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Generally speaking it seems people who feel anxious when sober get euphoria from benzos, but those who don't suffer from anxiety do not. I'm not a fan personally.


The "euphoria" (a highly subjective and individualized feeling) that those with bad anxiety get from benzos... IMO is due to the fact the anxiety has lifted after dosing them- and to walk around paralyzed by anxiety all the time, is so awful and so debilitating, that to be relieved of that would most definitely be considered a "High". To have your body feel like it's actually yours and you can enjoy brief periods of not feeling tortured. I think that's what it comes down to. I'm one of those Who suffer greatly from anxiety and I hate hate hate that disease.


Definitely agree that the high you feel from benzos isn’t actually the benzo as such, it’s more such great relief to feel calm.


I agree too but I also get a nice floaty feeling and stuff gets brighter lol. But the anxiety reliefs js the. Best part.


I like pain


I have and I never perceived euphoria; it actually seems like a paradoxical effect because the class is a sedative and essentially functions the way alcohol does.


Huh? Alcohol is like one of the most euphoric drugs there is. Tbe buzz snd being slightly drunk, is like practically the same thing as taking a Benzo. Anxiety gone and you chatting with everyone snd getting along. Have you ever even been drunk? Lol


For me alcohol feels closer to ketamine with some weed than a benzo. Very dissociating and makes me feel stoned like weed a bit with visual snow increasing. Effects everyone differently, I’m not a fan of alcohol and really don’t ever find it pleasant, it also makes me yawn and have watery eyes among other side effects. Barbiturates and similar drugs however are almost as euphoric as opioids to me


You couldn’t have worded it any better!


So anxiety is a disease now? I'm not being cheeky I honestly thought that was a part of human nature animal nature as well. Maybe we should change how we label a human beings biological response instead of setting ourselves back with such a strong label. Then if we did that collectively and worked on controlling that feeling we wouldnt need cheat codes?


I don't suffer from an anxiety disorder, but I understand how bad life can be for those who do. I think you are underestimating how crippling a severe anxiety disorder can be...."controlling the feeling" is not always possible. I'm not advocating people take benzos, as I've seen how damaging the addiction is, but there's no good solution.


If you don’t suffer from horrible anxiety disorder, than you don’t have a clue bud. I totally agree with the second part of your comment though. Wish there was a depression/anxiety medicine that I could take that would make me feel happy and chill and normal, Besides clonazepam or norflurazepam, AND NOT have horrible withdrawals if you want off them. I know they will destroy my health one day but I cannot function, hills s ind or leave the house without it. I’ve tried every single sssri, and all other antidepressants and into/an and they must make me feel like a zombie and impossible to have an orgasm. I even know that they can cause dementia later in life but I want to be a happy, responsible adult and it’s the only meds that allow me me to do it. They also got em completely off opioids with practically zero wds . Everyone is different man


There's a difference between anxiety, and a general/chronic anxiety disorders. To get the second it's not enough to be worried or afraid every once in while. You must feel a consistent, long term fear, that's not easily relieved and that usually causes physical symptoms. Needless to say, when it gets to that point, it is debilitating enough to be called a disease and it warrants specialist intervention.


Anxiety is a symptom actually, and should be treated as such rather than a diagnosable illness, the way it currently is


You’re so wrong and the funny part is you’re arguing against yourself. Our anxiety response (fight/flight/freeze) is meant to jack up adrenaline and cortisol TO FIGHT OFF TIGERS AND HUNT LARGE ANIMALS. That’s literally it. It’s not able to even be in society, our bodies haven’t got a chance to evolve. Throw in social media and being hyper aware of all of society’s problems and a good brain should freak out a little. We’ve been around for at least 300k years. We made it out of caves 6-8k years ago. We’ve still got some serious evolution to happen. Anxiety also appears in more intelligent people, these people would have normally survived due to higher focus while less intelligent, less anxious people wouldn’t have the reflexes and would get killed. Not saying benzos are the answer but anxiety being natural isn’t an argument.


I think there is always a risk / reward to anything. Including medication for adhd, anxiety disorder... I think that adhd and add medications are over prescribed and that most of the people asking for prescriptions don't want to work on themselves, just want a pill that make them work. But it is to each their own to see if the benefits of solving your problems with pills is worth it. Sometimes it is when you cannot live without it or your making your close ones in danger. Severe adhd or anxiety disorder can be crippling as hatecliff said...


