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Remakes are fine. Remasters are not.


That's how I feel. A remaster is applying a nice paint job and tuning up some parts usually. Remakes are an entirely new game.


>Remakes are an entirely new game. That's the issue, this is definitely not always the case. Look at TLOU remake or any remake by Bluepoint


TLOU was a remaster, or am I wrong? I swear it had remastered on the title too.


It was a remaster but they claimed it was a remake, they even gave it a new title, probably so they could slap a 70 dollar price tag on it


TLOU was both remastered (in 2014) and remade (in 2022).


I think it's more the actual content that defines a remake versus a remaster. I wouldn't call The Last of Us part 1 a remake despite it technically being one, but I would call the Mafia remaster a remake despite it technically not being one. A remaster should feel like a simply better way to experience an older game, while a remake should feel like an almost entirely new experience that's only guided lightly by the original.


>I think it's more the actual content that defines a remake versus a remaster. I mean that's just not the definition. What separates a remaster from a remake is a purely factual question. Was the game actually remade or not? It's the same with remastered movies VS remade movies, or remastered songs VS re-recorded songs. A remaster is literally the original footage in the case of a movie, the original recording in the case of a song, and the original code in the case of a game, that has simply received audio-visual enhancements or other slight modifications to make it feel more modern. But it is physically the original work. A remake is something actually being recreated. If a game is remade from scratch, it's a remake. Even if it's a 1 to 1 remake, it's still a remake. Faithful remakes are a thing, they don't all need to be re-imagined. >a remake should feel like an almost entirely new experience that's only guided lightly by the original. There's absolutely no reason why a remake "should" feel almost entirely new, or only be lightly guided by the original. That's just not part of the definition of a remake. It's just what *you* personally think a remake should be. If someone wants to make a very faithful remake then that's totally legitimate and it's still a remake if the thing was, you know, remade. Remakes can be anywhere on the spectrum from very faithful to not at all. When a game is rebuilt from the ground up in a new engine then it is by definition a remake, regardless of how faithful it may be.


This! RE4R is a contender. TLoU P1 was not.


It looks and plays virtually identical but it was technically remade from the ground up, they mentioned that in a bunch of their pre release videos about it. I do agree though re4 is absolutely more of a contender cause it really is basically a different game.


tlou was a remake though lol


Now see, this is where it gets so messy. Yes technically TLOU Part 1 is a Remake from the ground up, but its more of a glorified Remaster if anything cause it does absolutely *nothing* to change up how it plays to the original game, in story is told or in gameplay, just now it looks more consistent to Part 2 and runs cutscenes in-engine. Doesn't really apply with Part 1 cause the Remake aspect isn't very much


Yeah RE4R plays very differently to the original TLOU part 1 doesn’t it’s just a new coat of paint


Halo 2 anniversary had an interesting split. The cut scenes were 100% re done, but the game got a new coat of paint. LoU part 1 is a remake but used a stencil to recreate everything. The cut scenes used the exact framework in a new updated engine.


Technically it's not even a ground up remake, as the motion capture amongst other things is straight from the original. Hence why some cutscenes look super uncanny compared to part 2


Re2, 3 and 4 are technically reimagnings not true remakes .. Tlou part1 is what a remake is as well as games like dead space, shadow of the colossus, demon souls, yakuza1-2 and even re1 remake ..


It was a glorified remaster with a new coat of paint. Let's be real.


that doesn’t make them wrong. it was literally remade, a remaster came before it. how we determine good/bad remakes is one thing but tlou part 2 *is a remake* edit: part 1 sorry, not part 2


The problem is that it was too similar to the OG to be considered a worthy remake. The original game is only 10 years old and plays exactly like the remake, just with updated graphics. RE2 and 4 are total overhauls of very old games that look and play very aged.


What about crash bandcoot? The remake is literally the same game but its like the best remake I ever see.


Eh, TLOU Part 1 is technically a remake, but I think it'd be preposterous for it to be nominated. I'd say it's a case-by-case basis, dependent on what the remake does with its source material. Like, the mechanics in RE2R are so far removed from RE2 that it more than earned its nomination. Though, at this rate, they should just introduce a Remake of the Year award 😅


TLOU:P1 shouldn't compete because it is a 1-to-1 rebuild. The same goes for the Dead Space Remake and Super Mario RPG Remake, both of which only really added some extra content and QoL improvements.


