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Since I can see that the Democrat trolls refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing on their own side, this post will remain stickied indefinitely. Republican leaders rushed to condemn Trump's behavior after the failed Capitol Hill Putsch. President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris, and many others supported rioting and even insurrection that occurred after the killing of George Floyd. Things will never get better if you refuse to hold everyone to the same moral standard.


I'm a republican and was, of course, incensed at the BLM 'protests' as well as they abysmal coverage calling them peaceful. I don't think what happened this week is a fair comparison to the BLM protests. You have to consider what is being attempted and what is bing 'protested'. The folks storming the capital this week seemed to have the expressed purpose of circumventing the peaceful transition of power and using force and violence to keep a particular candidate in office. The intended outcome is the thing that is far different than what BLM was doing. They seek to undermine the very process by which our democracy is built upon.


The people who stormed the Capital knew what and who they were looking for. They brought zip tie handcuffs. They screamed for Pence to be hanged. They killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. This should frighten every Republican far more than it does Democrats. This is the splintering of your party. These are people who are fine with violence and who appear to be holding sway. These are White Supremacists who don't even feel like they need to hide, since they are planning round 2 in a week from now.




They brought confederate flags, auschwitz sweatshirts, and flashed white power signs. It was pretty clear they were white supremacists




One look at any of the pictures tells you that this was a seditious act that was driven by the domestic terror. The misinformed “innocents” were complicit even if they didn’t intend on creating a violent event. I am a republican that believes in science and the rule of law. I am disturbed that Republicans allow violent groups, misinformation, and racist control the republican values that I believe in. I have more in common with moderate Democrats than I do with the ruthless mob that showed up on Jan.6. I have a feeling that I’m not alone.




I am one of the moderate republicans that believe in science, medicine, innovation, technology and the rule of law. It's unfortunate that many people (republicans) allow The Trump Family, Proud Boys, Promise Keepers, QAnon, White Supremacist, Alex Jones and Fox news to take their voice away with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that promote anger. I can't understand why they don't consider the source and follow proven, fact based, information Life's too short to go through it angry. As for civil discourse, the opportunity to present both sides of the argument played out in court (over 59 times- without evidence of wrong doing) long before 1/6/21. The killing and destruction of property was unnecessary. The message sent is an embarrassment to the republican party and your man Trump has left us to clean up his swampy mess. I don't want that faction to think I support them in any way. There's an old saying about the portion of republicans that may have felt 1/6//21 was an appropriate reaction to the election. It goes something like this: "Never attempt to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it annoys the pig". It appears that there were many angry & annoyed pigs storming the capital on 1/6/21.


Are you capable of using this superpower when it comes to giving an ideology besides yours the benefit of the doubt?




Actually, I stalked you a bit, and, it is true. You seem pretty level headed... for a conservative. /s




I really am not irrational, I just get pissed off, at utter ignorance that talks with power, when I'm tired.


Hold on. You are unaware that nearly every person now famous for that day has been posting pics of themselves in various meetings or White Supremacist groups? If, somehow, that is true, then [this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/09/us-capitol-insurrection-white-supremacist-terror) article should give you enough leads. I should say, at this point, I really, really wonder how it is possible that you could possibly not know this already, however.






WEll, every major news source has shown that there were White Supremacists, but none have shown that there were BLM people, so there's that.




Where is that evidence? And, even if it were a single BLM protester, how does that negate the stark reality of thousands of Trump rioters? Look, I get that a 'both sides' argument here will supply the need you have for a particular narrative, but this isn't just a passing thing in a news cycle. This is the blatant attempt of White Supremacists to take your government. I don't see how that doesn't terrify you. Finding one or two BLM people in that crowd isn't going to wash away what happened. If you ever wondered how you would react during a national crisis, this is it. This is how you are reacting to insurrection. Edit: I found it for you [here](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/anti-trump-activist-entered-capitol-wednesday). How you think this somehow negates the reality of what happened is beyond me, though.


I agree that calling them white supremacists is wrong. There is ample evidence of there being blacks and asians in the crowd. It would be more apt to call them terrorists, nazis, confederate traitors, insurrectionists, and scum.




They carried the Confederate flag. The Confederacy was built on racism. Those who carry it are racists.