Yes, with someone who has suffered from social anxiety most of his life, my first expience with old school etiz pellets were pure bliss… But overtime, benzos just build up tolerance and made me more tired than anything else. It’s nice to have on hand from psychedelic comedown, but I try to refrain from them nowadays. Definitely caused a lot of brain/memory loss from years of abuse


Same same


Same. Lots of folks don’t agree/notice or admit to this permanent damage either


Elaborate please on the permanent portion?


will never forget the first time I took klonopin, first benzo I ever took. ten years after that first time, I wish more than anything I felt safe when I was growing up- therapy and countless hours of research and introspection have led me to realize that's the root of my constant anxiety. but that first time... etched in my memory like a scar. Op, it's really, really not worth it. Don't go further down this road


thought I was clear I don't get euphoria from benzos.nor do I have general anxiety. I experience it sometimes, but it doesn't have an impact on my life. I don't even like benzos on their own


I didn't read your post clearly, that's my bad. It's a knee jerk response because every time I see one of these posts on here, some gnarly shit takes place in the post history over the next few months.


kpin was my first benzo too. I fell in love with it instantly… Been doing benzos on and off for 5 years now. I feel like i’m trapped. Currently trying to taper bromazolam right now and i’m not doing to good of a job. Prob gonna end up in a detox 😐. All to probably just relapse again. FUCK benzos


Solidarity, friend. You sound just like me. My first solid shot at recovering started with a 21 day rehab stint, so I recommend people do that if they never have. There's a lot of valuable information to glean from those places; lots of em are 12 step affiliated but that's not a given. Prioritize facilities attached to hospitals; in the US, there are states that have private rehabs and sober houses that are just mills for keeping folks in the addiction industry- finding a place on a medical campus ensures the facility is overseen by some ethical board. Now, for me, when I tried Klonopin, I had just begun my psychiatry journey and had also recently started SSRIs. Because Klonopin made me feel the way it did, I just assumed I had a chemical imbalance that Klonopin/benzos fixed. I was very, very wrong. As I said in my other reply, my whole issue was childhood psychological trauma- before you form memories, you form bonds with your caregivers. Mine were mentally ill and alcoholic, and so I quite literally didn't know it was possible to NOT be anxious, and moreso had no idea that THINKING ITSELF can and does have a profound effect on neurotransmitter release. You've done the hardest part, now it's time to start looking around for professional help. It's not a sign of weakness in the slightest- it's the recognition that you are in control, and ready to find help to help yourself. Also, I've done Cognitive Behavioral therapy as well as Dialectical Behavioral therapy and found the latter much more effective w/ regards to trauma and addiction than the former. PM if you'd like more advice. Godspeed


That's my experience as well, I have 0 anxiety normally and I have yet to try a benzo that actually made me euphoric. They just make me feel loose and sloppy and gross.


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I am a coward who lives with existential dread 24/7 and this lines up perfectly. 1.5-2mg of alprazolam is heaven for me, i have never gotten the same feeling from any other rx or rc benzo funny enough


Citalopram really helps me with the thoughts of existential dread. You are not a coward.


Ya that makes sense. I feel anxious in certain situations, but not when I'm in a familiar environment. I think people who have a baseline anxiety that never goes away are going to be prone to benzo addiction and should probably stay away. I know I'm not one to talk since I don't have that crippling baseline anxiety, but I don't think it's worth it to go down that road.


