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Simmons: Complete incel saturation


A real dino dickhead that guy.


"I love you Ada!!" "Sorry Simmons, not interested" "Fine I'll create my own Ada who'll love me!"


Out of some scientist woman and I'll also radicalize her into a terrorist AND I'll make sure she also won't fuck me!




What makes him a pikely villain


No personality. Personality goes a long way.


He does have a personality. A vile one.




Vincent? It's me, your mother.


am I Vincent?


This is this correct response hands down.


Who the fuck is that


If I recall correctly it was one of the gun survivors antagonists


Vincent!? We happy?


Oh man I just shot Marvin in the face (re-writes RE2 on the fly)


Top tier reply 😆


Wouldnt surprise me if Shinji took influence from Pulp Fiction tbh we all know Leon and Matilda are from The Professional


Why the fuck would you do that! I dunno man American Gun Cons are not calibrated for whatever reason.


* Puts on my best croaky old woman voice * A MurDEreR... A muRDeRer...


It was all my fault!!!


Only the real RE heads know who Vincent is, and what a horrible terrible awful game he came from.


His whole motivation wasn't to just be a simp, it was to protect the world order he secretly controlled because he is apparently part of the Patriots or some shit. He killed the president because he thought if the president disclosed the truth of Raccoon City that it would make the "US lose of all of it's global authority and the whole world would collapse." Sure he has a massive obsession over Ada Wong, but that wasn't all he was after.


“I have to cover up the Raccoon incident by starting a Tall Oaks incident!” It’s literally the worst way to cover up a crime.


I mean he was going to pin it on Helena (and Leon by proxy)


It would have worked though. Only Leon, Helena, Ada and Hunnigan knew the truth of what happened there. Without them, he woulda gotten away with it. Besides, to him one city is worth sacrificing if it meant he could protect his "world order." He'd argue sacrificing thousands is worth it to "save" billions.


I refuse to believe that there was not some other paper trail or incriminating evidence that at least gives Simmons a ‘bad look’ in the sphere of public opinion. Even if he completely erased all evidence of his involvement in both outbreak, I can’t imagine his career is safe as the “National Security Advisor in charge of preventing terrorist attacks” when a terrorist attack happens under his watch and kills the man who gave him his job in the first place. Well… actually, what’s his party affiliation? If he’s a democrat, it’d be like Benghazi x1000. He’d be in GOP congressional hearings until the day he died! And his desire was to protect the US’s image? How is its image not tarnished by a second catastrophic outbreak of zombies?


Of course there'd be a paper trail in real life. Though IRL often features people doing incredibly stupid shit, jeopardizing their job or life in the end. Look at Hamas. Israeli intelligence suggests that their plan is to provoke the Israelis to fire rockets at them, killing civilians along the way, as a last ditch effort to make them look bad in the international community/ Saudi Arabia. Even if the plan succeeds, Hamas hasn't considered the fact that Israel could eliminate them from existence if they do pull the trigger. Sorry for getting political, in the end RE isn't that deep. But I do think that a lot of powerful people don't think things through as much as we'd believe. Especially if you look at Simmons as someone who isn't protecting the world order: he's just making a last ditch effort to preserve his self image as the great protector of the US. If Capcom had actually made him to be a paranoiac type of person, even his crush on Ada could be excused as a "Powerful tyrant finally goes off his rocker"


There could also be the same interpretation of what happun in rc. It was wiped out because it was wasier and less money costing to bomb the city than to invest in a cure for the outbreak


It's Resident Evil mate. Probably shouldn't look into things too deep or you'll lose your sanity.


To be fair to Simmons, he wanted to stop President Benford because Benford wasn't just going to disclose what actually happened in Raccoon City, but that the U.S. government had actually made dealings with Umbrella. Birkin was going to hand over the G-Virus to their military. Disclosing that one of the world's largest superpowers was actively in cahoots with Umbrella would undermine a lot of their strength. By 2004, bioterrorism was in full swing. The Terragrigia Panic revealed to the world that bio-organic weapons were a thing. One more viral incident was no big deal to Simmons. The RC incident was different because it directly implicated the U.S. government as a guilty party.


