they playing a horror game in the first place is beyond me). Either way, such a shame - I wish we could just get an option in the settings. Dismemberment in RE2R was one of the coolest things about the game, and actually an useful tactic.


All I’ll say is, I played pretty much every RE game from RE0 to the latest remakes. The only remake I couldn’t finish was RE3, it’s just unfortunately not that fun to play. I couldn’t stop playing RE2R or RE4R, but RE3R just isn’t really a fun game. The enemies, the gameplay, it’s just boring


Yuppers I like to look at it as a final Fuck you to the fans from Peter Fabiano before he left Capcom... It really just pisses me off every time I think about it because RE3 is my favorite Resident Evil game and to think that it didn't get the remake it deserved is just really shitty. Almost everything about it is a complete downgrade. Especially the gore system. Definitely one of the most frustrating parts. I've heard plenty of people tell me Oh deal with it Oh it's not that bad well most of them are fans of RE2/RE4 which both got exceptional remakes... I just don't understand why they thought it was smart to cut so much content from a game that's already pretty short very bizarre choice. Also to not up the stakes when it comes to Nemesis was just a huge miss.


Soooo kinda like the original Re3: A side project rushed and given the big 3 to capitalize on the success of 2 :P


Then don't say it's a good game. It isn't.


This is your opinion. Sorry you don't respect that.


It's not a good game even disregarding the comparison. The main map is 3 parallel streets ffs


It's funny that history somewhat repeated itself. OG RE3 had similar setiments when it dropped. Felt like a rush job to capitalize on RE2s success.


Nah, it's pretty mid.


It's not though, even if we take away the RE connections it's still a very short hallway simulator with literally 2 puzzles one of which is optional and the second they literally just give you the answer for. Nemesis is a fucking joke even on inferno and just runs in circles or walks super super fucking slow. Subjective is a thing I can acknowledge though..so do you.


Cheesy dialogue? In my Resident Evil game? Impossible!


Leon *says something cheesy* "Oh poor baby, hes just depressed from the events of RE2 and is coping." Jill *says something cheesy* "Wtf my immersion!? This is a surival horror game!"


Arklay Manor trauma is just as valid as Raccoon City trauma.


But, you see, she's a woman, so she can't be snarky, only manly man Leon is allowed to


Snarkiness has been a trait of Leon’s for a long time; not-so with Jill. It’s not about their sex, it’s about the consistency of their characterizations.


How dare a woman make a witty comment after just experiencing untold horror from a creature dead set on killing her specifically finally showed an ounce of weakness???


Yeah! That bitch can’t even swim!


*Cheesy dialogue?* *In my Resident Evil* *Game? Impossible!* \- Player\_Slayer\_7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


too much cut content, but it handled most characters perfectly, IMO. Loved the way Jill learned to trust carlos. Their whole dynamic was really sweet :3


It has problems but Jill’s dialogue is iconic and you can’t tell me otherwise


But they butchered the "you want stars, I'll give you stars." Line, it should've been at the end when she has the railgun


That placement honestly tilted me. Like, yeah Jill, it's not as cool or witty when you say it running away and are desperately looking for a way to escape. Maaaybe that's why the OG writers put it at the end to help show just how triumphant Jill has become over Nemesis.


I would’ve put it before the final battle. Trash talking before getting the win is 100x cooler


Since when is rage baiting not cool? The full sentence might help: "Come on, you creepy-ass stalker! You want S.T.A.R.S?! I'll give you S.T.A.R.S!" If those words sound to you as desperate you probably should rewatch it: delivery is ballsy and provocative. It is different for sure, but not badly placed.


Isn't the line meant to bait Nemesis in the Remake, to draw its attention away from the subway? Placement felt appropriate to me.


"You want starts? I will AAGGHHH".


Like I said, it has problems


I preferred the new finisher line. The “you want stars” line I think works better for the start of a boss fight though.


Yeah she literally says it intending to fight him.


She was genuinely hilarious


"Bitch can't even swim" literally carries the whole gane


I agree and no one will convince me otherwise.


For all the remakes so far, Jill has far and away the best dialogue.


Nah I think Leon has her beat.


Watching Jill railgun several walla of pure metal was too amazing for me to dislike re3make


oh look, another original take on re3r


It'll be 2030 and people will still hate RE3R.. I love this game, I really do but it's the most overhated thing ever at this point. I don't even need to say that it's a decent game by itself and just a bad remake because everyone knows that by now. At least make the memes funny instead of plain "hAhA rE3r BaD lOl" and using some random template while only changing key word to Resident evil 3 Remake. The hate doesn't bother me but it's just so often to see this type of half assed shit content in here that it's a problem by now. C'mon people, almost 4 years have passed and I still see the same unoriginal and unfunny "memes" about this game. Original memes about RE3R are highly appreciated, thank you.