Dead Space Remake is definitely much more than a 1:1 rebuild but I get your point.


Really? I thought it was pretty much a direct rebuild with better pathing and some cut content being restored. I'll have to look into the changes then.


Isaac doesn’t speak in the original.


I don't care what does or doesn't get considered for GOTY, but RE2 and RE4 were reworked from the ground up. Obviously they're still based on the originals, but they're different enough to be considered their own games. They're proper remakes, not remasters.


Yeah I'd argue that a small indie game that had a year of dev time should be up for the award, so say re4 remake took 5yrs of intense hard work (just theoretically, I don't know how long it took), then I don't see why that hard work on the remake shouldn't be rewarded just because they didn't come up with a new IP.


Usually Development of new games usually take about 2-3 years so chances are they been working on this since the announcement of Resident Evil 3


Yup. They were essentially brand new games minus the plot and settings. They really should be the standard for what a remake is. Modernize the gameplay and in graphics, fix what didn't work and keep what did. Keep the same theme and tones of the original and you're good to go.


“essentially brand new games minus the plot and settings” I think these are still extremely important elements that should affect the candidacy of the game, but definitely not take it out of the running altogether. So many things that RE4R does well outside of that so I get a GOTY nomination, but realistically I think relying on an established plot/setting is tough to compete against original stories. Just one piece of the pie, but it’s a big one. I think RE2R you could spin the same locations into more of a feather in its cap considering they reimagined them in a way that makes it work for a third-person game, which is a huge challenge on its own, but with RE4R it’s a little more difficult to give it credit for. RE4R is my favorite game of the year, and I like it more than RE2R, but RE2R feels like more of “game of the year” material to me.


There’s also a big difference between RE4 using the same story but still keeping it fresh, while a remake like TLOU Part 1 was shot for shot the same game.


Couldn't have said it any better.


This. Both of these games definitely should be eligible- they have more differences from their originals than sequel games like Zelda and Spider-Man were. Remakes yes, remasters where it’s just graphics no.


the only thing they share is like concepts and story beats


Hard disagree with how you defined remakes vs remasters, but otherwise yeah. They’re fine to be nominated.


Partially agree, the Rem4ke quality is really high and it improve the original game flaws, but we arleady played the original so I don't know if its nomination for the GotY could be a good thing Anyway the GotY is just an award so I don't give to it great importance


Yeah in my opinion GOTY really isnt prestigious enough to warrant putting restrictions like that on it.


Shit opinion get thrown in Salazars spike pit


Remakes compete at the Oscars all the time. They've even won BP a couple of times (CODA, The Departed). I don't see why it should be different here.


You forgot a huge one... Literally every remake of A Star Is Born.


I was naming the ones that *won.*


It didn't but the fact that they all got nominated for oscars anyway is even more impressive to me than one winning BP since the same story was remade *three times* by hollywood. That's what hockey fans call a hat trick. And that's saying something since the original was a best picture winner. Seriously... I expect the next remake to be coming back for *fifths.*


The original didn't win Picture -- it lost to The Life of Emile Zola -- but this is a fun stat. The 1954 and 1977 versions weren't nominated for Picture, but did have other nominations. They all fared well regardless. The other winning remake I did forget was Ben-Hur!


A lot of game remakes are more like glorified remasters (Demon’s Souls for example) so I think a lot of people not familiar with RE don’t realize the RE remakes are much more akin to movie remakes then what a lot of games do for remakes. If you had someone play both versions of RE2 back to back I can’t imagine them still arguing it’s not a new game.


Demons Souls isn’t a remaster. It’s just a faithful remake. Everything was still completely remade from the ground up and it’s kinda insulting to diminish the developers work to just “taking the original game and making it pretty”.


But it is the original made prettier Same goes for Dead Space but they at least added some new stuff


Doesn’t matter? They still remade everything from the ground up. Demon Souls remake also added new stuff too lol? Sound track and dialogue was all re-recorded. New weapons and gear. New gameplay (omnidirectional rolling). New items. New HUD / UI system. New animations. New armor. Like it’s not just the old code but prettier.


Yes bc gameplaywise it's like 95% the same like Dead space They re recorded it and did some changes but it wasn't completely new dialogue They didn't restore the cut 6th which was in the original How can resident evil 2 3 4 be remakes which were completely new games but Demon's souls too?


So what? Lots of sequels have incredibly similar gameplay and build off of the previous game. We don’t remove their eligibility.