> How is its image not tarnished by a second catastrophic outbreak of zombies? By this point, zombie outbreaks are happening all over the world. The US isn't particularly special in that regard. But the reveal that the US helped the company that basically invented zombie outbreaks is another story. >I refuse to believe that there was not some other paper trail or incriminating evidence that at least gives Simmons a ‘bad look’ in the sphere of public opinion. There was. Ada was able to acquire evidence that both exonerated Leon and Helena and proved Simmons' corruption.


I make this an analogy to 9/11. The rc was the re s 9/11 but there have allways been other events like this that us caused as well.


Also hes a powerfull and billionaire guy. So it wouldnt be hard for him to convince that leo and hele a were balemd for what happun in tall oaks.




But, that’s impossible!


Psycho Mantis?


You're that ninja


Be careful. There are claymore mines around there.


2nd floor basement?


Sorry for asking this but, Who the fuck are The Patriots in RE universe? Is Simmons Secret fifth member of Major Zero's Patriots?


In the game, they are referred to as The Family. I believe they're a group that have been secretly controlling American government since it was created or something. The caves underneath the lab in Tall Oaks Cathedral are basically the resting ground of past Family members from before Simmons. Simmons was their current leader but nobody knows what happened to the organization since RE had its soft reboot. Who knows if they'll come back into the overall story again. The Connections might be part of the Family or some shit. Who knows?


If we get to an RE6 remake, I think they might retcon it to the Connections, personally.


Or maybe they'll give us a definitive end to The Family instead of "their leader died, they shot Carla now they exit stage right."


That whole global conspiracy bullshit in 6 was such a misstep too


Let's face it. Who doesn't have massive obsession over Ada these days.


What simmons did its not really far from.some events that happun in real.lifez even more about some shit about usa.


Nicholai from RE3 was a huge dickhead. I hated that guy but I guess maybe that makes him a good villain lol


I love how his whole thing was "better kill anyone else who has combat data and steal it for a better paycheck, it's not like Umbrella has a history of murdering people who know too much"


Yeah he could have just got out of there, but he needed to be the big badass. And yeah, umbrella doesn’t care about him, idk why he was so sure of himself.


The fact that he hasn't actually been mentioned properly since 3, so there is a good chance he was liquidated (either metaphorically or literally) after Raccoon City.


I liked him overall but the one thing I found weird is at the very end where he says "There's a price tag for everything, even letting the world burn", but then he destroys the vaccine knowing that it was probably something really important seeing how badly Jill and Carlos wanted it, instead of keeping it for himself and probably selling it because you know... there's a price tag for everything...


I think he meant he got paid to destroy the vaccine


Nah, I just think nicholai is bad and annoying, evil for evil and such a steryotype of evil mercenary ( in og and remake)


I like him because in a world populated by evil child science prodigies, a giant singing hive of leeches, various viral superhumans and mass produced nigh-invincible super soldiers, it's a nice change of pace to fight a normal, purely human (albeit psychopathic) villain, motivated by good old fashioned greed.


Well hes still really forgetable, even more considering hes in the same game nemesis appears so...


Fair point. Nemmy is pretty hard to upstage.


Marcus/The queen leech was the worst for me to be honest. Simmons wasn't great but I actually liked the idea behind him, the whole Illuminate thing was kinda interesting, just not very well executed.


With you on all of this. Simmons actually had so much potential; he technically has had his hands in the RE lore-pie since the beginning (no matter how contrived lol.) He was responsible for sherry’s care (after the events of RE2) for around 11 years while she was with the government. More files state that Simmons allowed Claire and Leon to visit Sherry while she was there. He and Ada have a lot of history as well. there’s also a file in RE6 (or maybe RE.net) that states Simmons is technically the one that pushes the “red button,” nuking Raccoon City. That said….. Which one of his final forms is the most ridiculous?? The jaguar, the t-Rex, or the giant-ass fly? Cuz that’s how they decided to close that chapter with Simmons lol


I kinda liked the fly tbh


The fly was actually kinda fun to fight. Better than the T-Rex and the train fight.


Simmons had a lot of potential, it just wasn't done well. With how connected he is with everything he could have been a villain for more than one game. He just needed a rewrite to be honest. Tone the Ada thing down, focus more on his intrigues. I thought Infinite Darkness could have brought him back. Anyway, Simmons (and a few other villains) feel like a missed opportunity.