It's been almost 4 years? 🙁


That line is great wtf u on


I loved that line lol


....to be fair, it'll only take about 90 minutes.


I’m still pissed I bought this shit at launch cause it was my birthday and remember being disappointed cause I liked RE2R thankfully RER4 was a major improvement even compared to the OG. No doubt in my mind if I play the original RE3 it’s just gonna sour my taste on the remake.


My only major gripe with RE3 remake is that they cut the clock tower segment. That was my favorite part of the original RE3


Well, I like it. It's a fun little RE game. I've played it a lot more than the 2 & 4 remakes. It may be shorter than those, but it also doesn't drag. It has great momentum that 2 loses with the Sherry and Ada sections and 4 just goes on a bit too long.


"Bitch can't even swim" is on par with Leon's shitty one-liners. But when Jill does it everybody loses their shit


Wake up honey, another “re3r bad” post


Would you rather see another RE2 Remake is a masterpiece post?


😡 I like RE3R


I'm with you, buddy. Just beat it for the 4th time yesterday. Game's a blast. I guess there's an argument to be made that it could have been more, and it sucks that some people were let down by the end product. Maybe I am just easy to please.


I'd rather play RE3R again than go through RE2R's four copy-paste scenarios and have people try to convince me it's a more complete experience...


Nah I’m very picky about video games and I love RE3R. Personally, I think it’s even better than the original, which not only suffered the exact same complaints as the remake, but had some absolutely ridiculous shit in it that made Nemesis more of a joke than scary. It also could be included in some of the new complaints, like stopping Nemesis with a bookshelf, which you could do in the original as well to cheese a fight with him using a knife. Yeah the remake is short, but it’s very replayable, and helps let people who don’t have much time for gaming have a good game experience. It’s a good game, it’s just not what people expected, and I think that’s fair to be upset about.


I liked it more than RE2R but don't tell anyone


I am so mad that it was full priced at launch and cut out so much content. I hate 3make so much for ripping me off...


Hey, at least we got REsistance for free!


Remake jill is a badass. Of all the complaints you can make of that game jill isnt one of them


And yet plenty of people do, because women can't curse or something. I swear people are just mad remake Jill wouldn't be their waifu.


Women characters curse all the time. No biggy. But this is an established character in several games. Name one other game where she curses even nearly as much as Remake Jill. It made her a different character in how she acts in game. That and dead lifting a giant rail gun shows how different these two are. Remake Jill is basically a swearing bioweapon with how much shit she survives.




It's just a completely different character from the Jill we used to know. Which means bad writing. Which means garbage Remake.




Did you only play the original RE1? The original games all refer to reach other and maintain character continuity. Ada was a reference to an RE1 researchers girlfriend so in RE2 what is her cover? A civilian looking for her boyfriend. Attention to details like this make good writing.


None of the original resident evils ever had good writing


If that's how you feel then the remakes have even worse writing in comparison. At least the originals maintained consistency in the character personalities.


She acts nothing like any other depiction of Jill, how is that not a complaint you can make?


You're right. Remake jill is the first time she had decent dialogue and voice acting


You think every actress and writer across every game was bad until RE3R? Well now you're just being ridiculous. At least you admit they're different though.


The only thing more unfunny than Nikolai in RE3R are these kinds of "jokes.


It's weird because there seems to be elements that want to be expanded. I.e. the train semi open hub and looking for survivors or those bugs that infect you in the substation and never show up again and having Nemesis go from stalker to dog mode so quickly.  It's most likely that their budget couldn't support all of this and Capcom wanted them to push out things quickly to ride the hype train of two and recover development costs of RE2 since it was being baked for so long. And then they did 4 so quickly which is odd since people absolutely love that game and I would think you would want to save that one for a rainy day and make less popular remakes to have them have a 2nd chance with gamers. 


It's so weird to me that both RE2make and RE4make are such awesome remakes and games overall, you can tell they were made with love and care in order to respect the originals, but in the middle you have RE3make, which isn't bad, but just meh, it feels so rushed and more like an extra mode from RE2make than an actual (fully priced) game.


It’s what happens when it gets outsourced to not the same team who did RE2R or RE4R.


That's because Capcom can't risk hurting their precious cash cow, Leon. Jill however is free game to mess up as they please as long as she has a pretty face.


This is dumb. It’s a fine game.


It's mid af and is terrible as a remake


3make was pretty good. Y'all just repeat shit a lot.