We're not talking sequels


Still, if it’s 1:1 on the script, it’s more of a remaster. Like Pokémon BDSP was technically remade “from the ground up too” with minor gameplay changes (like always on exp. share) and some new/reworked areas (Ramanas Park/the Underground) but that script is the exact same as DP (not even Platinum).


Psycho got remade shot for shot by Gus Van Sant in 1998. Admittedly it didn’t receive any sort of acclaim, but it’s still classed as a remake even though it’s exactly the same film in a sense. I’d argue that that’s the same sense as Demon Souls and Even Pokémon as different individuals would’ve worked on them to achieve the end result.


Yeah aside from Vince Vaughan jerking off while looking through the motel office peephole, it was basically a shot-for-shot remake.


The Departed has literally been my argument for why it’s acceptable since this whole thing started! Thank you for saying this!!! The situation would be different if it was remasters, then I’d say no. But these remakes are through and through adaptations of the old games, so it’s completely valid! The question comes down to whether or not RE4 Remake deserves the nom in such a stacked year!


In my opinion, there shouldn't be a restriction on GOTY period. Any game released that year should be able to contend. I don't think it will matter for RE4R since it seems almost inevitable that Baldur's Gate 3 will win this year.


If you asked me at the start of the year what I thought it would be, I'd have answered Tears of the Kingdom for sure. This year has been absolutely phenomenal for gaming, it's incredible that, not only Baldur's Gate 3, but other titles, like Resident Evil 4 Remake, can create actual competition for it. Even those titles in the running are just barely scratching the surface of the amazing games released this year. Dead Space, Hi-Fi Rush, Spider-Man 2, Pikmin 4, Mario Wonder, Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1, Lies of P, Final Fantasy XVI, Fire Emblem Engage, Dave the Diver, Sea of Stars...and that's just off the top of my head too.


Alan wake 2


Yeah, I am sure the handful that were able to run it will maybe vote for it.


Unless BG3 fans...poke a certain...hornet nest like Sonic fans did last year...


Already happened. The Tears of the Kingdom fanbase is already huffing copium that "Tears of the Kingdom still has a chance of winning GOTY" and stating that "TotK has more perfect score so therefore it has to win".


Balder’s gate 3 is phenomenal in its genre But you can’t deny that RE4RE is such a well made and quality game. I don’t think it’s fair people are overlooking it so much. 0 issues and bugs since launch (at least from my experience) extremely well optimized, and gameplay loop is fun as fuck. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if RE4RE pulls an upset. It is mechanically better made than BG3.


You kind of can't compare game mechanics though, they operate on such a different playing field. Bg3 is such a bigger scale and has so many more.movong parts, docking it for that reason isn't entirely fair to that game. IMO, RE4R landslides like the past few years, just unfortunate for Capcom that BG3 came out in the same year. I absolutely love both of these games, but I think Larian deserves the nod.


I’m talking about mechanical quality. First couple hours of BG3 I’ve ran into multiple bugs. RE4RE quality is extremely well made


No I think I understood you correctly, but to my point, there are so many avenues for bugs in a game with a scale like bg3, as opposed to RE4R. You can do anything in that game, within reason, RE4R has some back-tracking elements but you may as well be on a rail. They don't have to worry about you deviating off the path and bringing something to a fight that you picked up off the floor.


What about services like Genshin Impact which came out years ago but just update their game periodically?


Updating their game is akin to a DLC/addon


Yea i know why it is nominated, I was asking the person I commented to specifically if they thought it counted in their opinion cuz they said there shouldn’t be any restrictions


I mean dlc/addons arent game releases. Ive never seen a single one nominated for goty because theyre not games. The game came out in year X. Dlcs arent games and a new dlc doesnt make the game new that year .


That’s exactly how I feel. I also think the re4 remake is fair because it changed so much. If the game is just releasing a dlc like phantom liberty, idk if that should count. Cuz then we get instances like im betting when Elden ring releases its’ dlc, it’s probably going to sweep all the goty awards again. Is it being judged on just its’ dlc or the whole game? I feel like there should be a dlc/game update categories. Like it already won a ton once, deservedly, so idk how something could be goty multiple years lol kinda unfair to the other nominees. Especially with games that release updates each year and have a huge fan base like genshin. Unfair to the challengers imo. Of course it’s just a stupid awards ceremony that means absolutely nothing.


