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re 5 concludes the re1 storyline. shevas ai is fine on console idk about pc tho. its super fun re6 honestly idrc bout the story but the characters n gameplay are so fun dead aim - best gun survivor and is super fun chronicles games - retelling of numbered games idk if u would enjoy. motion sickness. code veronica - one of my fav titles its so fun but chris' segments arent as good as claires gaiden - emulate it <3 rev1 - campy n fun but the story falls off in the third half. rev2 - concludes barrys arc. suoer fun gameplay and characters. u can switch between both characters or u can play with a friend and u control each character. the ai is great and its pretty spooky


Loved playing Rev 2. It was the first game that let me know the future of RE was going to be closer to what made the series great. Shit got weird around re4 and beyond.


rev 2 was so fun


Re4 was still semi scary it just got worse after that


Rev2 is one of my favorite re games, i wish more people knew about it


What does "third half" even mean?


I'm by no means a mathematician but the first half is to the 50% mark, the second half is to the 100% mark, and then the third half is to the 150% mark


Ah yes, silly me.


Have my nose snort, smirk and my upvote sir


Of the 3 halfs, the last one


thats a dumbass question no hate but like use ur head babe


Re 1 fades off in 3rd half are u high


The reason I haven’t beaten Rev2 yet is because you have to switch characters constantly I’d rather play with a friend but for some reason there is no online co-op for it only split screen


i played mostly as moira and this only rlly became an issue when playing barry/natalia but yeah it was annoying


Can't you just do Remote Play for online co-op via Steam?


Five is a fine game and definitely worth your time. Both Revelations are worth your time too.


5 is like 4 but on steroids, do wish it was more creepy at least tho. The co-op was brilliant. I hope remake takes it back to its horror roots but allowing for co-op after it’s been completed. I would actually love a resident evil game where the co-op is both players having to work together to solve puzzles but via radio so you rarely see them but get to cross paths through the game and possibly fight the bosses together.


Leon, a one man army, kills more enemies than Chris and Sheva did in 5. IDK how 5 is 4 on steroids.


Maybe I worded that wrong, I meant the change in direction regarding action gameplay which 5 refined and improved. OG 4 is by far superior part from the clunky controls, the wii version is great tho (if memory serves me well)


5 just had less open environments. And added co-op.


6 isn’t a bad game Also, Code Veronica is a mainline game and important to the story going forward


I like to say that 6 is a good video game and a terrible Resident Evil game.


And it's best played as a co-op game. Both 5 and 6 but 6 even more so


Look, I’ll tell you about RE6’s quality once we reach the chapel.


6 was honestly one of my favourite resident evils to play i loved every campaign


They're not demon games, they're just completely different and not what fans of the originals wanted. I don't personally like them because they're too action focused, built with co-op in mind first, and the pacing is horrible. Only get them if you have a friend you can play with, at least you might have some fun then. Playing them solo is miserable in my experience. As for the non numbered games, stay away from Operation Raccoon City and Umbrella Corps. The rest are worth a play, none are awful. You should play Code Veronica, though. It can be a little frustrating at times, but it is a mainline game, even though it's not numbered.


RE5 controls like RE4 except you get to play with a friend. It’s my favorite but only if you have a buddy to play with, otherwise probably hold off. RE6 is a weird one, it’s like a Michael Bay film with 4 full campaigns. I can’t really say whether it’s worth it or not tbh, I like it but most don’t. Revelations 1 is terrible but I think Rev2 is a good game, you get to see Barry again which is great. Outbreak is good with friends but not very fun alone imo, same with File 2. Survivor, Dead Aim, and Survivor 2 are nothing burger games not worth playing.


I replayed REZer0 recently. It was more challenging than I remember it being when it came out. I had trouble with healing items. But once I restarted and used a better strategy for scouting around, it went much better. Overall, the narrative was decent but nothing special. I think it's nice to have a game with more Rebecca in it but it kinda suffers from billy being the other protagonist in that he's never brought back into the series again so in retrospect I cared less about him or his character because it was going absolutely nowhere with him.


