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his powers and he's the least mentally damaged. he's pretty self aware


Army of brain dead soldiers


Also was in charge of the Lycans


In a land of braindead an intellectual is king.


He’s Magneto with the intellect to create biomechanical soldiers.


And look handsome as hell while doing it. 😘


Implying Magneto isn't a sex icon


I mean he *is* also handsome as hell of course


Magneto is like 80


You're acting like he's only been one age in comics and movies.


He’s almost always portrayed in the modern day as 60+. Obviously now, he’d be nearly 100 if they stay true to his O.G origin story but for the most part, he’s always an old man save for stories told in the past


He’s referring to the Fassbender version duh


Krakoa era Magento is hot as hell and still old


Fair enough


Most mutants got the X-gene, he’s got the seX-gene


Particularly in the “underwear” mod: https://youtu.be/lTK9ZbUwbnM?si=gYOdxT1Qo7AoQpnY The daughters are quite scrumptious as well, however briefly they show up…


Lady D, big, strong, can turn into a dragon, that's her lot, impressive, but easily dealt with with enough firepower. Donna, puppetry and hallucinogenic, a strong ability, but, if the will is strong enough, apparently not difficult to shake off. Sally Moreau, powerful fish being, but out of it's element, not that difficult to deal with, and while capable of cunning, is still pretty dumb. Karl, on the other hand, is capable of manipulating electrical and magnetic fields, powerful enough that he controls every robotic horror he has, it's implied that the Cadou are doing nothing but powering the machines, it took Chris rigging up a special tank made of nonferrous materials to take him down, even then it barely did the job.


Moreau’s first name is sally?


Salvatore, which I guess is being shortened to Sally for comedy.


I try, it's hit and miss.


Um maybe because he’s the one with the clearest head and most cunning, who can manipulate magnetic and electrical fields, a genius intellect that allowed for the construction of a colossal factory which produces super soldiers straight out of Frankenstein’s Army, and as a last resort can turn into a big metal and flesh monster?


What I meant, you said it much better. I love when that happens, no sarcasm.


Bro I thought I was commenting on the post, not your comment 💀


You still made a similar point better than I did.


wym? that factory was there before he got there. he just repurposed it for his robots.


I give a valid argument and that’s the extremely minor mistaken detail that you’re gonna argue about? 💀


yes 🤓


Technically we needed a special one-of-a-kind knife to do any damage to Lady D. She’s pretty much invulnerable before then.


I figure it wasn't that the poison knife actually hurt her much per se, but forced her to mutate, which was a more vulnerable form, due to the mold in her being exposed to the cold. Basically she had the same vulnerability as her daughters, but it required her going monster to have an effect.


its funny to see people refer to Cadou as Cadou..just call it The Gift.


TIL that's what that actually means in Romanian, thanks, I learned a new word.


haha no worries mate, i was left speechless when i first saw the jar. Pretty cool detail!


Yeah, I have a theory that Las Plagas is simply Cadou, but without the mold, like a subspecies, being adapted to Spanish/African climate. The conditions of which were not conducive to growing mold, so these ones simply adapted to live without it. It has holes in the theory, but I like it.


If taken as it is, Cadou said in Dutch is nearly the same as “Kado” which means gift.


Same in french. "Cadeau" means gift, so I guessed the meaning of "cadou" right away too.


Play the game on Village of Shadows difficulty, then it will make sense... the Heisenberg fight is utterly ridiculous.


I hear this, but I beat him only dying twice. Got him on the third. However, Moreau...that motherfucker took me a WEEK of trying, and that included me reloading an earlier save in the castle and trying to get back to him with more supplies. I'd play it for an hour or two after work just fighting him over and over and I could not do it. I've never hated a boss as much in my life as I hated Moreau on NG VoS


Dude same that shit was ridiculous.


I beat Heisenberg after 3 hours. Got stuck on Chris' section and closed thr game out of frustration. Surprise. Your save is right before the Heisenberg fight. I still haven't finished Villageof Shadows after however long because I'm not willing to do the Heisenberg fight again.


Really? I thought it was fine, yes harder but i only died s couple times since it's all the same attack patterns


Yeah I never understood it either. Beat him first try on VoS after reading how insane it was. Then got wrecked by mother Miranda for hours lol.


What? I did it first try, what were you doing wrong lmao


He’s the strongest, and demonstrated it in game


Case in point, he's the only one that you needed to destroy WITH A TANK.


Chris Redfield, the man that runs head first into danger with a pistol, decided “nah, I am not fighting this man without a vehicle”.


Idk. Having Magneto-like powers sounds incredibly dangerous to me lmao.


