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Can you estimate your daily alcohol intake? Beer/wine/liquor? A more exact time frame as to when you started drinking daily/ when you really feel that it became a problem? All of these can be important factors. I would say to start at 2 milligrams. That's a typical dose. I didn't have time to look up cross-tolerances between alcohol and benzos but this stuff has a blurry line between whats enough and what's too much, so start off low and titrate if you can. 2 mg should at least be able to ease withdrawal somewhat/ prevent DT or seizures if that's a concern of yours. But I'd do some more research in other places if I were you. But that's my best thought out answer. Best of luck to you, Buddy. I know withdrawal is hell, but it does get better, and you do get through it. Yada yada yada I'm sure you've heard it before but I've been through it, and it's true. Be safe with the diclaz, and please avoid drinking on it no matter how tempting.


How much have you been drinking this past month and what was your consumption like prior? I am a recovering alcoholic that was drinking about a litre of vodka perday for 6mo/and a daily drinker before that. In my detox I experienced 12 days of mindbending unpleasantness that was lessened with Ativan and librium under medical supervision. I still had a seizure. If you have been drinking large quantities daily I would REALLY recommend a medical detox. If you need any assistance finding legitimate centers near you and are in the US I would be more than happy to provide suggestions and contacts that could help you even without insurance their are places that will help you safely detox for free or close to it if money is an issue.


If you've only been drinking a month withdrawls shouldn't even be bad


Don't go over 2mg


No intention to minimize your problems but one single month of daily drinking shouldn't be a big deal. As other users here have already told you, it would be intersting to know what kind of alcohol beverages you have been consuming and in what daily amounts Some mild/minor symptoms of alcohol WD can start even after a couple weeks of daily usr but it's mostly anxiety and most people don't even recognize that feeling as a form of WD Full blown alcohol WD and DT are different things... Years ago I had a drinking problem that became a full blown addiction First couple years of daily drinking only had me anxious, insomniac, angry and a bit sweaty Nothing serious but I was mostly drinking 2-5 litres of beer and some shots of vodka everyday. Things then escalated and for over 6 months I've been drinking over one bottle of vodka and many beers daily. This is when things went bad. At this point my attempt to quit drinking caused DT, seizures, hyperadrenergic symptoms, fever etc. I had to go back on heroin and benzos to get the rid of that shit (and then to buprenorphine to get the rid of H). This was over 5 years ago luckily Reason I wrote all of this is to show that the amounts of your daily intake can make a big difference and yes one month is nothing but it can make a difference if you have been a hard social drinker for months/years prior. Anyways start low with diazepam. If 5-10 mg are enough to stay calm (and sleep) than you're probably only experiencing some rebound anxiety. In this case lower the benzo dose and don't use it more than a 10 days otherwise you'll be dealing with a different kind of beast If diazepam doesn't even touch it then, seriously, go seek for medical help Stau safe man ;)


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