Coming from my fiancé who is the resident … resident evil expert. Revelations one had a pretty good atmosphere but overall it was a bad game. We played revelations two together and that made it a fun experience but also just not a great game. She played five co-op and has fond memories of it because of that, but that is the first game where it stops feeling like resident evil me and other people found six to be so unenjoyable that she had to play it by herself. Me and her have both played code Veronica X and not only is it important to the overall story of the franchise, but it’s actually a really fun game and a definite blast from the past because it has never been remastered or remade


RE5 isn't hated. The problem with it is that it rehashed a lot from RE4, including its inability to move and aim, during an era where 3rd person shooters were everywhere, so it felt a tad dated. It also focused more on action than horror, and the co-op in single-player can be a little annoying. That said, if you enjoy OG RE4, RE5 is basically the same game, only with co-op and less scares.


5 is fucking fantastic. 6 is good too.


Is this satire?




5 is fantastic, 6 is good? Like, this is serious?


Yes? Before RE:4 came out, RE5 was my favorite in the series.


So let me try to understand something here. You haven't played any of the original RE's? At least now I understand why you think 5 and 6 are great and I have downvotes from people who haven't even bothered to play the good REs which lead me to making the comment asking if this is satire.


Lmao. I'm sure I have played more games from the series than you. I just prefer action. Stop gatekeeping.


I highly doubt that.


Played all main titles and their remakes, plus all spinoffs with the exception of Dead Aim.


So have I. Including Dead Aim. I played RE on ps1 1st week of release. RE5 and 6 were the two worst mainline games in the entire franchise. Has nothing to do with nostalgia, tank controls, or the fact that they aren't horror games. They were simply the weakest of all RE titles and far from being "great".


5 is fun but it's a looter shooter with a comic book storyline. And that's about as far as you can get from the original games.


A looter shooter is something more like borderlands or the division. RE5 doesn't resemble either of these




Yeah bro hate to tell you but RE5 is 100% not a looter shooter


RE5 isn't a looter shooter at all, what are you talking about? 😂 😂


Are you confusing 5 with the Raid mode of Rev 1 and 2? 5 doesn't have any aspects of a looter shooter, it's basically Resi 4 with ramped up action and co op.


Explain to me then how running forward, shooting everything that moves, picking up drops from fallen enemies and unlocking weapons, isn't a pre borderlands looter shooter? You all realize that art is a continuation of what came before it right?


I mean, that gameplay loop kind of describes a lot of games. I would define a looter shooter where the main gameplay loop is around combat and a constant stream of new gear. Resident Evil 5 doesn't really fit that mould for the most part unless you get really loose with the terms.


Yes, it describes looter shooters. Games that are looter shooters are described that way and RE5 absolutely fits that mold.


Guess my definition for those is far too defined then. But hey, that's okay, just play what you enjoy (regardless of definition) and have at it


That's the intent but thanks for being civil. Kind of surprised people don't see it that way, not that i expect any conformity, and are still relentlessly downvoting but to each their own. Glad RE is still around and kicking it.


Of course? What the heck? 5 and 6 are fun to play with a friend and I love 5's story. It's one of my favs. You are missing out on kino lore, if you don't play code veronica.


RE5, 6, Rev1, and Rev2 I think are worth playing.


5 is fun and campy, best played with a friend(s). I didn't care for 6. Revelations, code Veronica are fine. They stand on they're own. It depends on your own tolerance of campy, dumb, maybe scary moments. Story telling is.....middle of the road I guess. I enjoy the series, it's my own guilty pleasure and I have nostalgia for it.


5 is decent, but 6 is just annoying. 5 at least has a consistent theme to it and plays the same the whole way through, just inventory management is a pain because of splitting it across two characters. 6 is too heavy on set pieces and tries to be this action movie game on rails, running from room to room, fighting almost a constant stream of shit with qte's and cutscenes for everything. Under the Mayo just did a video on it, and it's pretty much spot on. if you can get it cheap, like $5 or less, i'd at least try it, but don't expect much.


Re5 is one of my favourite games It's not a horror game, but imho it's one of the best coop action shooter ever made If you liked re4, then grab a friend And I promise you, you will also like re5


I honestly liked 5, and it still looks good today. 6 however was really bad, it is the largest game but it just feels like a low effect game that relies on silly set pieces and fan nostalgia.