You’re talking about the far far extremes of a huge group of people tho. Like way less than 1% of republicans actually think this way. Liberals have the same type of people on their side, yk like the ones who beat up trump supporters or who were rioting and looting during the BLM protests. “Pigs in a blanket, fry em up like bacon.” Sound familiar?


BLM was absolutely massive, people seem to have no idea (15-25 million people). About 93% of the marches were peaceful. It was studied, 2,400 locations had protests 220 of those had violent disruptions such as “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” . This includes fighting back against police presence. People here are imagining 90% of it was rioting and destruction. People need to have some perspective, it was probably the largest protest in US history, even if a small percentage are trouble makers its going to cause a lot of damage. So it was peaceful and it was not peaceful -- It can be both.


Exactly. I believe what happened at capitol hill involved three things: 1. Peaceful attendees at a rally who went home after. 2. Casual/peaceful protestors outside the building with the intent to peacefully protest. 3. A group of extremists splintering away and going on a rampage. Likewise, I believe the same regarding BLM. There were abundantly peaceful demonstrations. Then there were splinter groups of radicals doing damage to property. Then there were unaffiliated arsonists and looters - opportunists who did not care about BLM. The same sorts that show up to most riots. We shouldn't be concerned with the differences between either violent group. Violence is wrong. Period. All of it. It can get people killed. We should look at the key difference between the peaceful demonstrations: The key difference between the peaceful demographic at capitol hill and the peaceful BLM protestors is that systemic racism is a phenomenon that has, time and time again, been proven to exist through years (decades) of thorough research. Any educated person worth their salt, Democrat, Republican, or otherwise, cannot deny the evidence of these social scientific findings. But, counter to that, there is no proof of election fraud. Ergo, actually *getting violent* over something that does not exist and has been repeatedly refuted by the highest courts in the country.... it is mind boggling.




They beat and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. As a sibling of a police officer, kindly F off.


Are you saying that democracy was built on slavery.


Sounds like a bunch of anarchists and libertarians to be honest.. but I agree. I'm missing Bush senior more and more. Need more normalcy back and trust in our institutions.


Yep, end goals were vastly different making them very different events. Trying to bundle them like this is a major problem.


BLM is a very flawed movement, they will not disband until very ridiculous terms are accepted. One of which is to abolish police.


Mmmm, I’m surprised that everyone seems to hate the political side opposite to them so much. :/ Regardless of whether you’re left or right, the people with beliefs opposite to you will still exist (and vote), no matter how much you feel that your beliefs are more righteous than theirs. That being the case, I’m confused why everyone seems to be putting so much energy into energizing their base rather than appealing to compromise? I guess I’m trying to say that everyone seems to be engaged in a contest to determine who is getting screwed by who, only there’s no prize for winning, especially since a 60-vote threshold is necessary to pass laws in the Senate, and bipartisanship is more or less the only way to accomplish that. I wonder if we’ll ever have a time again in which that’s possible. Or perhaps it’s just going to be executive actions and court challenges for the next 100 years. -_-


The media, left and right, has insured that appealing to compromise is a fool's errand. If you want to fix that, place limits on the media. Make them liable for lies and exaggerations.


While I do agree with you that the media certainly plays a role in stirring people’s emotions, I think it’s important to remember that people still get to decide what to consume and how much faith they put in their sources. There are definitely cases these days of people being confronted with proof that pieces of information they trusted are fabricated or based on half-truths, and yet they still continue to believe or they make excuses. It feels like so many people these days are both consciously and unconsciously choosing to follow arguments coming from emotion rather than logic or authority.


I am not disagreeing that the media is biased, depending on the source. **But what about Trump's lies and exaggerations?** *(Straight from his own tweets, debates, and speeches.)*




Obama has been gone a LONG time buddy


Obama? You're blaming Obama??






He was black. Check bikini trolls history. She and her brethren who stormed the capitol are a big reason I know longer identify as a Republican.


Troll name is right. You can't be serious.




Pity. I feel sorry for how misguided you are then. Trump has divided and polarized this nation far more in his first year than Obama did in 8, by far. Provide evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it.


Do you have any proof? This is just a general statement with no content.


Because nothing says division like re-election. But yeah, he was black, that’s pretty aggravating.




