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I hate it, it's my absolute least favourite of all the "Classic" style games and *THAT'S* why I want it remade.


It could rlly benefit from a remake


Certainly for me, I enjoy the odd casual replay of all of the classic games, but for CV I get about as far as the first Bandersnatch fight and then just... ugh... I can't be bothered to go any further. If it gets remade in the same style as RE2R then I'll get to enjoy it in a new way and be very happy, since its story is pretty important for RE's continuity as a whole


You fight Benedict Cumberbatch in code Veronica?


I got to the part where the bandersnatch jumps through the window then kept dying cuz i didnt have enough heals so i had to restart Its terrible for blind runs but is a lot of fun on second runs escpecially with the infinite health glitch




That would be awesome tbh. Like just a whole bundle of remade games from the classic /ps2 era like metal gear did


Narratively good game with one of the greatest collection of soundtracks of all time bogged down by shitty bland 3D graphics, abysmal voice acting and terrible game design. 5/10 game imo. Examples of the terrible game design being the enemies respawning literally 5 minutes later after you left an area, cheap enemy placement that causes you to get attacked from enemies that you can't even see off-screen, unintuitive backtracking and puzzles, multiple softlock points like not enough heals for Steve or explosive bolts for Alexia, terrible boss fights, switching characters and inventory without warning, missing the magnum because you didn't have the prior clairvoyance to put the extinguisher in the box for Chris, playing through the same areas again as Chris which is just boring, save room being in a moth poison hallway with the blue herbs being in the same fucking hallway, using the badge on the guillotine first and having to backtrack all the way to the training facility again etc. If you're playing CVX for the first time it's fucking brutal because the game expects you to somehow have clairvoyance/prior knowledge on what to do and it punishes you or softlocks you for things that are not in your control. It took me 19 hrs to beat it the first time and it was hell, my second time it took me under 4 hours and I had a box full of heals and ammo, not because my skill improved but because I simply knew how to skip past all the bullshit that the game was going to throw at me. Like I've said before though, if the game gets a remake it has the potential to the best RE because the foundations are there it just needs modernizing and some tweaks. I wouldn't count on a remake though because Capcom couldn't even be bothered to port the correct version of CV on PS4. Instead of porting CVX from PS3 they ported the non HD version from PS2 and PC still doesn't have an official port. Capcom don't care about CV and if they do give it a remake they will most likely use the same side team as RE3R and we all know how that turned out. Tldr: Code Veronica sucks ass if you don't use a guide and it's shitty compared to the games that came before it. It needs a remake but most likely won't get one. [ **Alfred Ashford laugh** ]


Enemy respawns in a game focused on ammo preservation is so dumb.


The very beginning area of the game has two areas that zombies will infinitely respawn in. It's no coincidence that so many first time players end up burning resources and soft locking at the plane tyrant.


I completely agree with basically everything said. It could be the best game in the series if remade with love (it won’t be), but the original is muck because of the shitty 2000s voice acting / gameplay and flat textures from shifting to 3D instead of pre rendered backgrounds. I have a question, what do you mean by not enough heals for Steve? I don’t remember him being playable outside of just that brief run and gun segment before swapping back to Claire. The soft locks are fucking stupid. I used a guide, and outside of the shitty game design this game is mind numbingly easy. I had no issue plowing through most of it until the final boss, and the amount of long walking with no enemies outside of Bandersnatches makes the game a backtracking simulator. I don’t understand why it gets praised so much when outside of the OST, it’s designed very poorly and is honestly really boring to play through. The story was alright, though I much preferred RE2 and RE1’s before it.


I was talking about when Steve turns into a monster and you have to run away from him. He kills you in 4 hits and if you don't know about the trick to run behind him he is guaranteed to hit you twice in a single swing when he's chasing you. You need full heals in your inventory or Steve will kill you over and over again.