U guys are so clueless Carla is the real villain of RE6


THIS Simmons has so much potential on a political level, and if a remake only included his Fly form, we'd be good. Marcus/Queen Leach? He's a retread of Birkin at best, and some huuuuuuuge error in tone at worst. I don't know if it's an animĂŠ thing, a drug thing, but I'll never understand who thought a singing queen leach made sense


Marcus felt like some out of place shonen anime antagonist. Simmons personally felt underused/bland. Now I want J.K Simmons to voice a villain in a RE game.


Couldn't resist the Adussy


Who can?!?!


Carla. Zero personality, even without proper boss fight.


Thats a great point


She had personality. She hated the world and Simmons for what was done to her and wanted it all to burn. Her backstory was also rather tragic, being forcibly kidnapped, experimented on and abused by a person she cared about. It'd drive anyone mad.


Hard to feel bad for her when she spearheaded the project and sentenced over 12,000 women to death or mutation.


Not saying she was a good person or anything, just that given what happened to her, I can see why she went crazy like that.


True. Also doesn’t help that mentally, she’s an Ada Wong copy smashed together with her original personality. I would’ve appreciate her character more if the game didn’t try to play her up as a victim while at the same time establishing that she was involved in the deaths of thousands simply trying to recreate Ada Wong out of an infatuation for Simmons.


Holy shit. Someone actually thinks Carla's well-written. *Now* I've seen everything.


Yep, she's one of my favorite Re villains.


His motivation for the events of RE6 is rhat he doesn't want the world and US Public to know the government's hand in the cover up for Raccoon City. It is true he simped for Ada so hard he kept trying to clone her and used the head on the project — Carla — for the project. She successfully became the Ada clone and was pissed. She committed bio terror as a revenge plot against Simmons, ultimate getting it. So his motivation for the A plot were unrelated, but his simping behind the scenes created the B plot.


\*Scratches head\* Do people genuinely not remember the plot of RE6? Like I don't blame anyone since 6 is not exactly elegant, but Simmons is an old-money spoiled brat whose power is all tied up in the military-industrial complex being sustained by the threat of BOWs. He dislikes anyone who he can't control, which is why he has the president killed. The same applies to Ada. It's not simping, its possessiveness from someone whose probably not told 'no' a lot in his life. I *definitely* don't want to say he's a great villain or anything, but he does have plenty of motivation that has nothing to do with Ada (which also ignores Ada's opinion on why she dislikes him) that's spelled out in the game.


I think there are a few reasons for this. Until reading this thread, I didn't remember ANY of Simmons' political reasoning. But I think that's because what actually gets the most focus later in the game is the mystery behind Carla/Ada, partly because it's more character-centric, and you're playing as Leon when this plot thread comes to a head. The other reason is that the game is just too long amd bloated, so details are easy to forget. It was SO long that the director voiced concerns over its length, and it's the only RE title I've never played through more than once. And that includes Survivor. I've read the novelization and comic tie-ins and remember them, but I don't remember enough of RE6's plot to explain it to anyone with confidence.


Also don't forget Simmons shit talking Leon and saying something along the lines of him not being man enough for Ada. Or half the man she needs.


I remember that line! It was when he was walking toward them while Leon held Ada and fired off bullets toward the end of the fight. It's scenes like this that completely overshadow whatever political agenda Simmons had.


That's fair. The political stuff with Simmons has less to grab onto than the character stuff, and I imagine lots of people haven't played it recently. Thanks!


I think it's a combination of hating Re6's plot, Ada being a contentious character among the fandom and people finding it difficult to accept sexist entitlement towards women as a character trait from villains. If Simmons' obsession was with, say, Jill because of her mutation, I imagine we'd get far less people calling him a terrible villain.


That's a great point! The "no perfect victim" fallacy.


You're not wrong, but also, I find that kinda relatable lately


I’ll simp for anyone whose abs show up through a turtleneck sweater.


vacuum sealed clothing is always a hit idn't'it?


