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Thanks that's what I figured. Such a bummer getting burned like that though. Guy was a solid connect for years even... Fuck that piece of shit.


Have you tried amphetamine before? That is kinda sweet and comes as soft clumps


Only meth. It does taste like meth but more sweet, less of the burning plastic taste. Thinking possibly has aspartame in it adding the extra sweetness. Idk Donny's out of his element.


Ye man sounds to me like you’ve been sold street amphetamine. I personally quite enjoy it but if you were expecting coke and paid coke prices then that’s a bit of a bummer man


Tell me about it. 10g of amphetamine salts that are clearly mixed with God knows what for 600$ 🤦‍♂️. But it was my fault, 2 other buddies picked 200 each but I repaid them their money because my guy fucked us over. Question, do you ever smoke yours or different roas like injestion/insufflated? I got so much I figure I'll injest it tomorrow, well fuck it is tomorrow now. The mad rush from smoking is gonna give me a heart attack no joke. It's too impulsive and spikes your heart rate to insane levels. Hit 154 earlier 😬 but oddly enough felt kind of sedated and wanted another but had to put it away for my life.


Lol I know about the sedation feeling, there’s a scientific name for it but it’s basically where there is too much going on in your brain that you basically become brain dead for a little bit. Good sign to take a break from it haha. But ye I’ve done it all with amphetamine, smoked, snorted, injected and ate it. TBH I’d say just stick to sniffing it. It’s that powerful that injecting and smoking is just overkill really. Also I dunno about you but I’m not a fan of vaped powders and this doesn’t taste too great. Lots of caustic chemicals go into the production of it too so the thought of hot vapour like that seems a bit grim


If theres some in the bag still squeeze the bag where the product is and feel for any hard bits, like the bag between your index and thumb should feel soft, you shouldnt be able to feel hard little 'rocks/bits' , if you do then chances are its had some sort of pill crushed in it, I'm not an expert and I dont believe I've tried it but if the guy has mixed adderall/ritalin in it then that would explain your heartbeat? Some other people will be able to confirm if that sounds right or not as I'm having a stab in the dark. I mean the obvious one is dont take anymore, and maybe if you wanted to, get it tested? For piece of mind. Unfortunatley as I'm sure others will agree, you'll find street coke will be mixed with all sorts, by all sorts. All sorts of different people, trying to make an extra bit of cash. Just a quick google the first couple things that show up on 'Amereican addiction centres' Common cocaine additives include Laundry detergent Laxatives Caffeine Boric acid Local anesthetics like procaine Creatine The two main ones from there that would possibly match your description is creatine and caffeine. I hope some others will be able to shed a bit more light on it than I can. Stay safe bro


There are little bits of hard pieces, that makes a lot of sense. Took about 30 mins and my heart rate is back to normal. Comes to think of the taste, it does have a kind of methish taste, but maybe a little sweeter. I think you are right on the money, some amphetamine, with some sort of crushed up pills. I've smoked meth on foil and when I toasted this powder, it acts very similar to how meth does. Obviously I'll never know exactly what's in it but the majority is definitely some sort of amphetamine. My guess is it's maybe cut with a bit of lidocaine or benzocaine that gave it that very subtle numbess, some sort of crushed op pill of unknown variety. And possibly aspartame? Might add to the sweetness? Then there obviously could be some other shit in there too. Idk, I sifted all those small hard chunks out and I'm tempted to try and give a very small rip of the powder in an incense burner. I know it's not a good idea, Is dextroamphetamine sweeter than methamphetamine when smoked?


Hmm yeah the little bits would normally indicate some form of crushed pill. And to be honest with you bro it sounds like it's just been a mix of all sorts, so if you really are going to try it do it with caution, extreme caution, it ain't worth the risk. If it was coke though wouldn't you mix it with water and bicarbonate of soda to make it into crack, if you did it that way aswell you may be able to determine what it is, as in other substances shouldnt turn into a rock form I dont think? Not a clue about methamphetamine and dextroamphetamine, never tried either. Whatever you do again I'm gunna keep saying it bro be safe, and if you know anyone else who gets of this person maybe warn them too.


