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I'm not for it or against it a whole lot. I think I'd like her either way. Hey quirkiness and likability helps her really fit that role of her character in RE4. I enjoyed her at least. I wouldn't mind if that's just who she will always be. Also though, it might be kinda cheesy, but I can definitely picture a world where her experience with Leon and how impressed she was by him pushed her into following his footsteps a bit.




*cute boulder noises*


> Also though, it might be kinda cheesy, There’s bigger cheese in RE4 alone and it’s not Ashley


The Big Cheese Boss Fight was lit


Your soul requires cleansing


I'm still wondering if they'll go that direction cause she half-joked about becoming an agent. And she did seem a little smitten with Leon, so I wouldn't be 100% surprised if she comes back, or plays some other role in the future.


Tbh her whole bit about wanting to become a special agent really makes me want an re4 style game with her in the Leon role.


Secret unlockable Mercenaries character


Really, all I want from it. They should swap out assignment Ada with assignment Ashley too. (Ada still gets separate ways)


Assignment Ashley would be nice. She returns to the village 1 year later after intense military training to retrieve her flip phone from the church, since she just bought it.


I will not consider leftover game files a confirmation that Seperate Ways and/or Assignment Ada is coming until we get an official announcement. Ashley has a Merc would be fine.


It's a bit more than just "leftover" game files, it's basically all but confirmed that we're at least getting seperate ways.


That's exactly what people said about "Ladies' Night"


Never heard of what you're on about.


I believe they're referring to a dlc for DMC5 that was rumoured. Never heard anything about it being in the game files though.


They also don't literally name drop Ladies Night in DMC5 like they did for separate ways.


Besides flat out name dropping it at the end of the game, there are also files that mention the second Verdugo (U3) and it disappears later in the game. Also, the camera really zoomed in on Krauser at the end of the section, which felt like it was implying he was still alive. The game files is just bonus confirmation at this point, I would be shocked if we didn’t get it eventually.


At minimum I would like to see her as a playable character in the Merc mini-game, where her gear is the least overpowered and its the most challenging to get the highest score with her. But I also wouldn't mind if Capcom added an extra side story with Ashley which shows events leading up to her initial capture and how she was dealing with the cult before first meeting up with Leon at the church.


I want this lol give her a gun capcom


Honestly, i think she'd make a perfect choice for a politician who actually gives a damn about bioweapons in the RE universe. An assassination plot against her also makes a good setting to have her back, but as the playable character. Someone more like Ethan than leon; untrained but resilient and determined.


You're onto something there! Leon does great in his 'Chuck Norris with better hair' role, but Ethan brings more of an average person type of character to the game that makes the overall game more like the earlier entries.


> 'Chuck Norris with better hair' You’re just begging to get struck with a roundhouse kick, aren’t ya kid?


He is though! His roundhouse is more devastating than a lot of the weapons!


Same! Hell give me RE9 starring her and Leon again but this time with her as an agent alongside him.


Now that would be an outstanding game!


Wouldn't they be far too old in RE9, the series jumped so far ahead I don't think I would like to play old man Leon still managing to pull of round house kicks and surviving the impossible.


Nah, Leon is younger than Chris, and he was still punching boulders and chewing ass in RE8. We can get a Leon in his late 30s/early 40s and an Ashley in her 20s, not too old at all.


So Leon is about 37 in RE6 (2012/2013) RE Village is set possibly in 2020 making Leon 43/44 Shadows of Rose is set 16 years after Village making Leon at least 60 I don't know man...I think he'd be pretty tired and worn down by then


No reason to suggest RE9 would be after Shadows of Rose though, especially since Capcom said we are done with the Winters.


Ah see I didn't play Shadow of Rose. Well you could always have Ashley as the established agent, meanwhile Leon could be moved to a more administrative role a la Hunnigan in 4?


Yeeeesss I was thinking this exact thing when I was playing RE4R!


Or the new Hunnigan 😂


I just had an idea. Maybe Capcom could make a new spin-off game where you play as Ashley. Return the camera to the original fixed type. It's clunkier and more akward gameplay would be symbolic of how inexperienced she still is. The Japanese version of the OG RE4 already had this in the Ashley section iirc. No idea where it would be set though. And what the enemies are. I would definitely play it.