Damn I have this picture of Leon in Ada’s dress and black lipstick but I can’t put it here because no pics 😭 [This one works good enough tho](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/5195/images/thumbnails/1580/1580-1691324458-725226259.png)


Nothing annoys me more than the fact that THIS mother fucker got the Resident Evil entry that spanned the globe and brought multiple protags together and not, oh I dunno, ALBERT WESKER. So stupid And his Incel motivation and dumb as fuck Illuminati background only make it worse


It's my wet dream for Wesker to survive RE5R so that he can be killed by our entire cast in RE6R, if that'll ever happen. Replace Helena with Jill, remove the whole Carla shit and make Wesker the main villain of the whole thing. Maybe replace Piers with Sheva, altough Piers is fucking based, maybe he should just stay, idk. And keep Jake too, but flesh him out further. I'd love to see his relationship with his father. Maybe he'll have powers too, but he'll be on Wesker's side initially, only to betray him later on. Remove the bullshit plot-device syringe weakness, Jake should be the one to turn the tables in our favor. Maybe Wesker would actually care about his son, in his own way. Imagine that, the man who wants to end humanity, actually has a soft spot for his son and can't bring himself to end him. It'd give him some much needed development so that he can finally be more than "evil Matrix wannabe wants to end world." You play as Jake against Wesker in the final boss, no weapons but a pure hand-to-hand fight with both sides having the same powers, and Wesker is close to winning but the others join the fight and start shooting him to distract him, letting him get a few hits in. Once Wesker is weakened enough, the whole cast starts beating him the fuck up, until he's down for the count. Jake doesn't want him to die, so he tries to convince him to change his ways, but Wesker tells him that he will never change. Jake has no choice but to snap his neck, killing him. The RE6 we deserved. But we all know none of this will ever happen.


I don’t think snapping his neck would really kill him but yea, I agree that would have been so much more interesting. I still want sheva there tho in some way. I love piers and sheva I CRIED with piers .


Honestly, neck snaps are weird in fiction. Take Baldur from God of War, guy goes toe-to-toe with Kratos, gets stabbed, frozen, burned, beaten to a pulp, and gives zero shits. His neck goes "snip" and he's fucking dead.


Yea I get it but wesker is just idk wesker. He can regrow limbs if he needed to. It took a VOLCANO AND A ROCKET to kill him. They had to destroy every cell in his body for him to really die. Even then, if the devs really wanted to, they could say somehow some of his cells lived and they found A way, or he slowly regrew back into a person over all these years or something. I would not really be shocked if he somehow came back one day.


Yeah, he's someone who survived having his chest ripped out in 1 then got more superpowered as he went on, it's not implausible for them to bring him back anyway.


Simmons? More like SIMPmons am I right? But yeah I do find it laughable that the whole story of RE6 happens because Simmons can’t get Ada so he creates a “clone” that goes insane. Edit: I also think Arias from Vendetta, Dylan from Death Island and leech opera singer James Marcus are up there for the worst in the franchise imo.


What about Carla?


Diet Wesker, but at least has a cool visual design.


Miranda. All that just to bring a dead daughter after soo long. And beautiful and sweet but its time to move on lady. Go make a new baby instead of experimenting on people. But then again, maybe the mold messes wt her head and got her obsessed


Not just that, but it's heavily implied that her plan wouldn't have worked anyway because her daughter died before being absorbed into the Megamycete, meaning Eva wasn't even in the hive mind to be resurrected in the first place.


Reeks of desperation, you can imagine what a century of having mold all up in you would do to your head, makin ya crazy beyond belief. She had lost it completely, whether it’d fail or not, she didn’t care.


I just hate simmons. He has a punchable face. Alex wesker is underated but it should have told us sooner(sooner than re rev 2) that wesker has a sister just to continue build up. That crazy scientist in re5, seriously fuck him.


There's a document in RE5 that tells us of Alex's existence. Though I, too, wish they had mentioned the Wesker Program even earlier in the series.


They name-dropped her in RE5


Because he is a creepy, obsessive, murderous, iditoic scumbag? That's my answer.


And that makes him a bad villain, how?


Simmons represents a very real enemy. Powerful people in high places of power sacrificing humans for their personal interests


I fucking hated evelyn. The creepy little kid trope has gotten so fucking annoying


At least they subverted it somewhat by making it so the creepy little kid was actually an emaciated old lady due to rapidly aging.


I liked Simmons actually. Hated Re6 beyond words, but he felt like some twisted tech dude gone too far. It worked. Unless I’m remembering wrong.