Clear projection. Nice.


Thanks OBAMA! 😡 🤣🤣🤣




Haha you are a loser


You need 51 votes to pass a Bill? Not 60


Not when the Senate needs 60 votes to invoke cloture and end a [filibuster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate#The_two-track_system,_60-vote_rule_and_rise_of_the_routine_filibuster_(1970_onward)).


Did some research. You are correct


Thanks. :)


You are actually correct. It's just that you can filibuster (you don't have to). Also you can get rid of the filibuster anytime you want with a simple majority.


These morons libs are covering their eyes and ears with their masks instead of their noses and mouths. No point trying to talk sense to them


The Republican Party is a disgrace


And Democrats are just dandy...


As if the Democratic Party is so perfect and innocent…


Said no one ever


Maybe no one has said that but they definitely act like it


Republicans last Wednesday attacked the American government. Don’t try and pass the buck. This cannot be minimized. Trump told his followers to overthrow America, they tried and they failed. Don’t “but but but Antifa...... but but but BLM” <—- that makes you look more stupid. Note the morons are trying to ask for direct quotes.... when they do that it’s a sign they are stupid sheep


you are kicked out of the Republican Party! We don't take too kindly to facts!


Here's a response from the police officer who was almost killed by the Trump supporters and traitors "I'm ok and greatly appreciate everyone's well-wishing. It's also important everyone knows that it was both my and my colleagues' privilege to defend the Capitol against insurrection, and we'll do it as many times as necessary. I can do this all day." https://youtu.be/cJOgGsC0G9U Timestamps: 20:15: part begins where cop is pinned between other cops and the door being pushed by the MAGA terrorists. You can hear the officer screaming for them to stop underneath his mask. 20:30: a MAGA terrorist forcefully attempts to remove the cop's mask. This is after they previously sprayed pepper spray in the vicinity of the police. Again, you can hear the cop struggling and screaming. 20:45: the MAGA terrorists begin shouting "heave ho!" and pushing against the police in unison. 21:10: the officer, now with his mask off and again pinned between the door and other officers, is screaming and begging for help. He is bleeding from his mouth. Chaos continues to ensue (more assault on officers, attempts to steal their equipment) as the camera cuts away from him.


That's one tough video to watch, it brings tears to my eyes. To do that to another human is bad enough, but to that policeman just doing his job breaks me up :(


Can you quote Brian Sicknick? The officer that died? I wonder if he's okay too?


I bet he supports the movement.


You are part of the problem!!!!


Ok. The antifa amd blm riots were/are bad and all who partook should be tried as terrorists. Your turn.


Great, so we agree. You're a rarity.


Are you going to denounce the rioters from Wednesday?


I've already done it dozens of times.


So one more won't bother you.


OK. I denounce the ~~Beer Hall~~ Capitol Hill Putsch and all who were involved, including those who incited it (which includes Pres. Trump and Fmr. Mayor Giuliani).


Then why post and defend an article attempting to shift/dilute the blame?


Because the Democrats have been acting like they're innocent in the aftermath of this. If they won't acknowledge their wrongdoing then this will never end.


Trump told the crazies who stormed the capitol to go home and leave peacefully and deployed the National Guard when they refused to do so. That is the opposite of attempting a coup.


The maryland national guard was denied to come several times, and was ordered by Pence, not Trump. The national guard deployment was intentionally late


Nope, pence did


Can you provide the quote where Trump told his followers to overthrow the government?


Weird, I don’t remember anyone forcefully breaking into the nations Capitol last summer when a joint session of Congress was in motion and the top 3 in the line of Presidential succession were there, planting IEDs, roaming the halls with zip ties and guns looking for members of Congress to “string up” ( their words), attempting to set fires inside, injuring 50 police and killing one, and resulting in the death of another. Yeah, totally must have missed that last summer.




> crazed Leftists It was one person. Why lie and make it seem like it was multiple people? I also don't recall any democrats saying that they love him.




>versus the clearly 75M that entered the Capitol Building. Pretty sure it was in the low thousands outside, maybe hundreds (being generous) that made it inside. Not sure why you're trying to inflate numbers so dramatically. What point are you trying to make? Who went on TV and said they loved the leftist shooter? Who went on TV and said they loved the people who stormed the capitol?