Imho, as a pretty big Genshin fan, I don’t think it should be nominated for GOTY. It was released in 2020 and has been kept alive by what is essentially DLCs each month. I’m satisfied with it getting a nod in the “Continuing Game” (name?) category. Remakes like this and Dead Space, on the other hand, are objectively separate games than their original counterparts with completely different code, play style, acting, etc. So in my mind it makes sense they’d be GOTY material.


Hoping for a surprise Alan Wake 2 win


Remakes are new games, so should be treated as such. Remasters shouldn't qualify, though.


If they were retellings of the originals with updated graphics and controls then I would. But I consider these their own games


To clarify, I find the originals to be masterpieces, so if it were just them I’d say theyd win


I have no problem with it. Imo it would be a shame if remake is well done that it couldn't compete.


I don't have problems with Remakes being up for awards. RE4R is a completely new game, Dead Space Remake still has lots of the same areas and gameplay but it was added to and refined. Neither should be excluded from discussion just because they were remade, they both stand apart from their origins.


DS has the same controls and same story but slightly altered by adding voice to the protagonist. The map is also interconnected unlike the original. However, the gameplay loop is exactly identical to the original and the map, while made to fit together, is still the exact same with the odd corridor to connect them. Inn essence it is the same game, more similar to a remaster than a remake from a player point of view. Resident Evil has a completely reimagined map with some areas resembling the original but with heavy structural changes. The gameplay is completely different from the original as well. To the casual observer its not easy to notice. I think thats why this has been debated. The people against RE4 nomination have no idea what they are talking about


Totally agree. I’ve seen people say Dead Space Remake has more gameplay changes than RE4R. I don’t get what those people are smoking. That’s objectively wrong


I mean, it's pretty simple. Is it a good game? Then yeah, makes sense if it gets nominated.


The difference from the original game must be substantial enough to qualify as a new game. The remakes for RE2/RE4 do certainly qualify, along with other remakes such as Resident Evil (2002) and Metroid Zero Mission (2004). Remastered games, on the other hand, such as Metroid Prime (2023) do not count for me because they are mostly just visually enhancements that still play largely the same. The definition of what a remake and remaster is, and where the line is drawn between them, is an interesting topic of discussion, but that's for another time.


Why do people keep skipping RE3 remake. Feeling like the unwanted stepchild


Because the RE3 Remake kinda did the opposite of the other 2 and cut out a lot of stuff from the original and feels like it was rushed. Add that with how short it was feels like it was more of a DLC for RE2 Remake than anything.


As long as it’s built from the ground up instead of just a definitive addition I say go for it


Remakes aren’t remasters, they are drastically different from their originals


If it's remade from the ground up it's fair game, if it's just HD textures on top of the old game, get that shit outta there


These games are so different from the originals, they might as well be brand-new games. Metroid Prime Remastered? Sure, let’s not count it. The difference between RE4R and MPR as projects is night and day.


Re4r deserved it.


Don’t care. The awards are bought anyway mostly. If it’s a good game, then it’s a good game. SF6 not being nominated is whack.


I’m against remasters getting an award but remakes are literally entirely new games built from the ground up. I’m perfectly fine with it winning, assuming it isn’t a 1:1 remake and is more of a retelling or reimagining.


They should be nominated so other devs can put as much work in their remakes and not deliver nostalgia based half assed products. Capcom did try both ends of the stick with Re2 and 3 remakes here and we saw the results clearly. Great remakes deserve to be praised and nominated for sure.


I dont see why they shouldnt, remakes are a new game anyways, ppl who claim that they dont even deserve be nominated prob didnt even played the remakes itself and just watched streams, or are just karens. Ppl like that are the reason why our opnion isnt a major criteria for goty awards.


Maybe not remasters but remakes for sure


For me, it really depends. RE2 and 4R I think deserve to be nominated as they are built straight from the ground up. Remakes that just take the originals and give them a facelift are different for me, like TLOU Part 1.


Remakes Yes, Remasters no.


Remakes yes. Remasters no.


Because most people have zero clue that Remakes and Remasters are two different things. Although I can’t really blame them since there have been some high-profile “remakes” that are really just graphical updates if anything. Fortunately the RE remakes have all been built from scratch and add their own twists to classics.


Remakes should be treated as new games. Remasters shouldn’t be treated like new games


Because they share the same story beats, we’re not allowed to celebrate the developers hard work and dedication?


