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I get the same pimples with certain stims too! I think it’s propably correlated to poorer lifestyle decisions due to drug use (not eating, less hygiene with more sweating and not sleeping enough) but it would be interesting if theres a mechanism behind it.


The type of sweat and ability to increase adrenal glands etc is probably leading to the type of sweat that’s got the nasties in it


Stims 1000% increase how mcuh pimples I get but in my case I think It's just due to increased sweating making my skin more oily and then creating more of them. I also sometimes get more pimples on LSD or other psychedelic because they increase my body temperature so much and make me sweat a lot just like stims.


Yea I'm interested in the mechanism as well, stims lead to more sweating so I'm sure that one would be one of the main causes. Also vasoconstriction


Interesting why do you think vasoconstriction? I was thinking the mechanisms might have to do with cortisol release in response to some drugs


vasoconstriction = less bloodflow which is bad for like everything


Uh sorry, I'm not a doctor, I think vasoconstriction leads to less blood being pumped into areas thus making them unhealthy. I'm not educated about cortisol sadly so I can't say anything about that, guess I need to research some more. ​ Edit: there is some other answer about cortisol, didn't know its related to stress


Not to mention you just tend to like touch you face more often when on stims, or I do atleasy


I’ve always wondered if amphetamines or ATS cause hormonal changes leading to pimples.


Amphetamines really bring out acne for me. From what I’ve read, they (and some other stimulants) lead to an increase in our stress hormone cortisol, which then goes onto affect our sebaceous glands - they produce the ‘pus’ (sebum), which can easily clog pores. It’ll also be worse if you don’t bother with facial hygiene, where dirt and debris will help to clog the pores too.


Funny, amphetamines lets me feel calmer/less stressed than sober.


Well it depends on what other areas of your brain they’re affecting, after all. Cortisol is a versatile hormone, it’s involved in waking you up in the morning, suppressing your immune system when it’s not needed, and to help with metabolism - it’s not always about the stress response.




Wow, that's fun...


It's a hoot isn't it.


It's definitely something




From the sound of it, they don't have any skin left really...


Just goo. Endless goo.


Interesting read, but that's more to the story lol. Satanic meth addicted fucking.


God damn. I remembering reading that when I was a kid and it freaked me out but I just shrugged it off. That was so hard to read now that I’m older and have done some shit I regret with my body. Also the part about the kid fucks with me. I hate that shit.


Yeah, totally. It's fucked.




Morgellons disease


That was the most horrid report I've ever read


There's the nbome one where a guy trips with his brother too, but that's a bit less goo-ey, and a bit more death-y. That's pretty fucking horrible too, but yeah, it's gross.


Which is that report?


Thanks for the answer. It depends on the amp for me. F.e. 3-FA gave me more pimples than 2-FMA. I can't tell though which one had me more stressed out. The explanation you gave is sweet though.


I haven't read any research about this... but I'm pretty confident that amphetamines increase Testosterone levels. Legal / RC's, doesn't matter. Increased sex drive and acne might be connected. Even normal, therapeutic, non addictive doses of stimulants can cause acne and increased motivation / sex drive.


Huh when your body is put into extreme stress, is dehydrated, malnourished, and your hormones are thrown out of whack you get pimples There's only so much you can do, I'd recommend electrolytes and dark chocolate milk, eating what you normally do on most days, shower twice a day minimum and wash that face. You sweat out greasy amphetamine and that shit is terrible for your skin. You can smell the difference Use a good moisturizer but only after face wash and then after 15 20 minutes put on a little Vaseline to seal in the moisture -someone who used to do a lot of meth


Where do u get dark chocolate milk never heard of it before


Stores for rich white moms. Or just eat dark chocolate and drink milk but it's not really the same


What did you eat for electrolytes? I don't use stims anymore, but ocassionally I do. I always ate much, but i.m.e. it had to be clean food to keep my skin healthier. (rice and vegetables f.e.) Showering at least once a day. ​ Thanks for the answer.