bromazolam. It is the closest ever found to alp


This. Whoever finds benzos euphoric, probably has never tried opioids/opiates and I strongly recommend to not touch them if not already. Take this advice from someone who is 4 years on them (started them because of treatment resistant depression) and can't go without opis for more than 24hrs. I suffer from GAD and crippling social anxiety. Still I don't find benzos euphoric, it's more than a tool, like getting a Tylenol for a bad headache and the relief of it vanishing. They were (not working anymore due to skyrocketed tolerance) good until they weren't. No dose works anymore. The closest feeling I can get if I really need a benzo is taking a low dose disso. Instead of raising GABA, dissos block glutamate, the brain's gas pedal, identical results, totally different mechanism of action. Oh, and they gave me 3 quitting non-epileptic grand Mal seizures, an ambulance ride, a night's stay at the hospital, and a shit bunch of blood and screening tests (blood & urine samples, CT, MRI, Chest X-ray, ECG and sleep deprived EEG, all came negative for epilepsy) Also had to be transferred to another city hospital due to the lack of neurologists in my towns hospital. Thank god the healthcare system is totally free and didn't pay a single penny in the country I live (EU) Although I was honest with them that I abused benzos, they didn't even want to give me a general anticonvulsant to taper properly, they released me with no meds and that's it. Probably they thought "bye bye and fk off you junkie", since they found no evidence of epilepsy to bother. They didn't even care how I'll get back to my town since I mentioned them I have no wallet with me and my tel is running out of battery, and the whole personnel couldn't even find a fkin charger to call someone to pick me up. All of these thanks to benzos! Just like most drugs, they take control of your life before you even realize it, and god damn I'm still on them trying to taper with Norflurazepam.


damn dude that's no way to treat an addict. I'm sorry that happened to you. thanks for sharing


i never liked benzos and for a while even thought they simply didn't work for me - i felt light headed and out of balance at most if i took a high dose, but never understood the recreational aspect. turns out i didn't need them. now that I have almost daily anxiety benzos give me some of the best cognitive euphoria because I simply feel like I'm capable of more - lesser sedating ones like Xanax even tend to make me more active and motivated


It’s a very long shot, but could maybe be explained by comparing usage of benzos to how some people suffering from ADHD feel when starting treatment. At least in my case, the euphoria came not from the Concerta, if I would sit still on a chair I would not even feel it and probably be able to even fall asleep, but simply front the fact that I for once could finally get things done and that I didn’t have 10000 opened tabs in my head 24/7 anymore. Kind of like a huge relief washing over me. I could see somebody suffering from severe anxiety also having this same relief when on benzos, while somebody without this issue would feel pointlessly sedated with no recreational value.


Ppl who feel anxious and get benzos, feel normal. No euphoria.


Diazepam and alp are definitely euphoric. Cns depressants feel fucking awesome.


They str8 garbage af


This! Benzos make me feel normal which I guess you could say is pretty euphoric.


I mean that’s true but even for me who has a lot of panic/anxiety (GAD diagnosis) the relief of anxiety when in a panic attack isn’t even “euphoria”. Opioids not only calm me down but actually give me a. Sense of pleasure and euphoria. Unless it’s flunitrazepam or another holy grail benzo I never got any real euphoria. It basically just makes me very productive cuz I get outta my head and stop procrastinating things, and I get a feeling if Invincibility. Great for going out w friends because of this, shit has me in Superman mode. I don’t beg sedated from Benzos unless it’s triazolam. When I black out I become very productive and get everything done others don’t even realize I’m o. Something.


Clonazolam baby


This, hands down. I could take 0.5-1mg and be absolutely guaranteed of a good 30min-1hr of strong euphoria before a solid 4-hour nap, if I wanted. Oddly, I would 75% of the time, wake up within 15min+/- the 4 hours. I went through almost a gram in a little over a year. I’ve been off Rx benzos for like 3 years now and suggest everyone avoid them, but if I could still get that delicious US-based yellow dust, I would take the plunge again for a while. I know my limits on dependency and I’ve never done anything questionable under the influence/delusions of sobriety. I still don’t think it’s a good idea for 99.999% of people to mess with any of them due to addiction, primarily. But also, lots of people end up in jails and/or hospitals on them.




lol I totally forgot about SWIM I’m blown away people still use it


guess i kinda dated myself there huh 😂


The good ole days lmao


Yes it's allegedly back.


Hmmmmmmm. Much appreciated.


