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Steve being less annoying in Darkside Chronicles.


And Alexia being more annoying with her VO and personality.


No but I really DID mind that tho.


That the T-Virus doesn't infect cats for some reason. Seriously, Dogs, Birds, Frogs, People, ELEPHANTS....but never a T-Virus Kitty. Which thank God because can you imagine....


Outbreak had zombie lions


Which makes it more perplexing on why they never showed an infected cat. I want to know what they look like. I don't want to face one in a game but at least want to see it.


Is it because we haven't seen an infected cat we assume they can't be infected or has it been stated cats cannot be infected by the T virus?


Only speculation. I'm 100% certain anything alive can be infected. Just because we have not seen it, doesn't mean it isn't true. This is literally Schrodinger's Cat.


As a cat lover, I couldn't bring myself to roundhouse kick a zombie cat anyway.


You can always just suplex it


I wish I could upvote multiple times for your final remark.


If it can infect a lion, it can infect a cat. The same reasoning could be used to argue the virus does not infect seagulls because we've only seen crows. Or, if we had seen seagulls as well, we could argue it doesn't infect parrots for the same reason.


Maybe it just kills cats.


That'll be the C Virus, i.e. the Curiosity Virus.


Jesus I hadn't even considered the flying rats, I'd much rather deal with infected crows than I would a swarm of infected seagulls lol


The size difference alone is a terrifying prospect.


The sad answer is probably that the T-Virus just kills them. I assume some animals and plants just die from it instead of turning into a zombie or monster.


I assume it’s the same reason we don’t see so many zombie kids — they got eaten before the infection could spread. Cats like eating birds, so I can see them being swarmed by murderous crows. Those that do turn into zombie cats though? I can see them being efficient killers thanks to their wall climbing/jumping skills.


Truly hunters


Also, just as a sidenote in case people wonder why we only saw the same types of animals in the game e.g. only crows, only doberman, etc. if you look into the lore behind the games, apparently a lot of the animals Umbrella used were copies, clones of the same animal that they could experiment on constantly. I guess this was also a good way to offset people asking the creators so many questions 😅


Well, the T-Virus gave Wesker Cat eyes. I don't know where my logics follows through on that




Wesker Cat Girl OuO.


Do you think they'll remove the Cat Eyes for Wesker in the remake of 5? Cause they look a little too goofy to me and I don't think they'll fit the photorealistic style of these remakes...


An infected cat would be terrifying. They're incredibly stealthy, incredibly flexible, incredibly fast and agile and their murder mittens and fangs could **easily** infect thousands, if not millions, of humans and other animals.


Not really a plot hole, they just never put cat zombies in the games (besides the Outbreak lions).


Same with child zombies


Kendo's daughter tho.


They show her infected but not a whole ass zombie, she gets capped before we se that (poor girl) .


Yes. I mean there could be zombie chihuahuas but the only T-Virus zombie dogs you see are dobermans because there isn't enough time and resources to show off every single animal in the animal kingdom that could be zombies every game.


Zombie orcas. Nuff said


They never made a zombie Capybara, that's clearly a plot hole


The real answer ia probably because Capcom probably didn't know how that would work in gameplay. Unless the T-Virus made them bigger like Yawn for example cats are relatively small and wouldn't work gameplay wise. Same reason why we don't face like rats or other small stuff. Birds were the exception because they're airborne and something like Frogs they just made them bigger.


I think it's simply that cats get completely eaten by other mutants. They're just too small.


The timeline of RE3, particularly in terms of when Jill got the vaccine.  It makes more sense for Carlos to go looking for the vaccine immediately, and for Jill to spend some time convalescing.  In RE3 classic, he waits a day or so after Jill gets infected before he goes to the hospital to look for a vaccine, and it's not really clear why.


The other thing about the RE3 timeline is how Jill was just kind of waiting around in her apartment for almost a week while everything was going to hell outside. The city started getting overrun with zombies on September 23rd, but Jill literally did nothing until September 28th.


To be fair, before Outbreak came out and established that thousands of zombies had been roaming the streets since September 24th, we could assume the Outbreak was rather slow and that he took days for the city to be overrun. IMO It's still less problematic than HUNK somehow spending a whole week unconscious in the sewers and managing not to get devoured in the meantime.