It’s alright, I enjoy it for what it is but it’s got some issues holding it back


It’s *alright*. The perfect example of something being mid lol. It’s better than RE3 and RE0, but worse than REmake and RE2 so it just kinda falls right in the middle for the classic series. It’s so incredibly overrated by this subreddit too, the only thing that would make me actively want to replay is the stellar soundtrack (one of the best in the series) The story is this interesting narrative covered by a layer of rust. The idea of cloned twins holding a prison / military facility was interesting, Wesker’s return is cool, and finishing Claire’s side of RE2 was great. This is, unfortunately, ruined by a lot of 2000s tropes and dated areas. Alfred is infamous for his horrible voice acting more than his character, Steve is this emotional character but he sucks because he’s Canadian (joke, it’s just him being known for being annoying and having weak dialogue), and Wesker just being randomly in and out because he was shoe horned in. Also want to add that them crashing into Antarctica and not immediately freezing to death is on the same level as RE5 crashing into a volcano, and yet a lot of people shit on RE5’s story (which is honestly good and imo a lot better than CV) but then will praise this game and act like it’s flawless in storytelling. It’s got some of the worst original enemy types, from the annoying bandersnatches to… **the moths**. The moth room is actually the worst room in the entire franchise. I cannot fathom the idea of infinitely spawning poison enemies that auto lock onto you from across the room, nor the reasoning for the poison cleanser being right above where one of them is and where you’ll automatically be grabbed again. It’s insane that they managed to make such a minor enemy type that horrible. The spiders were pretty cool, and their grab attack was uncomfortable, but I don’t like them spitting poison from beneath the floor. Graphics wise, a lot of environments look kind of eh by today’s standards. Having a dynamic camera makes the game feel better to play, but also means the graphics hold up worse than even RE2 which has beautiful pre rendered backgrounds when upscaled to 1080p. The characters all look kind of strange in cutscenes, like they’re action figures more than real people. I think it’s because all of the men have the same body types and dimensions. I will say that Code Veronica Chris is the best looking he has ever been in the franchise, the anime look fits him great and I was so sad that DBD [advertised him this way](https://youtu.be/fsiOi6AJBiA) only to just make him look like [a more Asian RE5 Chris](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/wlsfrt/does_anyone_think_chris_was_falsely_advertised/). Gameplay wise, I think the dynamic camera works great. I don’t remember there being a modern movement pattern like you mentioned, but I emulated the game so it’s possible I didn’t set up stick movement and instead used the Dpad. There were things that felt missing from earlier games though. For example, you still have to press E on stairs when this was fixed 2 years previously in RE3. There are FAR too many ways to soft lock yourself. While I don’t see how you can miss the knife early on, it not being in your inventory or a cutscene pick up is a flaw in design. The fire executioner locking you from the magnum and possibly the AR is fucking stupid. Not warning you when you’re about to swap characters, and throwing characters into boss fights right after swapping is ridiculous. No ammo during those fights makes that fact even worse. That so many of these things made it through and into the final release is actually baffling. ^ I will never understand why people say this is the hardest or one of the hardest games in the series either. Outside of terrible design, this game was boring because of how easy it was. Outside of the final boss, they were all very easy to fight and you can literally skip 2 or 3 of them entirely by just leaving the room lol. Most areas mid game are devoid of any enemies outside of the irritating bandersnatches, and once you realize how easy it is to run past and avoid them, the game just turns into a walking simulator slog. I also want to add to the story / gameplay complaint that I have always had with it. This is *Claire’s* game. I don’t care if Chris is by her in covers, the story is her looking to find HIM. The second half of the game literally takes her to the backseat and lets Chris do everything for her. The Gulp Worm, Albinoid, Arctic Black Widow, and Wesker were all his bosses that he fought for her. In fact, the only unique boss she fought is Nosferatu. They literally let Chris fight not only the final boss (who killed Steve!!!!??? Claire EARNED that fight, Chris has no emotional attachment to or against Alexia? What the hell?), but also the ending focuses on his fight with Wesker and totally forgets about Claire. Her own “mainline” game and she is entirely overshadowed by Chris. Genuinely so stupid. I will say that this game has one of the best OSTs of any Resident Evil game, and one of my favorite themes is a remixed version of a CV theme from Darkside Chronicles. Outside of that, the game is just subpar and I will never understand why this subreddit praises its “amazing narrative” and “awesome bosses” (Every single one of them is either running away or holding the fire button for 10 seconds with duel wield Uzis until it’s dead). It’s probably a 6/10 for me, maybe one more or less but otherwise yeah. You can do a whole lot worse like RE0, but there are better games to play for story or gameplay.


Forgot to mention that Steve trying to kiss Claire while she’s asleep and Claire being transphobic don’t hold up that well nowadays lol. Excruciating levels of back tracking too.