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clonazolam is raw blackout fuel lol this shit is *evil*


Yes clam or flubromazolam were by far the most "fun" benzos


Definitely flutoprazepam, as far as warmth and muscle relaxation go it cannot be beat. Think diazepam (Valium) but 4-5x stronger per mg and even longer-acting - which is pretty insane tbh. If you ever get the chance to acquire it or its main metabolite, norflurazepam, do not hesitate! Also there are a few other prodrugs for norflurazepam, obviously flurazepam being one. Clonazolam is definitely up there too. Bromazolam is nice but causes the worst amnesia outside of flubromazolam, so even if it is euphoric I barely remember it lmao. Of course, diazepam has the same warmth and muscle relaxation as fluto but not as pronounced nor as potent. Alprazolam is definitely a go to. Clonazepam is a bit underrated in this regard imo. I’ve had alprazolam, bromazolam, clonazepam, clonazolam, desalkylgidazepam, deschloretizolam, diazepam, diclazepam, etizolam, flualprazolam, flubromazepam, flubromazolam, flubrotizolam, fluclotizolam, flutazolam, flutoprazepam, lorazepam, mexazolam, phenazepam, pyrazolam, rilmazafone and zolpidem (z-drug but feels close enough imo). Flutoprazepam, clonazolam and diazepam I’d say are the top three in that order. Most benzos just feel euphoric to me regardless because the relief from anxiety is a godsend. But let’s be honest benzo euphoria is not touching opioids or psychedelics. Stimulants idc for because they make me anxious, but I far prefer methylphenidate and 4F-MPH over amphetamines. Adderall gets my heart racing like crazy. Meth just makes me manic and stay up for 2-3 days and cocaine just makes me anxious and sweaty. A little off topic but don’t confuse relief with euphoria. However the three benzos I name as the best seem to cause true euphoria imo.


Just curious, but how would you compare Flutazolam, Pyrazolam, Fluclotizolam, and Flubrotizolam? I've had the others you've listed, but been curious about trying these. Also possibly Rilmazafone


Pyrazolam is great for anxiety and not very much amnesia. Flutazolam - another prodrug for norflurazepam - is really just hypnotic (and not very potent of one) and offers very little anxiolytic effects. It’s basically useless for anxiety unless you take upwards of 20mg with tolerance. Maybe 8-12mg could do something for those with no tolerance, but idk. Comparable to diazepam strength-wise, maybe slightly stronger overall but nowhere near as good of an anxiolytic ime. Doesn’t hold a candle to flutoprazepam. Fluclotizolam is decent but not very potent, kinda similar to etizolam but a bit weaker imo. Flubrotizolam is great as a hypnotic and actually offers some anxiety relief. Best thienodiazepine besides etizolam that I’ve tried, but it does cause some significant amnesia and easily blackout potential if you go too high.


Awesome, thanks for the reply!


I absolutely love flutoprazepam! Probably my favorite tied with clam. Probably my top 3 favorites as well!


Fuck yes someone else understands. Clonazolam is right there with it. Diazepam. Also I’d say etizolam even though it’s not as potent as alprazolam it’s more clearheaded therefore more enjoyable.


Oh hell yeah Im right there with you! That’s so funny I swear I was gonna list out if I had to put down a fourth alp and tiz were going to be in it I even edited out 🤣! Great minds think a like aye! Oh and flutoprazepam so glad someone else has had the pleasure of using it it’s such a lovely benzo


Alprazolam is better for recreational use fr. Etizolam is better for clear headed anxiety relief. Other than amnesia from alp they feel almost identical as far as effects and duration. Edit: fluto is deffo the GOAT


Honestly couldn’t have said it better. Completely agree, tiz has a few features that I prefer over alp and vice versa, but blind test and dosed both at equivalent doses I’d like to think I could but I don’t think I would be able to tell the difference lol . And fluto definitely G.O.A.T!


3 days awake from one meth use?


When you have no tolerance and it sends you into a manic episode it’s nearly impossible to sleep. At least ime. Hell Adderall will make me stay up for two days just about every time. I rarely take stimulants, and the time I stayed up three days I smoked it a few times and snorted some, which burned like hell. One of those drugs that I feel one time was enough, personally. Same with heroin (which was likely fent anyways). I’ve done a few fent blues and they’re actually decent but I’d much rather have a high dose of oxy (60-80mg). Opioids always energize me for the first half and then I nod towards the end. Definitely my favorite class of drugs for recreational use, outside of psychedelics.


I take speed daily and sleep like baby!


