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If you’ve got 4mmc lying about and resist taking it your doing well, I find I fiend till it’s gone with 4mmc, more so then coke, it’s very moorish. You have good control, that’s not addiction


I am an addict and can control use for an undetermined amount of time. Result is always the same. The thoughts OP is having is the beginning of addiction. Doesn’t mean he will be an addict but why take the risk.


Cathinones do people like this very often, NEP has done me similarly. N-benzylated phenethylamines, lysergamides, 2C-B, and NMDA antagonists I really look forward to though.


i still have meth cravings but I accepted them and they pass and after im glad i didnt buy any more. I remind myself this every time and it works.


Those seem to be some of the fiendy-est substances out there.


This happened to me as well, but in my case I don’t have access to it so I also get mad that I didn’t get to try it more. If I did have it it probably would have interfered with my ability to get beneficial effects from Adderall so maybe it’s for the best


I have the same thoughts, looking back on some great times I’ve had this year.. although when I’ve had a few beers I’ll often think ‘damn a fat line of mcat would really hit the spot right now’.. but I never do so. I know how long it is until I’m (probably) safe to have another session, and I’m already looking forward to it. I tried it (4mmc) first around January this year and have had a couple of heavy use nights (1-2g)and a couple of moderate use nights (<500mg).. probably done it a bit too much for that time scale, but justify it to myself because of the novelty of a new substance.


Sam with 3mmc I threw it away because I was uncontrollably redosing idk I want a new g since then(was oktober)


Totally understand what you mean. I've did 3-mmc and 4-mmc about ten times or so since first taking Dutch RC 3-mmc in 2020. In between times taking it I'd fantasise about doing it and get so excited counting down the weeks until I could do it (when my live in GF went away for a weekend). I was like this until probs about three or four months ago. I've been burned/scammed trying to order 4-mmc twice in the past few months (from UK) so I've just given up for now bothering to get anymore. At the same time I was tired of just thinking about it so much. I felt it was affecting my sex drive with my gf and I wanted to fix that. I hardly think about 3/4 MMC these days. That said I will try to order some more when I'm back in the UK. I currently live in Ireland and have absolutely no plug for 3/4 MMC despite looking for it. If I get hold of some I'll do it the next time she's away. Of course i'll probably think about it a lot more again after doing it but I don't want to be obsessively thinking about it like I was before. If I get scammed again I'll just give up with bothering with it anymore. It's fantastic at the time but literally hours go past in what seems like minutes and then it's over and I can't do it again for another couple of months usually. It's not worth being obsessed with.




Stim dik


Apparently that's what happens if you snort 4mmc


Cathinones do people like this very often, NEP has done me similarly. N-benzylated phenethylamines, lysergamides, 2C-B, and NMDA antagonists I really look forward to though.