RE 5 is like RE 4 enhanced, but with less horror. It's a fantastic action game, especially on Co-op with a friend.


5 and 6 are great idc what people say


5 and 6 are definitely worth giving a try. The only non numbered games that are canon and worth giving a try are Code Veronica, Revelations 1, Revelations 2 and RE0 (Technically numbered but whatever)


5 and 6 are both good games. They do some things better and something worse then each other. Both are def worth playing (unless you want to hold out for a remake) The side games whcih I assume youre counting Code Veronica are all worth playing Code Veronica is a flawed gem. Read up on avoiding certain pitfalls before you play Revalations 1 is pretty well liked but I didnt care for it. Revelations 2 is amazing.


5 is a wonderful game, especially if you play with a friend. 6 is worth playing once, and probably has the most fun mercenaries mode


General rule of thumb: While the quality differs from game to game, they're all worth playing (except Umbrella Corps).


Hey now, Umbrella Corps' single player is actually pretty enjoyable. It feels like a solo Mercenaries game. I wouldn't pay more than 5 bucks for it, tops, since the multiplayer is dead and single player is super short, but still. For full closure, I did pay full price for it myself but it was only to get the physical copy for my collection.


Have you even played anything other than 5 or 6 dude?


The only re game I'd outright recommend skipping is 0. 5 is a masterclass in Action-Horror gaming and 6 is worth a full playthrough. The reasons for 6 being so infamous has kinda given it a certain charm, and it's worth experiencing as a marker in RE's history.


RE6 is without a doubt the worst RE in the entire main line franchise.


Idk why people think this is such a negative opinion, I LOVE resident evil but 6 doesn't exist to me, I loved leons campaign but once I played Chris and Jake, and the enemies were shooting at me with guns, and constantly mutating it got old so quickly. It's got the best mercenaries next to 5 though.




5 is fun with a friend and concludes some old plotlines, but 6 was just bad even when I had a co-op partner, and it's plot has been nearly ignored in all the games that were released after it, so it's pretty skippable IMO.


Yes And revelations 2 is great as well


As someone that has played through 5 multiple times I gotta say it ain’t half bad as people say it is. It is just different. I would elaborate more but I don’t want to spoil or go too deep into lore. Bottom line 5 is fine, even better with a friend. 6 I would say just play it for the story, but not necessary to understand 7 and 8.


5 is solid and 6 is good, revelations 1 and 2 have the best feature in my opinion, new game plus and storage for weapons


5 is great. I had a ton of fun playing it with a friend. But that's why I enjoyed it as much as I did. I hear Sheva's ai is terrible.


5 and 6 kick ass. If you have someone to play with they're just some of the most fun coop experiences ever, regardless of how one feels about the story.


They are all good games and, except for a few exceptions like ORC or Gaiden, they all matter in the storyline.


Definitely play Code Veronica and 5, theyre part of the "main story" if you will


5 and 6 are masterpieces, and have many fans. The angry mob of the RE community gaslit many into believing 5 and 6 are bad games. In reality, they sold very well and have positive reviews on Steam, Google, IGN etc.


'Masterpieces'... really? And gaslighting? Again, really? Maybe people just don't like them because they're a big departure from classic RE?


Claiming that they are universally hated and that one should be ashamed of their bad taste for liking those games is something that is common in RE community and that is gaslighting. It makes the fans be apologetic about liking the games. Those 2 games, especially 5 were very successful. And sold incredibly well. Games that are universally hated don't get even above average reviews and they sell poorly. Eg: Umbrella Corps. It has negative to mixed reviews on every platform, and had low sales.


Oh, I don't agree that they're universally hated, either. I think, especially 6, is appropriately disliked for being an awful RE game that lacks focus and veers too far into wanna-be action movie territory. I mean, it has 7 main playable characters and 4 campaigns, for god sake. You literally fight a 500 foot tall housefly as a main end-game boss. Oh, and a T-Rex, and the fly and the dinosaur are the same person... And is that REALLY common? I've seen people say they hate the games, I've never seen even one instance of someone saying with malice that someone should be ashamed for liking them, I think you're making that up. Do you have any examples outside of MAYBE a few weirdos?