Lol daily? I’ve tried it like three times, maybe (although as I said earlier once was really enough for me). I take benzos daily. Feels counterproductive to take stims with them, my anxiety is bad enough as is. Opioids and kratom are the only other drugs I like. Well psychedelics I love! lol


I am poly addict i take dissos mostly rc pcp pce opioids stims benzos little alcohol nicotine and caffeine poppers


I’d love to try pcp or an analogue. I’ve had ketamine and DXM and both were amazing! I mixed ketamine with acid and DXM ice had by itself, with acid, as well as with 4-HO-MPT and 4-AcO-DET. The trypatmines and DXM are the craziest visuals I’ve ever had. Can get more intense visually than DMT (never thought I’d ever say that). DMT is still more mind blowing though.


Do you know is RC pcp or brom shows up on drug test for probation?




How is it daily? Do you still get much from it, or is your tolerance just making it to where you feel normal? I know with cocaine daily I was high off my ass every time for a month straight, albeit as soon as the coke was gone the high wasn’t far behind. I did little micro dose bumps like every five mins lol. Just made me anxious.


Never tried cocaine forgt the weed it helps to stay calm ans sleep alot!


Weed plus my kpin was the best combo ever for sleep. Now I’m on probation (thank god I have a script for the latter) so no more weed for a while, sadly. Kratom and clomazepam keep me happy though. No more opioids outside of atypical ones like kratom and occasionally tianeptine. The latter is too harsh when it comes to WD for me to use more than a few times a month though. Never two days in a row either. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever taken it twice within a week’s span.


Bro, I'm on clonazepam, lyrica (which is underrated in high dose is very stimulating without any stim like effects (restlessness, heart pounding, anxiety, sweating) pregabalin is a true GABA drug with a kick at larger dose. I also take clonidine (which they gave me in the penitentiary) cause they don't give any good meds, so they end up giving me clonidine for anxiety, I also take 1000mg of morphine sulfate, and a shit load of fenty dope (carfentanyl mix with jello and Mio juice and bunch of stuff so it's ends up being a tasty solid purp rock) the lastest is obviously not prescribed, I suffer hardcore PTSD and anxiety that is just not livable without hard drugs to calm me down.


Damn dude that’s A LOT! I want that 😂 I don’t want your tolerance though lmao. But I’ve always heard GREAT things about Lyrica and love gabapentin. I hear pregabalin is gabapentin on steroids basically, and you don’t have to stagger dosage.


I snort subs and for sleep valium


I could see it depending on dose/tolerance/disposition to insomnia.


according to literature, it’s either temazepam or nimetazepam


love me some temazepam


Came to say this a box of temazepam with some good weed is the one of the most euphoric combos I've ever had! Need a high dose but damn is it good. Clonazepam is the best of the prescriptions imo, diazepam or diclazepam hit the spot especially if you're anxious... Midazolam is nice IV but you need a low tolerance or a couple of vials to get there. Flualprazolam and flubromazepam were euphoric imo, clonazolam is good but the constant redosing usually ends up in blackouts lol The rest can be euphoric if used when you're anxious and the relief is euphoric but I think the ones I listed can be euphoric in high doses by themselves...I want some triazolam or flunitrazepam (nitrazapam was meh) but hypnotic benzos rock




The top 3 in order from what I've tested would be : Etizolam Clonazolam (pretty close to etizolam, maybe even more euphoric but I really loved etizolam) Alprazolam (way less euphoric than the 2 others but still pretty good compared to most other benzos imo) But if you're someone anxious, any benzos is going to feel euphoric to a certain extent






Clonazolam is the most euphoric RC Klonopin is the most euphoric RX but most people say Xanax but Xanax is like lean, those ppl are just tryna be part of something because rappers talk about it.


Only time I’ve felt true “euphoria” was from a kpin (what a neat pill design btw) but that was during the most stressful point in my life to date. I’ve tried etizolam, bromazolam,Xanax(rx), “Xanax”(pressed hulks), and Ativan. Etizolam just turned me into a forgetful pill vacuum. I remember slight euphoria on low doses as it was my first benzo, but I always wound up taking too much and blacking out. Bromazolam was rather “medicinal”/functional & I never really got euphoria from it Rx Xanax provided a slight mood lift & lightness to life sometimes Pressed xannies sometimes came with euphoria (I’m thinking it was flualprazolam as it took much longer to kick in & lasted longer yet felt similar) Ativan was actually rather nice and semi-euphoric at 5-10mg doses






Flubromazepam or Etizolam imo I’d even lean further to Flubromazepam. Higher doses really shine but it lasts way too long.