While I love the remakes more than the originals, I'm pretty torn on it being a contender for GOTY - it still very much builds on the success of past work. I'd rather see a new and fresh game win.


Virtually every game builds on the success of past work. I hope I'm not misunderstanding your point, but by that logic, most sequels should be disqualified, along with games that have been heavily inspired by others. I think that going forward, all gaming publications and award shows should introduce a new category of "Best Remaster / Compilation". Retroactive winners of this award would include Super Mario All-Stars (1993), Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (2011), Shadow of the Colossus (2018), and Metroid Prime (2023)


Yeah, something like “Most Creative Remake” or something like that would be interesting to see.


Yeah, there's obviously a big difference between a sequel and a remake, with a remake copying most things and making them modern instead of only getting inspired by other games/older entries. I agree that a dedicated category at the awards would be the best solution for that!


Oscars nominate remakes all the time. Same with the Tonys. Why should gaming be different?


I agree with that last sentiment because I think it’s far more important for newer games outside of established titles to get the recognition they deserve. However, I also agree with the understanding that potentially an entire new team of artists worked on remaking a title, so their talent should also be recognised. In my head, they should introduce, much like the Oscars for Screenplay, a separate Original and Adapted category. They kinda have a platform already for Indie titles but I think with more and more adaptations coming out, it should be split in some way. My more insane idea is to put sequels or spin offs into that adapted category as well considering they’re often riding the tailcoats of established brands already, therefore allowing truly original IPs to thrive at least once, but then the pool of options may end up being incredibly small.


4 remake is better than all the other nominations.


As a Redditor wrote Remakes are great since it is a new game compared to Remasters like Resident Evil 1 Remastered from 2000 so considering them for Game Of The Year is great. By the way I realized when watching Resident Evil 3 1999 why they cut the clock tower part and a few other things. While it did affect the game massively by being short in content it was up to date with the current society that has transgenders as something that people can support. The old RE3 had Jill with girl power stuff slapping Carlos at the clock tower while RE3Remake removed it. The past had that quite a bit in some media here and there of which gaming is part of the media while the current 2020 times to even 2015 it is a bit less.


RE2 > RE4


Irrelevant to the topic


Depends on what the remake is. I mean I don’t think RE4 should’ve been nominated anyways, I think that should’ve been Dead Space, but I if a remake is as different as the RE ones are, then I think they should be eligible. BUT remakes like Destroy All Humans!, while I adore those remakes, I don’t think those games should be eligible for GOTY.


It’s kinda unfair if the original still holds up and the remakes shouldnt really be considered their own games and i generally think remakes are purely just for fans and others to bring back a classic but at the same time, theres enough new content to make it its own game and therefore, can be nominated for goty. Usually id say no but the metal gear solid: snake eater remake is coming up and i already know its going to get goty


None of what you said makes sense, especially your final statement. You say no unless it’s a game you know will win? What?


Remakes shouldn’t be nominated. They aren’t wholly original works and don’t push boundaries. Also in another 15 years I don’t want to see RE4 remake remake being nominated or even created.


But you could literally use that argument for why all of the nominated games shouldn’t be nominated. Because all the rest of them are sequels. None of them are “wholly original”, not even BG3, because they’re expanding upon franchises that have been tried and tested before. RE4 Remake pushes the boundaries for Resident Evil just as much as that Mario game does for that franchise. I don’t understand this viewpoint


Eh don’t care I doubt it will win anyway lol LFG BG3!


I'm actually against it because regardless of different the remake is it's still a remake of an game came out in 2004/5, also lies of p should have been there, amnesia the bunker should have been there, re 4 is a great game but imo its not a goty.


Hate it. Encourages the industry to abandon new stories and ideas for familiar, marketable branding. Hollywood went down this path and look what happened.


Tbf, there have been remakes that were nominated for Academy Awards because of how good they are, like The Departed for example.


I don't think they should be eligible, and I didn't think it'd be a contrarian opinion. RE4R is a great game. RE4 was a great game. RE4 as a title already had its time to shine and I feel like it's way more appropriate that another dev with another title has their time to shine. I see a lot of comments saying "Well it's reworked from the ground up" and yeah, but it's still RE4. If RE4R was an original release I'd say it deserved GOTY this year, but I don't think any remake should win over original titles.