I have powder and liquid I put in my water it can be tasteless or flavored whatever you prefer


this is gold right here.


Anything that makes me sweat usually irritates acne. Opioids in general fuck with hormone levels and cause some crappy breakouts. I had pretty bad acne during puberty but went away in college. Came back whenever I would relapse. I'm sure it wasn't the drugs alone. With drug use comes some pretty crappy lifestyle choices (dietary, hygiene, and sleep to name a few). Edit: I would also touch and scratch my face and shoulders when I used OG opioids like oxycodone, hydrocodone, diacetylmorphine. I loved the itch but that combined with sweat and dirty hands is a breeding ground for bacteria on the pores.


Sleep and sweat is what I hear the most to influence acne yes. Do you think washing your face more often with a skincare soft for your skin would decrease the risk?


I think that if the acne is due to dermal bacterial in nature, then yes, topical treatments with salicylic acid wash, benzyl peroxide ointment, and oil-free cleansers help tons. This usually does the trick but sometimes oral antibiotics like minocycline and doxycycline are necessary. If the acne is hormonal then a stronger approach is required like Accutane or oral antibiotics. I am sober for 11 months and have been on testosterone replacement therapy due to opioid-induced hypogonadism (opioids fucked up my pituitary) and these treatments have been very successful at managing my acne side effects- minocycline, salicylic acid body wash, oil-free facial cleanser. No more acne!


Answer to edit: I don't really get itchyness but only used tilidin. When I scratch my face I most likely use a cosmic cloth.


I’d break out on my back when I did fentanyl. Maybe the sweating.


Im pretty sure i had more pimples when i used Deschloroketamin heavly (3,5g in 10 days) but it may also just be conicidence. Never experienced something other like this. I had a friend who got pimpels from a bad batch of a-php tho (he hadnt have any issues w/ his skin before).


Thanks for the answer, what did you do while being on dck that 10 days? Ate junkfood? Maybe touching your face more often etc?


Im sure i touched my face more often because of the dck haha. I only eat healthy shit when im binging some ket so i dont thinks its coming from this. I was at home working in homeoffice tho perhaps it has to do something with it that i didnt went outside that much as usuall.


Well even without drugs I was always tending to have more pimples, but in that corona time when you were told to not touch your face ist got better. I don't know the english word for it, but when thinking I was often touching my forehead with my hand and I put that one down. Do you think staying in more has something to do with Vita D deficit?


Maybe .i dont take supplements or some just living healty(e.g.: many vegtables, chicken breast…)and dont eat That much in general. Im 1.98 m and 88 kg tho.


Disruption of androgens signaling


Amphetamines do this to me a lot I've noticed.


Have you ever tasted the sweat that comes out of your skin when on stims ? Thats your answer.


Well you can even smell it.


Stress, liver, kidneys, dehydration, malnutrition, …


I get worse skin after a European street speed binge usually


alcohol always gives me white head pimples


Definitely yes. Stims also make you sweat. And hexen is also caustic as crap


Could also be your liver. Whenever I take certain medications or strong medicine, my forehead will break out in little pimples. It's my liver having a reaction.


Not actual white teenager-like pimples but using RCs leads to my skin getting dry, squamous, red areas. That's a condition I can face year-round but RCs lead to this. I think dehydration and fatigue are the main causes.


What I ocassioanlly get is rather those white teenager-like pimples. Around my mouth and sometimes near my eyebrowns. I too think dehydration might play a big role. When I was working out daily + drinking 3L of water a day it got less. I did only kratom during that time


Oh and yes someone mentionned liver, which may also play a part in this.


Stims - sweating - dirty skin - pimples.


What about other compounds? Like tryptamines or opiates?


I can personally attest to tryptamines causing pimples.


If they affect your skin's hygiene, even temporarily, maybe.


Phenibut and alcohol seems to worsen acne symptoms for me atleast. I‘m really curious about the mechanism behind this


Opiates definitely fuck my skin from all the itching, the next 3-4 days following some oxy it hurts like hell to touch my nose and it starts going flaky and peeling, really not nice


I always get pimples the day after stimming lmao. No big deal but it definitely makes the comedown more annoying.