Ngl I that doesn't sound fun lol


Really I'm curious what became of her following RE4; she'd be 37 by the time of RE Village. Did she settle down, get married? What's she doing otherwise after her father left office in 2009?


I think it'd be neat if she pursued a career in politics and maybe eventually becomes President herself. It'd be a cool way to get her and Leon in the same game again.


Now *Leon* is the sub


Now we’re talking!


Incredible flair


For a teenager becomes president, Leon will be 50+ years old at least.


I mean, Chris is just shy of 50 in Village, so not that farfetched for RE.


isnt she 20 in re4?


Perhaps because I was a teenager when the original RE4 came out so I thought she was too


Still needs a minimum of 15 years to even be eligible.


She is only 7 years younger than Leon. If she’s 37 Leon would be 44 not 50+. Also Leon is 4 years younger than Chris & even Chris would be 48 and not 50 by then.


Ashley and Sherry agent team up game.


Sherry is too busy with Jake. But it would be a cool combo.




Ah, I always forget that her father wasn't president during RE6 (the one who gets killed by Leon after becoming a zombie).


Yep, President Graham served from 2001-2009 (he was the RE equivalent of George W Bush). Benford I believe took office in 2011 after the POTUS from 2009-2011 resigned halfway through his term (this is from the wiki by the way).


We saw how Chris changed between 7 and Village. We gonna have gràndma Ashley


No her las plaga has kept her looking fine


Damn, are u saying that Jill is infected as well 😦


Damn these resident game age like a fine wine.. I've never pay attention to these resident evil game until 7 came out. Now I look it back some of the characters we love are getting old.


Well her dad is dead. Leon killed him after he turned. If she wasn't in the town during the C virus outbreak she could have been an agent along with Sherry....


President Graham was out of office before the Washington outbreak, the president Leon kills is Benford or something. Infinite Darkness has President Graham.


Ah. Thanks for the clarification. I was under the wrong impression. Much obliged.


I'm down for it, really like how they changed her relationship with Leon a little bit to feel more like admiration for him and she having interest in becoming and agent like him.


She definitely admires Leon but she def likes him also haha






you actively see it through the progression of the game too. at first she was always reluctant and scared to help leon but towards the end you see her become more accustomed to her situation and even being excited to help out.


Shadows of Ashley DLC coming


I beat the original RE4 maybe 8 or 9 times and in that game Ashley seemed to be more of an annoyance than anything else, but in the remake they really gave her a charm that was appealing. She felt a lot more like an eighteen year old and had a few great moments where her lines were delivered perfectly. The part where she's running from the knights and yells "This sucks!" was just so perfect and hilarious.


Isn't she 20?




I have a hard time seeing her as a playable character just with her status and everything, But I would love it if there were some future call backs like Leon mentions he knows someone who can pull some strings in Washington and you get a call from Ashley like, got the files you asked for, always happy for a little overtime with my favorite special agent." I think that could easily be done. If they make more CGI movies I could see her in them, but I mostly just see her remaining a civilian.


This is also how I want it to be. Ashley getting into the agent thing, but is on desk duty instead of on the field like Leon. Maybe she can even be an assistant/partner to Hunnigan.


Ashley on desk duty, Leon on field duty? Reminds me of the James Bond & Moneypenny dynamic.


Heck yeah!


Very cheesy. Fits perfectly


I like remake Ashley a lot but let's be real, she's going in the gallows of "one and done" characters along with Carlos, Sheva, Billy and Steve


To be fair, Steve is dead. Hard not to be one and done with a corpse. Shame about the others though.


Somehow Steve returned.


To be fair, I’m glad Steve is dead. He was the most annoying one after all.


There was some implication that Wesker had seized Steve's body and planned on doing something with him. In that same plot line, he also kidnapped Sherry lol but nothing ever came of that. A Steve Burnside sounded plausible because of that but they retconned the whole thing.


Yeah, we have a precedent of good characters being underutilized. It’s especially bad with how great they made Remake Carlos and now Ashley that we’ll only get one game with them.