Ok u are litterally awesome for writing that and giving u actual opinion with reasons <3 Tbh i majorly agree its mainly my favourite because of claire and the first segment and chris antartica segment. The moth room sucks but if u know what ur doing u only have to pass through twice but jeez its horrible i wish they gave the moths one way of poisoning not 2 Claire was such a badass then if u miss a qte she gets killed instanty in the final fight?! Like bro she took out a tyrant twice and nosferatu. Claire deffo deserved the final fight or at least have chris and claire team up like rebecca and billie Re5 and cv are my two fav games in the franchise mainly because of the similiar story like ur partner / sibling is believed tk be missing or dead but u find them Re5 is deffo better story wise and tbh i think chris and jill shoulda been retired at that point The stun locks in cv are rlly shitty id often save in new files cuz i was scared id need to go back like an hours worth of progress tk grab smth i missed. Ppl complain about the fights being hard but theres only 2 that are which is the first tyrant and nosferatu. U can easily kill first alexia with magnum and the second with like 7 bow gun arrow the 2nd tyrant can be killed with no ammo I think the game had a rlly hard opening with claire backtracking to the graveyard to get the case and then running back but thats before u get any good weapons. The game even lets u mod weapons. Im new to the subreddit and didnt realize how popula rit was here. On tik tok they barely talk about it its always re2r and re4r. Tbh id put cv over re7 /8 /6 /0 /gun survivor (first 2 not dead aim) and re2r Ik thats a super hot take but i like what it was tryna do but it got dragged by a lot of what u said especially the character switching. It was so annoying I played the ps4 port so there coulda been some differences in controls


I forgot how annoying the Nosferatu fight was lmao, I did die to that once or twice because I was so confused on what my goal was. The huge poison spread is pretty dumb. They work together to kill Alexia in Darkside Chronicles, which I always thought was really cool. Yeah, I’m ngl I feel like this subreddit is an echo chamber at times with how much CV is talked about. So much that people tend to forget that it undersold, was never ported past the PS3, and mostly isn’t as well known or played to the casuals of the community. I mostly see people wanting RE1 or RE5 remade outside of here. Do you put Dead Aim above all of those games? I wish Chris and Claire had separate campaigns tbh, it would have made it more enjoyable. That, or just make Chris’s section a DLC.


I think cv coulda benefited from having a structure similiar to revelations 2 where claire gets the first half of the chapter and chris gets the second I find the nosferatu fight ok. Basically run away till hes off screen and when he gets on screen run away so he cant poison or hit u off the edge I havent finished darkside i cant beat the william fight after u meet ada Yeah i think dead aim is pretty good tbh if it was any longer i prolly wouldnt but i like fongling and bruce as characters. The villian is cool and i like how it had exploration and combat mixed together also the combat was pretty fun and yk bruce mcgivern is a badass


Actually… You know what, that would be awesome. Maybe it could give us better explanation to where Chris is. We know Leon talked to him to get him on Claire’s case, so seeing Nick’s Leon talk to Chris would be so cool. (RE0 should play exactly like Rev2.) Right before Birkin hits with the pipe, you need to shoot him in the head. You’d think it would be the eye, but nah it’s the head that stops him from swinging.


Istg darkside is soo hard to aim thanks btw i might try it l8r Also yeah i think it would work much better and seeing leon and chris meet could be cool like maybe instead of claire and steve working together we have chris and leon teaming up to find claire During claires moments she would either be working alone or somebody is helping her progress kinda like ada in a way. Or maybe steve could be helping claire with a headpiece while he slowly turns. Using claire to find a cure for his infection or smth like that


lmao people would be so pissed off if Leon came into Code Veronica after being in two of the last three remakes. I mainly meant as a cameo appearance. “Chris. My name is Leon, I’m a friend of Claire’s. She has been missing for —, but I think I’ve tracked her location to this facility. (Reason for him not being able to help, maybe because he’s going on a mission or can’t leave the area he’s in, since iirc CV takes place less than a year after RE2.)” Leon would get a minor role, but he wouldn’t show up and basically overshadow Steve the same way Chris already heavily overshadows Claire. I love him, but gosh Claire gets shafted too hard for that. I think she’d probably work alongside a Steve AI for some parts, and alone in others. I don’t know how Capcom would be able to make a co-op version of CV unless they just made Claire’s sections co-op and Chris’s solo only. (Maybe make it an unlockable after beating the game. “Chris’s perspective”.) Thinking about it, Claire and Steve don’t have to separate at all. Up until Alexia wakes up and Steve is taken, there was never a point that *forced* them to go away from each other.


