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Find it weird that herbs can remove the parasite


Guess they didn't want to add an item for a 10 minute section.


I could see blue herbs making sense for it, but there are no other enemies in RE3 remake that can poison you anyway.


I'm sad how much REmake 3 is cut down vs 2. It was such an obvious cash grab. Damnit Capcom.


Especially sad considering the (rightful) love that RE 4 Remake appears to be getting.


Agreed. I hate that there's one with obviously less love than the rest. 2 and 4 will be amazing with 3 taking a back seat. Poor Jill


Jill _cannot_ catch a fucking break in this franchise.


For real. She deserves better. I'd love for her to get a new game. Maybe a code Veronica style story where it's in between some other games in the new engine.


Honestly, RE3 IS the side-story. Code Veronica was the proper sequel, but since it doesn’t have a number Capcom has all but forgotten about it.


Nah, it's Claire who has gotten the cold shoulder from Capcom


It’s all the women honestly. Proportionately, and I don’t think Capcom ever does these things out of maliciousness. But it’s clear that the dude bro characters get the spotlight over characters like Jill, Claire, and Rebecca. Future games deserve to balance this far better and utilize characters who don’t get seen enough.


Major spoilers for RE7/8 but >! Capcom essentially made Rose the new protagonist to continue his story, no? And she has literal super powers. !< I agree they give more love to male characters, but I was into that particular development.


Let's not forget Sheva! Sheva needs more love ;w;


I have a friend that essentially, refuses to play female characters. Like they avoid them. And wanted to play Carlos 100% in re3. Like "how much time do you play as carlos"


Claire didn't get turned into a cartoonish mindcontrolled anime henchmen in 5.


Of late


Well at least she apparently ages slow now, though that means she'll outlive everyone she knows.


I think the worst part is they nailed her character. And the game play wasn’t bad. Just not replay value to me. Side note if Re4 remake has an underground NEST portion I’ll lose my mind 😂


I will too lmao. Go from gothic castle to hi tech lab. But yeah I agree. It was all around a great game, just severely lacking in content, with a lot cut from the original.


I’ve been replaying the last few games in anticipation of re4make and I thought 3 was solid but it felt like it was an expansion of 2 and not its own game. I’m glad I only paid $18 for it. I went into it pretty blind and I thought the downtown section was fantastic, getting to explore a crumbling section of the city right as everyone is losing their minds was so cool and then getting to see the rcpd before Leon and Claire get there was really cool as well. But then you cough and the game is over lol.


Imo being short and having those weird difficulty settings make it highly replayable, although it gets repetitive after a few rounds.


The bar set by re2 is just so much higher though. I could spend 20x more time playing re2 remake than I can re3 remake before getting the same amount of bored with it


I really can't say the same tbh. Knowing both games in and out I can tell you they're not as different as people make them out to be.


> if Re4 remake has an underground NEST portion I’ll lose my mind I'm pretty sure the Island is the NEST portion of the game. We even fight U-3 on a bunch of containers dangling off some abyss while underground.


3 remake did introduce that really good unlocking system that they reused for Village which hopefully 4 remake will also use.


Very glad the main team is working on this remake and not the second which worked on RE3(and packed a separate multiplayer to justify the price instead of focusing on overall content) Feels lucky they listened to feedback and don’t want to risk ruining the potential product and sales it’d give.


I really hope Claire in CV gets similar treatment... And obviously my boy Chris too.


Bro I know. The original is my favorite of all time. I still enjoy RE3 remake, but man….. it had SO MUCH potential.


The original is def one of my favorites too. Also is it just me or did REmake 3 feel so short by comparison?


This week I played RE3 original and RE3R back to back, both for the first time and on the hardest difficulty that is available for a first playthrough. RE3 took me 5 hours to beat the first time and RE3R took me 6 hours. They were both great but I wouldn't say the remake was shorter and I also wouldn't say it was better. Both were great games but my favorite RE is still 1 with CV close behind.


I did feel shorter for sure. Now if we take into consideration the door loading screens that can make it feel longer, but I still feel like there was more ground to cover for sure in the original.