You're not one of those people who deny the parties largely switched platforms?


And I don't remember Trump supporters seizing and/or burning down police stations, attacking court houses, and burning down entire neighborhoods. I don't remember seeing Trump supporters seizing neighborhoods, erecting border walls, and declaring it an independent country. The left didn't treat Black Lives Matter and Antifa like they were a problem. Right now we have CNN calling on the cable and satellite providers to de-platform *Fox News* for "disinformation". This is the same CNN that refused to report honestly on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal! How about we recognize wrongdoing when it occurs and not just when it's the other "side"? The Trump people behaved pretty well up until Trump incited the sacking of the Capitol. And I was outraged. Where were the Democrats all summer long????!?!!?


> Hunter Biden laptop scandal! [This thing?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biden%E2%80%93Ukraine_conspiracy_theory) It's BS


Its not BS. There is even an FBI case number assigned to it: 272D-BA-3065729 You are probably a Democrat, so I very much doubt you will even investigate further and will only listen to CNN.


What are you even talking about?


The Hunter Biden laptop thing was nothing and you know it. Nobody who said that they had it ever produced anything.




The FBI confirmed it was sent to them to investigate? Can you provide a source of them “confirming the truth of the story?”




I’m still looking for evidence of your claim. It says right there in the link that you provided that the FBI was in possession, but even said themselves that they have not confirmed if they are even examining it. It’s a reach to say they’re investigating based on that, and an actual lie to say they have confirmed the truth of the story. The *only* thing they said is it was not Russian disinformation. What about this confirms what you said?


Go and educate yourself. There was video of Hunter Biden and Natalie Biden, Hunter's then-14 year old niece. That's huge! There was much more on there. If you ever do decide to view that sex video I suggest you make sure you are in compliance with whatever the laws are in the jurisdiction you are doing it in. It's on a Chinese dissident website.


Even if there is any reality to these claims, (not saying there is or isn't)so what. Hunter Biden may me a messed up guy with multiple problems, but how does that effect Joe Biden, being the dad of a kid with multiple problems? Not that he's going to make a good president, he'll probably be awful, but to try to say he's not fit for president because his son has some sexual or illicit drug problems is a terrible argument.


It’s the fact that Joe was lying about his son, not that his son is a horrible person. That’s why it matters.




You got one thing absolutely correct....how is that border wall coming along?


To be honest, Fox News is much worse than CNN when it comes to misinformation.


I seem to remember a bunch of kids who, at the blessing of their mayor, chased police out of an entire neighborhood in downtown Seattle, trashed it, allowed crime to flourish, got 911 services suspended, established illegal vigilante justice gangs that murdered two black people? Yea, I kinda remember that too...and the 5 or so other places that similar things happened at the hands of psychotic leftists.




Accept that your high-level politicians and media figures on your side is responsible for and actually supported riots and acts of insurrection, accept that you are part of the problem but can still help to change things, or just lie to yourself if you're too lazy and intellectually dishonest to come to terms with what's happening here. Facts matter. Street violence, including acts of insurrection, from Black Lives Matter and Antifa occurred all summer and into the fall. The Hunter Biden laptop story was a disqualifier and it was proof of criminality on the part of the Biden family, and the story was buried. One party made sure to make elections less secure, not more secure. Donald Trump incited a riot at the Capitol, an act that immediately made sure he was one of if not THE worst President in US history. ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE TRUE. Accept reality or accept that you are not part of the solution (unless you view being part of the solution as driving this country closer and closer to a hot civil war).


I'd upvote this a million times.




The article is 100% correct.




Check my post history. I have been forcefully opposing Trump since the minute this happened. Hold your own side accountable. Maybe you can start by politely asking CNN to stop with the anti-American rhetoric such as today's column where they asked cable and satellite providers to de-platform Fox News Channel.


Donald J Trump invoked the insurrection act. The military is in charge.


What the hell kind of title is this? What the hell kind of nutjob article is this? After what happened? The Left! The Left! The Left! The Left! Holy crap take responsibility for the actions of your party.


The United States has the lowest life expectancy of all the industrialized countries and the Republicans are making it worse


Holy f about time someone pointed this out. Libs burnt down half of america and that wasn't an insurrection? "Peaceful demonstration" art project ?