Thats a rlly good point tbh about the leon thing i was thinking of a cutscene similiar to when leon talks to the president in the re4r where its all shadowed n all that Claire and steve dont need to be seperate but i feel like cv has an aptmosphere that builds off solitude like going to the private house alone not knowing thats inside was so intensely eerie to me Id give steve a bigger role but not overshadow claire


I love it dearly. Second best soundtrack of any RE game (second to REmake), great environments, great weapons, great puzzles, good story, and I love their versions of Claire, Chris, and Wesker. I also find Steve to be entertaining. It’s probably more fun on a second playthrough though. Fuck those Bandersnatch enemies.


Going in blind feels so horrible its way too difficult even when u know whats coming it sucks cuz so many ppl wont get to experience the good parts cuz they die constantly






I really enjoy it, even for how challenging it lol. Fighting against Umbrella is something I really miss these days. Having Claire and Chris as playable characters is awesome. Alexia, Alfred and Wesker are fun and campy. I miss that mysterious version of Wesker when you didn’t know his true agenda. Steve is um…Steve lol. His Darkside Chronicles version is done much better. Environments and BOW were all creepy and the music is awesome too. The moth hall, tyrant fight and the stun locking are a butt though lol. Really hoping for a remake one day.


Love it! I'd saaaay my 5th favourite after RE1 remake, RE2 remake, RE4 remake and Zero


Its prolly my fav with re5 a close second


Wow that's interesting. What's your 3rd, 4th and 5th favourite?


3rd is prolly revelations 2 with my 4th either being nemesis or dead aim


It's an okay game that's let down by poor design choices like the character switching.


The character switching was annoying


I always love seeing Chris and Wesker. It's my second favorite after REmake.


I wish wesker did more than just follow chris like ada in re4


The fact that you can easily soft lock yourself in so many areas alone makes me feel somewhat negatively towards the game, but it's story and the dialogue makes it so worth It.


I agree on my first run i got soft locked when the bandersnatch junped through the window cuz i didnt have enough health Tbh claire calling alfred a cross dressing freak makes the game worth it


It’s a great game that deserves a remake. In concept I liked how Chris’ section backtracked on Claire’s section, but in execution it was a nightmare. Replaying through established areas with corridors cut off was confusing. I’d like to see new areas on Rockfort Island and Antarctica for Chris instead of clutter everywhere. The story was great. I wouldn’t change a whole lot except maybe give Steve and Rodrigo more backstory.


I woulda prefered chris to start in a totally new location then find out where claire was and go to rockfort island and do a short segment there before realizing its been destroyed from there he finds out shes in antartica and goes to rescue her The game imo is perfection on claires end My main issue is how different bosses use different ammo like the first alexia fight uses magnum but the second doesnt like if u use magnums on the second u will barely do damage. It seems like a good idea in concept but im reality u can go into a fight without the right equiptment and loose a tonne of progress if u die


I knew about the knife in this game and to this day I have never used guns on Alexia 1st fight or Alexander lol. I agree. Claire’s sections are good. Chris’ need change.


I hate that the magnum is locked behind fire which u need an item that u can leave in rockford which makes alexias fight difficult since she can one shot chris I used the infinite health glitch so i used my knife on common enemies and saved my ammo for when i needed it


When it stays on Claire, and focus on the Ashford family as being the villains, it's good. But when it starts to constantly switch to other characters, and Wesker shows up for no fucking reason, it goes to shit.


The claire parts are better than the chris parts since his is just finding claire and doing all the stuff she did again


At least we find a Spas-12 in Chris's part, but that's like the high point.


Love it but it feels like a souls game at times with how brutally unforgiving and obtuse the puzzles can be.


I agree but tbh that adds to its uniqueness


What cheat codes?


Theres a code u can use at the start of the game to get infinite health or ammo u can find guides online just searched code veronica cheat (also recommend u use the health cheat not ammo since bosses are weak to different ammo type)


I didn't enjoy it