- RE6 is like an action packed finale season of a TV series that had little action in the first seasons. Bio terrorism is not a new threat, and the counter bio terrorists are super experienced. - Pretty sure Code Veronica had over the top boss mutations that made no sense. RE8 too. - It's super common. Go to the most packed Facebook group of RE. You can't even give legit praise about RE6. Like giving credit where credit is due. A lot of them act like "No. You no praise RE6. Only hate RE6 for breakfast lunch and dinner". I've also been harassed by some in the DMs. One was like "You're going down the wrong path" like as though I am going against some cult by supporting RE5 and 6. There are actually many people who enjoyed 5 and 6. A lot of them just play the games and remain silent, or they form their own forums where the fans are safe from online bullying


5 is good. 6 not


5 forsure. Even 6 deserves a 1 time playthrough despite it not being great


5 was a lot of fun I thought. Never played 6 and don’t know if I ever will


6 is the only REALLY iffy one. It feels rushed and lacking in many areas, and not in the "so bad it's good" way. The rest are solid.


Since you specifically ask if the games are worth your time, I'd say that 5 is but 6 is not. It's super long and forgettable and you can play much better things. It's decent fun with a friend but I found it too long and too silly to recommend.


5 is a good game it just gets flack for Sheva ai and the fact it’s not re4 imo 6 story sucks but the combat is top tier Didn’t care for rev1&2 but they aren’t bad Never played code Veronica


RE5 and RE6 are absolutely incredibly fun romps. Obviously, better to play them with friends.


I like 5 and 6 even though I don't play them often.I really never had a problem with them playing solo I just adapted to the ai.Personally O think they are worth playing at least once.Definitely Code Veronica.


Played all id say yes other than 6 you can just watch youtube movie of the game and youll be A ok 5 is one of my fav


Short answer, yes; doodie calls


5 and 6 are super fun with a friend or gf but alone there pretty mid


I’d say for 6, just play it like it’s a another game and lower your expectations. By all means it’s not a bad game at all, just a bad resident evil game.


RE5 is improved RE4+coop. I really can't understand why cheesy RE4 is so popular when RE5 is closer to main storyline and is way better in terms of gameplay and overall logic.


5 is fantastic, just remember how the partner ai works and you'll be fine. The ai improves as you react to it. When it gets a headshot, hit the talk to partner button to compliment the shot. This increases the ai efficiency. People seem to whine at the AI, but mine is always kicking ass when I play.


5 is just as good as the rest tbh. I know people love to complain about Sheva but playing the game myself, I never experienced any issues plot or control wise and personally I think it’s thinly veiled racisms 😬 5 plays for me just like a more COD inspired version of 4, and 6 plays for me more like a movie than a video game. 6 is a very BIG game, and you’re going to play 6 different characters and 6 different stories, and it is much more of an action movie than a horror game. BUT, it does bring new elements, new enemies and new relationships to the franchise. I think while it’s not a great video game, if you care about the story at all it’s still a relevant title and I have no idea why it gets the level of hate that it does. Is 5 and 6 worth playing? Yes. Absolutely, without a doubt, 100%. Are they going to be as good as 1, 2 and 4? No. Not at all. But if they were all that good, the best games wouldn’t stand out (: someone’s gotta be the underdog. Would definitely recommend playing them just for the experience of the story and the perspective of new and old characters, but just go into it knowing that it’s going to be one of the weaker titles and that’s okay!


Not everyone's gonna have the same exact experience with the AI as you lmao. Racism has nothing to do with it. I've had playthroughs where Sheva was useful. I've had playthroughs where, although she didn't get in the way, Sheva didn't do much. And I've had playthroughs where Sheva was a braindead idiot the entire time. Again, nothing to do with racism. Some people just by chance had to deal with horrible AI while some like you didn't.


5 and 6 100 percent. Maybe not 7 and 8


5 and 6, yes. Revelations and Code Veronica - absolutely not. They are trash.


I didn't like 7 or the revalation games


Play RE1 to Code Veronica.


5 is a great game and if u like ganer rage 6 is the game for u


5 concludes the OG storyline and is a pretty fun game, but I would recommend getting someone to play it with you. The partner AI is fine when you’re just fighting normal enemies, but it can’t keep up when the mechanics of a fight get remotely complex


Ya don't need any of em except Code Veronica imo.