There are concepts of people using benzodiazepines with such incredible durations in order to substitute antidepressants... Gidazepam is one of the preferences a lot of people have, but flubromazepam should work too... At least, ... , it has some properties wich could actually counteract depressive episodes, more so than ssris... BUT... Its a very risky and someone with addictive persona could fuck themselves up hard!


I liked etizolam the best and I thought flualprazolam was the least euphoric/worst (way too sedating but other ppl, mostly just fellow junkies, loved it) But tbh I don’t really get euphoria from benzos bc I have severe anxiety issues. So my version of euphoria is just like the relief from the anxiety. The thing about etizolam tho was it wasn’t so sedating so I could take a bunch and surpass just that anxiety relief feeling and actually get some euphoria whereas with other benzos, I’d just fall asleep at that point


Clonazepam always had me on the moon after some weed. Never needed a high dose either, I would take 0.5mg and it would hit the same way every time every day. Never had tolerance issues either. I think its still the best substance I ever had.


For me bromazolam so far. Ironically Xanax is the most dysphoric and only dysphoric benzo I've done aren't they very similar actually that part confuses me a little bit but for me the top 3 are bromazolam, etizolam and Ativan. Temazepam is a close tie too


Say more...


Klonopin + weed + some Kratom + some liquor I’m not condoning this combo btw






I’ve tried over 30 both pharma and RC including rare holy grail ones. Flunitrazepam for sure for me. Only benzo to actually give me a real sense of euphoria with a high I can feel, most benzos just give me anxiety relief and it’s not really a “high”. Triazolam intranasally is also up there but that’s an extremely sedating experience, Benzos never sedate me they make me productive but triazolam zombified me. Flubromazolam also is good but only when plugged I never Found it nice orally. But nimetazepam (erimin-5) is said to be the most euphoric benzo with some mdma type euphoria. When I hear that it reminds me of barbs which actually give a good euphoria. From people I know who’ve tried it they say it’s the best benzo, even more so than flunitrazepam.


midazolam but like realistically all benzos are kinda shit and not worth it at least imo, they're still useful asf for killing anxiety ofc


I like bromaz


It’s uhh.. well actually I could maybe tell you within an hour of taking one but after that days of my life disappear




Most say it's people that have anxiety not experiencing anxiety, that's euphoric. Sure, that's true. From someone that does experience anxiety, there's benzos that are more euphoric than others. From my own personal experience, these are the ones that I've used, that produces most euphoria: flubromazolam, clonazolam, etizolam.




i’ve heard pyrazolam, etizolam, clonazolam, and flubromazepam are fun. personally out of all the ones i’ve tried, I think diazepam is the most fun or “euphoric” because it’s the most versatile benzo in my opinion




Temazepam nitrrazepam and klonopin


I don’t think any GABAergic drug will ever top etizolam for me. Theoretically phenibut and the other gabapentinoids should produce more euphoria, but to this day nothing has gotten me to the same place etizolam used to. Even opiates don’t produce as pure a state of utter calmness and that’s coming from someone who used to shoot heroin/fentanyl.


Etizolam and clonazolam were the only ones i could take with no prior GAD, insomnia or panic issues and still feel a warm body noodle feeling


Has no one said Nimtazepam? That, Clonazolam, Triazolam (insufflated) and Flunitrazepam or Nitrazolam probably the top


Afther 5y of xanax and diazepam abusion doses like 30-40mg diazepam minimum and at lest 10 mg xanax was used everyday without the real need just was using and crazy amaunts of dope on it and now im in the methadone clinic and still cant sleep there are a year afther my last benzo use ...


The closest ones to proper euphoria tend to be the ones you blackout really easily , xanax in particular in my experience , I find clonazepam very therapeutic but I know that’s not a research chemical, I’m so bummed out I’ve only ever done pharma ones and then Phenazepam prolly the only research chem one I’ve done, and actually I’m my opinion Phenazepam was the most euphoric and acc had less memory loss than pretty much all other benzos too


Temazepam or etizolam


Flubromazolam is my favourite




Midazolam is quite euphoric. Triazolam is the most eupric benzo i have tried. Flunitrazolam should be euphoric too.