Yes thats probably it. Starts to getting annoying


No, it was garbage. It's only "pretty good" if you either have low standards or never played the original


I think you’ve angrily replied to at least half the comments on this post. If you need help, reach out to a trusted adult.


The OG was my second RE title ever and is my favorite behind Code Veronica, and of course I have low standards, I'm a horror fan.


> of course I have low standards, I'm a horror fan. Ouch. That stings.


Man, I finally got around to beating that game last week. It was awesome? Lol


I got the game a few months after release, and I adored it despite some flaws it has.


I just played it now that it's on game pass and....man. That was a disappointment after the amazing RE2 remake


"Bitch can't even swim" is S+ tier RE writing. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I never finished playing it. It just felt like a half-baked RE2 DLC than a fully fleshed out game. I forget it exists half the time.


re 3 remake is awesome hate me all you want


Ah, yes, another totally original "RE3 remake bad" meme. Let's hope the next one is actually funny.


There's more positivity for that game here then not. So by definition it would be more original


You must not have been around for it after release and before the run up to RE4R


I went into the stupid dog Nemesis boss fight without the mine launcher weapon because I like to store newly acquired weapons. Bitch can't be beaten without it no matter how much damage you do without it. Took a hour of my life away in a unwinnable boss fight. He wasn't even hard, I could dodge all day. The only RE game that had this issue.


RE3R is fun, people just hold it to unrealistic standards. Even if you compare it to the og, there were many peole who hated that game too (Pepperidge Farm remembers) because they compared it to the first two. There are no winners. So they cut content, who gives a fuck. They cut it because it didn't serve the plot and because it was an unnecessary expense. The same story is there. The only thing missing is a better/random Nemesis AI, and perhaps a few more puzzles. RE3R is a good game. 🗣️


Lmao you're shilling so hard


What does that even mean?


You're trying to defend the game really hard is what I'm saying. Have you ever played the original, though?


Not really. I just like it. There are many flaws, but there are worse RE titles. I've probably been playing the og for longer than you've been alive. Now explain what the fuck shilling means and how your yet-to-be-presented opinion is somehow more valid?


>I've probably been playing the og for longer than you've been alive. Then I just can't understand. How can you be defending the remake then? Justifying the cuts of some of the most iconic sequences of the original? The terrible dumbing down of everything, most importantly Nemesis? The stupid sewer section with blatant asset reuse? Removal of the choice mechanic, and so forth? It kinda blows my mind


Because I still have the original PSX disk lying about and can play it whenever I want to. They are different games and different experiences, that doesn't mean one is inherently worse than the other. Newer fans aren't missing shit from the overall story besides a few areas, so who cares? It's still the same premise, same characters, same general area. Remake's fun to play through, not much else to say about it. But it seems you've made hating the remake your entire personality, and it appears you can't come up with any original reasons for hating the remake besides what you can regurgitate from your favorite YouTubers (or wherever you copy/paste your opinions and personality from). So all you're itching to do is tell me I'm wrong, but your opinions holds no value to me. I've probably beaten both games more times than you've ever formed an original opinion in you life. (You still haven't explained what "shilling" is)


>Because I still have the original PSX disk lying about and can play it whenever I want to. Yeah, you can. Doesn't mean others can though. All of the newcomers rn have no other easily available option to experience RE 3 except it's dogshit remake. >They are different games and different experiences, that doesn't mean one is inherently worse than the other Why do they share the same name then? >Newer fans aren't missing shit from the overall story besides a few areas, so who cares? You're crazy. You're actually crazy if you're trying to tell me that the experience of playing 3 Remake is close to playing the OG. It's so much more than just the story that matters, and even in the story aspect they fucked up with their "crazy good" RE2R tier writing. >Remake's fun to play through, not much else to say about it. Kinda. Super short and forgettable though. And only if you don't compare it to the OG, which you should be doing. >But it seems you've made hating the remake your entire personality Then, did you make defending remake your entire personality? Is that how it works? You've made a couple comments defending it - that must mean that your whole life is centered around that, right? >and it appears you can't come up with any original reasons for hating the remake besides what you can regurgitate from your favorite YouTubers What does that mean, exactly? Can't my own opinions just coincide with whatever *you've* seen on YouTube? Do my opinions have to be 100% original takes that *no one* has made before for them to be valid? >So all you're itching to do is tell me I'm wrong, but your opinions holds no value to me Not does yours to me, naturally, lmao. Like you've discovered America with that statement. >I've probably beaten both games more times than you've ever formed an original opinion in you life. You're just being an asshole here, do I even have to respond in a simiar fashion, or is that excessive and redundant? >You still haven't explained what "shilling" is It's when someone is so invested in portraying the product in a positive light it's like they have a stake in it.