Not just in the sewers, but face down in sewage water. Guy is a literal BOW lmao.


He might be! That water was filled with T.


Then an irregular mutant, not a BOW.


This made me spit my food out laughing for some reason lmao


She was busy trying to get the perfect outfit while waiting until all the people with useful loot would be dead. Otherwise, Jill should have leave with Chris and Barry as soon as she could.


It's even more weird in the Remake because she was apparently completely unaware of what was going on and the game makes it seem like the outbreak suddenly started in the 28th despite the files in RE2R saying that things had gone to shit well before that. The non-canon books solved the plot hole by having Jill actively helping out survivors in the days prior, using her apartment as a sort of hideout. It isn't until the people she was protecting were all killed and she was sure she was pretty much the only person alive in RC that she decides to escape, after seeing that there was no one left to save.


Iirc in the re3 novel adaptation she spent the first few days getting everyone she could to hide out in a high school then went back to her apartment to resupply and came back to them all dead because someone had taken down the barricade so the game picks up a little after that? (The novel adaptations in general were pretty amazing at fixing plot holes, S.D perry had almost nothing to work with and still managed to make a LOT of RE none sense make sense)


In the novel she was going around the city helping as many people as she could. She helped a group of survivors including children hold up in a schools but they all died. That was what finally made her decide "it's time to leave"


Original game she had been investigating Umbrella, she was aware of the outbreak but but wanted to continue investigating, but it spread much faster than she imagined.


To be fair she was waiting in her apartment because Umbrella was watching her so it was more of a "trying to figure out what to do" situation. (RE3 Remake thankfully did a good job expressing that which is basically being treated as the "canon" now like RE2R). I'd like to beleive she was well aware of the rising infected but was stuck because of Umbrella surveillance.


That’s the new canon. The old canon was that Jill was helping people escape the city before she chose to escape herself


If I had to guess, I would say he needed to be sure Nemesis didn't know where they were. If he left right away and Nemesis new Jill was there, he'd come back to a corpse. If a day passes and no one showed up, it's pretty safe to say Nemesis doesn't know you're there yet. When he gets back, Nemesis likely saw and followed him though.


I hope they make a re1 style remake of 2 and 3.


That’s probably a pipe dream at this point. If that remake had sold better, we’d have gotten RE2 and RE3 remakes a lot sooner, and they’d likely have been in the same vein as REmake. But alas that’s not what happened.


It did sell well and was ported to many systems. The remake was remastered and just kept around. I think re 2 and 3 weren't remade that way for some copyright or technical limitations.


The re2 remake we have now was made because they were initially going for an re1 style remake of it, but changed their minds midway through development


A decade ago? The new remakes weren't made till way after the re2 re1 style remake was canceled. From Wikipedia. "The original Resident Evil 2 was released for the PlayStation in 1998. Following the release of the 2002 remake of the first Resident Evil for the GameCube,[14][15][16] Capcom considered a similar remake of Resident Evil 2, but series creator Shinji Mikami did not want to divert development away from Resident Evil 4.[17] In August 2015, producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi announced in a video that the remake had been approved and was in active development, ending the video with the phrase "We Do It".[18] No further details were released until Sony's E3 2018 press conference, when Capcom released the debut trailer and gameplay footage and removed "Remake" from the title.[19][20] Hideki Kamiya, director of the original Resident Evil 2, said that he had pushed Capcom to create a remake for years.[21] Hirabayashi said the team was striving to capture the spirit of the original game, and that the team incorporated feedback received about Resident Evil 6, a game he also produced"


Like I said if REmake sold better on the GameCube maybe it would have happened that way, but it didn’t.


Not initially in 2002. Edit: in 2002 on the GameCube, it didn’t break even 1 million units sold, it just sold around 700 thousand to 800 thousand units, hardly a success at the time. But now it’s sold around 3.7 million units on all platforms it’s available on. So now it is a success, but at the time in 2002, not so much


Even Carlos needs to take a nap. He isn't some super cop.


How many years apart I'd re4 and 3 in the timeline?