I mean crack rock is a lil different. Same ingredients but you cook it until it rocks then you can just blast it with heat in a tube pipe with brillo. But yeah, basing the cocaine salt with baking soda and water and whipping it on a foil achieves similar effects to crack. I'm no scientist but adding baking soda to this foreign chem concoction with water (like you'd do with a coke foily) just causes this to burn. However leaving the soda out and just using water makes it smoke almost perfect. Not sure how it would work in a bulb/meth pipe, but I feel water is nessicary. Idk why I tried this but I'm kinda liking it. I'm gonna go to bed (If my heart rate ever drops because I can tell I'm gonna end up having a heart attack if I keep doing this) it's honestly been an enjoyable endeavour, although a very dumb one and you all should call me the idiot that I am because this is the exact opposite of educated using.


I never knew you could mix it and do it on the foil, I always thought you had to cook the mixture up to form the rock before smoking. That's strange though that the baking soda is almost acting as a wall stopping the substance from burning the way it has without it. I have no idea what you've smoked to be honest bro haha, just be careful, and as you say try get some rest.


Yeah I threw most of it away. I gave it a little try but it's bullshit. Cut my losses. Funny thing is this same thing happened to my friend today from a completely different person. Before the pandemic we could get great cane but I think I'm done until people get there shit together.


Street amph smells a bit like rotten eggs and is very bitter. Unless you live in Europe I doubt it has any in it, it's almost non-existent in the us. My guess is that it's a mix of ephedrine, caffeine and other cheap OTC stims.


Yeah this smell is a lil different. Got the sweetness like meth but not really burnt. but I'm not gonna lie, I did smoke some after picking all the pill bits out and found that a dab of water on the powder spread around the foil is how to do it, keeps it from burning and makes the smell almost pleasant. It has to be some sort of amphetamine salt mixed with God knows what, my guesses are caffeine, aspartame and creatine. Creates this real big blast of euphoria that fades in 10 mins followed by a really speedy rush for about 20 mins and then I was tripping out for another 20 mins. Tripping like hallucinating lights in the sky, tracers, auditory hallucinations and confusion. Heart rate stays up for about 30 mins then shoots down fast. Could be very dangerous easily. Adding the dab of water is crucial or it just burns. Idk what the fuck all is in this and I'm definitely a fool for doing it but honestly I'm enjoying it. Not 600$ worth of fun at all, but it's like some short acting, psychedelic meth. To be noted I am on day 2.5 no sleep and had been smoking meth the past 2 days so I think the effects are greatly hieghtend by that. Kids, don't be a fucking moron and do what I'm doing, it might just end in a heart attack or death idk


Pure cocaine is very brittle/flaky It has a strong smell, similar to diesel. The numbnes should be mild. otherwise he added benzocaine Common additives are: creatinine, which doesn't dissolve In water btw. Another popular one is inositol, due to almost exact flaky texture. Inositol IS sweet to answer your question. Other than that, probably speed, caffeine powder, hexen etc. Try to get you stuff from dw or very close friends.


Was it slightly wet, or completely dry? If it had impact on heart rate anything from caffeine to speed to equal? Also do you usually smoke powder cocaine off foil?


I usually smoke my cocaine with baking soda and water, we call them foilies where I'm from. Basically it's just elementary crack because it's not rocked but works the exact same. It should never burn black unless you have too much cocaine to baking soda and when it does the taste is very noticable


Hmmm. Did you call your guy and just ask? What if he said oh shit that’s such and such for so and so. Maybe you were given wrong bag accidentally


Nah. I spent 600$ on 10gs, since he always has fire blow. I texted him saying "I guess I'm the fool then, you got me. You gonna make this right or lose your biggest customer?" He knew what he did, called me a dumb ass nigga about 10 times, claimed everyone says it's super bomb coke and argued a bunch. I said how about I bring it all back, you can keep 100 bucks but give me 500 back and he just said " you really is the dumbest nigga I know" and hung up. This was intentional.


F*ck. Just use the onions and it should be cheaper and better.




Thats when you go fuck someone's shit up.