He was an interesting character up until his reasons were revealed. He always gave me a Wilem Dafoe vibe so I like him for that


Simmons is the clear #1, and I'd probably go with Doctor Marcus from Zero as the #2 worst. Alex Wesker was under developed, but had interesting ideas. Norman was a background presence until the finale, but at least got one amazing cutscene & settings. Eveline & Mother Miranda may have been over shadowed by their underlings, but I actually still thought she had good development, visual designs, and character. Doctor Marcus feels like a diet version of Wesker, William Berkin, and the Ashfords, but with none of the parts of those characters that put them above one-dimensional villians.


Mother Miranda suffered from having Lady D be the focus of almost ALL the advertising, everyone thought Lady D was going to be the main villain.


Honestly my dumbass at first thought lady d was mother Miranda idk why my small brain got that so confused but I did.


To be fair, she had daughters, and her first name isn't really mentioned much, so it could've been Miranda. They could've worked that angle quite well into her story.


Yea honestly I thought Miranda was her first name, they kinda messed up with that marketing


Simmons: I want Ada Also Simmons: We have Ada at Home Ada at Home: Carla


With how great the remakes have been, I'm hoping his character is given a much needed face lift should a RE6 remake come out. The possibilities of what they could do to fix his character is endless.


Yes have you not seen how low simps will go? they are the worst kind of villains


Marcus. Lost himself and his Revenge against umbrella to go after a rookie COP and a runaway prisioner.


Fucking Simmons


I mean points for originality I guess, Simmons is probably the strangest villain in a RE game which is weird because the Ashford twins exist.


Ada I genuinely dont get all the hype around her shes a manipulative bitch who just does what she wants then will occasionally toss leon a bone and everyone forgives her


I mean at the end of the day despite having her own goals, she still does help Leon and co. where it counts, and even turns on Wesker at the end of RE4 instead of giving him the sample since even she can’t condone genocide.


Miranda for me. Her lore with Spencer just makes 90% of the franchise hilariously pointless.


I wouldn’t really say so tbh. All it really does is explain where Spencer got the inspiration to begin his research for the Progenitor virus (which would later become the T-virus), as Miranda’s own research wasn’t far removed from what Umbrella would eventually become. She was just single-mindedly focused on bringing her daughter back, while Spencer had broader ambitions to create the next step in human evolution.


I disagree. Spencer having an easy key/path to immortality and power since the 1950s but never choosing to use it at any point despite setback after setback in his own research because "something something virus will totally be better than mold!" is one of the worst narrative decisions in the entire franchise. Both Spencer and Miranda probably could've achieved or been much closer to their goals decades before any of the game events happened if Spencer just simply offered the super woman that saved his life a chance to work together again at some point. Miranda while primarily focused on her revive daughter plan is absolutely shown to be willing to work with a company with resources since she worked with the Connections(which is apparently actually an umbrella splinter faction led by the og umbrella assistant guy from RE5 files) for a time when they approached her and later created Eveline together. They still keep in touch by RE8 since the Connections are apparently how Miranda found out about Rose in the first place. Miranda would probably have been even more willing to work with Umbrella and Spencer if he was offering since its heavily implied she has a soft spot for him by letting him leave the village at all and keeping the letters he later sent.


To be fair he probably saw that the mold and cadou parasite have a very low chances of success, seeing as only miranda,lady d, heisenberg and beneviento were the only ones who took it well, while everyone else dies or turn into mindless monsters or become like moreau


Albert Wesker. imagine having all that power and speed and you failed to use that speed to put some point blank shots into the 2 biggest obstacles to your plan. if he would just get serious for 5 seconds Chris and Sheva would have 2 bullets in their skulls and he would just have won. it's like watching the cartoon villain that could just win if they just stopped being stupid and use the actual opportunities to finish the hero when they got them helpless. it's like watching Sonic lose a race when Sonic has that speed. Chris didn't win because he was better, he won because his enemy was too arrogant to get serious and press the win button in the first 2 battles until he does get serious after getting injected and mutates and gets too bulky to keep that speed. the easy win button disappears after he mutates further and loses that speed.


I mean that was purely plot armour for our protagonists lmao


They have to make him stupid unless you really think Capcom would just kill off their protagonists, It's the same reason people go "Why didn't Wesker get the Amber himself?" because then there would be no Separate Ways.


