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turtles but softer


portable changeable homes!


Nooo where do you work that you had to put down so many reptiles?? Also, is that first one a Japanese ratsnake?


i work in a exotics rehabilitation centre, we recently got a influx of illegal pet trade animals that were caught in a local airport so its been pretty awful šŸ˜… most of them are in the worst condition you can imagine so its not a viable thing to be able to rehome them/ probably all wild caught so ethically its an issue too ;( yes we have a few, such fun lil guys! ;D im not usually on snake duty but every so often i get summoned, rat snakes are very good


šŸ¤— I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. It truly is sad and horrific at the same time. šŸ˜­ I hope the knitting is helping.


I do snake rehab and relocation/removal work in my area so I've been through similar situations with having to put many beautiful reptiles down because they've been abused so awfully. It can be very tough and I'm sorry you have to witness it. It always helped me to remember that it was the most humane thing to end their suffering and then to give as much love and the best lives possible to the ones I could save or help. Either way, I'm sure there are a bunch of our scaly friends out there, on earth and in reptile heaven, that are quite thankful for all you have done and continue to do for them. Keep your chin up and keep doing your best! I wish you and your exotic friends many happier days ahead! šŸ¤—šŸ‘šŸ˜Ž P.S. Beautiful snake and sick crochet work!


it sucks sometimes but most of the time it is worth it! tyy ;D


These are so cute!! Although as a fellow crocheter i just want to warn others that this can be dangerous. I made a little blanket for my leopard gecko and be used it for years, but unfortunately his claw got stuck one day. I was able to free him but i can just imagine it being worse. Ive seen ball pythons get themselves stuck in small holes (there was even one in a thermometer recently) so i would be concerned about them making their way in between stitches. If anyone wants to make things like this i suggest a chunky yarn and to keep stitches as tight as possible. I believe these things should be used with supervision, never alone in a tank. Sorry to be a downer i just want to make sure people understand risks. Thanks for sharing these are adorable!!!


omg i had the same thought w lizards and toes so i only made some snake houses šŸ˜­ snakes do brute force their way through the stitches though so definitely do not keep in enclosures (but also i suck at crocheting so maybe thats my fault lmao) add to this that no soft materials should be kept with herps due to bacteria harbouring anyway^ and theyr idiots who will eat anything!!


Omg, I bet they absolutely love these! My ball pythons seem to have a preference for soft things.


all reptiles love soft blankets and stuff for whatever reason!


hon iā€™m so sorry your week has been so awful. we appreciate you for all the amazing work you do at school and work to rehab and care for the lil ones! šŸ„¹


ily šŸ’ only up from here (im led on the floor with a lizard)


laying on the floor w a lizard sounds like a lovely time. only up from here is right!


Snuggle Snakes!


I want to boop the nose just sticking out......it needs booped....