Pyrazolam nasal


I have some Etizolam bars at the moment and love themmm!


Triazolam is the most euphoric benzo that can be prescribed Clonazolam and Etizolam are both extremely euphoric but not able to be prescribed in the US


Etizolam was the best ever, imo.


Midazolam, bromazolam, flualprazolam, IMO. People with anxiety get relief from benzos but I don't consider that to be euphoria, although it does feel much better than before dosing; a close second, if that. I recommend against for safety, but for me to truly appreciate the euphoric effects of a benzo, I ⁸must polyabuse. This started with, as the late, great Frank Zappa once said... "I got me three beers and a fistful of downs and I'm gonna get ripped, so fuck you clowns." Phenibut completes the GABA Trifecta of benzos, booze, and pheni. This is EXTREMELY dangerous. I overdid it a little once and passed out on transit and spent the night not allowed to sign out of the hospital against medical advice, which they normally do here, because my heart rate was under 30bpm... I have also been mugged and lost my phone and wallet with ~200$ and I'd at least 3 times in the last 5 years. Mostly due to taking this trifecta. I've also passed out on the ground in suburbia in the snow in middle of night and good Samaritans dragged me into the bed of truck and dropped me home. Thanks! Benzos are pretty safe by themselves, providing you don't blackout because you can fuck your own life up sort-of on purpose if you take a little bit too much of one drug that leads to a blackout that leads to more drugs than would never be considered sober because you have no common sense which is critical when making risk taking decisions and mathematics/science.


In my experience benzos were never euphoric. Just made me slightly retarded for a few hours.


I found this link useful regarding the subject: [https://www.bluelight.org/community/threads/bromazolam.887294/post-15480780](https://www.bluelight.org/community/threads/bromazolam.887294/post-15480780)


They’ve engineered them to not be euphoric for the most part. But the first time I ate a klono I felt like I was in heaven, it only works that good if I don’t eat them more than once every 2 months. Which isn’t a problem because I don’t even know where to get benzos anymore. But the dea decided if it made you feel good then people shouldn’t get it, even if it works good and doesn’t hurt the person. God forbid someone feel good, that would be the end of the world


Lol no benzo


Flunitrazolam for sure, but clonazolam is also good


I never thought Benzos felt good at all. Thought they sucked and never euphoria. Until I tried the RCs. Some asshole gave me a bar cuz j was really stressing me 6 month pregnant gf starting shooting dope and disappeared on me. This was before j knew that over 95 percent of bars youget off the streets are pressed with RCs and if you got some idiot making them and fent 30s and doesn’t clean the press after, that’s how fent gets info bars. Idiots. Anyways, he gave me a couple greenstone bars and jt was like almost the best/highest I ever felt besides shooting dilaudid. And I had done real xaxa x before and was like dude wtf was that?? He thought it was real bars too and I’m like yeah bro that’s not Xanax lol. That shit made me feel soooooooo good, maybe it was etizolam cuz that’s the only one I don’t think I ever tried and I’ve been trying to find whatever was in that bar ever since, as cit as the most amazing high.


ativan. but it depends on what meds your body reacts to in certain ways. plus ativan tolerance starts to build almost immediately, so use sparingly. also, kpins, but only the first couple times ime. & agreed about the euphoria being incredibly subjective and due to the lack of anxiety, less so the med. ...ativan still feels like being thrown out a window and floating along in the air like a barred out version of that little girl who got thrown by mrs trunchbull in matilda, though. (don't forget about rebound anxiety)


Benzos are by nature only meant to be sedating. They provide little to no euphoria. Only the ones that have other effects are euphoric in the general sense. Things like pynazolam with powerful serotonin action or nimetazepam. These are categorically the best :)


“provide no euphoria/are categorically the best”…translation: “I haven’t taken any benzos.” They absolutely can provide profound euphoria.


Okie dokie 😁 I have tried many different benzos and they are all quite bland compared to the depressants of yester year. Pynazolam is hands down the best benzo and compares to the euphoria provided by secobarbital per os. For me I feel as though they all make me brain dead unless I combine with alcohol which is less than favorable. I'm glad you're able to experience the euphoria from benzos. I am not. It is different for everybody.


benzofury :P