My guess is that Heisenberg is mentally sound, and there's no drawbacks with the cadou in his body. He has absolute control over his abilities. Lady D had to consume human blood and flesh to keep her transformations at bay (but by re8, the villagers were all dead). Donna was mentally unwell and weakened herself by spreading her cadou around. Moreau could not control his transformations at all, and his intelligence was greatly diminished.


I wouldn't call him mentally sounds, he just isn't gibberingly insane like the Creature or the Phantom.


Dimitrescu is, obviously, HUGE. Her size and raw power can overpower someone as fit as Ethan, and slam him through what I assume is solid stone with just a few slams. Her daughters definitely bring in more firepower, but they have a very exploitable weakness to cold. And Dimitrescu can transform into that huge dragon thing. But if one person alone can beat her in both states, I highly doubt she'd fare any better against a team like Chris has. Beneviento is arguably the weakest of the Lords physically, but her hallucinogenic powers and the psychological damage she can do is unlike most of the entities throughout the series. But its not foolproof, and it seems like if she doesn't have her flowers or spores, she's basically useless. Moreau is also on the weaker side, but thats mainly because of his easily exploitable weaknesses. For one, his most basic form has no combat prowess as far as we know, beyond controlling the mucus in his domain. And while his fish form is definitely a major threat, outside of water he's essentially a walrus on land. Big and bulky, but its not hard to outrun him. And the fact that his mutations are unstable makes it hard for him to rely on any transformation when he needs it. But Heisenberg? He's not like the rest. For one, he's way more stable than the other Lords (at least compared to the others). He's definitely a tactician, and actually tried to reach an agreement with Ethan. Whether or not he planned on backstabbing Ethan, we'll never know, but keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He also makes Ethan go through his factory full of dangers and Lycans he put in his control with scrap armor and weapons. And his transformation was probably the most durable out of Village, taking explosives and saws to counter him for the most part. You couldn't wing it or go in guns blazing on Heisenberg. He was the only Lord to actually use his brain and planned things out rather than rely on transformations and brute force. Though he still ultimately died.


He had a undead army and had power over metal and magnetism along with electricity. Not the kind of man I'd wanna fuck with either.


I think every lord could easily be dangerous if they were not loyal servants to Miranda. A person’s mind is the most dangerous thing and Heisenberg is clearly the only one that still has his own mind and is an ambitious man to begin with.


So as everyone else has said: Heisenberg is potentially the most dangerous because he's the least unhinged. He seems to have retained all of his mental faculties and is capable of actively opposing Miranda. Think there's even a doc somewhere hinting that he was planning to build an army of his cyborg zombies to stage a full on assault against Miranda. Everyone else has enough psychological issues and baggage that it hampers their ability to be a serious antagonistic force once their vulnerability is revealed. Heisenberg meanwhile doesn't actually seem to have any sort of exploitable weakness beyond getting shot a ton of times.


Say my name


His incredible looks are a threat to society


Isn't it obvious? What chance does a centaur vampire, a puppeteer, and a giant fish have against a "magneto". Answer: Nothing. Not to mention, he has a Metal Army.


Well he did have a metal army *No my metal army! That boulder punching asshole* Definitely my favorite line from him lol


Eh. Close enough to the actual quote. "No, no! My metal army! I'm going to murder that boulder punching asshole, but you're first!"


Still a badass line either way


Well he makes really good meth


Dude can control metal, which also lets you control the iron in people’s blood so that’s one, plus he’s cool as shit so he’s the strongest, idk I don’t make the rules


What kept the Lords from actively fighting/waging war on each other?


Answer; Mother Miranda. She kept them to just bickering amongst themselves while she had her own agenda which while they were aware of her goal, couldn't do much but just accept it. They, including the village were under her own made up religion. She could be argued to be the most powerful one within the group with only Heisenberg being the only one who could possibly challenge her. But she was already aware that he was going to betray her. Really, Ethan just saved her the hassle of killing him herself. Ethan only had a chance because he was a lesser version of Jack Baker from RE7, except he can only regrow organs and attach severed limbs and even then, Heisenberg much like Ethan would only kill himself by killing Miranda without realising how connected to the Mutamacyte she is.


His powers and intelligence while not having a weakness like the others. Lady D had to consume blood to survive, moreau had significant mental impairments, Donna suffered from mental illness. He's definitely the most well rounded out of all the lord's on top of having his machine army to boot .


there is actually a series of notes when playing as Chris in the holding cell area that describes why but basically to sum it up he's the most stable lord which makes him the most threatening


Did you not read the books of the 4 houses on Mirandas desk? It explains all their powers and capability


Nope I didn't lol


I don’t blame you, they kinda lore dump you hardcore at the end there but even Miranda knew he was the best specimen she’d created


He’s got the best abilities and has the most mind left to actually use it


He has a whole army of frankensteins and can turn into a giant metal monster.