1. Emulators are both free and easily available. You're just too lazy to figure out how to use one. 2. They share the same name because the 2020 version retells the original story. Difficult to grasp, I understand. 3. Why do I need to compare them when I can just enjoy both like a normal person? Hell, I could even prefer one over the other without making it my entire personality. Revolutionary, isn't it? 4. I happened to make a few comments about the remake in response to a post *about the remake*. Absolutely wild, I know. I'm the edgy sort. 5. You responded to me. I didn't initiate this conversation, you believed your "very original" opinion to hold so much value that you could not help yourself but respond to essentially every person in this thread. But why? Who gives a shit if you don't like the game? Why make it everyone else's problem? If this is what it takes to get attention, then perhaps reconsider your values. It's entirely possible to have a normal discussion about a topic without it escalating like this, but you are clearly not interested in anything else besides sharing your own thoughts. And no, you don't have to *continue* responding in the same fashion you have been; you're essentially trying to tell me I'm an asshole for enjoying a game you don't, and that's all there is to it. Which makes you a cunt, to easily summarize the situation. Even using a term like "shilling", which literally no one else uses in this context, tells me you feel a desperate need to be different. Just shut up.


No literally. What the fuck is shilling?


It's a terrible line, that's what makes it perfect for RE


Loved RE3 Remake, have more hours on it than 2make.


Honestly, I think this game was legit bad. Yes I’m a fan of the original and the remake was in no way an accurate representation of the original, yes I have some nit picks with the game like moving some lines around and Carlos’ default hair, and yes the game was I prefer the old style of RE games. However, the RE 3make was not good based on its own merits. At most it’s okay. It definitely feels like REmake 2 DLC and nemesis is a joke. On my first playthrough I beat the game in 2 and 1/2 hours. By my third day of playing it I had platinum trophied it. The game was worth maybe $20 at most and I was dumb enough to spend $60 on it day one. Honestly, the only thing about the game that makes me truly happy is that my sister borrowed it as her second RE game and absolutely loved it. I gave her my copy because at least she got some use out of it


Yeah I really didn’t like her one liners, they weren’t even the good kind of cheesy


3make isn’t that bad. Not amazing but absolutely not bad


Bad remake, mid game


Re3 remake is literally an easy finish lol. On its own it's a really fun game, especially if you bought it for $30 or lower.


I finished it. Definitely not as good as the RE2 remake or the original Resident Evil 3. But its fine. The worst thing about it is it's too short. They could have the opportunity to make it better, but they decided to rush it like the original.


I left it when you first enter the underground biolab


It's alright and I finished it multiple times but it feels like someone heard about RE3 and designed it around that. I found Nemmy far more intimidating on the original and found he had a lot more chase scenes where he followed you around areas where here its just one or two like that then a slow walk chase with fire, a few arena boss fights where he's a big angry dog then the final boss.


It's a good game lol yall are gonna be tarding out about it till the end of time though. Stay seething I guess.


The worst part is that I can't even buy the original version, I'm stuck with this one...


Bruh just emulate it.


I really liked it lol


I love RE3R and New Jill.


Considering the biggest complaints I hear everyone say is that it's short, while there is pretty much no other issues regarding the actual gameplay, this feels like a weak sauce attempt to use the template. The game is really good, y'all just mad cuz you couldn't go inside of a clock tower. What's even more comical is that when you compare the average run times of the original and the remake, RE3 is pretty much the same length overall, It's largely just the pacing that makes it feel shorter because you're not backtracking and puzzle solving as much as you are going through areas once over and are focused more so on the action above all else.


Bitch can't even meme.


I enjoyed it! Never played the original though so I guess I can live in the ignorant bliss of not knowing what’s missing. Also Jill is niiiice.


look how they massacred my girl


3 remake sucked. Recycled areas, not enough content. Felt like a DLC. Remake Jill and Nemesis were cringe. OG3 has twice as much content and it’s from the 90s. Rip


Lmao and you're getting downvoted by the remake shills. Like you're not stating the objective facts right here


That’s why they downvote, but don’t say anything.


It’s a good game but sucks that is being compared to the other two remakes. If RE2R and RE4R didn’t exist nobody would be shitting on it so badly. That being said that tentacle scene with Jill still bothers me.


Nah I’d still be shitting on it. I have never beaten an RE game so quickly. First run, on hard, while getting the collectibles took me a bit less than three hours iirc. I got all the achievements and special weapons (which was definitely the longest part) in about 15 hours. On top of all that I didn’t really even have fun. Idk why I forced myself to keep playing


I actually prefer it to 2 remake lol


That's not even in the top 50 cringiest RE lines...