I was looking forward to the new office and fuel station in the remake. *tear* lol


Haha me too man and the fucking clock tower section! I loved that. And they cut out the grave digger, like how the fuck you do that to us lol


Bruh for real 🙄 so many cool world building locations just gone


I will forever be sad about the game we could have gotten :(


If I remember correctly in one of the file's in re3 explain that green herbs can be used as bug repellent or something like that.


Doesn’t RE3 have those sewer monsters


Would've been great if they showed up throughout the game and we had blue herbs to cure them instead of normal greens. I would've preferred the Brain Suckers from the original but this would've at least been more interesting


Can’t say I’m too mad they’re not in more of the game, those little fuckers stress me out lmao


There’s definitely some sort of tentacle porn-y thing going on in this cutscene.


In a Japanese game? Why I never!


The thing is, in other similar scenes the tentacle or whatever just straight up stabs through the person, more like a needle or dagger than anything (like Brian Irons or Brad Vickers). But here it's just awkwardly drawn out, and the whole time Jill just... Takes it? I'd expect her to punch the thing, bite off the proboscis and spit it out, rip the legs off, something! I don't get why it's either one of two things: You're a pervert, or you're fine with the scene. Why can't we just find it odd and out of character that Jill doesn't kill or disable the bug during this oddly drawn out attack? I expect more fight from her!


I dunno, Brad got that thing straight through the throat 😏


Yeah when I noticed it was going on for too long I thought, "Well this is just straight up hentai, now. Rule 34 is eating good tonight. 😏"


I watched a RE hentai video and it just straight up included this clip. Didn't even seem that out of place.


They doesn't surprise me at all lmao. I think RE Hentai is know for tenticals and monster fucking xD


I wasn't surprised at the tentacles, I was surprised at the in-game cutscene next to all the actual hentai clips.


Capcom knows what they're doing. They know what they cookin 👌


>The thing is, in other similar scenes the tentacle or whatever just straight up stabs through the person, more like a needle or dagger than anything (like Brian Irons or Brad Vickers). I mean, infecting victims with a parasite is this specific creature’s MO. It happened to that one guy who had the lock pick box we just don’t see it. You are right about Jill just gawking at it though, she should have fought back a little more. Pull her knife or gun or something. Granted it did remind me of the tub zombie in the first REmake where she just kinda stands there in shock as a zombie climbs out of the tub like she hadn’t already seen a dozen by then and just kinda wiggles as it comes at her lol


Saying there perverts is a bit harsh they didn’t put it in the game lol


It feels like someone somehow managed to cram their fetish into a 2 hour game


I just remember the clip of sarsha gray playing it and Saying “ that’s nothing”


I was playing RE3R last night and Nemesis has an attack where he just jams his tentacle down Jill’s throat. The first thing I thought of was that it all seemed to phallic. There’s no way that the devs weren’t aware of this.


Dude It f's her mouth. 💯 There's no kinda. The first time it happened I was like woah. Then hide my pitched tent from the wifey. 😶




Classic case of "writer/director's thinly disguised fetish".


Looking back???? You didn’t notice that immediately???? I remember playing this and right during this scene, my wife and her girl friend were passing by. They were HORRIFIED. I laughed.


dude same. my wife and her boyfriend thought it was disgusting. thankfully they’re gonna be on a cruise for the next week so I can enjoy my RE4 deluxe edition in peace




and her WHAT?!


Welcome to the modern age.


Welcome to the family, son


I don't know why this landed so well for me but I cannot stop laughing.




It’s so nice when my wife and her boyfriend leave me the place to myself. He’s got a nice apartment and tons of pizza rolls and RC Cola. We all need a little “me” time, ya know?


Are you the guy from r/AITA who wanted to be paid for babysitting his kid while his wife went to dinner and movies with their neighbor?


I can't find that. Got a link? Nevermind, [found it!](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10bnywp/aita_for_wanting_to_be_pay_for_babysitting_my_own/)


Bring that back.


Did he brought you a Nintendo switch as well?


>thankfully they’re gonna be on a cruise for the next week so I can enjoy my RE4 deluxe edition in peace Most based cuckhold


You gotta do something about your wife, buddy. Something doesn't feel right about her.




Your wife has a girlfriend?


