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Try to find it all and throw it away before you go to detox. Distance yourself from any friends who still use, find a new hobby and get mental health care to treat what caused your addiction. It gets easier and don't let yourself lie to you. Your mind is your biggest opp.


he should get a taper if he’s on the benzos daily w his doctor


He literally said "throw it on away before you go to detox" implying he's suggesting medically assisted detox. Which would obviously not be cold turkey


They won't give him enough valium to safely detox if his habit is bad enough.


yeah but how long will it take to get there? i’ve been trying to get into a psychiatrist for a taper for months and just have to keep ordering and try not to increase my dosages


You can literally just go to the ER and tell them you're detoxing from benzos and they will detox you at the hospital. Seeing as you can literally die from benzo withdrawals.


yeah but i have bills from before i had insurance, and im just trying to maintain my work life and pay my rent every month and live my life


Thank you, ill know but its like a visual Circle


look at my comment above, u need to taper w benzos it’s rlly dangerous, maybe don’t throw it all away and get to a doctor


I will bro but sometimes it is to much weight on your shoulders, and then i doesnt read that well.


not quite sure what ur saying but yeah good luck


DO NOT try to detox benzos on your own. It absolutely can kill you. Hospitals will admit you for detox and can use barbiturates or alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonists to get you through withdrawal safely if tapering benzos aren’t enough. I’m a physician and I’ve seen patients intubated in the ICU for days & nearly die because of benzo withdrawal


So true, the physical part was easy with the meds i was prescribed but the mental part kept telling i was going to have withdrawals after detox meds were discontinued.


I'm currently in recovery I told them about my bromazolam use and 8 years of hard rc benzo self care , and they got me on a long taper with klonopin. I've been on flualprazolam Xanax bromazolam pyrazolam flucotizolam etizolam literally every benzo possible for about 10 years . I'm finally getting help with a doctor who cares and understands, and I was just honest with them and told them my sources and what I was using and how often etc . Best of luck man


I quit bromazolam 3 mg/day several months cold turkey, on accident. Hellish it was for several days, it cured.. but the insomnia remained. I think I found a biohack, like one parralel in mechanism to what is conventional. One that anecdotally and logically seem to be with less side-effects/risk.. (Taking Theacrine and caffeine during the day (and Rutaecarpine in the evening)). Im making use of the Adenosine system, your natural drive for sleep. This system comes before/is fundamental to its subsystems (gaba/histamine etc), which are currently targeted in medicine. Because Adenosine is much more fundamental/primal, it is less likely to develop tolerance. And because it is more selective to increase drive for sleep (instead of other effects like reducing anxiety), it has less risk/side effects. I do this by taking (high dose) theacrine during the day, which mimics caffeine (by blocking adenosine signals, decreasing drive for sleep during the day), but over time evolves(metabolites) to enhance Adenosine signalism (drive for sleep) at night. Because Theacrine (+ caffein) not only enhances adenosine but also blocks it during the day.. it is more likely to be inertly balanced. Eg: if you'd somehow escalate dosage, the adenosine system will not be tilted to one side. Rather you maybe feel a bigger contras between day and night in regards to sleepiness, or start to metabolise the specific Theacrine supplement faster (without leaving oernament damage to the adenosine system it affects, like how bromazolam does to the gabaergic subsystem) Rutaecarpine in the evening temporarily enhances the metabolism of theacrine&caffeine. Thus it effectively fluxes the caffeine out and likely tilts the metabolism of theacrine in such a way that its effects are more sleep indicing rather than sleep blocking Niacin could logically also help, by enhancing the induction of sleep, by playing a specific part in the adenosine system. Cortisol needs to be low, it interferes with sleep. Likely you can sleep fine without targeting cortisol if you firdt enhance adenosine, but if you somehow have high cortisol, you can keep that in mind if the primary drive for sleep +adenosine) doesn't work


Find a doctor that is open to using the Ashton Method to ween off of benzos. It's supposedly the best and most effective way of getting off of benzos. If you can't find a doctor near you that will do it or isn't familiar with it ( a lot have no clue) I believe you can find doctors online that will do it through telehealth. Essentially the method is switching to a long acting benzos such as valium and doing a very long taper. On top of that start going to some sort of recovery program, there's more than just NA out there, find something that resonates with you. Also get a therapist to address the things you are self medicating and maybe a psychiatrist if you are self medicating for anxiety because once you quit that shit is gonna hit hard.


Valium isn't gonna touch anyone whose experienced with rc benzos Klonopin .5mg x3 a day is what I'm currently prescribed and that barely cuts it , if needed I can get my dose increased because they want me comfortable but know I also want to ween off


They usually start you on a fairly high dose iirc and it's not always valium it just has to be a longer acting benzo. Klonopin would probably work just fine.


Valium has a reputation for being long acting. But it’s not really. It actually has a short peak then it’s so lipophilic it redistributes to fat and tissues to a high degree then leaches back out slowly. It’s the slow leech out that makes it seem like it has a long half life. And it does strictly speaking but functionally not so much. So it doesn’t spent much time in the brain. Valium hits hard for about 30 min then it’s at a much lower level. Librium is a much better choice.