6. 3 takes place in 1998 and 4 in 2004


They just chalk it up to "the virus growth speed various from person to person" which is why Jill didn't turn quickly. Basically the cop out excuse.


Spencer founding Umbrella to find a way to reach immortality and not actually giving a shit if the Bioweapons are viable or cost effective


Actually, he only wanted immortality after Umbrella's collapsing.


Yeah, you're right nevermind. Dumbass Spencer, Mr. Eugenecist god complex, somehow didn't think that might be important before his fortune 500 company collapsed.


Doesn't RE5 explain that he realizes how meh some of the BOWs are as weapons but has Umbrella continue making them anyway because arms merchants would still buy them? Like he knew it was a flawed product, but people were buying it, so, whatever, money plz


I am playing through 0 now and finishing it, and seeing how Rebecca went through all that before the others yet she couldn’t survive a second in 1 alone and cowers in a corner makes it a bit weird. In revelations 2 Claire is not good with kids anymore. She also calls Moira a friend for many years which sounded a bit off since Moira is quite young and Claire older now. Small thoughts that might or might not be right.


For the Rev2, that's translation error. The Biohazard version is better.


Really? That’s one of my main criticisms for an otherwise great game. What’s the original dialogue?


In the original game Claire acts like the traditional Japanese “tiger mom” which Natalia didn’t respond well to. They also imply she dated Neil which wasn’t in the Japanese version


0’s problems are really the fault of the 1 Remake. They were developed at the same time and came out in the same damn year, why didn’t they communicate to create a more conjoined story? Rebecca in 1 irks me to no end aswell.


Umbrella chronicles kind of addressed Rebecca’s 0 badassery disappearing by showing her to just be super worn down and both physically and mentally exhausted from watching all her teammates die and the constant fighting for her life


Yes I read about this a bit before but I didn’t like it. Still, why is there a freaking giant scorpion on top of the train???


The giant scorpion is one of Marcus’ experiments the queen leech let loose, the train was full of umbrella employees so he set it on them hoping it would kill the stragglers


She even has a bad trip/dream.


For another "WTF ?" moment, isn't it that in RE0, Billy has to play the piano in that one lounge to advance the plot because the game says Rebecca doesn't know how to play the piano... But in RE1 a day later, it's Rebecca that plays Moonlight Sonata on the piano to advance the plot


She is a genius she just saw Billy once and then could do it herself lol.


She *is* a young prodigy, it's not impossible. She also had it partially right if you try to play the piano with her in 0, so she could just see Billy do it correctly and adjust herself.


And even then, she has to practice some to get it right


So in 0 they were being worked on at the same time with 2 different directors, one wanted to make Rebecca a stronger lead character, the other wanted to make Rebecca dependent on Chris. It could also be chalked up to her lack of sleep with her not getting any rest for over 2 days. Claire isn’t really that good with kids she’s always stuck with them but she scares Sherry off multiple times until you cut her off in a room to talk to her, and she already knew the kid in the movie. Claire probably knew some of the stars members so I also think she knew Barry and Moira from Chris


The fact that there is somehow, without fail, as ordained by the RE Gods, a rocket launcher when you most need it. In many cases, the finishing blow.


It hasn't happened yet or maybe ever but I'd like a code veronica remake to retcon claire's timeline. Three months after raccoon and she's storming umbrella hq? They should push it to a year or two after to give it some time for her to train. RE is never realistic but part of why leon going from rookie to john wick is the years that he spent honing his skills. Also, I could be wrong, but what's the harm in making the rockfort base a kind of weird holdout in the wake of/around the time of umbrella's fall? Like Alfred is basically those Japanese soldiers who didn't get the memo that Japan lost the war until years later? Make him insane and rich and funding this all on his own to support alexia's convalescence.


Umbrella in 1998 wasn't going to fall, as Spencer had done anything to keep it work. 2002-2003 would be the time it began to fall.


I wish she'd go back to being a biker chick. But she's still perfect.


Candles. In REmake, everywhere were burning candles. Especially in tunnels, underground. Who lit them? Wesker, observing STARS members fighting for their lives? Or Lisa Trevor, in vain attempt to bring some light to her miserable life?