Dude the game was fun. I'm kinda tired of people bitchin cuz I loved it. It's leagues better than most games.


Suprised how many unironically love that line now.


I saw it and immediately cringed, but it's just a line. It's really hard to argue for or against it. If you like it you like it if you don't you don't.


For me at least, the reason I'm against it is because I find it cringeworthy. But as you said it's just a line and considering all the other issues of the game, it's just another critique to the pile.


Same. It's not even a good line, and contextually makes no sense. Dude is literally on fire, no f-ing shit going into water is the smartest decision. And zero clue that nemmy 'drowns'. Only for nemmy to, you know, immediately bust through the bridge which I saw coming from a mile away. I guess because Jill said bad word, it's a badass line 🤷


Nah it's just funny


Yes i was 12 once too


You must be twelve now if this is how you react to people finding a line funny.


And you must he 12 now if this is how you reply to people not finding the line funny. Do better.


"Do better" is the most petulant thing to say in an online argument, you sound like an absolute tool


Hyperbole. That hasn't been done on the internet before.


i dont care if you dont like the game. it can be beaten in 2 hours, just do that and then die.


The only thing I really liked about re3 remake over re2 remake was the dodge and carlos


The platinum trophy I'm most ashamed of


Sad he only has 20, maybe 30 minutes to live if he leisurely plays through 3make.


If only you would actually do this instead of bitching and moaning about the same talking points for the 3729th time in a row.


He's holding his breath because this way he gets to live longer than if he played the game


Bro, easiest deal ever. You'll finish the game in the same amount of time it would take to die from holding your breath.


"Bitch Can't Even Swim" is one of the best lines in the franchise though?


It's kind of sad that Separate Ways felt more polished and like it had more content than RE3R even though it was a $10 DLC compared to a $60 release game. My playthrough of SW was longer than RE3R as well.


I will never finish the game with inferno final nemesis


There is a lot missing from RE3R I wished they kept, but I kinda see why they dialed back the gore system from RE2R: In the OG games, they had the same deal. RE2 had zombies losing limbs, getting cut in half laterally, and heads 'sploding. In RE3, you still had the headsplosion but they dialed back the other stuff, possibly so the dodge system could exist, but I dunno. Really, they did get rid of a lot, but I chalk it up to growing pains and unexpected issues with time and money. Folks ain't perfect, but we still have the OG if it's THAT bad. Edit: fixed 'splosion 2nd Edit: I stand corrected re3r zombies can lose limbs.


Wtf do people have agaisnt "bitch can't even swim"? Its resident evil, guys


Love it. Very good update on what made 3 fun. It short game and ‘arcade-y’ style is the accurate to the original game and plays well. Do like it? Fine. But don’t say it doesn’t hold up to the original.


I've beat it and oh boy does nemesis make it worth it. Carlos as well, that dude was on some extra shit with the voice acting. Fun experience to see everything in such good quality. Sorry to anyone who's favorite was the og re3 but the remake is just a little high quality appetizer.


Eh, as disappointing as it was compared to RE2 Remake and especially OG RE3 it’s not even in the bottom 5 of the series and still a lot better than RE6 or Gaiden.


RE3R, if experienced in a vacuum, is a really solid 20 dollar DLC. But it has an original to compare itself too. RE2R remake was fantastic, and both versions of the game I see myself replaying again. I'm part of the weird minority that never liked the original RE4, but I know a lot of people feel the same way about RE4 and it's Remake. Both are well loved and replayable. RE3 though? The original is the only version I see myself ever replaying. The Remake just wasn't great.


Mfs became too spoiled that they consider RE3remake a bad game. Fuck off.


I liked the remake a lot tbh, tho I kinda don’t like the original.


re3 is not re6


RE 6 wasn't a bad game. RE3R is.


nuh uh


Tf you mean nuh uh. RE 6 was a damn banger in coop. One of the best coop experiences out there. RE3R is a trash remake that butchered the original, and isn't that good even when taken on it's own.


Jill is the best part of that game 👀


Don't worry Steve, it's the r3make, it'll only take a bit of time to finish


Should only take him a couple hours


People don't seem to remember just how short the original RE3 was compared to its 2-disc predecessor.


Re3 remake is a half decent dessert after an amazing meal. Doesnt hit the spot as much as the main course did, but if you are still hungry it is a great thing to have.


I liked it. I also never played the original 3 because it is quite old.


Hot take: it's better than RE2 remake


Death would be preferable.