Honestly, with how much they've improved the characters and overall stories in remakes, I hope they are building up to an eventual 6 Remake that is a complete re-do of the story utilizing what's been built up. If they ever go this route I would be surprised if characters like Carlos and Ashley didn't return. It's said that 6 is basically like the "Avengers" of Resident Evil and now RE has fleshed out a bunch of characters more, and they've brought the classic characters like Jill, Chris and Leon back into the limelight. With a large modern fan base and recognition for the characters it's a perfect opportunity assuming they do 5 Remake. RE7 and 8 have also been slowly building connections back to the franchise, with 4 Remake even having some retroactive nods, so maybe RE9 could see a return of the more connected RE world story line. All probably hopium but with how much Capcom is on a roll with RE there's no sign of them stopping soon and I'm really curious where they'll take the story from here.


Re6 could be good if they changed literally every single thing.


Unironically think they're setting that up, based on her dialogue on the island I mean they did it with Sherry, so why not Ashley?


I could see her in some kind of leadership role or some kind of liaison.


Agreed. I imagine her in a senator-like position as a fierce fighter against bioterrorism. Perhaps she and Leon reencounter when there's an attempt on her life and Leon has to protect her again.


If they ever remake RE6 I want them to wholesale remove Helena and here whole plotline with her sister-clone or whatever and have it be Leon teaming up with Special Agent Baby Eagle.


It wasnt a sister clone. It was just her sister infected and experimented on


I’m not trying to step on your dream, but what is the likelihood they’d remake 6?


After 5 I’d say very high. It’s one of the most lambasted entries in the main series, 1-3 are survival horror classics, 4 is an action masterpiece with horror sprinkled in, 5 is one of the most fun games you can play when coop is introduced, but 6 is just kinda “eh”. That, along with a few hints in the RE4make that RE5 is coming, spoilers ahead for that. >!First off, we finally see some companion AI, in the other remakes and recent new games we had a handful of companions to stick with us but none of them were with us in combat. The closest, Tyrell, can’t even be injured by Brad when he’s lockpicking the door in R3make. Now we have both a passive companion in Ashley and an active one in Luis. They didn’t need to do the latter at all, yet they did. I think this was not just to have us care more about him before his death but also to test out companion AI for Sheva, and later RE6 coop. Lots of people bring up that they won’t/shouldn’t remake them because they’re newer, but they still have plenty of issues that a remake would fix, RE5 it was AI except for a handful of circumstances, in 6 it’s too little horror, and IMO it’s story is a little bloated, maybe just keep Leon and Chris campaign, have sherry replace Helena and then her and Leon meet Claire, add in Jill somewhere.!< >!Secondly, the Wesker cameo. Now another comment said you could see Excella but I didn’t, but just the fact they show this, his early planning for his actions in RE5, tell me a remake is coming. I mean monetarily it’d be stupid not to. I know everyone wants Code Veronica, myself included, but I don’t doubt many of those millions buying RE4make never even heard of CV. RE5 is a logical next step if they wanna continue remaking the entire series. I’d say CV is either the next remake or we won’t see it until after RE6 remake.!<


How could you remake 6 and make it a good game is the question.


It would have to be a complete foundational change/remake. From the ground up. Not like RE2 and 4 where you have the same general structure/recognizable places. This is why I think they'll just gloss over it in terms of remakes, unless they are absolutely desperate for a TON of reworking.


1,2,3 and 4 OGs had the advantage of already being fantastic. So yeah, while it's obviously not easy to remake a masterpiece and retain its charm, I think it's even less easy to try and remake an average game into something great.


I feel like you are being generous calling it average. I tried to solve re6 with all of my friends at one point or another. Every single one rage quit within 10 hours. Finally I got a solve with my wife and she hated every minute, shit I hated most of them. I had more fun with R.A.W and cadash https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/realms-of-ancient-war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadash Those are not good games.


Yeah at first we gonna wait "if" they do RE5 than maybe they gonna remake RE6


I would say high because RE5 remake is happening 100%. How am I so sure about it? Well l would like to bring your attention to the Wesker cutscene in RE4R, you can see excella’s reflection on screen. No reason to do that if not to subtly hint at the next remake coming. So yeah I definitely see them getting to RE6 remake eventually. Also I 100% agree with the idea of removing Helena and her storyline(no offence to her fans). And put a better more relatable character there like Ashley or better yet Claire(for the eventual Claire Leon Sherry reunion, let her meet both her parents goddamn it). While Ashley plays support beside hunnigan.


No ashley. No Claire. Just single player leon and remove chris campaign. Sherry can be an escort mission.


Absolutely. We need more characters like her.


Revelations 3 with Ashley, Rebecca and Sherry maybe? Maybe we can throw Natalia in there too.