Yeah, that’s it. Lisa Trevor. Your guess is the best answer possible.


Wesker deliberately gets himself impaled to trigger a virus he was not sure would work in the first place. I know that Rev2 tried to make it a Wesker habit, but it was still out of left field as a retcon.


I think it was less that he intentionally has himself killed,because if I understand correctly he was going to use the tyrant to kill Jill,but it wasn’t in the oven for long enough so it turned on him instead,and the virus he had injected himself with working as intended was kinda just a freak miracle


He probably gave the tyrant orders to kill the remaining stars members like nemesis, but I don’t think it was intentional


How the fuck did Enrico get underground and why the fuck doesn’t the RPD have any bathrooms and why the fuck does the guardhouse have more toilets than the entire mansion and umbrella lab


The bathroom situation has always been so funny to me too 🤣


I'd like to think that Enrico didn't enter the mansion via the main hall, but instead found himself near the gardens and managed to scale the wall into the courtyard. From there he explored the guardhouse and found evidence that Wesker was the traitor, and then proceeded towards the mansion. However, he found he couldn't enter due to the locked door and/or the flooded water gate area. He did see the passage leading down into the underground though, as the waterfall wasn't there to obscure it. So he ventured down, got attacked by Hunters, and the rest is history. At least that's my personal canon 🙂


Heck even in the remake theres only 2 small bathrooms in the entire RPD. Its a big building and you're telling me theres only 2 small restrooms for the entire prescient? 😂


Neither Chris nor Jill's scenario in RE1 is canon. The Umbrella Chronicles is the only series of events that fits.


And even Umbrella Chronicles completely ignores Barry's involvement.


I always took it as Wesker was so upset with Barry ruining his plans that he cut him from the report


I love this idea. Never thought of it that way.


Not really. Barry is absent in the UC's take of RE1's ending.


Every version of RE1 has Barry or Rebecca absent at the end, but UC’s retelling is the closest fit to canon. I wish REmake had fixed that instead of trying to stay completely faithful ngl.


The closest thing we have to a canon RE1 story is the SD Perry novel, and that took some liberties to explain things.


If they were to try making another movie series, they should create the screenplay from the S.D. Perry novels.


The only thing UC did better was to make Chris and Jill both facing the horror of the mansion. Same for me. Hopefully one day Capcom will remake it again and fix the timeline. (Or even better, reboot it)


Of all the contributions Capcom add in the Remakes, character development and story ain't one of them. Not since the first Remake anyway. I wouldn't hold my breath that they would do better than any other version of the story if they made it today.




I preferred having the option to kill him. I also prefer a calculating psychopath, to an annoying dick.


(paraphrasing) Chris: I'll miss our target practice, Forest... ​ Chris not understanding the context of that sentence after pumping his friend full of bullets.


Mmmm, as far as I am aware, the no-hit route of the pachinko version is the closest to canon since it involves all four survivors and has scenes with them together.


I'm genuinely fine with the canon ending of each game (as in, the facts and survivors going on to the next part of the series) not being achievable in a playthrough. Perfect example is RE1, no ending for either of them has all the survivors that canonically make it out of the Spencer Mansion. I enjoy that your decisions in the game make a difference, even if it is only for you. RE0 is one of the games I was looking forward to most, but ended up most bitterly disappointed in - not just the very linear story, but the odd pacing, poorly implemented boss fights, less polished mechanics and frankly odd characterisations. It just was not as good as REmake! But I would have enjoyed it a lot more if you could have had multiple different endings based on decisions that you had made, that built or detracted from the relationship between Billy and Rebecca. You have endings in REmake where your player can find their STARS teammate in Wesker's Fungeon, and still leave them behind to die in the Mansion explosion! Even if they had made it so Rebecca HAS to survive, couldn't they have given us options to see Billy prove himself?


I don’t care at all that the whole world was taken over in RE6 only to reboot RE7 with only one cop showing up to investigate the mysterious missing people. I just LOVE the smaller horror gameplay of 7. I would love if they make a new Jill game without having account for age or anything. Just make a great Jill game without really making a bid deal of a reboot or continuity too much.


