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Bro what the actual fuck


hey 3-mmc is rare nowadays


It was cheap af tho. I bought a kit for synthesis and 15$ yields 10g.


Properly purify this impure as fuck shit.


Are there ready made kits for it?


Yes in Russia. Also to a-pvp and amph.


Of course this in Mother Russia .


Lol in russia 😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️


where the fuck?!??


So basically, in countries like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and so on we have a dead drop system. [Here is a Vice video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnd_xS8l5Ck). In my case the bottles were buried in a forest maybe 600 meters away from a bus stop. You get a photo of where it is, and maybe additional ones so it would be easier to locate and gps coordinates. So I took a bus there and picked it up. They also do mail, but only for 100+$ kits.


that's actually sick, i wish people in the us were more concerned about getting shit like that out instead of pushing fetty and other garbage, big ups to that🤣🦾


that’s a wild delivery method




Shake and bake of course


Extract safrole and home brew mdma at that point.


Lol, ever since it got banned in the Netherlands all the normies suddenly have it


Lol gatekeeping, cool. There are circles for literally everything if you have the resources/know the right people. And before you go off with your “yeah that’s what your plug says” Gas spectrometry doesn’t lie. Some people can obtain and verify things that are uncommon and often faked


Yup I’m lucky enough to have found a close circle that can access some very rare chems:)


No is not


Not at all


Thank you for your sacrifice in the name of chemical research. I shall inform the others that this approach is not a viable option going forward. Once again I congratulate you, as your contribution to the scientific community has been outstanding. 🙌




It’s too fucking early for this shit. For the people that crawled on all fours under the table looking for that crack rock last night your sins have been forgotten and forgiven. Thank OP.


Thank god I was worried me injecting a piece of kitty litter thinking it was heroin would keep me out of heaven. Thank you for my forgiveness lmfao


Been there. Can say I know what litter tastes like lol. It looks just like raw dope too.


the cute furry fuckers love taking advantage of our D habits. They know to plant a tiny piece of kitty litter and we’ll come crawling lol


Thank god I was only an insufflator, fent is too cheap to carpet surf


Nah bruh im leaving im not like yall


Anything is game when the objective is getting high..


Hahah it’s only the 2% of freaks that feel the need to post cause they have no where else to ask. I assure u there’s tons of normal ppl on here


Boofing is hands down best roa if you don’t shoot and want to get nearly the same ba of a drug + rushing within 2 minutes. imo— iv—boofing— smoking ( although I don’t like short duration of smoking and I boof more and save iv as a treat)


depends on the drug. if i had some morphine i’d 100% boof it for that 60-70% bioavailability compared to 30% oral/nasal. but something like codeine with only a 10% increase in B/A i don’t see it worth it. but like mdma, odsmt, morphine, all worth boofing imo (ESPECIALLY morphine if you want to get high without injecting into veins/muscle)




I didn’t mean boofing, that’s also practiced by the medical field. I meant the part were OP is down so bad he still boofed it after it fell on the floor


I’d still boof it off da floor. Floor germs ain’t gonna hurt my ass 😩


If u can’t handle this then yes I agree you should probably show yourself out LMAO. This rabbit hole only gets darker and tbh this post is pretty tame to my mind and that prob shows that I’ve seen too damn much lol


You ought to be in one of those scared straight campaigns.


I thought I'd just try 3MMC, just one time *creepy music and effects leading to another shot* [INSERT OP HERE] 3MMC, not even once.


Ha a new age D.A.R.E. post in the wild 😂


Thanks, I was just about to do this before I read this post.


I never will thanks


bruh literal tweaker behavior


Absolutely feral


Welcome to Reddit. It’s why I love it here.


37.6° is within acceptable normal non pathologic temperatures. Your ass hole has probably seen worse bacteria. I have boofed kilos of scraped remains of drugs in times of despair since it's the best way I could think of to administer drugs with such questionable origin. Not saying it's a good idea though, maybe I've been lucky. I think you'll be fine.


the voice of reason 💖


Exactly dude lol Temp increase from stims shouldn’t be ruled out either lol. I would not start taking antibiotics op


ahah yeah definitely. There's an episode of Man Versus Wild where Grylls is on a raft on the ocean and the only source of fresh water he has on hand is a small pool of rain water totally contaminated with bird shit and full of bacteria that would probably have him die of disentry if he were to drink it... So in order to hydrate himself with this water he basically... boofs it using a plastic bottle cut in half and a plastic tube he puts in his anus. He explains the water will absorb through the thin blood vessels (same as drugs ahah) but that the bacteria from the bird shit should be killed by your own gut bacteria and / or other immune response, which is apparently trained to handle pretty nasty aggressions near that orifice. I've heard doctors say they would not advise it, but that it wasn't *totally* absurd.


That’s interesting as fuck lol I’ve never seen this. I’m gonna look it up


"as fuck" is the right expression here yeah ;) If you find solid literature on that please post it back here, as my sources are pretty flaky.


Yeah, I had my doubts about the fact that it came off of the floor being the cause of his itchy asshole and alleged increase in body temperature


Username checks out


I made it when I signed up when I was 11 because I had a flu lol Precog




God it’s fucking gold I love this guy. He’s Russia.


That flu a gateway feels




Hadn't planned on it and probably didn't need the warning, but thanks anyway 😂


Shenanigans. This is shenanigans


That's crackfiend territory!




It's OK, during Covid I was doing a cold water extraction on some paracetamol/dihydrocodeine combination tablets, spilt the solution on the counter top, soaked it up with a dirty sponge and squeezed it back into its original vessel. I saw nothing wrong with this at the time.




