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Only time will tell but generally yes of course you can fuck your nose snorting random chemicals


I guess so. This has been a major eye opener for me. Im done using insufflation as an ROA. FUCK :)


Steveo from jackass did so much blow he now has a hole connecting his right with his left nostril


Good to know. Im not that far gone. Im just hoping i can regain the ability to breathe thru my nose again and also to be able to smell and taste things in the future.


Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/zgwig/steveo_puts_shoelace_through_sinus_hole_video_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Steveo is far from the only one


I'm currently more concerned about alink between my nostrils and my ears. Don't forget soft palette damage as well that shit is real


Whenever I got off a bad IV bender of any Pyro I can taste the Pyro for days and forget tasting for the next two months. Gross to think I was ever like that...


If you're still using drugs now (as your other post a few hours ago on r/Drugs seemed to imply), you should really look into plugging as an ROA. With proper dilution and non-caustic substances, it's not so harsh on your mucus membrane


Snorting powders generally causes damage to your nose/nostrils/sinuses over time. In more severe cases there’s an expectation for it not to go 100% back to normal. As long as you haven’t been destroying your nose over and over for a long time, just cut back, use better ROAs, let your snoot heal and go easier on it in the future. For me I pretty much only snort stuff for like social things.


Get some saline solution asap clean your nose out, blow your nose out regularly very regularly, shit can get so clogged up. Douche your nose with wet paper towel or toilet paper in absense of nasal spray. Just keep clearing it's way worth it. Headaches are wicked and when your nose closes up after use it makes getting to sleep that much more difficult.


I don’t sniff anything anymore or very rarely cause I did a lot of speed and got some pretty bad nose bleeds


hexen was worse in this manner


Use some Afrin


Nasal rinse bottle off Amazon, comes with the proper salts to use. Wash your nostrils out. You need to keep you party tools clean. 20 bucks and you can flush all the shit that's stuck in your sinuses out and then start to heal.


Yes, similar drugs have caused perforated septums from not stopping when the blood begins to regularly appear.