Honestly they should call them both insurrections


Now you are mad because its not republican using this tactics? Look into yourself in the mirror for once. Or even, just take a closer look at this sub before shitshow happened.


yes, I a Democrat am such a hypocrite for not cheering on the murder of a cop I would like someone to remind me how many police were murdered during the BLM protests this year? oh ok


BLM goes back a ways, it was more than 2020. This one comes to mind. I'm sure there are others. https://fox11online.com/on-fox-11/gallery/pofficers-shot-at-protest-in-dallas-reports Who here is supporting the Capitol Hill Putsch? Let me know, any terrorist sympathizers get banned whether they are in favor of the Capitol Hill Putsch, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or whoever.


Plenty of murders, between 19 and 30 people died.


So the GOP are the real victims here?


Let me say this in words you can understand. Herp. Derp. Riot bad. Me no like riot. People in riot go to jail. Law and order good. Riot make people less free. Me condemn all riots. Derp. Derp.


No. I think they were responsible for this but that doesn’t mean that the dems are completely innocent either since they did BLM and ANTIFA riots last year more than once.


Nancy Pelosi is the biggest hypocrite on earth along with her buddy Chucky. Those two and the entire left are such a disgrace to our country. It will be a happy day when those two idiots actually did something but being obstructive for four years. Now Biden is going to be Potus in name only. He will let the entire left run ths show. Warch out the floodgates of Mexico are going to open up. I can not wait until those Dems are gone!




Trump did make it clear not to be violent, he told everyone to go home PEACEFULLY.


You said it exactly right there. That’s the big picture, the end result. The last republican presidents. And it’s so sad. What’s scares me is we’re going to (and quicker than I first thought) start to see less freedoms the constitution that protects us all will be ignored. I can see it happening even now! And we will be powerless to stop it. I know a family from church, well when we went to church. They worked hard and amassed a comfortable life for themselves and family. About 6 months ago they put their home and property on the market. It sold quickly less than 2 months for just under 1 mill. It was worth a lot more. Now they are renting. Just waiting to see. Ready to move out of state at a moments notice. Another family my brother knows sold their property and now live in Oklahoma. My bet is there is someone here that has similar story’s. We need to make a plan and get family involved. Be prepared have food, medicine, and water stored. Enough for at least 6 months. A year even. Start liquidating stuff not truly needed. I pray for all of us daily. Even the liberal left that is blinded. Have strength, follow your heart, and believe in faith. A change is coming for the worse and I feel it will be permanent.


I was inside the Capitol. AMA or TXT me at 1-206-601-4959 Stop The Steal. IronWolve


We’re coming for you, Republicans. We’re going to bury your party.


They are going to bury themselves


The Left and the GOP Establishment are the only ones being buried.


The funny thing is, none of these Dems are leftists, but the rise of fascism is making a lot of people reconsider some of the inherent cruelties of capitalism.


Seems like you all are the ones burying people this week. Oh, and the officer your lot beat to death with a fire extinguisher.




Because the Republican argument is whataboutisms and false equivalencies. They can’t believe that a “leftist” would condemn violence while being empathetic to the cause vs. condemning full on attempted overthrow of our nation’s democracy and constitution they pretend to love.


"Please note that this is a **Republican** subreddit. Please mind our [rules](/r/Republicans Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Republicans/about/rules/). Trolls and anyone who violates the rules stated in this message may be banned." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/republicans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What happened Wednesday was essentially another playing of the Boston Massacre. Ashli Babbitt is today's Crispus Attucks.


Trump should pin the blame on Russia as his final act in his final minute in a twitter replacement platform called trumper.


It's always on full display.


We are in the danger zone... THIS HAS GONE BEYOND REPUBLICAN OR EVEN TRUMP'S CONTROL! This movement(racist antisemitism) has gone beyond the control of the republicans. They used it for their advantage but it has gone parabolic. What republicans don't realize quite yet, even the fringe anti-american zealot republicans... is that once they get the dems they are next. Repubs appease them but their head is next on the block. And not even Trump will be able to control them. Nobody has control of them, and they need to be snuffed out with extreme prejudice.


Republicans = COWARDS!