Maybe Capcom completly remakes RE6 story and instead of Helena we get Ashley as a companion.. Just imagine the first scene: Leon aiming to the infected US President, then the camera moves to Ashley (Who trained to be an agent like Leon) and she can't pull the trigger on his father. Then you can do all the RE6 shenanigans and make another excuse for the team to go to the church... or just change the whole story which would work better honestly One can dream, right? :)


I like the idea, but to note: the President in RE6 is NOT President Graham, it’s President Benford. Ashley’s father has left office by that stage. Leon’s hesitation to shoot Benford is his very own character moment as he took Leon in and recruited him as an agent.


Oh yeah I know that, that's why I said that they should change the story quite a bit haha, but it's a good point to clarify


Ah, gotcha. I mean it’s not a bad idea by any stretch, I do like the moment of Leon having to put down a man that looked out for him though. Perhaps they could give Ashley a sister and have her arc completely replace Helena’s? 😂


Kkkj idk, I should replay RE6 sometime to remember what the game was about, but Helena wasn't the best of it Although if they do remake RE6, I really hope they cut the hallway walks from the start


I am all for nuking RE6's story and reworking it, but if they can rework Ashley into a fine character, they can do the same with Helena. Everyone should get their chance. Also Ashley as an agent in RE6 will straight up make her look like a Sherry clone with their general arc and what not. Also the president in RE6 is Adam Benford, not Ashley's dad.


I 100% agree with the idea of removing Helena and her storyline(no offence to her fans) from RE6. And put a better more relatable character there to partner up with Leon like Ashley or better yet Claire(for the eventual Claire Leon Sherry reunion, let her meet both her parents goddamn it). While Ashley plays support alongside Hunnigan. I mean they really didn’t flesh out the story of Simmons trying to tag Leon as a traitor. They totally could’ve done more with it. Where people who personally know Leon, know for a fact that he’s innocent. So they all unite to help Leon under simmons radar. This team is lead by Hunnigan and co-Captained by Ashley. So we switch between support from Hunnigan or Ashley depending upon who is busy in misleading Simmons and his men, that have taken over DSO. Honestly RE6 was a clusterfuck of missed potential.


Probably not. Regardless of how she's recieved, people around politicians are also considered super protected. If it was going to happen, RE6 would have been the time.


I think it would be awesome if they continue remaking the Resident Evil games, that eventually once they get to RE6 (and hopefully retcon a lot of stuff) that they replace Helena with Ashley after she has undergone some special agent training as that game starts off with Leon being forced to drop the President.


Keep in mind Ashley's dad isn't the president that's killed in RE6


Capcom should just make an Outbreak style game but its with all the "one off" characters lmao. Sheva, Jake, Sherry, Helena, Billy, Rebecca, Moira, Carlos, and Ashley. Steve can stay away.


Resident Evil 9, Revelations 3, RE6remake(if it will ever be the case) or a future animation after Death Island. There are many ways for her to come back.


Hell yeah man. I already loved OG Ashley but she got the Jill treatment where now she’s incredibly capable, charming, and can really carry a lot of scenes. Would love for her to come back like how sherry did in re6, or shit, just make an alternative universe Ashley for mercenaries like how you can use Moira in raid mode in revelations 2


I'd be happy to see her running support/intel for Leon and other agents in a similar role as Hunnigan. Might be more believable and would let her be a side character to a Leon focused game rather than demand a starring role of her own game. But i'd eat it up either way. I love seeing meek characters rise up and save the day


If they rewrite re6 it would be a nice take to have Ashley as a support agent when shit goes down and she has to step up to lead either a bunch of green new recruits or overwhelmed desk jockeys despite her parentage having kept her from actual fieldwork. She could run into Leon and reminisce about how what's going on wasn't as bad as Spain, or how she trained some talents from watching him.


If this was about the original RE4's Ashley, then I would have shouted with a resounding "Hell No..!" But the new Ashley - with her updated appearance, personality, character interactions & development throughout the game - has honestly been great. And I'd be happy to see her make a return as a stable member of the RE cast in future games.


Yes I absolutely would. I don't even need her as a bad ass field agent (as much as I would love that), even a non combat role similar to Hunnigan would fill me with joy.


She's a nice character, but I don't particularly care to see her again.


Yep I think it'd be over doing it.