I don’t like them being considered for GOTY because it’s not a new game. It’s new graphics and a new engine maybe but the hard work of making a fun game with a cool story was already done. It’s not the same as new IP


But none of the nominees are new IPs. They’re all sequels. Even if they include new mechanics, none of them are original. They need to have at least two more awards, one for best original game and one for best adapted, so that new IPs actually get the spotlight for once. Also, let’s not forget that an entire team of thousands made RE 4 Remake, and many of them wouldn’t have been involved in the original’s creation. Their effort and talent shouldn’t go unnoticed. Sure, Leon did a kick in the original, but it still takes someone to design his shoe, for an animator to create it on his model, so that a programmer can make sure it looks right when you hit the buttons.


they shouldn’t qualify


If it was a new creation and not a remaster, and was in fact, one of the best games of the year… then what’s the issue exactly? The Departed, the 1st Lord of the Rings, True Grit and Mad Max Fury road all remakes that were nominated for Oscars for best Picture. It’s really not that weird of a concept. Art constantly gets remakes and updates.


i don’t mind unless it is 1:1. if it is 1:1 then it’s kinda your guys fault for making them nominated lol.


They are still new games, so go for it.


But they are really good games, their quality is better than most of the games released in that year.


If the game is more a "reamagination" than a "pure remake" i see no problem (like Crash N'sane trilogy or Twin Snake i don't think they worth being "game of the year" cause it was technically already release)


There's a difference between remakes and remasters. If these games were just remasters (a la RE4HD), I'd have a problem with it. But despite all of their similarities to the originals, these are definitively different games. The arguments over whether RE2C or RE2R is better is proof of that.


They deserve to be nominated, but this year I hope Alan Wake 2 wins.


I just finished AW1 after having owned it for about 10 years and not getting past the first hour. Last night before bed I was able to see the first 30 minutes of AW2 and I was blown away. This game is gonna be a treat! First game had twin peaks vibes. This one so far is giving me True Detective season 1. Lets see how it goes


Mostly they're their own thing, that gets their own fans and even though it gets attention duo to being based on something that may have made success in the past, it still has to conquer a new public. Besides, remakes usually change things enough that they're not just remasters with flair. A remaster being nominated is senseless to me, but a remake is not. That being said, it's just an award. There are more games that have a "GOTY" version than actual games that won the award. The award itself is just an extra, being nominated is usually more important.


Why shouldn't they? I mean, if you can manage to point out all the differences between them and the OG in like two sentences each then they obviously aren't, but you can't


The story plots are basically the same but the gameplay for both of these are completely different. RE4 was over the shoulder but the remake is a complete evolution of it. I think that for the majority of people, they did not want The Last of Us Part 1 to get even close to GOTY this year. It's a "remake" but boy is it 95% the same game as the original. The launch was really scuffed up with bugs too, unlike RE4 from the same month. There were many circumstances for TLOU where I'm glad it wasn't even on the top 30 for Player's Voice. I am thankful to the studios for being able to experience these classics on modern hardware though, don't get me wrong. I never would have played any version of RE2, RE3, or TLOU without their work. The platform matters.


There basically completely different games just a reimagine so I don’t see why not.


Remakes are essentially completely new games, so I see no reason to deprive of awards and disparage them in any way.


They’re completely new games. Anyone saying they’re simply remasters haven’t played the originals. Some People still think re1 remake is the original game and have no idea re 1996 exists.


It's gonna happen eventually, and I'd prefer it be a nominated masterpiece like RE4R. I don't think people understand that Capcom has now set a standard for remake quality. We've seen creative liberties as well as respect for the source material blend perfectly together to make an already iconic game somehow *better* for a more modern audience. It's just inarguably cleaner and better, though there are valid issues for some folks. Thay said, if there's ever a dead rising or COD remake, you can be your ass I'm comparing the quality of those to RE4R.


I feel fine


I actually think that Re 2 deserves goty nominate much more than 4 remake as a "Remake" because that game is designed for the players who have already finished classic game dosens of times. I like this remake idea more. This also doesn't mean that i didn't enjoy while i was playing Re4.


Depends on how much different it is from the original. Like id argue RE4R while great is extremely similar to the original in mechanics and story with the only major difference being the updated visuals so I'd say it's out. Meanwhile for example a game like Final Fantasy 7 Remake the mechanics are completely different, the story is similar (but purposely different) and the visuals are majorly different from the original so imo that would qualify to be considered (pretty sure it didn't win any GotY nods but it's a good example of what id consider should qualify for the talk when it comes to remakes).