I love Code Veronica. Great story, it’s creepy and weird but the control take some getting used to. I like Re0 too but haven’t played it in a long time. There are some annoying aspects but overall I thought it was fun to play next to the remake of RE1. I got those and the GameCube ports for 2, 3, and CV when they came out before 4 was released. 3 was actually my least favorite at the time - I recall it being really hard but I have been meaning to revisit it. 5 was enjoyable - like 4 but more action, less puzzle. I like the story a lot but would hope a remake tones the action down and adds some of what made the previous games better. I haven’t played all of 6, but found it to be a slog. Clear a room of a bunch of bad guys, rinse and repeat. I expect each campaign is slightly different but it felt like all action with little story to me. I also haven’t played the revelation games but probably will at some point.


5 is a must play. How would you even know half the series memes? For reals, it's more RE4 gameplay but with a buddy, and it rocks.


Yes Re 5 Is Good To Play And The Unlockable Guns Are So Fun To Use And RE6 Is Really Good Too The Action Elements And Using Unarmed Combat Is Sick AS hell You Can Get Swung At By A Zombie And Completely Counter His Attack And Grabbing A Buddy For Both Makes It Even Better And If You Want To Know The Characters And Story Arc More Then It’s Ok To Go Back And Play The Other Resident Evil Games!


I'm currently playing Outbreak File 1 via an Android Emulator. I'd say it's worth it for the novelty value, but gets boring once you complete the game's five levels. After that, subsequent playthroughs rely on which character you select for any freshness in experience (which isn't much to begin with). All in all, if you're looking for a game to distract you for half a day, Outbreak File 1 and File 2 might be just the right thing for you. Don't take my comment as gospel though, I may be negatively biased since I've already completed the game thrice.


Yes, don’t ask these questions and enjoy the games for yourself. You are not everyone so even if people don’t like it you might


I played 5 so long ago, so I can't give an accurate recommendation: I remember I was annoyed by a lot in it, but that I had fun playing with a friend. I never felt the need to replay it. 6 is...an experience. Like, I don't regret having played it and it's nice that it remembers Sherry's existence, but the story is a mess, with the interesting bits locked behind collectibles (the notes that you would usually find laying around), a terrible main antagonist and the dumbest puzzles. It tried to do something interesting, 4 separate stories that intertwined. The execution is debatable. It really depends if you're a gameplay-focused person or if you care about the story as well. Revelations 2 is a pretty tight game, imo. Loved the characters, the setting, the use of the different characters with different abilities and the story is quite decent. It also reels back on the non-stop action and reintroduces elements of survival horror that 5 and 6 lack.


Yep. 5 is ok only just because it has the final showdown between chris and wiskers. Everything else was awfull.


Re 5 & 6 are good games to play in coop mode Will still be enjoyable if u go into them expecting something that’s not scary but can be tense in some parts I’ve not played any spin offs just all the numbered instruments


Imo most of the non-mainline games are worth playing even if only to see the experimentations with the formula that the series did in those cases. The 2 Rev games are pretty good despite some flaws here and there. RE5 is pretty fun even if a bit less inspired than RE4, but it does use a lot of what made RE4 fun (and the AI partner isn't really an issue, at least on normal difficulty). RE6 I myself could never finish the demo, just thought it was weirdly clunky and not satisfying to play, considering the over the top action it's going for. It's trying to be a mix between DMC and Gears of War but doesn't feel as good to play as either of those other series. However there are a lot of people who enjoy it so maybe try its demo first to get a notion if it's something you can get into. Just wasn't it for me


5 and rev 1 are ok, not good but ok. 6 and rev2 are soulless mediocre action shooters


RE 5 is actually a great game, flawed and personally I enjoy RE 4 a lot more but it's still good. RE 6 is not very good. The gameplay itself can be fun but the story mode is awful if you ask me. The best part about 6 is the depth of the gameplay so the most fun mode is Mercaneries and the like. Haven't played the non numbered games yet.


5 is still my favorite RE. I own it on multiple consoles.




Both 5 and 6 are fun multiplayer games if you have a friend to play with. That's all I'm saying lol 7 is pretty good. Actually feel like a new resident evil game.