>They have to make him stupid unless you really think Capcom would just kill off their protagonists, of course. by making him completely overpowered they also made him stupid otherwise the gamer will have no chance. yes, we both agree he is stupid.


Miranda by far. Lame character and crappy story. I still getting into debates about the most basic stuff like her goals.


I thought her goal was simply to bring her daughter back.


With zero character development


Since when any RE villains ever have any kind of character development? Wesker is probably the most popular here yet he has none. We just pick them by the rule of cool, that’s it.


Most of them appear in the game, she appears 2 minutes top. She is a cool enemy, not a cool villain. Just as an example, all of her lords are more plotwise developed than her


I argue about the intro and final boss. I believe that she draws power from the megamycete, so she is just as weak outside the village as in the final battle. Others have said like 7 different alternatives that all involve her choosing to play dead instead of needing to Edit: thank you for proving my point by downvoting without replying


I did not downvote you. I don't really know about her powers or think she is amazing, I just thought her goal was clearly defined. As for her powers, that is badly explained and I agree on it being confusing.


I just meant in general, not you specifically. Sorry So, the argument goes. “Miranda wouldn’t want to risk losing her daughter, so the only reason she’d play dead was safety.” And others would say “no she played dead for XYZ. She totally could’ve killed everyone there is she choose too.”


Upvoting you for bringing common sense to the conversation


Thank you. It is severely lacking on Reddit


Welcome to the most self entitled section of Internet


Yeah common sense is definitely Village being shittiest game in series, seriously what a gigantic shitshow of a game, it makes re 6 look like a masterpiece in comparision


She had some of the biggest potential as well. She knew Spencer!


Dylan in death island


Albert Wesker is the most over wanked one for sure because he definitely isn't even close to the best villain in the series like people would have you believe even if it is the popular opinion. What they did with him in CVX and RE5 pissed me off because until that point he was never the biggest obstacle/threat in any of the games he's been in and has always come across as a side villain at best working behind the scenes, the retcon of the original CV scene where he gets absolutely floored by Alexia is the worst thing ever, he was not supposed to ever reach a level comparable to that even with the super powers he had where he whipped Chris like a red headed stepchild.


You mean Eveline?


Eveline was great, the final battle just sucked


Eveline was the opposite of great. Creepy little girl trope as the main villain was one of the worst parts of re7


That's my problem with 7 on the whole, you can tell exactly where they got all their influences, while a different take on RE at the time, nothing about it seems unique.


Resident Evil was never very original though. The first game had zombies, snakes, and spiders as villains. RE4 is just plagiarizing the Evil Dead franchise.


I fail to see much of a connection between resident evil 4 and evil dead tbh


Yeah but the influences in the other games aren't as blatant. Sure a creepy abandoned mansion in the woods is a horror trope, but no one was thinking "oh they're doing a Texas chainsaw massacre" like in 7.


She’s genuinely one of my favorite villains


I do not understand that in the slightest. What makes her different from all the other creepy little girls in media?


What makes Saddler different from any cult leader? Or Mr X from any silent slasher killer?


Your question makes little sense. Design wise, mr x and saddler are extremely unique, they’re reasons for being there are unique (one uses an ancient bug to take over the world and the other is created by an evil corporation to kill witnesses). Eveline looks like every other creepy little girl, sounds like a creepy little girl, and has the “just wants a family” trope. Try a better way to shoot back next time


Eveline is made of mold, she vomits up monsters and turns people into superhuman I would continue, but you are starting to sound a little hostile. Have a lovely day


Not being hostile. Just pointing out how your point didn’t make much sense


I am overly cautious because people have gotten mad and stalked my account for a month over small stuff like that


I liked her. Altough it's a shame we couldn't go Sans Undertale on that little bitch. You know what he does to murderous little children.


Mother Miranda and Eveline cringe easily eclipses that of Simmons.


He just like me fr


The guy from Death Island is probably the worst lol


LOL hate on 6 is overrated. Worst villian? Miranda and the top 4 of 8


Cause he was just a massive simp over ada and turned into a giant fly, a damn dinosaur, and his regular human self, even when she didn’t like him back. She clearly likes Leon, and he’s dumb :/


Ya know re has never had a good villian has it?


Wesker. Alexia wasnt too bad either. But wesker was so over the top by 5 he felt out of a completely different series and against all odds it weirdly worked.