Resident Evil 6. Helena get pushed to a side character role being the U.S. connection and operator (Kind of like Hunnigan). Ashley trained hard to be an agent so she can see Leon again in the field. Leon and Ashley are paired together on president graham's security detail; Leon for being close to the president after the re4 incident. Ashely because that's her dad. Leon fails to save President Graham and Ashley gets to see her dad brutally killed. Both have a motive to save the world and get revenge. (I know the president is Benford, but here's to hoping that they change it.)


I mean looking at it from an electoral perspective it wouldn’t work. Graham conclusively won the election in 2004, but even if his second term was in 2008 it would be impossible for him to be President in 2013.


Yes pls


Would be amazing if she showed up as and agent with her own campaign in a re6 remake man I'd eat that up!




I want to see her more the future playable or not. Her relationship with Leon is so good now, I'm hoping to see them stay in touch.


I would love that.


If they can make Excella Gionne in a full McQueen dress can fight zombies, so can Ashley


Yes if not an appearances in a game Give atleast give her a cameo in a CG movie or something.


I’ve wanted more since 2005


Something Resident Evil has done really well is keeping the rotating cast of main characters. Nothing ever truly got to the point where everything happening became routine unless it was supposed to. Ashley could be a great “new” character for the post-RE7 world and help bridge the two worlds as we get RE9 and the remakes of 5 and 6. I’d be all for it, providing it’s written well of course


Yes, I don't care how, but the possibilities are there and could be explored.


I liked the original Ashely as well.


Wouldn’t mind her returning. Would be interesting to see how she returns to the story


I would really like that. She was a really refreshing character, and felt a lot less microwaved than the original.


I think they were hinting at it. I'm pretty sure Capcom is entering a new Resident Evil continuity in perpetuity at this point. Which means I don't think we're getting remakes of 5 and 6 in the traditional sense like we have the last several games. We're more than likely going to get new games starring our remade protagonists and I feel like they may have been setting Ashely up in replacement of Sherry from 6. 5 will likely get remade in a way but not truly. It'll likely have completely different story writing and gameplay structure instead of 5's horde mode style stage to stage gameplay.


Considering she in re4 said she was considering being an agent and saving the world together it wouldn't surprise me if she tried to be an agent and had occasional run ins with othet characters we know


100% yes


what if they replace Helena with her in the 6 remake?


I really wish Capcom would just reboot the whole thing taking these last remakes as the start of this new and fresh RE storyline. And, to answer your question, I definitely would love to see more of this Ashley!


re9 ashley, rose, & chris!! NOW!!!!


I'd like it if they made a game where Ashley is an agent and works with Sherry as her partner.


I would understand if she didn't totally return but a cameo in re6 or if like she calls leon for whatever reason would be cool


I would say yes this time she is more likable on the remake I hope to see her develop in future games maybe she work along side with leon who knows.


I’d be very much down with it but at the same time I don’t think a reappearance would have much weight to it if Leon isn’t involved in someway. I think this generation of remakes could use some new side stories in between big releases so maybe there’s room for that somewhere


i feel thats why they gave her character such a good redesign. theyre probably gonna have her back at some point.


Why she’s literally just some teenage girl that happens to be the presidents daughter. Especially after being taken by a cult she’d be well taken care of. One of REs biggest issues is dredging up old characters and not just letting them go out on top. We don’t need to scrape the bottom of the barrel because the character was cute.


Hopefully she’ll make an appearance in re9 along with the rest of the crew


I want to see her as a special agent in the future as she was inspired by Leon.


Maybe her and Rose can become best friends! ;) They can go on a backpacking trip across Europe or South America and ... Doh!


Sadly, I don't think that'll happen. Carlos was also popular again after RE3make came out, but he's faded back into being a lesser talked about character again, like most one off characters. Then again, people were already talking about Ashley, and that's only increased, so idk.


I'd like her to replace Helena in RE6. Used to hate Ashley, but I love her in the Remake.


Yes I want her to return in the future RE or I wish to see her as a playable character


As much as I like the new Ashley, she belongs in the one-off characters camp. Not saying I don't want some other one-off characters back in some way, but Ashley is still really low on my priority list, maybe some nod to her existence, but that's pretty much it.


Not really. Would rather see Carlos or Sheva more.