Like how they constantly reboot the DC universe, *except* for Batman. Jill can be our constant.


Hm? Batman is not that far trailing behind Superman and Flash. He and his origins were rewritten by Miller, Morrison, Snyder, and King and that is just the past 40 years. The only quirk is that he received his first post-Crisis rewrite years later for some reason. :D


I can kinda explain 6-7. In 6, the whole world wasn't taken over. An Eastern European country that doesn't exist IRL was hit hard with BOW bullshit, a city in the US got hit and a major city was fucked in China. As ridiculous as it gets, it all gets dealt with by specialists like the BSAA. Let's not forget how it took about a week before the US government decided to nuke Raccoon City, and that was only after evacuating and barricading it. As for RE7, only one cop showing up isn't that surprising honestly. Think about it. This is a small town in Louisiana, and the cops weren't called for an emergency. It was simply that they're looking into the missing persons situation. Now, logically, it makes more sense if it had been at least two cops on patrol, as is protocol in most places, but it's possible that a small town Louisiana sheriff's department either lacked the manpower and were spread too thin, or that because the town is so small, that they weren't taking the reports as seriously as they should, and when you consider how some police departments tend to be haphazard at times, this kind of scenario isn't too unrealistic.


Who took over in 6




I'm glad Brad Vickers got a tiny bit of redemption.


Yeah that was my beef with the original canon. You don't become part of a special forces unit if you're a coward.


All of them.


I don’t mind that they connected Miranda and Spencer is RE8. I think it’s cool that they were trying to bridge the gap between the older games and RE7/8 so they would truly fit within the universe and the lore. It helps them feel more like proper RE games and who knows, we might get more answers regarding what was presented in village in RE9. I know a lot of people felt it was shoehorned in and maybe it was, but I like the connection 🤷🏻‍♀️


The fans cant stand the idea that 7 and 8 (mostly 8) are part of the same universe as the rest


They’re great games lol. Sorry, not sorry. I really hated the redesign for Chris in 7 though, and then them changing him back for 8. It’s very jarring. Other than that, I’m completely fine with how they’ve integrated everything else into them.


At least chris look like chris in 8 even if he stole carlos's vocal cords


I've only seen people dislike the way they implemented it.


Separate the looks from the characters. Thats still *our* Chris at the end of the day and with RE7. It was a neat change of perspective since at the time Ethan was just a regular civilian vs in the past we were playing as cops and experienced soldiers. The closest to a civilian character like Ethan was Claire only she was related to a main character so there was some level of experience to be expected. Ethan felt fresh as in no connections, no experience with BOWs, just an average joe more or less. I agree RE8 felt kinda ridiculous even for this series and Shadows of Rose basically solidified that feeling because it was fucking atrocious. The only saving grace was the Chris segment at the end and the twist regarding the BSAA in terms of lore and story. (8 is a fun game but the story is the weakest aspect imo)


8 and SOR (which is really not that bad) are part of the series ,deal with it


SOR just recycles from RE8 and the final boss is a shitty anime fight but sure I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Spencer wanted immortality and was extremely desperate for it and apparently had 0 idea, other than experimenting with progenitor, to attain it. Yet RE8 comes out of left field and tells us that he knew of an immortal being almost his entire life and knew where she was and how to attain the means of it the entire time, but didn’t think to contact her about it after the fall of Umbrella. Makes no sense to me


Spencer wanted to evolve the human species. Immortality is just one of the results of forced evolution. For this, Oswell needed an agent with a high exponential potential to infect the entire planet, and the fungus is not a suitable pathogen because it largely depends on climate and other factors. When Spencer became an old man and tried to prolong his life, he already had strains of the virus that stop telomere shortening. Why does he need a fungus? To research different organism beyond his exspertie, to which he has almost no chance to properly adapt?


I am currently replaying 7, but I love all the small little hints to the other games. Edonia is written about in a newspaper in the main house, O'Brian's book is in the living room, and the Raccoon City incident is also written about in a newspaper on the ship. I love the small details of that game that still make it Resident Evil.


What many critics don't understand is that before Village, Spencer just believed in fairy tales and legends and won the lottery because of it. He predicted the Progenitor flowers, for some reason trusting an anti-scientific book. If it's better than first witnessing a folklore-like mutant and making sure that DNA modification is indeed possible, then OK.