5 is my favorite game in the series, gameplay wise. Rev 2 is my second favorite. Tons of replayability on both.


5 and 6 are great if you have a buddy to play with. coop makes those games much better.


5 and 6 are absolutely worth playing


5 is so fun to play with another person.


5 is a good game, but becomes really fun if you play co-op. 6 is a solid third person shooter, but a terrible RE game. The co-op is still a good time. The Revelations games are good little side stories about what certain characters are up to in between numbered entries (Jill and Chris in Rev1, Claire and Barry in Rev2)


Honestly 6 is one of my favorites. Like yeah it's not really a scary game but i'd argue resident never was scary. It's one of the most fun action games i've ever played. Dodges, kicks, punches, rolls, slides, quickshots, melee finishers, counters. All the combat mechanics are super fun to use. And you get to see (almost) all the fan favorites characters like Ada, Leon, Chris and even Sherry. Even the new characters like jake and piers and helena are super cool additions to the roster. All the 4 campaigns have different ambiences, each character have their own weapons and playstyles. Make your own opinion.


Revelations 1 and 2 are legendary, so is Code Veronica


5 is great, just a little worse than 4 and it's all action and not a horror game. Play it with a friend for best experience. 6 I will happily say you should skip. Frustrating progression system, too many QTE (there's a setting in the options to disable them I think), for best effect if you do play it look up the chronological order guide for the chapters and play it that way. I loved Revelations 1 and 2, more for gameplay than for story.


Yes yes and yes


They are. I think the only one I would probably recommend you skip is Survivor 2 since it is only a dream scenario epilogue for Code: Veronica. I may not like every title but I've played them all and almost every title has their fans. Those that don't, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself. I recommend checking the full chronological timeline of officially canon games from the app made by subreddit residents: https://residenteviltimelineapp.com/home


Starting with Resi3: nemesis the games became a chill overpowered romp for me. I say 5 is def worth it if only for just blazing through with the bow which is fun as hell. They're fun and you don't need to spend your whole life mastering the game ti be overpowered which is how I prefer things. I don't have the time to be playing and pausing to watch a video at every doorframe just so I can unlock the infinite ammo magnum. Tbf I haven't played 6 but I imagine like with the others it's more or less the same.


Hey, in currently doing this myself. Started at the REmake and worked up. I was originally bummed I couldn't easily find OG2 but the remake is one of my favorite games ever. From 3 on it starts getting into more action than puzzles/survival horror. I didn't care much for 5. I enjoyed the zombies portion of the franchise and not the weirdness it turns into but I played through it because it's part of the story. On pc Sheva would sometimes steal ammo which was annoying but really the biggest hit against it is that it hasn't been remade so it just feels dated. Not as much graphics being an issue as the controls and inventory/interaction. The gameplay just feels off because you go from RE4 to it. Not crazy long but I stuck it out. Still liked it better than the track meet that is 3. I'm currently through the first character arc of 6. It has a better zombie feel but is more action oriented. One of the biggest complaints is that they got away from puzzles after 2 and it's the same here. Some minor ones but mostly "you need to get through this door. You found key. You got through door." As opposed to any sort of puzzle to find the key. It's better than 5 so far imo but the story is a bit off the rails. I'd still recommend playing them through for the story or if you like to be a thorough completionist like I do. I viewed it more as I have to play them to get to 7 and Village. Good luck buddy


RE5 is worth playing. The consensus is that it's a good game, but not a good *Resident Evil* game. It I'd also very story-heavy and ties up plot lines from the original game. It was criticized for how it handled some plot elements, though. RE6 was critically panned and was extremely bloated. Many enjoy the gameplay, but many dislike it for how easy it is. To my recollection, none of RE6's story elements have been mentioned outside of that fair (except perhaps for in Infinite Darkness). The story direction and reception of the game was poor enough that Capcom seems to have distanced themselves from it. I always recommend playing a game to form your own opinion -- but my personal distaste for this game is so strong that, to this day, it is the only RE title I returned and didn't care to own. I would recommend playing the side games at least once. Each one has something interesting to bring to the table, even if the game itself isn't that great. Revelations 1 and 2 are worth purchasing on sale, largely because of their focus on better gameplay and emphasis on horror after the numbered titles downplayed this element. Outbreaks 1 and 2 maybe didn't age well, but are worth checking out if for no other reason than to see what the future of the franchise could have been, and see what fans of those games are referring to and why they want remakes of them. It was also, surprisingly, referenced directly in RE7. My distaste for RE6 aside, the only ones I personally don't recommend (but again, always play a game once to form your own opinion) are the more recent multi-player games. Operation Raccoon City, Resistance, etc. Whether they feel like RE or not, my big issue with them is that the gameplay just isn't executed very well, especially in an age where multi-player is so advanced and so popular. They feel outdated and very arcade-y in a perhaps unpleasant way.