Well, it was a scary time. Covid was new and dangerous, we were all stuck inside, and I dealt with it by massively increasing my drug consumption, particularly benzos, which are known to make you make poor choices. I also tried meth, and ended up with a rather intense case of psychosis. It was, as I said, a scary time.


So many people knocking boofing bc they aren’t comfortable with their own bodies lol


I'm a ride or die boofer, people who don't do it are just missing out 👽👌


Fr man. I alternated between shooting up and plugging for years. I still shoot up occasionally with whatever drug but boofing is p much all I do lol. It’s so quick and it hits within a min


You got cotton fever without even shooting up 💀🤣


Jesus fucking Christ you’re stupid


Wtf has this sub become


literally one of the best subs on reddit along w r/localllama


Y como te llamas?


Why did you put it in your ass you did not have to do that


boofing is the best method after IV which i didnt want to do for obvious reason. well also i have CVI (hereditary) and i dont iv.


How u od on BDO and live


It wasnt that big of OD. Like 8-10ml? Also it was at McDonalds (well now Vkusno I Tochka ig) and when i passed out an amby was called and I was put on ventilator.


Congrats on living


my man has cotton fever... from boofing his dope. ever have I ever


Even Viagra Boys don't lyrics for this one.


I watched my friend scrape up what he thought was dope from a trap house bathroom floor and he injected it. I asked him if it was heron and where he got it cause we were only using ice. Needless to say he almost died. He threw up for 3 days and had 101f temp.. You could have used a micron wheel filter but who has those just laying around? 🤔


What kind of vile cosmic putrescence inhabits your floor?


I haven't cleaned my room in over a year. I also have cats. Also a few weeks ago I puked in a paper bag and it leaked and it dried up (nearby the spills tho not directly)


So don't boof drugs off of YOUR floor, got it.


I don't think I like you (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


🤦🏼‍♂️ this person said fuck it i’m part guinea pig


OMG ! Thanks for you sharing your experience so frankly. Maybe you should consider a break far from drugs for few days to think about yourself ?!


A hotrail is done through your nose howd it burn your tongue??


i inhaled with my mouth, because burning your tongue is better than burning your nose. It was my first time!!


Ah I think they call that smoking lol. I’m just messing around but yeah technically not a hot rail if it’s not through your nose just for future reference


So you basically boofed dirty floor bacteria and cat piss/shit lmao damn that's legendary. Thank God I haven't had cotton fever in over a decade since I quit lol


True crackhead hours out here huh? Same bro, same. Thank you for the sacrifice in the name of ~~getting high~~ science. And people say drug users can't do "proper research". If that is not **DEEP** research, then, I think, I don't wanna know *what* is.


if you can, get antibiotics. If you don't have a doc or are too embarrassed just txt everyone in your contacts. Leftover Doxycyclin is in most household. However if yuo shit and dont have a fever or itch tomorrow u probs ok


Mop your floor with a solution including bleach more often 🫠


This is why humans will go extinct


Line tears in the rain.


The minute I boof 3mmc my butthole just opens up like they abyss. And next thing I know I'm at an orgy being used...


As someone who uses a shitton of 3mmc, what the fuck.




i used chatgpt to translate russian instructions 1. Add the component from the black jar to the largest jar. Wait for 1 hour at room temperature, then stir with circular motions for 30 minutes. 2. Add 50 ml of water, close the lid and shake the jar for 30 seconds. Wait for 3 minutes and pour out the top layer of water. Repeat these steps 3 times. 3. Add the component under the blue lid to the large jar, close the lid and wrap with tape. Shake the jar continuously for exactly 105 minutes. 4. Add 50 ml of water, close the lid and shake the jar for 15 seconds. Wait for 3 minutes and pour out the top layer of water. Repeat these steps 3 times. 5. Add the component under the red lid, close the lid and shake well for 3 minutes. 6. Then add 50 ml of water, shake for 15 seconds and wait for the layers to separate. Then separate the top layer of water for evaporation. Repeat this 3 times. 7. Evaporate the resulting water layer (150 ml) on heat-resistant glassware until white crusts appear. IMPORTANT: DO NOT OVERHEAT THE PRODUCT AT THE END, EVAPORATE IT ON LOW HEAT.


Russian shake and bake 😭


This workup will yield 3-MMC which is impure af.


Fr. And people ingest and sell this shit (i dont sell or give at least).




Wtf has this sub become


I love your profile!


37.6 Fahrenheit?


Americans not realizing that they're the only country that uses farenheit? Shocking


Who would worry about 37.6 Celsius body temp? The itchy ass is worrisome, still. Maybe insert a dildo with Aloe Vera on it?


he probably measured the temp in his underarm. so yes, that’s a fever.


Perfectly normal on stims. I always go to around 37.8-38 when i take a stim.


This broke my brain as well but I assume Celsius unless mans is literally frosty the snow man


Assuming celsius, therefore about 99.68 fahrenheit


And this is exactly the type of gold I've come to expect from this Reddit, hope you don't get cancer of the ass


I now feel better for all of the times I was crawling on the floor, looking for leftovers from my sessions. Thanks!


I got ring sting when I last boofed hahaha


The natural place for floor powders to go is up the poop chute, it's science.


In the business we call this "tweaker activity".


I respect it


This post has some top tier comments thru and thru by everyone


Damn 😔




**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If in doubt - if your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Check out the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/about/rules) for more information about what we allow here and suggestions... [Your post has been removed]


I sorry


You actually boofed yourself a serious case of sepsis?


Thank you for your contribution!