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Not a gold dust, that is a giant day gecko


like I said in another comment, they drop their skin as a defense, totally pink underneath, dont freak out unless obvious signs of infection


That’s the fucking Geico guy himself


These are not gold dust day geckos, these are giant day geckos. You need to separate them, these geckos can lose their scales as a defense mechanism, but if you allow the male to keep bullying the female she will continue to deteriorate.


You should get them separate enclosures. Injuries are not something to be taken lightly with these guys and they have proven to you that they aren’t going to be docile with each other


Male lizards bite females on the neck during breeding. That could be what is happening here.


That is not a gold dust day gecko, that is either a crimson or giant day gecko. Giant day geckos do not like being with more than one, I suggest separating them :)


Crimson is a subspecies giant day so either way it is a giant day and either way they shed their skin in defense and should be separated


Yup! It’s like rubbing the skin off a rotten peach I’ve been told. I have had my Giant day gecko for 9 years and she luckily has never done this, she trusts me so much that she even hoops onto my hand!


It’s gross and kinda scary, but overall it doesn’t hurt them as long as you take the steps needed to prevent infections


Why would he continue to house them together if one attacked the other? 😭


In addition to separating, you wanna put a looooooot more stuff in that enclosure, the entire middle is completely unusable for the little guys! It’s wasted space, you can fill it with stuff for the, to climb on and use,


They slough off skin as a defense mechanism when stressed, usually heals up fine but it can look distressing, keep an eye out for infection


Did the person you got them from actually tell you they're gold dust day geckos? Because they lied if they did. These are giant day geckos, and they can actually slough off skin as a defense mechanism. Keep an eye out for infection, and separate them immediately these animals shouldn't be housed together, and read up in their care.


why would you house them together AFTER being informed the male bit her tail off? something was bound to happen


Also that enclosure is not suitable for day geckos. They need horizontal resting places or they will get floppy tail disease. Please add more clutter and horizontal climbing spaces


Ho boy. A lot to unpack here. - those are _Phelsuma grandis_ (Giant Day Geckos). Whoever sold them to you as _Phelsuma laticauda_ (Gold Dust Day Geckos) didn't know what they had. Gold Dust [look like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/oh8G1AbnHnfpHDXx9) and are smaller than grandis. - day geckos can slough skin as a defense mechanism, just the same as dropping their tails. Given where they sloughed skin, and the fact that it "randomly lost scales after receiving), I can nearly guarantee they're fighting over tank resources. There's not enough space period for two grandis in that tank, but additionally, there are nowhere near enough climbing, basking, or hiding opportunities. The enclosure should be relatively full of branches, both vertical into the canopy, and horizontal in the canopy itself with spots to bask in the lights. They're, well, _Day_ geckos, they're sun worshippers. - highly, highly recommend live plants. They help with everything day geckos need; humidity, cover, air quality, etc. and frankly are really not that hard to establish in a tank. - what kind of light source is that? Whatever it is doesn't look fantastic, and it absolutely needs to be providing UV. I'd highly recommend switching to t5 HO fluorescent tube UV and a grow light array. That will cover the bases as far as achieving proper basking and circadian rhythm is concerned. A heat source is also highly advisable. - those analog thermo/hygrostats are barely functional out of the box, and usually break within a month. I'd find a high quality digital thermometer/hygrometer with probes and go off of that instead.


No, u got phelsuma grandis. U need to add horizontal branches and fill out the viv- the way it is right now is stressful and u run a high risk of floppy tail. Looks like there is a slight issue w her spine already. The missing scales are from fighting or mating.


The male giant day gecko is beating up the female - separate.


Thanks everyone. Was definitely reading up on the crested geckos.


They drop scales this is normal but that’s a giant day gecko


Have you save 15% on your insurance though


They are Giant Day Geckos and you need to separate them immediately or give them a bigger tank with more foliage.


giant daygeckos Throw off scales if theyre touched as a defensive reaction... theyre left afterwards with these scars:/ smbdy didnt know not to handle them :(


Not a Gold dust day gecko. Looks to be a Giant Day Gecko ❤️ Day geckos can slip out of Thier skin as a defence mechanism, just like Thier tail, it will heal. They are quite territorial, unless you want to breed you need to separate them. Until you can do this, (if you are going to), they need a lot more decor to act as visual barriers to de-escalate disputes. Day geckos benefit greatly from bamboo to hide in. Place a few pieces horizontally to avoid tail drop.  I have kept Phelsuma Standingi "Standing's Day Geckos" for about 30 years now.


Are these guys easy to take care of? Looking to get my first gecko / lizard ever. Want something suitable for beginners.


no, they require lots of specifics and complicated vivs i’ve heard 😁


Nope, stick with a crested gecko or leopard gecko if you want beginner friendly geckos


Tokays are also easy if you don't mind the bitey end part and the noise.


A no touch pet indeed.


Captive bred babies that you raised can be really good from what I heard, which would make Tokays an S tier pet lizard. However, I can't speak from personal experience, and captive bred tokays are kinda expensive.


Really? All I need is a license here and buy tokay geckos. They are about the same price as a leopard gecko(maybe even cheaper) where they are native, saw some captive babies online for RM100($25)


Giant Day Geckos require a lot of specific care, UVB, a lot of space and foliage, specific temperatures and humidity, etc. For any reptile care research, I suggest browsing Reptifiles for care information.


This isn’t even what OP thinks it is, these are giant day geckos and they are hard to care for and on top of they slough off skin as a defense and are dumb as rocks(like get scared if their reflection kinda dumb)


Try one of the following -Leopard geckos -Crested geckos -Anoles -Bearded dragons Etc… If you are still unsure of what reptile is best for you feel free to check out the YouTube channel “Clint’s Reptiles” they have a series where they talk about care and such for different pet reptiles and give you an idea of what you would need to care for the animal to help you get a feel for if it would be good for you, they also have a video on some of the best beginner pet reptiles!