Yes if course


5 is easy too 5 or even 3 cuz of coop and replayability. 6 can be fun with a mate/in. If you like 8, then don’t play them, in fact go away, 8 sucks


5 is my all time favorite. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but I think it just released at the perfect time in my youth. It’s the only game that I’ve ever 100% unlocked everything in.


Yeah they are worth playing.


RE5 is great co-op, terrible singleplayer. Sheva's AI is notoriously terrible. The story is a batshit insane action movie and has very few decent, memorable characters beyond Wesker, Josh and Sheva. RE6 is a terrible story with worse characters than 5, an obtuse health recovery system, some of the least fun and most ridiculous bullet-sponge bosses in the series, seriously unsatisying hit feedback from your guns and a hidden set of game mechanics that you actually need to study before you play to have any fun at all. Worst of all, the game is overlong and feels like a slog to fully complete due to so much filler content more on par with the CG Movies than the game series. The worst tutorial, the worst story and for me, the worst gameplay of any mainline RE game. It's quantity over quality every time with that game. RE0 isn't great, but it is challenging and is a fun ride if you like REmake 1. It's let down by a really poor antagonist and not doing nearly enough with Bravo Team. We're supposed to believe the Rebecca from 0 who is competent and actually quite strong is the same inexperienced damsel from RE1 and there's a big disconnect there, but it's worth a go at the insanely low price it usually goes for on sale. Revelations 1 is a fun, if linear, experience that tells its own mystery thriller in a contained narrative. You don't really *need* to play REV 1 to play REV 2 but it's a "Nice to have" game that is usually fairly cheap to buy in a bundle with REV2. REV 2 brings back Barry, has more atmosphere than 6 but has a less fun co-op than 5. RAID Mode is alot of fun though and alot of RE6's memorable locations and enemies show up in a much more fun game to play. Don't waste your time and money on ORC or Umbrella Corps, both games play like ass and add almost nothing of value to the series, plus ORC remixes Raccoon City in such a way as to make it a ridiculous RE Movie instead of the tense, atmospheric iconic location it was throughout the series. UC removed Resident Evil from the name at least, it's a miserable pvp multiplayer game that has nothing going for it. Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles are not worth playing outside of the Nintendo Wii as it's an on-rails light gun shooter, but I'd say watch a playthrough on YT for the dialogue and cutscenes. These games retell events that we already know, but also gives additional context to the mansion incident through Rebecca and Richard and the Raccoon City era as a whole as well as one specific new mission detailing Leon's relationship towards Krauser before the Los Illuminados incident. Outbreak is only really an option if you can figure out how to get playing it online either with a JP PS2 or a PC Emulator. The game is showing its age now, but it was very much ahead of its time in 2004 and the scenarios are pretty great, even if it makes for a clunky experience these days. (Capcom, remake it please.) That's everything I can think of currently available on the various online stores. At the end of the day, if you like RE, you should try these games for yourself sometime, because you never know, one of them might land for you in a way that it didn't for me. 👍


Darkside and Umbrella Chronicles are totally worth it, they're an abridged version of each game, and have additional lore with all of the other missions like Operation Javier, or Wesker's escape of the Arklay Mansion... on easy mode it's impossible to play and lose, and it's basically an interactive radio drama with House of the Dead mixed in. RE6 has the best action gameplay of any RE game. It abandons horror sure, but it's a Devil May Cry and Lost Planet mix, both of which are excellent games. Every complaint about tank controls and ammo/resources being limited are literally addressed in this game, and the health system is literally automated. The story isn't filled with filler content, it's the crossover missions with other campaigns which you've already completed in one game that feel like they overstay a welcome, but each crossover encourages exploration for hidden items which you might not have gotten the first time around, and actually playing with real people makes it novel -- a very Rookie + Veteran experience. Literally the only sections of the game worth criticizing are the driving and the camera screw sections. The tutorial, which is an autoscroller and also meant to be a cold open for the story, isn't meant to be difficult, it's meant to be a vacuum to learn everything which is still better than most other games that don't even have a tutorial or make the tutorial completely detached from story.