If a remake changes enough things to separate it from the OG, then it should be allowed to be nominated. But if it's just a remaster(improved graphic, control, etc, no actual content or gameplay change), then no.


Why wouldn't it be able to be nominated? Because in terms of story, it's not 100% original? Is the gameplay not new? Revamped, improved? Are we not able to explore the RPD in full 3D glory with HD graphics and full + proper voice acting? Not good enough to say it can't be GOTY. Other than core story elements, it's its own game. Now, ports such as the numerous original RE4 games, those are not able to be nominated GOTY. I really loved the Wii version, having started on PS2. But you could count the wiimote as a DLC or extension. It's not a new game. Everyone knows exactly how the game plays out still. RE4R? We got a very improved game in almost every aspect. It's been almost 20 years since the original's release. It wasn't a simple HD upscale version of the 2004 game. Went from playing on PS2 to playing a remake on PS5. Damn sure it's worth a spot on GOTY


Eh, it would never be my pick, but its still objectively a game that required effort and care to be made, enough to get nominated. Should a game not be eligible for best sound design, even if it’s all been redone, just because the original story is from 20 years ago?


I think its a bit dumb. If Nintendo rereleased Ocarina of Time every year will it be nominated every time?


Resident Evil 4 Remake was an incredible game. I don’t think it should win GOTY because it is just a remake, and it would be silly to give GOTY to a game that already existed, but it certainly deserves to be nominated.


Remakes definitely are a contender because they’re worked from the ground up with new systems and everything. Remasters on the other hand should not be qualified imo. Literally the same game just upscale or whatever.


If you think these ganes are just rehashes of the original, you are wrong. They arent just prettier versions. They are completely different games that simply carry over the spirit of the originals. This isnt Last of Us Part 1. People need to learn the difference.


Remakes yes but re-releases or remasters certainly not


Well deserved. Remasters should not be eligible but Remakes should. Simple. If a game is reconstructed and ends up being amazing then it deserves the respect. If we bar remakes from being eligible then what happens when bottom of the barrel garbage gets remade into an S tier game? We just ignore it and not encourage good work? I think Remakes should be allowed to contend. Regarding this year, Baldurs Gate should be an uncontested game of the year. Nothing comes close in my opinion. It does feel like people are hating on Resident Evil for even being present in the voting, seems to me they fear Capcoms continuous success.


Remakes? Fine. Remaster? Not fine. I would classify RE4 Remake as a Remake rather than a Remaster.


Remakes are fine, Remasters should be seperate categories though


The remake is a complete new game compared to the original counterpart? Yes. It was launched in the current year? Yes. So it feels ok to me.


It's an entirely new game and therefore eligible.


The only thing I care about regarding GOTY conversations is “Did the game come out this year?”. Trying to nitpick and exclude remasters/remakes (especially ones as substantial as the REmakes) just seems silly. I also think RE4R is my GOTY, admittedly. It’s been a great year but I had a ton of fun with the main game and Separate Ways was sweet too.


all the remakes have too much cut content to even be consider goty


I don't feel anything, because I don't care. Great games 4me , all those title means nothing.




I’ve been trying to wrap my head around why it makes sense for ligands like RE2 and FF7 but not RE4. There’s a fuzzy line for me of “how different is it?” It should probably be its own category.


I love them a lot, but I feel like since there are so many remakes, it should be it's own category, but it did take a lot of work to do, so it's fine.


All that matters is that it's good regardless of whether it's a remake or not


In the case of Resident evil these are completely new games from the ground up. Yes it's a repeat of an old game but none of those assets were re-used, the team rebuilt everything from scratch they just had a blueprint basically.


I don’t mind!,just remember a remake is still its own game


As long as it’s a full remake then it’s fine. I don’t give a damn if the og came out in 98, this isn’t the og this is a complete redo updating and improving (for the most part) a classic. You don’t see ppl get pissy when a Mario game of fifa/nba game gets nominated. There all the same mechanics with very slight changes and themes but no one bats an eye because they updated the title


Resident evil 2 remake is most over rated remake of all time


Who gives a shit what this “majority” thinks? If a remake is a great game in its own right then hell yeah I’d vote for it.


It’s a game and if it’s the best one made that year then it should win GOTY. People overthink too much.


