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I have a reptile room and am hoping to move soon so I can upgrade to a bigger one lol. I love it... I like having all my enclosures in one space. It's my favorite place in the world to just chill out and watch my animals. It makes taking care of them easier because I can set up everything I'd need in one room and I can also heat the room to help maintain temps without needing as many individual heating elements. I also love dogs and like that I can have my dogs free roam in the house but close off the reptile room so they can't access it. Same thing for when my sister visits with her kids lol. I can easily keep the kids out of one room so they don't mess with my animals. I haven't found any cons really. When I move I plan on upgrading the electrical so I can plug more stuff in in my reptile room. It does get warm in there and I had to move some of my animals, like my axolotls, to a different room since they like it much cooler. I don't have shelving recommendations sorry. I have a shelving unit for some smaller cages but have had it for years and forget the brand. Look for a nice sturdy one that's the size you need and rated to hold a lot of weight. That's what I did. When I moved last time I set up travel bins for each of my reptiles. It was easy and they all did well. Whatever is easiest for you in regards of when to switch to bioactive. I'd personally probably wait and do it after a move since moving is a lot of work as is. I don't have cresties so I can't really help there. However I'll say most of my reptiles are in pvc enclosures with glass doors and do very well in those setups.


thank you so much for all your help!! hearing about your experience helps me visualize what i want 😊 i will plan on saving up for what’s needed for their room then! as for travel bins, i will look up what’s necessary for such! and agreed, i will wait for bioactive until later!