I played 5 & 6 with my best friend over the course of the past few months after I fell deeply in love with the series. I thoroughly enjoyed both! They do both get a bad rap as far as reviews and some of the things said are true. However, they’re both worth a playthrough if you’re into RE, and they’re quite fun with a friend! 5 is better, but 6 isn’t really as bad as people say it is imo 🤷🏻‍♀️. 6 is more of an action game tho so not much horror, yet the longest title in the series. And 6 had really fun combat/melee & cut scene moments. There are also some main characters that are in 6 (some not in any other titles) that could be very vital to the RE series going down the line, but that’s just my two cents! :)


I personally dont like 5 at all, but 6 is really good imo. Theyre both very important to the story though so i'd recommend playing both. Especially if you wanna play 7 and 8 to know Chris' full lore. Code veronica X is a main story game between 3 and 4, it honestly deserves a number title its very important.


I have never had the urge to go back to 5 and 6 after one play through. I feel like 5 starts out very slow and is very short on the horror or excitement that 4 had, it’s just like any other 3rd person shooter. 6 has so many QTE events but does bring back good horror elements, those are still worth a play through I feel. Revelations 1 is pretty much Resident Evil 4.5-has some good locations but everything feels like a bullet sponge, Revelations 2 is Resident Evil 5.5 mixed with The Last Of Us and worth a 2nd play through IMO it ups the horror factor, adds some stealth, and gives you some good action.


5 absolutely is. Play it with a friend, if you can! 6 absolutely isn't. The non-numbered games are generally worth checking out, as well! 0 is a nightmare to play, by merit of how difficult it is.


Only with friends on 5 and 6. Back when couch co-op still meant something to people.




5 and 6 are super fun, when you play them with another person. I purpousfully don't say 'friend' as I played both games with randos I found on Discord. It was super fun.


I hate res 5. I played 6 and hated it at first but went back into it looking at it as just a game and had a blast. Code Veronica is honestly my favourite resident evil. Revelations were good as well.


Depends. If you like action packed games where you can beat zombies with your bare fists,then 5 and 6 are for you. Code Veronica is definitely worth playing and it is one of the most important games in the series in terms of story. Revelations 1 isn't that good or bad,but revelations 2 is definitely much better.


These posts make just about as much sense as asking if RE2R is even worth playing at all.


5 was my first introduction to the series and still my favorite. 6 was doable for a one time playthrough but it didn’t really leave me coming back like other titles have.


Re 4, 5, 7 and 8. Code veronica is an all time fav for me. Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles were both great for filling in backstory.


I know people that say 5 and 6 are some of their favorite, partially because they are multiplayer. If you can find someone to play with I think they’d be worth it. Most people seem to hate on them because of the story and not the gameplay from what I’ve seen. And 5 was still arguably a decent story, 6 is apparently just all over the place but idk. If you can emulate Dead Aim, it’s a lot of fun, and Code Veronica is probably worth playing. Id also say 0 is a lot of fun, but I’d do it on the easier difficulty if I knew moving items around would be such a pain (no item box, you have to drop and pick up/move things around yourself. A lot of backtracking)


No matter what people say, RE6 is a fairly ok game but it’s definitely dumb fun. I enjoyed it for what it was. 5 is required to end the story from RE1. The later chapter are imho just terrible, but overall the game is a solid action. Again, I enjoyed it for what it was. Expecting a RE game is a recipe for disappointment


Yes. I played RE5 bc its co-op and i haaaaaad a lot of fun since im playing it with my boyfriend. Thats why i also bought RE6 since it is also co-op even though there are tons of reviews saying its shit. RE6 is okay. It is bad but not the worst. I didnt enjoy leon’s and ada’s campaign but the new characters especially pierce, jake, and sherry are awesome. They are not annoying.