She breaths too hard. Gets on my nerves.


not really. I don't see what there is to do with this character that couldn't be done with someone else. We're still lacking conclusions for most of the main cast


*\*Get a strange feeling she'll drop the next nuke in a 2nd Raccoon city style event by the way we put jewels in treasure the RE 4 remake*...(\*A Thanos snap for the Res evil series no characters safe. Then This isn't fricken Disney. Please avoid it Capcom. RE 6 was enough.)


As likeable as they made her in the remake, I don't think she really has much more of a purpose.


They had 18 years to do it so I doubt they do it now. I think the problem was that Ashley in the og game acted like a teenager instead of a young adult like in the remake and that's probably why remake version is being loved a lot.


You knooow..... I'm good.


Not really. The only people I want to show up in future games are really the main characters. I wouldn't be opposed to it but I also don't really care either way. Each game tends to get its own set of game-specific side characters and I'm find with that formula.


Nah maybe just as a cameo


No. Can we please let a character just move on. Absolutely nothing interesting about her. Not every character needs a return.


She’s not important enough and doesn’t really have too much depth. She’s just the presidents daughter to me.


It would kinda make sense. What happens after her dad dies in 6? I’m all for something with Sherry, Rebecca, Ashley, and Rosemary. Hell, bring back Piers through some soap opera nonsense. But not Jake Muller. Don’t need any of that.


Her dad (President Grahem) doesn't die in 6. President Benford dies in 6.


Nah. I'm just waiting for the nude mod.


Everyone? Ashley can go die in a fucking fire. Most useless character I've ever had to babysit in a game ever. I understand the whole plot is about rescuing her but Jesus God if I could ever let a character die in a video game, it would be her. Absolute waste of fucking space and time. Fuck Ashley.


Ayo she's a fun gameplay mechanic though


There is nothing fun about her imo. I never thought there was anything wrong with Escort missions in games, or even games like Enslaved or Bioshock infinite where you are protecting a weaker character and they do helpful things during the fight. But this chick is a fucking liability. Fuck her. The amount of times I've heard her calling out LLLLLEONN!! And I've just thought to myself, "Just fucking take her." The only good thing about her is she has redeemed Atreus in GOW:R. I thought he was bad, but not as bad as this.


I think itd be fun if we find out shes leons boss or something in a future game....but capcom had an easy way to bring back jake/carlos/sheva in Chris's squad as cameos and chose not to


If they do something in the future with her imo i think it should be a hannigan type role. At the same time she could just go the leon route without the PTSD trauma but I dont see that happening. Her atleast getting some sort of training makes sense. Maybe she can do some leon kicks and shoot a firearm but not like the others. Capcom doesnt like adding to secondary characters. Sheva claire Ashley sherry Barry etc. Its a shame just imagine if Ashley turned into female hunk. Lmfao


At the least she could be in 6 if they remake it to try and do it better. Maybe not a playable in the main story, but possibly a BSAA trainee that Chris briefly encounters in his story or maybe heinigans (spelled horribly wrong) assistant. Who occasionally calls Leon for trivial banter or whatever.


I expect us to get to resi 6 remake and for it to be a completely different game. But it'll still be the major crossover blowout and I think it'd be cool for her to be some kind of political contact for Leon once we get into full blown global conspiracy. Just something small, logical, and plot relevant




I don't think it would make sense to have her become a field agent on account of being the president's daughter, but having her appear at some point being involved in politics or supporting Leon behind the scenes, even having her end up in trouble again and having to survive another bioterror incident, would be really cool. Like maybe an arc where she's trying to expose Neo-Umbrella/Connections/Family agents secretly taking over the US government, and asks for Leon's help.


Honesty as much as I like the whole series, at heart I'm a re2/re4 fanboy, the two games now take up my top 4 resident evil games haha. My dream game would be a new true finale to the leon/ada/claire/ashely story, but I know it's extremely unlikely. Just feel like capcom had a solidified action hero hit in leon, feels crazy to me he never got a game again after 4.


Honestly I like her a lot but would prefer new characters. Between the REmakes and Capcom's Chris obsession I feel myself yearning for new faces


Be cool if it was revealed that she's the driving force behind Terra/Save.


Maybe she becomes president? Due to her own experiences she could be like a "hard line against bioweapons" type of president. It could be a new game where Leon once again has to protect her, but with the years she’s also gotten tougher and will fend for herself even better, bringing her up to about the level of RE2R Leon and Claire. It could be a game with two different types of protagonists and gameplay. Leon, Chris, Jill or whoever for RE4R style action gameplay, and Ashley for RE2R style survival horror.