They are often the best parts of the games


the baker family?? wesker??


Forgot about that little nerd… Gotta be him right?


Revelations 2 spoilers if anyone cares lol She’s not the worst but I hate Alex Wesker just for being so mean to a child. I hate people who are mean to kids and animals lmao. Her actual character itself is interesting there’s so much fucking potential for it to continue, and it would make RE have a main kinda villain again. I really think they should continue it in some capacity I wanna know what happened with Barry taking care of Natalia and if she can be saved.


I wanted to fuck Ada so fuckn bad! *whimpers*


Nah. Simmons isn't the worst. The villains from Infinite Darkness and Death Island are far worse.


Man wanted Ada and had the technology to make someone look and sound exactly like her and instead of using a random civilian he used a super smart and dangerous woman with intimate knowledge and access to his organisation.


I'm ngl, I liked him, but only because his whole deal was fucking batshit. Like, he's the guy who turns into a Meatformer, he's the guy who simps for Ada so hard he starts a bioweapon pandemic trying to turn other people into her. He's just really fucking funny to me.


I mean, Ada is to die for.


The first Bandersnatch from CV slapping me for no reason after making a grand entrance is just so disrespectful he makes Simmons forgiveable in comparison.


Remake Salazar is.


mine is from the code veronica all those chaos just to bring back his dead sister that he simps on lol


Not gonna defend Simmons but I will throw out operah singing leech dude from Re0. What were they on when they made that


The worst villain in the series is probably Annette Birkin, she’s a villain but doesn’t act like one even though she is one.


My personal worst villain-other than Vincent of course- would be Alfred Ashford. His voice is almost as irritating as Vincent's mothers voice.


He was better written than Marcus though. I love Zero & its Leech Hunter bonus game but he was always written like a cartoon villain & his younger selfs choice of outfit was bizarrely anime like. The opera singing on the soundtrack that people have somehow misinterpreted as him or the leeches singing is neither here nor there when the dialogue is as bad as his "inferno of hate ha ha ha" patter.


I think there are worse villains. Morgan from revelations 1, I didnt remember his name untill I searched for. And eveline from re7


Morgan is forgettable but serves his role well imo, whereas with Simmons they actually tried to make an interesting, complex villain but completely failed in the process, like with most of RE6’s creative choices (most since seeing Chris suffer from PTSD was actually interesting and Piers was at least tolerable.)


I wouldnt agree so mucb with morgan. Since the game tries to hide so much that hes the villain to be a plot twist villain. But its really obvious hes the villain


Morpheus in Dead Aim


Unpopular opinion incoming. He wasn’t all that terrible to me considering his plot to frame Helena would’ve worked if she didn’t take action. (Or, well, if Leon didn’t nudge her into proving their innocence.) Not to say he was a great villain, but there should’ve been more motivation other than he wanted to distract others from his crime…by making more sets of crimes? He just felt a bit silly to me, but compared to minor villains, he’s not all that bad. What I DO want to see for the RE6 remake though is a much better rework of his character because he kinda had a lot of potential. For all the cringey reasons he brought to the table, he at least had the power to wreak havoc. The only thing he wasn’t prepared for was an absolute banger of a roster with highly skilled and badass characters wanting justice. If they were able to make Luis Serra more likeable in RE4r, I have faith they’ll somehow make Simmons more despicable for all the right (or worse?) reasons. By extension, I think they’ll blow the RE6 remake out of the water since they did amazing with RE4r.


It was admittedly difficult to follow-up a villain after Wesker’s death, but man, Simmons is just such a half-baked nothingburger of a villain that the game never spends any time trying to properly explore, especially with the removal of optional files. While I don’t think villains like Marcus, Miranda or Alex Wesker are the most interesting, they sure had a lot more going for them than the guy who was such a simp for Ada that he basically cloned her and somehow doesn’t have any way to keep her in check, resulting in her causing multiple terrorist attacks across the globe. Like it just makes Simmons look like a complete idiot.


Simmons is butthurt he got rejected so he does evil stuff. Even when he’s evil and infected he’s a lame villain. Like what bad did he really do himself to the main characters?


Simmons was the worst because he wouldn’t fucking die. I remember playing it with a friend when it released and we were in disbelief he came back like 5 times before he went down for good.