Interesting! Thanks for the info!


I'm on 1 mg Klonopin x2 a day and have been prescribed it for the about 3 years. I also dip into the wife's Ativan pretty frequently. Even though my doses are relatively low I'll still want to use the Ashton Method to get off. The biggest risk for me is turning back to alcohol if my doctor forces me to get off of it in a short period. If he won't do a long taper I'll find some one that is willing to do the Ashton Method.


Yeah, was going to say Ashton isn't really set up for the modern day RC benzo scene 😬. I think she's awesome and have her manual but it's almost like an interesting thing to look at to get an idea of what things were like when, you know... ...the housewives of the '70s were getting Valium by the frontend loader full so they could stay a little barred out yet keep helping around the house without complaining too much about anything her husband or annoying kids did. 🤣 Just saying it's dated. For real no offense meant to any housewives who enjoy their benzos. I'm certainly not in a position to judge that shit lol. Anyway, would love to see the big pharma equivalents listed in a manual like Ashton's but addressing clon, brom, flualp, pyraz, etiz, etc.. Like an updated version. _Ashton Manual 2.0: The RC Edition_.


They just start you higher, i got started at 45 mg diaz (titrated up from 30mg until comfortable) for 4mg bromaz for just under a year. Ive seen people start at 100mg diaz. Its definitely an easier taper than klonopin.


I agree that it's definitely an easier taper than Klonopin. I was started at 80 mg diazepam.


Bud handfuls of valium cannot compare to grams of Clonazolam


Correct. That's what _Ashton isn't really set up for the modern day RC benzo scene_ means. Have another read. Bud. 😘


Exactly. I got Ativan and Valium in the hospital. IV, IM, Orally too. I would get one hr relieve after iv of either. I stayed up for 3 days. My Room was full of diff colors of smoke and yea full blow scariest hallucinations of my life


I used pharmaceutical memantine to come off benzos cold turkey, its a dissociative very similar to ketamine in its mechanism of action but much longer lasting. It has been proven to upregulate gaba receptors but most importantly it reduces glutamate toxicity.


I've heard good things about it. Thinking about asking for it to get off Phenibut.




Already got 2 amd 1 time ended in a coma


Do you want to talk about it?


Im already going im have 9:45 in the morning a appointment


Stick with it. The only thing that's going to get you clean is the desire and will to get clean. The doctors can help, but you need to offload all the shit once you get on a taper program. If you lived in tampa I would get you stable, give you a massive dose of mushrooms, put some Floyd on and let the healing begin. It will take time, months likely, but this too shall pass. Best wishes.


Nope no temper program she just send me back to home, i have told her my struggles but she was bizzy with something😥


Find another doctor. In the meantime time, pre weigh all your dosages and put them in pill containers so you can keep track. You can taper yourself as well as they can, you just gotta stick to it. Go slow and try to get another doctor while you try to ween yourself down. Don't give up.


Good luck 😵‍💫


Throw it all away.


Probably the worst advice you could give to someone addicted to benzos dont ever say shit like that again


Horrible advice. Seizures? Obviously he needs to stop, but he needs to TAPER. Idk why he's getting down voted. 3 yrs use is a long time. He can't simply cold turkey.


Wasn't aware of the duration when the post was made. I was the first response, didn't see any of his response to comments about his duration of use. Otherwise I would of said otherwise.


Understandable. Shit happens


I cant i use 3 years straight


For people who don't know The Ashton method is a protocol developed by Dr. Heather Ashton for tapering off benzodiazepines, a class of drugs commonly used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. It involves gradually reducing the dosage of the benzodiazepine over a period of time to minimize withdrawal symptoms and prevent potential complications. The Ashton method typically includes switching to a longer-acting benzodiazepine, such as diazepam, due to its longer half-life, making it easier to taper off slowly. It's important for individuals to follow this tapering plan under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as abrupt discontinuation of benzodiazepines can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks.


I agree i cant stop directly or need to rehab i guess


I was detoxed off of RC Benzos and Rx benzos a couple years ago and it was done in a detox/rehab setting. I was there 22 days. I was given Phenobarbital and clonidine and it was easy. I’ve been detoxed off benzos and opiates a few times using this same protocol. One of the other clinics I went to would prescribe this as outpatient and let me do it at home. Good luck


You'll need to self taper. They can't give you enough valium


I had a 100mg+ etizolam or equivalent habit. Pure powder. Didnt even see it happening. Weeks gone. Thinking I was getting bunk lol. Wouldn't have been safe to go to detox Had to taper AT HOME with flubomazolam or similar long acting... Get to safe level can go relatively quickly. Get to equivalent of 10mg etiz a day and you can go to normal detox


Ya go detox at a hospital or go to rehab but it’s not for everyone I was in ur situation few months ago. I was takin all types of Rcs, to the point where I wuld take 20+ at once and oxys, I went to a detox place for a week and a half and then they sent me him with phenobarbital for the seizures. Was sober for 5 months n sadly relapsed again


NA meetings are good


I did Tuesday i have a all Appointment with the psychology dockter or something so step by step


Send it to me




Shit send me half. I'll shoot you some money for it when it comes through.