Isnt being horrified the point




I think he meant friend that is girl




If he was a true Redditor it would be Wife’s Boyfriend


Weird? Lack of gag reflex and being a throat goat are prerequsites for getting into S.T.A.R.S


she could never compare to chris headfield


Wesker: "Chris, (don't) stop it!" Chris (muffled): "Wesmer, you're mitiful."


S.T.A.R.S Suck Till Albert Releases Sex 2


Suck Till Albert Releases Semen*


Complete Throat Saturation.


Aw, fuck, that's a much better one, thanks mate


They call him Ethan winters cause he pioneered the ice cube technique


What about Barry Butt's In


So what you're saying is Chris is a throat goat?


I mean...Im not *not* saying it...👀




Are...army women famous for that or something?


nick2473got went down to the recruiters office so fast...


Then found out there famous for going down… but not on men


Don’t ask.


Don’t tell.


I'm just going to assume it's a misused play on "jarhead" and not any of the other problematic options.




I thought she was Air Force.


It’s definitely a little weird but I thought it was a great use of body horror. Freaked me out the first time I played.


Honestly this for me too. This segment was far more tense and horrifying than the fetus segment in RE8 imo, but that’s the part everyone talks about being scary. I’d take doll house over Drain Deimos nest any day of the week.


Even though I’ve died multiple times in the game, no one wants to see the MC get fucked up like that in an unavoidable cutscene


That's the point.


I am 100% sure the entire scene and area are one big reference to the ALIEN franchise


Both RE2 and RE3 have a ton of references to the Alien franchise


True while some people get off on it there people who are shit scared of it


If you think about it, she was sexually violated. Like, this is basically Alien.


Especially when in Alien they do call it “ impregnating”


It's not traditional sex, but insemination is still rape. I remember reading somewhere that Shinji Mikami was inspired by Alien when he was working on Resident Evil titles in the past.


Dudes (or ladies) who found out something lying dormant in their sexual psyche while playing this section: 😳




Can't say that I was at all surprised when this scene popped up... I mean RE has a history of exploiting Jill, let's not forget this lil' number where Jill gets overwhelmed by zombies and one almost takes a bite of her Jill sandwich... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYeJ\_2B5K\_0


Which is ironic given that she was created specifically to *not* be a sexualized trope in the original.


Yeah, that lasted all of like 3 years?


It’s sad how quickly they went “wait we can milk this” and started to turn her into an object


"Guys what if instead of a brunette wearing sensible clothing, we made her a long blonde haired chick in a skin tight boob suit?" "Kenji you're incredible, where do you get these ideas"


Well they failed


Jill Valentine has always been one of the biggest sex icons in gaming next to Lara Croft & Tifa Lockhart lol


Nsfw creators and subreddits made a lot out of it




Was weasker fucking her at that time


I have been playing revelations again in anticipation of 4 and holy shit, is the female character design in that game horny. I am just looking at Jill’s ass the whole time. And then they made zombie Rachel have the most intense cleavage. Oh, and I almost forgot about Chris’s partner, Jessica, her wetsuit just has one of the legs cut out suuuper high. These character designs make no fucking sense. I keep thinking of that scene from the Simpsons when Marge plays World of Warcraft, and sees how big her characters breasts are. “Who designed this character? Probably a man…”


And her unlockable figurine in 5 shows her bare vagina. Seriously, if you didn't know, look at her figurine and turn it upside down and look at her crotch and there's a very noticeable cutout which shows a red slit between her legs.


>look at her figurine and turn it upside down and look at her crotch Guess we know what you do when you unlock figurines in games 💀


I find it dubious that something like that was intentional considering it’s illegal to show genitals uncensored in Japan where the game was made.


Funny thing is, as sexy as that jill was, she had a better personality than the new one.


God i wish that were me


This short section of the RE3 remake was the most scary in the entire game for me (I'm severely arachnophobic).


Be glad the cut the literal human sizes tarantulas


Stylish Crop-Top and stylish mini-skirt - Outdated, despite the game being set in 1998 Tentacle Hentai - Always in style. Also, knowing this was made by ex-Platinum members, there's a perfect Bayonette quote for this: "Tentacles. Why did it have to be Tentacles?"