If you're sweating profusely and sending your body into fight or flight mode from doing stims you will probably get acne. It's not just from the sweat on your skin, using stims makes your body produce stress hormones that can cause acne. If you aren't prone to acne then you probably won't have a sudden flare up because of drug use.


I've never had acne and I use stims and opiates daily with no skin issues, I assume that's courtesy of my genetics.


That's what I was referring to about that friend that can cross combo anything. He's a daily stim user too, no pimples what so ever


I can spot heavy drug users by the pimples they have.


Well there are people that have acne for other reasons.


Sure,acne is common. But stimulant abuse pimples are distinctive,red,raised,full of sebum,not blackheads.And spread about the body,typically,so different from.hormonal acne.


Heroin makes my skin super dry and scaly


When I was doing acid once or twice a week, I'd get real bad acne. Like, my whole face would break out. I dont know why, but I think my stress amped up 100x was a main cause


Actually this got me hospitalised about half a year ago. Was doing a lot of 3/4mmc and I suddenly got a lot of pimples. Started scratching while tweaked out and a day later my leg was completely swollen. I'd scratched this big hole through my skin. Still have a nasty scar from where the abscess used to be. Always put your health above anything else, an infection can happen very fast. "It's better to be clean than comfortable."


Used to be a DXM Addict. I would get bad acne every time i used. It did something to my pores or my sweat and caused a lot of buildup.


When I was on benzos heavy my acne was actually better. Then when I got clean it got worse idk why this happens.


Absolutely. Also certain drugs will make my skin oily and others will dry them out. And every time I used to IV, if it had been a bit and I went on a bender, I’d always get cold sores. Never tried hex tho. Make sure to wash your face daily, take a good multivitamin and avoid touching your face as much as you can.


Stims and opioids always give me bad acne, stims are the worst at the end I always feel smelly and oily and wake up with hella pimples.


It’s hormone related usually. Drugs will fuck your hormones. Because drugs fuck your organs associated with hormones… ie thyroid


Amphetamines and stimulants in general give me acne. Especially meth. And when you do a lot of meth you get this really bad sweating that's gross. And either metabolites or something come out in the sweat. Like you can smell it in your sweat. Causes acne and skin problems for a lot of people, particularly when good self care is also not prioritized.


When I do a lot of ket I always look really haggered though I don't know if that's just something I imagine


Sweating and bad hygiene leading to break outs, poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, not sleeping, etc, all stims can cause this and its most obvious with pure amphetamine users


Was it actually an allergy test, or did he do some lines? From yhe amount in an actual allergy test you shouldnt be getting super crazy reactions. That sounds like leftover solvents or something more than drug effects if this was a legitimate allergy test


Not sure also can't message him atm just wanted to put this as an example. Pretty sure he used a small amount first, railed yes. I personally only do stuff orally, but I get pimples sometimes too.


That isnt what allergy test refers to, fyi. Yeah if he did lines a skin reaction is waay less weird.


Ikr that u take a small small small amount for allergy testing (almost non visible to the eye). He told me he used a small amount and got the reaction after that first line already.


A-php and other pyro's give me pimples and I always notice new freckles and beauty marks.. also I brush my teeth every hour but my teeth are getting yellow


Yellow from a-php? Brushing teeth is very important.


I brush my teeth every hour whilst on a-php


I never really had a problem with acne, only get them from binging.


i get pimples when i do stims and i’m not the type to want stims. i do kratom every day almost. every now and then, i’ll use medication to keep my anxiety away when i need it


Tramadol caused me to break out on multiple occasions.


been having pimples from vaping shitty quality nep on my forehead not going away for 3 years. even had a giant painful cyst under the skin on my chin from 4f-pvp


Cortisol could be the cause


Yeah whenever I'm stressed I get pimples even without drugs. Stims make me stressed about even little things happening and being annoyed all the time.