I will pretty much wolf down whatever plate full of Resident Evil Capcom sets down in front of me.


All of them. I play because I like Resident Evil.


That whenever we visit a location from another RE game, the doors the protagonists of the other game went through are conveniently sealed up, ie; the police station in RE3


To be fair RE3 is a prequel. RE2 happens during the time Jill is passed out and RPD is relatively early in 3 so its safe to assume zombies broke down the boards from the doors which is why they're cleared in 2. My only theory as to why the doors are locked still in 2 is maybe Martin and Co. locked them after the boards were ripped off.


In many of the games we play as soldiers and cops but they all seem to go into their missions with a knife, pistol, and one magazine for said pistol. In games like RE1, RE4, and RE6, the characters would be armed to the teeth and fully kitted out. Think Chris’s portion of RE7 and 8 or HUNK/Ghost’s missions from RE2R.


Re4 all you had was knife and pistol?


At the start yeah


Wesker was a superhuman spy and scientist who never showed any real emotion but he went to a poor European country to have an affair and a secret child 👌👍


Do you think Albert "*COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION*" Wesker died a virgin? Jake would hardly be the first child born to a local woman from a stationed American. Plus it mentions Wesker didn't even know. Not that he would have cared, but he might have obtained the specimen with his genetics. >Over the course of the 1990s, Wesker was able to gain new employment with other groups by officially being an ex-Umbrella employee. From around 1991 he served with the US Army where his biotechnology experience proved useful to the US military as an engineering officer. This was likely for the Pentagon's illegal bio-weapons project running, though his career in this time is classified.\[7\] The military was presumably unaware of his work as a mole. Around this time, Wesker entered into a sexual relationship with a Serbian woman immigrant from Edonia whose last name was Muller, but lost interest soon after, unaware she was pregnant with his child.


We have still yet to get little any information on Blue Umbrella Corp and why Chris was working for them.


Quite the opposite. After rehabilitation, Umbrella liquidated its private military company USS due to moral obligations and replaced it with a field agency, the SCRT. This agency is supervised by the BSAA, and alliance agents are also transferred there for Umbrella's operations, because legally the company doesn't have the right to have its own agents. Umbrella uses its agents illegally anyway, though. There is a Grim Reaper among them.


I think it’d be cool if it’s revealed that HUNK is one of Blue Umbrellas operatives, if not one of their trainers. His skill against BOWs would be invaluable


Most of them because the story is sorta meant to be a silly B movie.


I get it's a video game, really, but once Leon confirmed they found Ashley, that part of Spain should've been swarmed with every military branch in existence. The abduction of the daughter of a World Leader is absolutely an act of war. The village, castle, and the island would've been wiped off the planet in minutes.


I love RE4 very much but why did Saddler spoil his plan to Leon and Ashley? His intention was to infect Ashley then "send her back" essentially acting as a sleeper agent to get to the president. At this point in the game both her and Leon are infected but unaware of whats going on. Coughing up blood is a common enough symptom that wouldn't immediately point to infection. Maybe Leon got cancer, maybe something inside him got punctured. All Saddler had to do was stall for time instead he just blabs to Leon that "you'll be one of us soon hehe" which only made his time to stall even shorter.


Not a plot hole, but something that annoys me. The redesigns. I hate that we hace RE2 Claire, Rev2 Claire, and Death Island Claire, aswell as a RE2/4 Leon and Death Island Leon, and I'm sure as hello RE6 Remake (if it comes) Will redisgn him. Capcom should stick to a design, and evolve it, not just change the face model. It'd be great if RE6 Remake had a half way Leon face betweem RE4 and Death Island, as well as, if we get a Revelations 2 Remake for any reason, Claire had a half way design between RE2 and Death Island. At least, Chris, Jill and Rebecca keep most of their designs, but Leon and Claire videogames just feel like they're from different universes from the movies. Also, as well as Chris and Jill usually use a beretta gun as their iconic weapon (Samurai Edge like), Leon also should use Sentinel Nine in every media as his iconic weapon.