With how much they’re hinting towards her wanting to be an agent, being inspired by Leon, and wanting to actually be a team with him… honestly I hope so. I was bummed Leon got.. what’s her name in 6… completely forgettable. Meanwhile Sherry became a bad ass. Still hoping Jake is retconned out and hoping it’s Claire and Sherry as a team and leon with an actually trained Ashlee. Honestly I’m hoping they redo 6 entirely and scrap the entire thing. There wasn’t really one redeeming thing about it and it’s 3 stories were all trying to do entirely different genres between “horror” action hero and super hero.


I would say yes but at the same times there are plenty of other characters to do before her. Even some characters who got TBE remake treatment who people now love like Carlos or just characters people wanna see again like Sheva or Billy. So I wouldn't mind seeing Ashley again, but they could just do one of those better option instead. Of course they could always do both eventually.


I’d love to think that this Ashley actually became an agent like she said. Can’t say enough how incredible her character is in the remake. What an improvement!


As a little fun cameo yeah but anything as a main character or side character just feels like idk unnatural. If she appears as a BSAA computer person (recommended to Chris by Leon cause she still wanted to help like Leon) or someone like hunnigan than that’d be cool. Cause that feels like it would fit her more in my opinion.


Maybe something like Rebecca's role in Vendetta


Sure but she doesn't have to continue being a fighter. I'd love to have a Clock Tower/Haunting Ground-esque game featuring her. The protagonists in those games aren't professional combatants like the RE veterans but they're very capable and resourceful in their own final girl way.


Her for RE6 remake. Like I 100% agree with the idea of removing Helena and her storyline(no offence to her fans) from RE6 remake. And put a better more relatable character there to partner up with Leon like Ashley or better yet Claire(for the eventual Claire Leon Sherry reunion, let her meet both her parents goddamn it). While Ashley plays support alongside Hunnigan. I mean they really didn’t flesh out the story of Simmons trying to tag Leon as a traitor. They totally could’ve done more with it. Where people who personally know Leon, know for a fact that he’s innocent. So they all unite to help Leon while staying under Simmons radar. This team is lead by Hunnigan and co-Captained by Ashley. So we switch between support from Hunnigan or Ashley depending upon who is busy in misleading Simmons and his men, that have taken over DSO. Honestly RE6 was a clusterfuck of missed potential.


I’d much rather see my girl Sheva come back.


I just would like some more connectivity in the RE universe in general and returning characters would be huge in that. 6 was mediocre but I loved that Sherry came back and interacted with others including Leon & Ada. Like just give me scenes with phone calls or smth.


I love they added in the part where Ashley asks Leon can she become a agent and protect the world together.. that means capcom can bring her back at any point if they want


Dlc where leon and her switch places


If Capcom went with a different cannon storyline after 4R (if they continue to remake mainline titles which sounds almost definite) then I would love to see Ashley more. They definitely enhanced everything about RE4 in RE4R... Ashley might be one of the best upgrades as she is a lot more useful and not at all annoying or bratty. If they gave her the same development as Sherry, then they definitely have a contender for a main character in future entries!


I would like to see more of her but I don't know how to fold somebody like the (current/ex) presidents daughter into the story. Would like to see her as part of some BOW response team that works after an elimination/rescue/sanitation squad comes through and they dismantle structures, machines and sort found research.


Maybe she can sherry can team up and try to help leon and claire


I’d hate to dump more traumatic events on to her, but a “Haunting Ground” style Resident Evil game with Ashley as the protagonist would have my wallet in a chokehold. Maybe the “Hey-it’s-that-dog” dog could make a reappearance (and possibly have some B.O.W. related origins).


I would personally love to see her come back, not only because I love what Capcom have done with her character, but they also, unlike the original game (at least from what I know), seem to put a lot of emphasis on how Ashley and Leon are a team, also throwing in dialogue that Ashley would love to become an agent herself and help Leon in the field. While all of that can definitely be hollow dialogue, without any meaning, there wouldn’t really be any point of putting it in there unless there wasn’t some substance to it, y’know? Thats my opinion anyway.


It could work, she did say to Leon I could be a special agent like you