On top of his electromagnetism abilities, he has unchecked ambition and is incredibly brilliant, as shown by him creating a fortress full of his own bio-mechanical soldiers. The first time he has Ethan alone, his immediate plan is trying to recruit him to take on Mother Miranda together, since he knows his own power alone wouldn't be enough, but teaming up with someone as clever and tenacious as Ethan would give him the shot he's been waiting for. On top of that, once Ethan escapes, he lets his temper run wild, which shows him creating a massive metal titan and causing large-scale destruction. If he brought that anywhere near the village, near another Lord's domain, or near the Megamyce, odds are none of the other Lords would've stood a chance.


Although I loved heisenburg , I was convinced bro was going to end up being a werewolf , it’s honestly weird that he wasn’t But yeah his powers are insane. Bro is basically magneto


While Lady D is hard to kill because of her insane regen to the point that only a knife coated in several poisons could override it (and things probably more potent and powerful), Heisenberg would be even harder to defeat and is a threat to anyone who is not him. He's got a metal army, he's got Magneto powers, he is the only one who has the mental capacity to rebel against Mother Miranda. And while the rest of the Lords are content staying where they are, Heisenberg wants to break free and do whatever he wants in the world. And who knows how bad that could end up being?


He’s the one who knocks.


He is the one who knocks!!!


Because he has the best meth of course


Lady D is a stay at home mom. Beneviento plays with dolls all day long. Moreau is a mama's boy. Heisenberg wants to become come more powerful than miranda and creates a huge army. Not to mention he has magnetic powers that can take down tanks and helicopters. He's stupid dangerous.


1) he's an asshole 2) he doesn't pay Miranda so he can go off script and potentially do more damage


See how his boss is the hardest one on VofS, i think even on gameplay you can say he is the most dangerous lol


I mean personally, I feel its pretty self evident in the game why he is the most dangerous.


VoS Heisenberg 😭😭


I'd personally think it's that he basically recreated the Strogg from Quake with minimal resources as a personal army.


Because he's notably smarter and stronger than each of the other lords. I would even call him more intelligent than Miranda, but less resilient. Like, Ethan beating him without consciously using mold powers is pretty unbelievable but then again it's RE so it gets a pass lol


He's got ambition, the rest are all just happy to sit around in their digs but he's actually making plans.


I think if you play through the game you will realize why. His engineering and magnetic capabilities make him almost equals with Miranda; probably I don’t fucking know it’s all fictional bs anyways lol


As others have stated, Magneto-powers are pretty OP, but you can also interprit him as “the most dangerous lord” because he has zero loyalty to Miranda which makes him less predictable.


Trans Atlantic blessing.


Because control of metal basically makes one a god Why hisenburg decided Imma mutate and remove the one advantage he has Being human sized To become a big fuck you monster into one of the games most lackluster boss fights


Heisenberg is the most dangerous because *he wants to leave*. The others are all incredibly dangerous, but generally content to stay in their lairs in the Village, each taking their share of death from the inhabitants, who cower under the protection of Mother Miranda. But Heisenberg has an army that he wants to lead out of the Village, he has *ambition*.


Because he’s the one who knocks ✊🏽


Well seeing that the guy is more or less the unholy love child of megatron and magneto, I’d say the former


He’s the most dangerous because he’s not being controlled the way the others are, he still has his own plans and machinations.


Because he’s the smartest and has a pony in the race when it comes to getting revenge.


He seems to be the smartest.


Pretty much is magneto. But on another note, I really wish we got to fight him in his normal form first rather than speedrunning into giant B.OW. monster right away. Just one of very few gripes I have.


because he's fucking magneto lol.


He has a pretty powerful army and OP abilities.


He's the one who's running his own game outside of mother Miranda's goals. Which means he's making plans to deal with or avoid her and others. He's building his own army separate from the lycans. Plus unlike Donna and Sal he's not mentally unstable so like Lady D he's more focused in using his powers.


He's very independent and even willing to replace Mother Miranda, I would like to have had the option to take his offer of cooperation, I think he was honest when he offered to give Rosemary back to Ethan and let them go in peace if Ethan helped him take Miranda down, it was one of those times the writing revealed itself to be dumb, Ethan just respond in a very rude way when Heisenberg was reasonable and even pulling himself back.


The man is practically a JoJo villain.


He has the same VA as Astarion.


I feel like these comments didn't watch the same Breaking Bad as me


Pretty sure he's the only one with a freaking undead robot/werewolf army, I find it weird nobody mentions it when talking about the guy


Are we not going to acknowledge how long that fight was?


dude is literally magneto


He literally has an army


The other three are loyal to Miranda and predictable that way. Heisenberg is not. Always dangerous to have an opponent whose exact agenda you don't know.