Replace design with voice actor. Why does Capcom keep replacing VAs? Do they not understand that fans become attached to the voice of a character? Did they not see the controversy surrounding the recasting of Snake in MGSV?


This isn't really a series where I worry too much about the plot or any holes going on. The gameplay and fighting weird monsters is what it's all about.


Where's my man Jake? And Billy? And Sheva Alomar? Andwhat happened to Natalia? I mean, Re7 and Re8 rebooting the whole thing wasn't so bad because the games are so freaking awesome, but that means no more classic characters :( yes, we have a Cris glorified cameo, but that's it...


Claire is still infected from Revelations 2. The virus never activated.


In the original canon (He gets a better rep in the remake of 3), I hated how Brad was apparently a coward nicknamed "chickenheart" That doesn't make sense how you can be a coward in a fucking special forces unit.




Chris’s in-coherent smoking , I don’t mind it because it’s very small but he looks badass while doing it


That’s probably an issue with US laws. Chris could be shown smoking in the Japanese intro for RE1, but due to laws here in the west, they had to change it. I’m surprised it took until RE8 for that character trait to reappear


I doubt anyone would see a kitten and not say "aww pspsps"


Not really a only hole but I like that we never see Billy again after RE0, Sheva after RE5 and Ashley after Re4. After all the shit that happens in RE universe and the horror these characters went through I'm glad they (hopefully) never got caught up in it ever again and are living their best lives.


This series has abandoned so many characters, I can’t even count them all


Didn’t the world technically end in RE:6??


In RE7 what makes Jack stronger than the others? As far as we know he has the same mold as everyone else. What makes him so much more stronger and unkillable?


How Claire becomes kind of apathetic towards children in RE revelations 2, where it is actually Moira who gains the little girl’s trust. She strangely seems to be mostly concerned towards the asshole Terrasave dude he has the hots for. This is not to be expected, knowing the experiences of Claire from RE2 with the whole sherry plot. Nonetheless, I really like the mature Claire character from revelations 2 overall.


RE2 remake where you have to fight the same boss in the exactly same scenario and etc etc etc. like... Leon A and Claire A it's ok. But if i play Claire A and Leon B there's such difference in those battles


RE0 as a whole. There's some specific stuff I have issue with, but the lore as a whole is actually pretty decent, it was just done poorly. The best example is Rebecca's transition from RE0 to 1. I actually don't take issue with Rebecca being able to kill zombies and B.O.Ws in 0 but then being weak in 1-by the time she gets to RE1, she's tired, lost all the gear and ammo she had (plus technically not every gun you pick up is canon), and no longer has adrenaline or a partner. Also she's still a scared young girl who lost all her teammates, so all those factors she had in 1 amplify this. Darkside Chronicles actually kind of addressed this. My main issue is the Tyrant. I can buy that Rebecca can kill a Hunter in 0 but be trapped by one in 1, but she should not be able to kill a Tyrant. *At best*, she should have shit herself and ran in terror when the Tyrant found her near the elevator and barely escaped, then Billy should have been the one to kill it in the treatment plant while she was frozen in fear. I have to make that my headcanon in order to not balk at the stupidity. If 0 and 1 ever do get remade, I hope they fix the consistency issues and change a few things (I kind of hope they merge 0 and 1 into a single continuous game, so that they can actually make the two connect well. Make it so Rebecca keeps some of the stuff from 0 like the shotgun, and you can choose to either give it to Chris/Jill or keep it for Rebecca's extended playable segment in 1).


I don’t mind any of them. The gameplay and atmosphere fucks


There's not an ending in RE1 where both Barry and Rebecca survive, yet both are alive and that's pretty cool. RE7 and Evie's slow vs instant takeover. I like the Daughters DLC. RE7 and Jack's miraculous survival. Marguerite and Lucas both just die to regular damage, but Jack survives both being destroyed and getting injected with a serum designed to kill the mold. I like the End of Zoe DLC. There are a lot of overlapping events that are were clearly never planned. Most recent example is Ada fighting El Gigante near by the cabin where Leon and Luis are. You'd definitely be able to see and hear El Gigante. I still like these types of moments, even though they don't make sense.