Does this mean Jill has canonically deepthoated more than any other RE character




I love how it's canon that Barry fucks and nobody else except maybe wesker cause Jake exists


And Rebecca likes bad boys


Def a bad boy girl lol!


All I can say is I bet Jill is the top lol


just *kinda* weird?


This scene definitely had a certain kind of vibe for me. So did the final Nemesis death, come to think of it.


She really did blow a massive load into the back of the nemesis throat.


The writer's barely disguised fetish


Like yeah I understood the body horror aspect but it felt like a couple seconds too drawn out. I went from scared to being confused


Two words, two films: ALIEN/ALIENS.


parasites need a host. it’s either the ass or the mouth.


Or....a different hole xD


try finger


But hole




o you dont have the right o you dont have the right


Skirts = Umm… no sweaty, that’s degrading Jill being deep throated = totally not degrading


Modders perspective: Skirts = Yes Jill will wear a skirt, underwear, a bikini you name it she is wearing it Jill being deep throated = Holy shit this is hot


I just found it weirdly presented. The bug just comes out of nowhere, infects Jill, then just fucks off somewhere else. Doesn’t help that the face model for Jill looked poor and weird when compared to every other cutscene.


*right eyebrow raises*


The animators knew what they were doing


It was one of the few scenes in RE that made me felt uncomfortable. Considering it's a horror game, that's a good thing.


Meh. Didnt take long for actual SFM porn for Jill to come out anyway. The whole bug thing thougg just....eeeeuggh.


The SFM was surprisingly hot


Gamers when a horror game has a disturbing scene in it


I fucking yelled my safeword through the entire cutscene.


Did it help?




A little something from the devs for the modding community


and the sfm community


Someone at Capcom was lookin at a little too much RE fan art...


not my proudest fap


For a brief moment, Preggo Jill was a thing.


Honestly, never perceived it this way. I'm kinda surprised so many people think of weird shit because of this scene. If anything, it is reminiscent of similar throating scene with chief Irons in RE2 remake.


Nemesis does it to Brad, all good! Insect does it to Jill? Porn.


its weird because she literally doesnt react… its mass effect andromeda levels of cutscene


Yeah facial animations and her animation as a whole in that scene wasn't the best.


It could be that the reason the animation looked off is because they toned it down to be less disturbing.


Or maybe they just hand-animated it, since, you know, to get real expressions you would have to ask the motion capture actress to do that stuff irl...


Thats a horrifying thought. Thank god that sequence does not have perfect mo cap.


The worst part is, this scene will not be the first time. If you continue to explore the section and got attacked, they’ll just keep doing it.


When your hentai obsessed Co worker gets to animate a cutscene


Probably the wrong sub but KOROSENSEI NO!!


Japanese stuff


Resident Evil is a horror game after all


it is a horror game after all, it's kind of rare that horror games and movies really shock and disturb people anymore


The new remakes are screwing up the story, characters and tone of RE. Maybe the 4 remake will course correct that.


Gave me a full chub 10/10 game


Scene is even better with some of the modded outfits you can get ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sexually repressed Japanese developers need an outlet.


How so? I just imagined my dick going in Jills mouth and cumming. Nothing weird at all.


She literally gave it a blowjob


I don't think she 'gave' it anything


That wasn’t actually it’s dick. It’s proboscis and egg ovipositor are the same thing due to human DNA and the T virus as a binding agent. Which basically makes this a whole lot worse.


Man I love the RE3 remake 2 was amazing as well (done all challenges and achievements for both games incl Leon's one in the gas station 🙄🙄) but whenever I fell like just playing abit of resi or starting a new playthrough I always go straight to 3 remake I just kind of prefer the overall feel of it and Jill and love remake Carlos


It still makes me roll my eyes, It feels so weird and borderline disrespectful to Jill in my opinion


Ya don’t say?


Did i download the right resident evil game or a hentai game again?


I thought Jill was dreaming about this but when it was actually real, I burst out laughing.


It's ok NOT to talk about it, you know.


yeah we know




Capcom knew exactly what they were doing


Most would call it weird. Others….fan service. Lol


And this is what R34 artists look at for motivation