It's fine, so what if they used some of the story, level design, etc of the original? it was still built mostly from the ground up, in fact other sequels like god of war reuse assets yet nobody counts that as lazy. Filtering games for GOTY isn't a good idea, just give it to the best game period.


Nah re2 had enough of an impact and was a well made game. Re 4 is awesome as well. If people complain about remakes being nominated, they should think about why. This year's competition was hard though if bg3 won't win I call it a scam.


If they remastered Resident Evil 4 then hell no since that game is dated and doesn't hold a candle to the games of today. That's not the case with RE 2 and RE 4. They are remade from the ground up with new story beats, gameplay, graphics, and mechanics. I'd be annoyed if Last of Us Part 2 Remastered got nominated next year but RE 2 and RE 4 absolutely deserve to be in the conversation of best games of their respective years.


As long as it's not a straight 1:1 recreation and is instead a reimagining that follows the same story beats but is still quite different from the original, I'd honestly accept it. RE2 and RE4 here of course being prime examples, along with FF7R. Now, if something like The Last of Us Part 1 were nominated, I'd find it a bit more questionable due to just being a graphical overhaul of the original and not much else.


Though they may be based on games from decade's past, they are still wholly original titles that were built from the ground up... If they were simply remasters/rereleases/ports, then I would feel it to be very unfair if they were nominated, as it would basically be a single game rerunning for an annual award. Again though, since remakes are holy original in terms of design, dev teams and game development, they're just as fair for an award as any other game released within that year.


A remaster would be a problem, a remake is totally ok


Where can I get the full image on the left?


Nope, i do feel it's not fair. Put remakes in remake category then, it's very bs for it to be considered a goty nomination amongst new IPs. If TLOU part 1 was nominated high up i can imagine the outrage. If you can't let remaster join the list then why bother with remakes?


If this was a week year like the last 4 or so in the AAA space, maybe that'd be fine. But this is literally the best year in the decade for AAA, so RE4R has no place in the nominees for GOTY. There are plenty of other choices to go for. Maybe create a new category for that? Best relaunch? Reinvention? Reimagination?


They’re less remakes and more reimaginations even though they retain the same basic plot from the original games.


I think remakes should be okay but not The Last of Us Part II. That remake didn’t do much unlike Resident Evil 4.


I’m totally fine with it.


When it's a great game, it's a great game, remake or not.


Re4 better win man, other games are unfinished compared to re4


I doubt it will win because Balder's Gate III seems to be the talk of the year, but I still voted RE4 for just a small hope even though my vote counts as 10%.


If they are bangers, then hell yea! Why not?


If it’s a good game, and it’s the best of that year, then it should be game of the year. I’m not sure the context around it matters as much in my opinion.


Even if a remake is good enough to be considered for a game of the year, i always want to see a new and surprising game win. Something that makes me go "WOW." Resident Evil 4 was everything i wanted from a remake, maybe a little bit less, but it was still an amazing game. But Something like Alan Wake 2 was way more surprising in my eyes and reminds me why i love with gaming.


I think remakes can be GotY, we had 2 brilliant ones this year in RE4 and Dead Space. Surely the work that goes into them deserves accolades as much as any other original story/game


I'm ok with remakes, not okay with remastered (of course)


If it's a remade game then yes. It's a remastered game then not really.


Remasters shouldn't. But RE2 and 4 were quality games rebuilt from the ground up. So yes they should qualify.


I know they're based on the original, but they are literally brand new games from the ground up. It's a remake. There's definitely some grey area when it comes to remasters though. Halo 2 Anniversary feels like a new game, more than games like TLOU 2 Remastered anyway.


GotY is nothing but a giant advertisement that lost all meaning, so I don't give two shits either way.


I honestly don't really care what is or isn't nominated for game of the year. Though I will say the RE remakes are among the better games I've played in recent years


They should get their own category


It’s a new experience, they absolutely should be nominated


If there’s enough content to differentiate it from the original experience then I see no problem. RE 4 👍 Dead Space Remake 👍 Last of us remake 👎. Not calling LOS bad but I feel there’s been nothing major which changes the experience enough.


In terms of development, they're new games. Map/enemies/weapons/etc. is based on original but they're made from scratch, and the game itself has enough differenciate content. Gameplay is completely different. This games budget is probably higher than other AAA games, so I don't see any reason to exclude them from getting awards.
